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Shop robbery.

PART 1. Present Simple и Present Continuous | Отклонения от правила согласования времен. | Ask tell warn urge remind invite persuade advise | Ex. 4. Listen to the dialogue ‘At the Bank’ and prepare it for acting. |

In Paxham yesterday a shop assistant (a)_______________ (force) to hand over $500 after (b) ______________ (threaten) by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which (c)_____________ (steal) earlier in the day. The car (d) ____________ (later/find) in a car park where it (e) ____________ (abandon) by the thief. A man (f)_____________ (arrest) in connection with the robbery and (g)_____________ (still/question) by the police.

Road delays.

Repair work started yesterday on the Paxham-Longworth road. The road (a) ________ (resurface) and there will be long delays. Drivers (b)_________ (ask) to use an alternative route if possible. The work (c)_________ (expect) to last two weeks. Next Sunday the road (d)________ (close) and traffic (e)__________ (divert).


A woman (a)_____________ (take) to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. She (b)______________ (allow) home later after treatment. The road (c)_____________ (block) for an hour after the accident and traffic had to (d)______________ (divert). A police inspector said afterwards: The woman was lucky. She could (e)_______________ (kill).


Ex. 5. Поставьте глагол в скобках в правильном времени и залоге.

Пример: My car was stolen (steal) last night.

Joseph Ford, the politician who (a) __________ (kidnap) last week as he was driving to his office, (b) _______ (release) unharmed. He (c) _______ (examine) by a doctor last night, and (d) _____ (say) to be in good health. Mr Ford (e) _____ (find) walking along a small country lane early yesterday evening. A farmer (f) _______ (see) him, recognized who it was, and (g) __________ (contact) the police. When his wife (h) __________ (tell) the news, she said, "I am delighted and relieved that my husband (i) ________ (find)." Acting on information received, the police made several arrests, and a man (j) ________ (question) in connection with the kidnapping.



OKCP № 7




ТЕМА: «Рецензия на посещение концерта»


Task 1. Read the text. Pay attention to the words after the text:

PHOENIX ’96 FESTIVAL (reviews)


1. “I’m sorry, but we’re playing like a bunch of wankers,” opines 3 COLOURS RED’s Pete Vuckovic. “I’m sorry, but you’re not,” seems to be the consensus back. The odd bum note certainly does nothing to detract from a set packed with more energy than a sackful of sex-starved rabbits, and they also have the songs to prove the ‘baby Wildhearts’ accusations unfounded.

2. SEND NO FLOWERS’ live performance is far better than the ‘Juice’ album might suggest. Frontman Matt Bradbury, resplendent in what looks like a nurse’s uniform, belts out tunes like ‘Hyper-Selective’ and ‘Sepia’, and leaves you wanting more. Another nice surprise.

3. JOYRIDER are another band busy mixing punky attitude with pop sensibilities and emerging with a deliciously tuneful racket. It’s not quiet chaotic enough to start a full-scale riot, but on the strength of this a minor disturbance in Sainsbury’s could be well within their capabilities.

4. BABY CHAOS, as their name implies, takes a jagged, serrated base and interlace it with sweet melodies and moments of cheesy pop goofiness. With titles like ’Sperm’ and ‘Love Your Self-Abuse’ they may be the most self-celebrating wankers here, but they’re no slouches when it comes to lobbing melodic scatterbombs into an already sweltering tent.

5. KERBDOG are growing in stature all the time. Their abrasive guitars and big choruses get a better reception than the one they got three days earlier when they supported Ministry at Brixton Academy. On a day where spiky punk-pop seems to be providing three-quarters of their entertainment, Kerbdog more than hold their own against the competition.

6. With just singer Kerstin left since co-frontman Heitham Al-Sayed quit, SENSER are reduced to playing dull ambient crap with all the appeal of a dung beetle. They don’t even play the classic ‘Age Of Panic’ anymore. Somehow you get the feeling that this just cost Senser a lot of fans.

7. There something very special about hearing DUB WAR frontman Benji crank up that old air raid siren at the start of each set. If nothing else, it indicates that you’re about to hear some dumn fine music, and today this crazed Welsh four-piece aren’t about to let anyone down. Benji does his best to start a riot with his sheer enthusiasm, as the band career through the likes of ‘Original Murder’ and ‘Pain’. The only disappointment is that they still don’t play ‘Silencer’ live. How much longer, guys? It’s a classic.

8. COMPULSION look the business with their tangerine hair and ‘Clockwork Orange’ clothes. Sadly, though, as soon as they hit the stage the phrase “all wind and piss” springs immediately to mind. Their interviews claim this is all supposed to be something cool and new, yet here we are watching another four-piece go through the three-chord motions. The future is definitely not orange.

9. In another time and another place, REEF would be a cool band to round off a weekend festival. Frontman Gary Stringer has an immense voice, and guitarist Kenvyn House supplies the type of riffs that demand you drink your last beer and smoke your last fags. Sadly, timing lets Reef down. Every time they pause you can hear the rumble of main stage headliners the Sex Pistols. It’s virtually impossible to get into the mellow vibes of ‘Melon’ and ‘Good Feeling’ when you can hear Uncle Johnny and Co. crashing through ‘Anarchy In The UK’ between tunes. Obviously, the respectable-sized audience watching them don’t agree, but there’s a bigger crowd watching the main stage who’d be willing to argue. Another time, chaps. Sorry.

tangerine - оранжевый

rumble - грохот

vibes – виброфон, вибрации

dung - 1. навоз, 2. назойливо повторяющийся

ambient – окружающий, эмбиент (музыкальный стиль, в котором за счет использования электронной реверберации и других пространственно-звуковых технологий создаются изощренные эффекты, способствующие медиативному состоянию, либо создающие "отчуждающие" эффекты)

scatterbombs - бомбы для разгона демонстрантов

spiky - острый, несговорчивый

slouches - 1. увалень 2. лентяй

goofiness - глупость, бестолковость

cheesy - модный, стильный

serrated - зубчатый, зазубренный

jagged - с острыми краями

racket - шум

resplendent - великолепный

wanker - придурок

lob – бросать, бежать неуклюже


Task 2. Estimate the 9 mentioned above groups along the scale: poor – nothing special – good – a discovery.


Task 3.Answer the questions:

  1. Where did the festival take place?
  2. How many stages were there at Phoenix?
  3. What kind of music did the groups play?


Task 4. Write down the expression used to describe the music, outfits and behaviour of the musicians.


Task 5. Translate any 2 paragraphs into Russian in writing.


Task 6. Read the brief album release ads below.:

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 195 | Нарушение авторских прав

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