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IV. Grammar exercises

I. Active vocabulary | II. Lexical exercises | Формула будування присудка | IV. Grammar exercises | US Highway Trasportation in 1947 | I. Active vocabulary | II. Lexical exercises | IV. Grammar exercises | US Highway Transportation in 1950 | I. Active vocabulary |

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read the following text and do the exercises below.
  2. Additional exercises for the Infinitive and the Infinitive Constructions
  3. Additional Language Exercises
  4. Additional Language Exercises
  5. Advanced exercises in conversion
  6. After having studied grammar (The Noun. The Number)
  7. Answers to Exercises


Ex 1. Make these sentences negative and interrogative as in the example. Translate the sentences into your mother tongue.



By the weekend, your car will already have been tested. ► By the weekend, your car won’t have been tested yet. ► Will my car have been tested by the weekend?

1. By June, the company will already have been closed.

2. In three days, the depts will already have been paid off.

3. In two hundred years, robots with the intellect of a two-year child will already have been created.

4. By tomorrow morning, all repairs will already have been made.

5. In twelve months’ time, the assembly plant will already have been constructed.

6. In ten years’ time, vehicle operations will already have been controlled by computers and electronics.

7. We hope that by the year 2050, solutions of many environmental problems now existing in the world will already have been found.

Ex 2. Put the verbs in brackets into future perfect passive or simple future passive forms. Sometimes either of the forms is possible. Translate the sentences into your mother tongue.


1. The research group has announced that highly efficient traffic control system (develop) by the end of this year.

2. We have been informed that the new models (introduce) to the market place in autumn.

3. We have also been told that research into improving the materials used for vehicles (conduct) next year.

4. The cost of the road-building program, which has been estimated at about $28 billion, (inflate) to nearly $40 billion by year 2010.

5. Minimum safety standards for new vehicles including imported cars but excluding special show and racing models (set) no later than Jan. 31.

6. With such expenditures, in a year, the Highway Trust Fund (threaten) with a substantial deficit.

7. These buses (remove) from service until they have been repaired.

8. The check of the trucks (conducted) long before the commission arrives.

9. Scientists say that by about 2040 the world's reserves of petroleum (exhaust).

Ex 3. Make the sentences passive as in the example. Translate them into your mother tongue.



By the evening they will already have conducted the chech of the vehicles in your park. ► By the evening the chech of the vehicles in your park will already have been conducted.


1. In a week, they will already have double the gasoline taxes.

2. By the end of the month, they will alreagy have put the new road traffic system into service.

3. In an hour, they will already have replaced the old tires.

4. By the end of the year, they will already have equipped their trucks with computers.

5. In twenty minutes, they will have washed your car.

6. By November, they will already have abandoned the old model and introduced the new one.

7. In a week, they will already have laid off more than two hundred workers.


Ex 4. Translate into English.

1. Через годину нову програму вже буде встановлено, і ви зможете почати дослідження.

2. На той час результати їхнього експерименту вже будуть опубліковані (publіsh), і ми зможемо порівняти (compare) їх з нашими результатами.

3. Через рік дорогу ще не буде побудовано, оскільки питання про її фінансування (fіnancіng) поки що не вирішено (decіde).

4. Коли ви приїдете, рішення про податок на пальне вже буде прийнято.

5. Завтра до цього часу автомобіль вже оглянуть (іnspect).

6. За шість місяців на цій магістралі вже буде встановлено (іnstall) сучасну систему контролю руху транспорту.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-16; просмотров: 64 | Нарушение авторских прав

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II. Lexical exercises| Innovations in Equipment and Operation

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