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Ivan Grevs



Ivan Mikhailovich Grevs, a Russian historian, regional ethnographer and public figure, was born on May 4, 1860 in a small village Lutovinovo in Voronezh Province.

He graduated from Larin Gymnasia in 1879 and the Department of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University in 1883 with a qualification of a teacher of history. He specialized in the Roman Empire and Italian Middle Ages.

In 1892-1918, I. Grevs gave lectures at Higher Women’s (Bestuzhev) courses. In 1898-1923 and later, in 1934-1941, he held the post of a Professor at St. Petersburg (later Petrograd, Leningrad) State University. In 1921-1924, he headed the Humanities Department of Petrograd Scientific Research Excursion Institute.

In 1905, I. Grevs became one of the founders of Academic Union. Having lost his job at the University in 1923, I. Grevs got engaged in literary work and since 1925 consistently cooperated with the Central Bureau of Local History.

He died on May16, 1941.

Второй и третий разделы представляют собой толково-энциклопедическую дефиницию, отражающую основные вехи творчества И.М. Гревса с описанием его наиболее известных работ (Creative Works) и флорентийский период в творчестве историка (Florentine Influence):

Creative Works

Ivan Grevs’s works were mostly devoted to the history of the Roman land tenure (Essays from the history of Roman agriculture, 1899), medieval culture and everyday life (Essays of the Florentine culture, 1903-1905, The life of an Italian town in the XIII century, 1925), as well as to the works of I.S. Turgenev (Turgenev and Italy. Cultural and historical study, 1925). He was a theorist and conductor of the so-called excursion method in teaching history, which implied visual perception of history. He believed that excursions were to become an integral part of the educational activity. I. Grevs had his own way of how to teach and study history. In his opinion, it was necessary to study the history of a place first and only then to take a trip there in order to explore all the depth of culture.


Florentine Influence

Ivan Grevs’s first visit to Florence took place in 1890-1891. His family stayed at the hotel Cavour in Via del Proconsolo, then they resettled in a cheaper boarding house nearby Ponte San Niccolo.

Inspired by the places he had seen, I. Grevs published several essays where he expressed his feelings and described his Florentine walking routes. Twice, in 1907 and 1911, Ivan Grevs organized scientific walks in Italy for groups of students and postgraduates.

Florence was a city to which I. Grevs was always happy to express love as a historian: “Everything felt indescribably beautiful, as if it really felt about great historical depth, it is enlivened imagination, searching for Florence’s browsed attention... Florence was the first Italian city to which I was able to stick to: it taught me to love Italy... I think that every mind, eager for the truth, every soul that is sensitive to the humanity, receives something unique and irreplaceable from Florence, without which the identity remains unfinished.” (Grevs I.M. Nauchnye progulki po istoricheskim centram Italii. Ocherki Florentiyskoy kultury, 1902 (Research Trips to Italian Historic Centres. Studies of Florentine Culture, 1902). M., 1903. Pp. 12-13.)


I. Grevs’s first walking route was called Morning Stroll. Every morning, before starting his work at the Uffizi Gallery, I. Grevs went for a walk around Santa Maria del Fiore.

It was his Working Route where he usually stopped to have dinner under Loggia dei Lanzi.


His third route was Evening Promenade: in the evenings I. Grevs used to walk near the Ponte Vecchio and walk even farther, as far as to Cascine and Fiesole.

В третьем разделе присутствуют графические иллюстрации и вербальный иллюстративный пример – экскурсионный маршрут, разработанный историком во время пребывания в Италии. Здесь же приводится гиперссылка на страницу в Интернет, позволяющая увидеть те места, на которые обращает особое внимание И. М. Гревс в более высоком разрешении и дающая возможность получить об этих местах дополнительные сведения. Экскурсионный маршрут по научно-художественным центрамИталии включает в себя такие достопримечательные места, как Галерея Уфицы, Собор С анта Мария дель Фьоре, знаменитый мост через реку Арно - Понте Веккио и многое другое.


4 раздел Learn more, содержит ссылки на сайты, а также печатные источники, где дается развернутая информация о творчестве И.М. Гревса:

Learn more

Antsiferov N.P. Ivan Mikhailovich Grevs: Iz vospominanij (Ivan Mikhailovich Grevs: From Memoirs) // Pamjatniki kultury. Novye otkritija: Ezhegodnik. 1985. (The Monuments of Culture. New Discoveries: Annual. 1985). 1986. Pp. 59-69.

Grevs I.M. K teorii i praktike «ekskursij» kak orudija nauchnogo izuchenija istorii v universitetah (On Theory and Practice of Excursions as a Tool of Scientific Study of History at the Universities) (1907). St. Petersburg, 1910. Pp.28-29.

Grevs I.M. Nauchnye progulki po istoricheskim centram Italii. Ocherki Florentiyskoj kultury.1902 (Research Trips to Italian Historic Centres. Essays on Florentine Culture. 1902). M., 1903. Pp. 12-13.

Grevs I.M. Moya pervaya vstrecha s Italiey (My First Meeting with Italy) // Rossiya i Italia (Russia and Italy). M., 1993. Vol.1. Pp.296.

Vjalova S.O. K tvorcheskoj biografii professora Grevsa (To the Creative Biography of Professor Grevs) // Iz istorii rukopisnyh i staropechatnyh sobranij (From the History of Handwritten and Early Printed Collections). 1979. Pp. 123-141.

Vrasskaja O.B. Arkhivnye materialy I.M. Grevsa i N.P. Antsiferova po izucheniu goroda (Archival Materials of I.M. Grevs and N.P. Antsiferov on the City Exploration) // Arkheographicheskij ezhegodnik za 1981 god (Archeographical Annual. 1981.). 1982. Pp. 305-315.


5 раздел словаря Associations содержит личные впечатления авторов проекта от посещения тех мест, которые когда-то посещали выдающиеся деятели искусства, культуры и литературы. Данный раздел содержит звуки современной Флоренции, аудио- или видеозаписи, содержащие личные эмоции авторов проекта, видео, снятое о знаменитых исторических памятниках Флоренции, связанных с жизнью и творчеством известных личностей, а также фото известнейших мест, которые нашли свое отражение в творчестве выдающихся личностей, и произвели неизгладимое впечатление на современных составителей данного словаря.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-13; просмотров: 63 | Нарушение авторских прав

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