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Lesson 3. The Animal Sound

Читайте также:
  1. A phrase or sentence built by (tiresome) repetition of the same words or sounds.
  2. About the organ sounds
  5. But she does not sound fine to me.
  6. Chapter Ten Lesson One: Destruction
  7. Chapter Thirteen Lesson Four: Image

Ex. 1. Complete each sentence a) to j) with one of the endings 1) to 10). Use each ending once only.

a) A large green snake ……..

b) A small brown duck ………

c) A large black and yellow wasp ……..

d) An enormous black spider ………

e) A bright green frog ………..

f) A black and white puppy ……….

g) A small ginger kitten ………..

h) In the forest birds …………

i) Being chased by a cat mice ……

j) In the meadow a herd of sheep …………


1) was spinning its web across the window.

2) was buzzing around the jar of honey on the table.

3) was sitting on a branch and purring.

4) was slithering across the floor towards me.

5) were cheeping loudly.

6) was sitting on a leaf and croaking.

7) were squeaking and running to the hole.

8) was swimming on the pond and quacking loudly.

9) was plodding across the field, bleating.

10) was barking furiously outside the gate.

Ex. 2. Choose the right variant:

The birds... happily in the trees.

A) chip;

B) quack;

C) piw.

2. I can't sleep! There's a dog...in the street.

a) roaring;

b) barking;

c) goofing.

3. My cat... whenever she is hungry.

a) mieouws;

b) maows;

c) miaows.

4. Did you know that donkeys...?

a) bleat;

b) neigh;

c) bray.

5. Sheep... all the time when they are running freely in the fields.

a) bleat;

b) moo;

c) bellow.

6. Hens and cocks don't make the same sound....

a) hens cackle and cocks crow;

b) hens crow and cocks cackle;

с) hens cackle and cocks chirp.

7. Cows and bulls don't make the same sound either....

a) cows bellow and bulls moo;

b) cows moo and bulls bellow;

c) cows moo and bulls neigh.

8. I have a pond with frogs at home and, at nigth, I can hear them...

a) crock;

b) croak;

c) crouk.

9. There is a horse in the stable which keeps... all the time.

a) bleating;

b) neighing;

c) braying.

10. Did you know that elephants...?

a) trumpet;

b) bellow;

c) quack.


Ex. 3. Complete the following text, putting the appropriate missing verbs into the correct form.


It is not really all that peaceful out in the country. Yesterday I was woken at dawn when the cock started ………………….(1). The calves soon began ………………………..(2) and this woke the dogs who ………………(3) until the horses started ………………..(4). Lots of hens ……………………..(5) right outside my window and so I got up. I tripped over the cat who was lying in the sun at the front door but she didn’t even stop ………..(6).


Ex. 4. Translate the following into English:

1. Моя дочка щойно принесла симпатичну жабку, яка постійно квакає. 2. Миша почала пищати, коли її зловив наш кіт. 3. Рев слона чути на декілька кілометрів. 4. У стійлі було багато коней та стригунців, які голосно іржали. Вони просто були голодні. 5. Корова голосно мукає, коли її доять. 6. Спів півня будить людей вранці, але я встаю коли моя кішка починаю муркати. 7. Біля дому мого сусіда зграя собак гавкає кожного вечора. 8. Я дуже люблю ходити до лісу. Там можна почути спів пташок та шипіння змії. 9. Влітку всюди можна почути жування бджіл, особливо навколо фруктів: кавунів, динь, персиків. 10. Квакання качок та квоктання курей це звична річ на кожній фермі.


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Lesson 1. The Animal World. Part 1| Lesson 5. Wildlife Under Threat

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