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Ответы к тексту the trimmed lamp

Ответы к тексту the trimmed lamp


1. Nancy and Lou

2. Nancy

3. Lou

4. Lou

5. Nancy

6. None of the ironers make less than ten dollars a week/

Lou made eighteen dollars last week.

Dan made thirty dollars a week.

7. Lou

8. Lou and Dan

9. One of sales-girls

10. Nancy

11. Dan

12. Two of the sales-girls who worked with Nancy

13. One of the gentlemen friends

14. The other gentlemen

15. Gentlemen with the diamond ring

16. Nancy

17. Lou

18. Lou

19. Nancy

20. Lou

21. Nancy

22. Lou and Nancy

23. Lou

24. Nancy


1. Lou, Nancy, Dan, two sales-girls, two gentlemen, policeman

2. Lou and Nancy

3. Nancy was nineteen. Lou was twenty

4. They came to New York to find work because there was not enough to eat at their homes.

5. Lou found work in a laundry. She was an ironer. Nancy began to work as a sales-girl.

6. Lou made more than Nancy

7. He was an electrician, making thirty dollars a week. It was clear he was in love with Lou, he looked at her with the sad eyes of Romeo.

8. Lou met Dan in the laundry. He came in to get his Sunday shirt and collars and saw her. Lou was ironing. Later he said he had noticed her arms first, how white and round they were.

9. Dan made thirty dollars a week.

10. They went out together several times a week.

11. "I'll make the big­gest catch in the world, — or nothing at all!" she used to say.

12. Gentleman with the diamond ring, she said 'no'.

13. "I don't want his money," said Nancy. "I don't like him, that's all! I want to marry a rich man, that's true. But I also want to like him!"

14. Out of her eighteen dollars a week she paid six dollars for her room and board. The rest of the money went for clothes.

15. Sometimes Dan did not like her clothes, they were too bright — he thought — and in bad taste

16. She went with Dan and Lou

17. Nancy went away with a millionaire

18. For the first time in her life Nancy did not know what to say. Nancy saw how miserable he was and she felt sorry for him.

19. Nancy noticed at once that Lou had become rich. She was very well dressed and had diamond rings on her fingers.

20. And then Lou looked and saw that Nancy had some­thing better than money, something that shone brighter than stars in her eyes, something that was redder than a rose in her cheeks. Happiness!

21. She has made her catch, the best catch in the world. She is going to be married to Dan... to Dan! He is her Dan now."

22. Lou, with diamond rings on her fingers was crying like a child.


1. False, because they came to New York to find work

2. False, because "And I like mine," said Nancy, "even though I make only eight dollars a week. I like to work in a big store, and to be among beautiful things and nice people.

3. True

4. False, because He was an electrician, making thirty dollars a week.

5. False, because when people in the streets looked at her, she liked that very much.

6. True

7. True

8. True

9. False, because Nancy saw how miserable he was and she felt sorry for him.

10. False, because author doesn’t say in the text about it

11. False, because Nancy is going to be married to Dan... to Dan! He is her Dan now."

















Работа с лексикой и грамматикой.

I. Скажите, что вы понимаете под следующими:

1 I understand this is saying: everything or nothing.

2 He was very loved her, and thought that he was not worthy of her.

3 She wanted to stand out and draw attention.

4 He was surprised and distressed the news that Lou went away with a millionaire

5 She found no rich purse, and her true love, happiness

6 Nancy was a friend of Lou and did not keep her offense, and regret her.


1 Lou and Dan spent a lot of time together because they soon became good friends. In fact they fell in love with each other.

2 After work Nancy left the store and walked over to the laundry to meet Lou.

3 When Nancy heard somebody call her she turned around and saw Lou.

4 Every free evening they asked Nancy to come with them to have a good time together.

6 The sales-girls often joked over Nancy but she don't laugh over their jokes.

6 The girls met, and Lou said: "Millionaires don't notice working girls like us, and did not lose the hope to catch a millionaire someday.

7 The policeman passed on, because he knew that he could not help the crying girl.

8 Though nobody waited for Nancy after work, she did not look sad.

9 Nancy said she was going to be married to Dan... to Dan.

10 The fact that Lou was gone had nothing to do with it Nancy.













12-L 13-n 14-g 15-a


1-miserable, because it has a negative value

2-rich, because is relative

3-different, because it has no specific meaning

4-crying, because it reflects the feelings

5-house, because it does not reflect the scope of activities

6- Round, because it is not the color or shade

7-comedy, because it is not a verb

8-Sunday, because it is not a working day

9-worker, because it does not display profession

10-worst, because it is the degree of comparison


1. i have not heard much about you

я не слышал много о Вас

2. Have you caught your millionaire, yet?

Вы поймали своего миллионера, уже?

3. I haven't se­lected one, yet

Я не выбрала его ещё.

4. She hasn't been here since Monday.

Она не была здесь с понедельника.

5. Has anybody seen her anywhere?

Кто-либо видел ее где-нибудь?

6. Do you think that she has done it because of my jokes?

Вы думаете, что она сделала это из-за моих шуток?





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