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МедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогика

(a) are found mainly near the heart

Elastic arteries

(a) are found mainly near the heart

Are found mainly away from the heart and closer to arterioles

(b) have many concentric, fenestrated elastic laminae in the tunica media

(c) have tunica media with smooth muscle fibers

(d) allow a more constant flow of blood under high blood pressure and flow

(e) have a series of valves throughout their length


Elastic arteries

Have many concentric, fenestrated elastic laminae in the tunica media

Allow a more constant flow of blood under high blood pressure and flow

Have a series of valves throughout their length

Have bundles of smooth muscles in the tunica adventia

The fibrous skeleton of the heart

is made up of dense connective tissue annulus rings

serves as an attachment site for cardiac muscle

Has fibrocartilage in the mid region to provide tensile strength

serves as an attachment site for the semilunar valves


With regard to the heart valves;

They are outgrowths from the endocardium

They prevent backflow of blood

They have a cuboidal cell lining

They have an inner core of fibroelastic connective tissue supporting each valve flap

With regard to the heart valves;

They are outgrowths from the epicardium

They prevent backflow of blood

They have a cuboidal cell lining

They have an inner core of hyaline cartilage supporting each valve flap


The pericardium

serves as a protective barrier against the spread of infection to the heart

forms the visceral layer of the epicardium

contains the blood vessels and nerves which supply the heart

compresses the heart to squeeze out the blood during systole



With regard to arterioles

They regulate flow of blood into venules

The intima is composed of cuboidal epithelial cells lying on a basement membrane

They are the smallest part of the arterial tree

The tunica media does not contain elastic fibers

There is a prominent external elastic lamina

The tunica media has 1 to 5 layers of smooth muscle

The tunica adventia has small bundles of skeletal muscle

The tunica media contains some elastic fibers

The tunica adventita is thin and contains longitudinally arranged collagen fibres

The tunica adventita contains longitudinally arranged elastic fibers

They redistribute blood to capillaries

They alter blood pressure by altering peripheral resistance to blood flow


With regard to arterioles

They regulate flow of blood into capillaries

The intima is composed of endothelial cells lying on a basement membrane

They are the smallest part of the arterial tree

The tunica media does not contain elastic fibers

The internal elastic lamina is usually present except in smaller arterioles

The tunica media has 1 to 5 layers of smooth muscle

The tunica media has 1 to 5 layers of skeletal muscle

The tunica media contains some elastic fibers

The tunica adventita is thin and contains longitudinally arranged collagen fibres

The tunica adventita contains longitudinally arranged elastic fibers

They redistribute blood to capillaries

They alter blood pressure by altering peripheral resistance to blood flow


With regard to arterioles

They regulate flow of blood into capillaries

The intima is composed of endothelial cells lying on a basement membrane

The tunica media has 1 to 5 layers of skeletal muscle

They can change their diameters very drastically and therefore affect blood pressure and flow patterns

They are referred to as peripheral resistance vessels


Metarterioles are

the largest of arterioles

post-capillary vessels

distinguished from small arteries by more smooth muscle layers in the tunica media layer

distinguished from small arteries by the absence of an internal elastic membrane


Metarterioles are

distinguished from small arteries by fewer smooth muscle layers in the tunica media layer

the largest of arterioles

post-capillary vessels

distinguished from small arteries by the presence of an internal elastic membrane


Blood capillaries

(a) Have layers of smooth muscle in their walls

(b) Have a double layer of endothelial cells

(c) Do not have a basal lamina supporting the endothelium

(d) have perivascular pericytes


Metarterioles are

the smallest arterioles

pre-capillary arterioles

distinguished from small arteries by fewer smooth muscle layers in the tunica media layer

distinguished from small arteries by the absence of an internal elastic membrane

the largest arterioles

post-capillary arterioles

distinguished from small arteries by more smooth muscle layers in the tunica media layer

distinguished from small arteries by the presence of an internal elastic membrane



The layer of the heart composed of cardiac muscle is the
a. Epicardium
b. Pericardium
c. Myocardium
d. Endocardium
e. Endomysium

The myocardium is the thickest in the
a. Right atria
b. Left atria
c. Right ventricle
d. Left ventricle
e. Both right and left ventricle

The connective tissue sac surrounding the heart is the
a. Epicardium
b. Pericardium
c. Myocardium
d. Endocardium
e. Endomysium


The connective tissue which surrounds an individual cardiac muscle fiber is called the
a. Epicardium
b. Pericardium
c. Myocardium
d. Endomysium

The pacemaker of the heart is the
a. Sinoatrial node
b. Atrioventricular node
c. Bundle of His
d. Right bundle branch
e. Purkinje fiber

The vessel that carries blood from an arteriole to a capillary is a
a. Metcapillary
b. Metartery
c. Metvenule
d. Metarteriole


Which of the following is NOT true of the parasympathetic control of the heart?
A. It affects muscarinic receptors.
B. It decreases heart rate via the SA node.
C. It decreases conduction velocity via the AV node.
D. It can be blocked by beta blockers, e.g. propranolol.

Correct Answer: D

13. Which of the following is a TRUE statement concerning pacemaker potential?
A. Specialized cells depolarize during phase 4, but ventricular and atrial muscle cells do not.
B. Specialized cells depolarize during phase 3, but ventricular and atrial muscle cells do not.
C. Specialized cells repolarize during phase 4, but ventricular and atrial muscle cells do not.
D. Specialized cells repolarize during phase 3, but ventricular and atrial muscle cells do not.
E. None are correct
Correct Answer: A

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle?
A. The heart has a relatively large -tubule volume.
B. The heart has a larger more developed sarcoplasmic reticulum.
C. The heart relies more on extracellular Ca stores than skeletal muscle.
D. With limited extracellular Ca, skeletal muscle can contract for close to an hour, while heart muscle can only contract for a few seconds.
Correct Answer: B

51. If a patient is suffering from swollen hands, feet, and face, all of the following could be a cause, except?
A. Large decrease in arterial blood pressure.
B. Lymphatic blockage.
C. A decrease in plasma proteins.
D. Increase in capillary permeability to proteins.
E. Vasodilation.
Correct Answer: A

All of the following are correct except,

Small arteries

(a) are always lined with endothelium

(c) have very thin walls

(d) have muscle cells in their walls

(e) do not have valves


All of the following are correct except,


(a) are always lined with endothelium

(c) have very thin walls

(d) have muscle cells in their walls

(e) do not have valves


All of the following are correct except,

Veins have:

(a) walls that are thinner than those of equivalent-sized arteries

(b) an adventitial layer that is better developed than that of equivalent-sized arteries

(c) a lining of fenestrated endothelium

(d) smooth muscles in their tunica media

(e) muscular valves


All of the following are correct except,

Lymphatic vessels as seen in histological preparations:

(a) are always lined with endothelium

(b) have erythrocytes within their lumina

(c) have very thin walls

(d) have muscles in their walls

(e) have valves


All of the following are correct except,


Are perivascular cells

Are found around all capillaries

Are found on arterioles

Originate from mesenchyme

Can develop into smooth muscle cells

are enclosed by a basal lamina that is continuous with the endothelium


The above electron micrograph shows

A continuous capillary

A fenestrated capillary

A sinusoidal capillary

A lymphatic capillary

An arteriole

A small artery

A muscular venule


The above electron micrograph shows

A capillary

An arteriole

A small artery

A muscular venule



All of the following are correct except,

Elastic arteries (shown in the above schematic)

Even out blood pressure and flow

Conduct blood from the heart to smaller arteries

Recoil as the heart contracts

Expand to modulate blood pressure during systole


Expand as the heart contracts

Expand to store energy during systole

Conduct blood from the heart to smaller arteries

Stretch during ventricular relaxation

Recoil during ventricular relaxation

Have elastic properties

Recoil (to maintain more even pressure in large arteries during diastole

All of the following are correct, except

The above photomicrograph shows:

The outer surface of the heart

Large Purkinje fibers

Part of the myocardium

The subendothelial layer


The inner surface of the heart

Purkinje fibers


The subendocardium


The above photomicrograph shows:

The outer surface of the heart

Large Purkinje fibers

Part of the epicardium

Nervi vascularis


All of the following are correct, except

The above photomicrograph shows:

Part of the wall of the heart

A branch of the Bundle of His

Some myocardium



The endothelial lining of the heart

The subendocardium

The subendothelium

The endocardium

The visceral pericardium



Identifying features of the blood vessel depicted above are all of the following, except,:

Predominance of smooth muscle in the tunica media

A well defined internal elastic lamina

A well defined external elastic lamina

Presence of bundles of smooth muscles in the tunica adventia

A thinner tunica intima than the intima of the larger supplying vessels

The above photomicrograph shows the wall of the following blood vessel:

A large vein

A muscular artery

A muscular vein

An elastic artery


A mixed artery

A muscular artery

A large vein



All of the following are correct, except

In the above photomicrograph of a medium-sized artery

The inner elastic membrane is well defined

The outer elastic membrane is poorly defined

Fat cells are present outside the tunica adventitia

The tunica media is the thickest layer


In the above photomicrograph of a medium-sized artery

The inner elastic membrane is absent

The outer elastic membrane is found between the tunica intima and tunica media

Fat cells are present in the tunica intima

The tunica media contains many layers of smooth muscle cells


All of the following are correct except,

Arteries (one is shown above)

Have a circular arrangement of smooth muscle and other components in the tunica media to facilitate regulation of blood flow

Can change their diameter to regulate blood pressure

Have poorly developed elastic fibers in the tunica media

Have highly developed elastic fibers and elastic laminae are in the tunica media

Do not have valves

The above photomicrograph shows

A large vein

An arteriole

A medium sized artery

A muscular venule


In the above photomicrograph

E shows an endothelial cell

E shows an erythrocyte

E shows a cuboidal epithelial cell

P shows a perivascular endothelial cell

P shows a perivascular smooth muscle cell

P shows a pericyte

In the above photomicrograph

E shows an epitheloid fibroblastic cell

E shows a columnar epithelial cell

P shows a perivascular macrophage

P shows a pericyte


In the above photomicrograph the lining labeled E is called
a. Epithelioid tissue
b. Mesothelium
c. Endothelium
d. Transitional epitheliuim
e. Pseudostratified epitheliuim


A small muscular artery (shown above) has the following components:

An external elastic lamina

Nervi vascularis

Smooth muscle bundles in the tunica adventitia

Endothelial cells resting on a basement membrane


A small muscular artery (shown above) does not have:

A tunica adventitia

Endothelial cells resting on a basement membrane

An internal elastic lamina

Vasa vasorum

A tunica media


Small lymphatic vessel can be differentiated from small veins by:

The presence of red blood cells in lymphatic vessels

The absence of lymphocytes in lymphatic vessels

The presence of valves in lymphatic vessels

A squamous endothelial lining

All of the following are correct except,

With regard to the medium-sized muscular artery shown above,

The tunica intima consists of endothelium lining the lumen and areolar connective tissue

An inner elastic membrane divides the tunica intima from the tunica media

The tunica media has smooth muscle and some elastic fibers

The tunica adventitia has dense irregular connective tissue

Many fat cells are present in the tunica media

Fat cells are present outside the adventitia


All of the following are correct except,

With regard to the medium-sized muscular artery shown above,

Endothelium lines the lumen

Areolar connective tissue is present in the tunica intima

An outer elastic membrane divides the tunica media from the tunica adventia

The tunica media has skeletal muscle and some fat cells

In the above photograph of the atrio-ventricular wall, all of the following are correct except,

indicates the lamina fibrosa

S indicates fibro-elastic connective tissue

E indicates the epicardium

M indicates the myocardium


In the above photograph of the atrio-ventricular wall, all of the following are correct except,

indicates fibrocartilage

The structure labeled S contains elastic fibres

E indicates the endothelium

The structure labeled M contains abundant smooth muscle fibres

M indicates the myocardium

the lamina fibrosa

S indicates fibro-elastic connective tissue

M indicates the myocardium



With regard to arterioles

They redistribute blood to capillaries

They have a clearly defined subendothelial layer

They do not have muscle in their walls

Vasa vasorum is present in the tunica adventia


All of the following are correct except,

Veins (one is shown above)

carry blood at very low pressure

have no collagen fibers among the smooth muscle cells in the tunica media

have valves to prevent backflow of blood

do not stretch excessively because of the longitudinal arrangement of collagen fibers and other components

(a) In the above photomicrograph which layer in the wall of the vein has bundles of smooth muscle?
a. Tunica intima
b. Tunica media
c. Tunica adventia
d. Endothelium

e. None of the above


All of the following are correct except,

Veins (one is shown above)

have relatively abundant collagen fibers among the smooth muscle cells in the tunica media

carry blood at very high pressure

have collagen fibers and other components arranged longitudinally to prevents excess stretching the wall

Arteries (one is shown above)

Carry blood at high pressure

Have a circular arrangement of smooth muscle and other components in the tunica media to facilitate regulation of blood flow

Have more smooth muscle than collagen fibers in the tunica media

Have more collagen fibers than elastic fibres in the tunica media



With regard to large veins (shown above),

They include the vena cavae and larger branches

They collect blood from medium sized veins and return it to heart

The tunica intima comprises an endothelium and a thin subendothelial layer

The tunica adventita has spirally arranged collagen fibers

The tunica adventita has numerous longitudinally arranged skeletal muscle bundles

The internal elastic lamina cannot be distinguished

The tunica media is thin, poorly developed; mostly FECT; little smooth muscle

They collect blood from medium sized veins and return it to heart


The above photomicrograph shows wall of the


Vena cavae


Muscular artery


All of the following are correct, except

In the above photomicrograph of a medium-sized artery

The inner elastic membrane is well defined

The outer elastic membrane is poorly defined

Fat cells are present outside the tunica adventitia

The tunica media is the thickest layer


In the above photomicrograph of a medium-sized artery

(a) The inner elastic membrane is absent

(b) The outer elastic membrane is found between the tunica intima and tunica media

(c) Fat cells are present in the tunica intima

(d) The tunica media contains many layers of smooth muscle cells



All of the following are correct, except

With regard to large veins (shown above),

The internal elastic lamina cannot be distinguished

The tunica media is thick and very well-developed

They collect blood from medium sized veins and return it to heart

The tunica adventita has smooth muscle bundles



Choose the incorrect statement

Lymphatic vessels (shown above)

transport lymph fluid from the tissues to the circulatory system

carry lymph to lymph nodes

Remove excess body fluid to blood

Do not have valves


Choose the correct statement

The vessel shown in the above photomicrograph

Is a vein

Transports lymph from tissues to the circulatory system

Does not have valves

Has a very thick tunica adventia


The type of endothelium depicted in the above electron micrograph

Is continuous

Is fenestrated

Allows materials to move across by diffusion

Is found in capillaries in most organs



What is designated by 'e'?



What does the indicated layer contain



What are these structures with denoted by "a"?



The myocardium is thickest in the

a. Right atria
b. Left atria
c. Right ventricle
d. Left ventricle
e. Both right and left ventricle


the pacemaker of the heart is the
a. Sinoatrial node
b. Atrioventricular node
c. Bundle of His
d. Right bundle branch
e. Purkinje fiber


Which of the following is not true regarding the endocardium?
a. The endocardium contains abundant adipose tissue
b. The endocardium is layered
c. The endocardium contains blood vessels
d. The endocardium contains smooth muscle
e. The endocardium is lined by endothelium


The endothelium is located in the
a. Epicardium
b. Pericardium
c. Myocardium
d. Endocardium
e. Endomysium


The blood vessels which supply the heart are located in the
a. Epicardium
b. Pericardium
c. Myocardium
d. Endocardium
e. Endomysium


At what level of the vascular tree does gas exchange occur?
a. Capillary
b. Arteriole
c. Venule
d. Elastic artery
e. Muscular artery


The ollowing layer in an artery is primarily skeletal muscle
a. Tunica intima
b. Tunica media
c. Tunica externa
d. None of the above


Which of the following is NOT a distinguishing feature between larger veins and arteries?
a. Veins have valves whereas arteries do not have valves
b. The tunics in veins are not as clearly delimited as are the tunics in arteries
c. The walls in veins are thinner than the walls in arteries
d. The lumen of a vein is smaller than the lumen of an artery


In which structure are substances moved across the epithelium via pinocytotic vesicles?
a. Continuous capillaries
b. Fenestrated capillaries
c. Sinusoidal capillaries
d. AV anastomoses
e. Venous sinus


Which layer in an artery contains the endothelium?
a. Tunica intima
b. Tunica media
c. Tunica externa
d. None of the above


The simple squamous epithelium that lines the blood vessels is called
a. Epithelioid tissue
b. Mesothelium
c. Endothelium
d. Transitional epithelium



A typical muscular artery (shown above) possesses:

a muscular adventitia

an inner elastic limiting membrane

many concentric elastic membranes in the tunica media

concentric smooth muscle fibers in the tunica media

vasa vasorum that penetrate to the tunica intima


Vasa vasorum (shown above) are:

(a) small blood vessels

(b) small lymph vessels

(c) found in the tunica intima of blood vessels

(d) primarily found in the adventitia of blood vessels

(e) the main source of oxygen for the tunica media of arteries


Small lymphatic vessel can be differentiated from small veins by:

The presence of red blood cells in lymphatic vessels

The absence of lymphocytes in lymphatic vessels

The presence of valves in lymphatic vessels

A squamous endothelial lining


The endocardium

is the inner layer of the heart wall

consists of the endothelial lining and the underlying connective tissue layers

has endothelium lining the heart chambers

has an endothelial layer composed of simple squamous epithelium

has an endothelial layer of cells with well-developed zonulae occludens

has an endothelial layer of cells with well-developed basal lamina


Дата добавления: 2015-11-05; просмотров: 19 | Нарушение авторских прав

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 | 1. A ball is thrown upward. While the ball is in free fall, does its acceleration

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