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Speaking and Writing Tasks (Optional)

Speaking and Writing Tasks (Optional)

Units 1-3


1 Speaking

A Discussion

Work in pairs. You and your partner are planning an expedition into the mountains. You need to decide on two more members for your team. Read about the jobs each new member has to do and then decide who is best for the job.



The first member will plan the expedition and be responsible for all the supplies. This person should be easy-going, even-tempered, organised, sensible and bossy when necessary.


The second member will be responsible for social activities and keeping people happy and relaxed during the expedition. This person should be sociable, creative, adventurous and self-confident.




Malik Jones – ‘I love the mountains and love getting dirty. I like being with friends. I am not good at organising things but I have lots of ideas for games and activities. I am not very patient with people.’


Amanda Lloyd – ‘I am a little shy and sometimes find it hard to make friends. However, I always make sure to things get done. I am always well-prepared and never start something I cannot finish.’


Michal Tarkowski – ‘Some people say I am assertive. I don’t think so but I know how to do things. I can be friendly when necessary but I am also a good leader. I am full of energy and very serious about everything I do. Some people say I am disorganised but that’s not true. I always know where everything is.’


Yasemin Ogur – ‘I love an adventure! I am very keen to go on this expedition and look forward to making lots of new friends. I am reliable and fun but I do like time on my own too. Ask me to do anything and I will do it. I am very hard-working.’



B Role play

Work in pairs and conduct an interview for the job of teacher in a new school. Read your cards carefully.



You are interviewing Student B. Make sure you find out the following things:

What they studied at university, how long they have been a teacher, what subject they teach, what other jobs they have, why they left their old job, why they want the job, what they think their strong points /weak points are, what they can bring to the job, when they can start.




You are being interviewed for the job of teacher. Here is some extra information about you:


University: Leeds University, History and Economics

Teacher for five years (taught World History and Archaeology)

Three years at St John’s School (left for better job)

Two years at Highview School (moved town)

Why this job? Good money; heard good things about the school

Strong points: confident, full of energy

Weak points: untidy, sometimes late

Can bring to job: lot of experience

Can start after the summer




2 Writing


Write a compare and contrast essay on the title ‘When travelling, what is best, trains or planes?’ Use at least three of the following issues in your essay. You can add any other you can think of.



(100-130 words)



Units 4-6


1 Speaking

A Discussion

You and your partner are planning to open your own language school. Together decide on the following things:

Name of the school, what languages you will teach, how many students and teachers, what resources you will use (e.g. whiteboard, video etc), the size of classes, what ages you will teach, what will make your school different from other schools, how you will advertise your school, what your slogan will be?



Student A

You want the school to teach only English but to have the latest ideas in technology. You also want small classes of adults and businessmen.

Student B

You want the school to teach many different languages and have classes for both adults and children. You also want to have new types of technology.

B Presentation

You have been asked to prepare and give a presentation on a business plan for a new model of car for your company. Prepare your presentation to include the following things:


The name of the car, what type of car it is, the design of the car including any extras it has, how much it will cost, how it compares to other types of car on the market, how you will market it and how successful will it be and why.


2 Writing


You work for a bank. Last week you received an email from Mrs Davies. She complained that £450 has disappeared from her bank account. Write a formal email back to her. Tell her the good news that the money has been found. Tell her you will put the money back into her account soon but you must request a new password from her. Remember also to apologise.


(60-100 words)



Units 7-9


1 Speaking

A Discussion

You are planning a new building project for the town of your school. The local council have given you a list of buildings. With a partner, discuss the possibilities and options, and decide which project would be best for your town.



While talking, consider the following issues:

How much does your town need this? Will it make your town … richer/poorer, bigger/smaller, cleaner/dirtier, more touristic/ less touristic? Will people want the building?


B Information gap

Together with your partner, compare and contrast the entertainment centres and decide which is best to buy.





Price: £1,300

Reliability: Average to poor

Includes: TV, DVD recorder, radio/CD/MP3player. Surround sound, home cinema system.

Look: System cased in wooden cabinet. Looks retro but very elegant.

Special extras: Can pause live TV, digital TV free for one year, iPod compatible.

Advantages: Looks great, lots of choices and options. Your home will feel like a cinema. Very innovative.

Disadvantages: Bollix has a record of things breaking down. TV system better than music system. Can’t record CDs. Quite difficult to use.






Price: £750

Reliability: Very good

Includes: TV, DVD player, radio/CD player. Surround sound, home cinema system.

Look: All metallic, futuristic look. Can choose colours from silver. grey, blue and orange.

Special extras: None

Advantages: Reliable with a five-year guarantee. Smart Systems customer service very good. Simple but functional. Easy to use. Durable.

Disadvantages: No extras. Doesn’t look that great. TV screen a little small.



2 Writing

Write a process essay on how exams are given, following the points below. Use the passive tense whenever possible.


1 Ask students to enter the hall without talking, and to find the desk marked with their name and exam number.

2 Explain the exam procedure to students and start the exam (examiner).

3 We expect students to use the whole time to answer the questions.

4 Allow students to leave if they finish early.

5 Tell students when ten minutes are left before the end of the exam (examiner).

6 End the exam and give permission for students to leave (examiner).

7 Take papers to marking room and give them to Head of Department (examiner).

8 Mark the papers, total the marks and enter the marks on the computer (all teachers in department).

9 In the next lesson, tell the students their marks and check through the exams with them (teachers).


(80-120 words)



1 Speaking

A Role play/meeting

Work in groups of three or four. You have been asked to join a group to decide whether your town needs a local newspaper. Prepare a one-minute presentation to give your opinion and the reasons why. Then have the meeting and make a final decision with your friends.



You are the chairperson and you will lead the meeting. You should not show your opinion but you really want a local newspaper. You don’t care what it is like.



You don’t think there should be a local newspaper. It will be too expensive and no-one will read it. Anyway, nothing ever happens in the town.


You think a local newspaper is a great idea. It will make people care for their town more. Lots of people have stories to tell and it will make lots of money from advertisements. Another reason why you want a newspaper is that you are a journalist and you need a job.



You are not sure if the town needs a local newspaper. The town is small and many people only live there in the summer. However, you agree that it will make a lot of money from advertisements. Maybe a few pages on local life in a national newspaper is better?


B Information gap

Your prison is overcrowded. You have decided to release one person. Four people have been selected for possible release. Find out about all four people and then decide which person should be set free.



PETER MORGAN – Was put in prison for selling marijuana for fifteen years. He has spent five years in prison. In that time he has worked with charities and has appeared on TV to stop children taking drugs. He is very sorry for what he did and wants to work with children in the future.


SARAH KENNEDY – Stole a credit card and then spent £20,000 on the card to pay for hospital bills for her daughter who was very sick. The daughter is better now but Sarah will be in prison for five years.



ALAN PETERS – Killed his father two years ago and was sentenced to life in prison. New evidence shows that the father regularly hit Alan and kept him in a small room 24 hours a day. Alan regrets killing his father and has been a model prisoner. The head of the prison thinks he should be released.


MARJORIE WATSON – Marjorie stole chemical secrets from a company laboratory. These documents show that the company was lying about the drugs that they were selling. This has probably saved many people’s lives. Marjorie doesn’t regret what she did. She was sentenced to ten years in prison.

2 Writing

The following graph shows the reading preferences of teenagers (age 13-19), young adults (age 20-29) and adults (over 29) in 1995 and 2005. Look at the graph and write a description of the trends.


(60-100 words)


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 20 | Нарушение авторских прав

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