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- the person who is bisexual

1. face the music

- have problems

- have a nice day

- listen to music

2. Baker's dozen

- a group of thirteen

- a cruel band

- an angry person

3. Blue Moon

- the person who is bisexual

- a very important event

- the moon in the day

4. To have Von Gogh's ear for music

- someone who can hear and sing nicely

- a person who can draw very well

- a person who can't hear the distinction between musical tones.



1. Bite Your Tongue:

- To avoid talking.

- To hurt a person by biting him.

- To speak a lot.


2. Cry Wolf:

- to intentionally raise a false alarm, to cry or complain about something when nothing is really wrong.

- Wolf’s whine in the dark forest.

- To know nothing.


3. A cock and Bull Story:

- An unbelievable tale.

- True story.

- A joke.


4. Hit the Books:

- To study hard, especially for a test or exam.

- To throw books away.

- To sell books to other students.



1. to keep a straight face

- be calm
- be angry
- be serious

2. To have a snowball’s chance in hell
there is much snow
you have no chance at all
you are very lucky

3.to go back of beyond

to go to a very remote and inaccessible place to find something
to pat someone on the back
to stay at your place

4. a regular guy

a normal and dependable guy
a person who dislikes rules
a person who likes writing rules



1. The dog days of summer;

The hottest days of summer

The coldest days of summer

Global Day for dogs


2. Fuddy-duddy;

a person who is conservative and old-fashioned,

someone who likes new trends,

a person who misses many classes at university


3. Cup Of Joe

A cup of coffee.

A cup of tea

A glass of juice


4. Mumbo Jumbo:

Nonsense or meaningless speech.

A game for kids

a student who does not prepare home assignment



1. Add Fuel To The Fire:

А. Whenever something is done to make a bad situation even worse than it is.

Б. Whenever something is very good and you try to make it better!

В. When smth is really bad and you like it!


2.Graveyard Shift:

А. The time of the day when most other people are sleeping.

Б. The time when people have breakfast

В. the time when you need to go to work


3.Off On The Wrong Foot:

А. Getting a bad start on a relationship or task.*

Б. Get a good start of a day

В. To choose the wrong way


4. Run out of steam:

А. To be completely out of energy

Б. To be in a good mood

В. to want to get breakfast




1 Come Hell Or High Water

a) somebody is determined to do it even if it is difficult

b) that somebody has some problems in some things

c) to feel a strong desire to help somebody


2 French Kiss is not an idiom!!!! it is a term

a) an open mouth kiss where tongues touch

b) to kiss somebody in French

c) a very slow kiss


3 Hit The Nail on the Head

a) to be right about something

b) to do something wrong in difficult situation

c) when a teacher hits a student who misses classes


4 Sixth Sense

a) to have powerful intuition

b) to be a very sensitive person

c) to feel something six times successively

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