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I. Translate into English:

Chapters 1-2


I. Translate into English:


- научиться состраданию к кому-то;

- новости на первой странице газеты;

- быть замешанным в десятках преступлений;

- поставить на колени;

- быть избранным губернатором;

- завести будильник;

- быть на побегушках;

- окружать (осаждать) репортерами;

- быть хорошим знаком (предзнаменованием);

- быть страшно испуганным.


II. Interpret the following:


- “He went through life as though he were five minutes late for the appointment” (p.16);

- “One by one, every loop-hole had been closed” (p.17);

- “In cases where important Mafia figures were involved, jurors had been known to disappear or to have unexplained fatal accidents” (p.17);

- “She had gotten a run in her stocking when she broke the heel of her shoe” (p.18);

- “You are going to bury your noses in legal research” (p.20);

- “The real law that dealt with human beings and their follies” (p.20);

- “The court stands adjourned until two o’clock” (p.25);

- “Five seconds later Jennifer Parker found herself being grabbed, handcuffed and placed under arrest” (p.28).


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


- “The lion attacking him was … late for an appointment” (ch.1, p.16);

- “Jennifer Parker was a slender, dark-haired girl … a face that would be hard to forget” (ch.1, p.18);

- “There were fifteen rows of spectators’ benches on each side of the rear area … heart of freedom” (ch.2, p. 27);

- “I want her held for obstructing justice … He was incoherent with rage” (ch.2, p.31);

- “Whatever the motivation, … proceedings against you” (ch.2, p.31).


IV. Comment on the following:


- “The lion attacking him was Robert Di Silva, the fiery District Attorney for the County of New York” (p.16);

- “It is an ordinary courtroom – but it’s the heart of freedom” (p.27);

- “If citizens were ever denied the right to a trial by jury, then America would cease to exist as a free nation” (p.28);

- “The yellow canary on the desk had said it all” (p.31).



Chapter 3


I. Translate into English:


- убежать, спастись бегством;

- глубоко укоренившееся чувство справедливости;

- ходить на свидания;

- учитель и наставник;

- прекратить делать что-либо;

- изучать объявления «требуется на работу»;

- быть загадкой;

- быть просроченным (о векселе, долге и т.д.);

- уговорить кого-либо вернуться;

- стоить много денег.


II. Interpret the following:


- “They were hammering at her from all sides” (p.32);

- “He (Abner Parker) was a compassionate man with a deep-rooted sense of justice” (p.34);

- “Jennifer was absorbed in lawsuits and wills” (p.34);

- “For the first time in her life Jennifer was overwhelmed with a sense of desperation” (p.38);

- “It took her four days to realize that she was the pariah of the legal profession” (p.39);

- “The catch was that that took money” (p.40);

- “Now that Jennifer had office space, the only thing she lacked was clients” (p.43);

- “He was dressed in a tailored suit that must have cost a fortune” (p.47).


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


- “When she was graduated she … and got a job at the Law Library” (p.35);

- “She stayed locked in her apartment all day, … mirrored in her eyes” (p.38);

- “Jennifer kept telephoning prospective employers, … to practice her profession” (p. 39).


IV. Comment on the following:


- “Jennifer Parker was not only on the evening news – she was the evening news” (p.32);

- “Half of the lawyers believed she had been bribed by the Mafia, and the other half that she had been an innocent dupe” (p.33);

- “It took seven years for his heart to stop beating, but he (Abner Parker) was dead from the moment he heard the news about his wife” (p.34);

- “At first Jennifer was convinced that he (Ken Bailey) was a con man; making extravagant promises and collecting large advances” (p.43);

- “Who can figure women out?” (p.45);

- There is one law for the rich and another for the poor.


Chapter 4


I. Translate into English:


- испытать чувство восторга, неминуемой радости;

- брать на себя ответственность;

- услуга за услугу;

- искать слова;

- отделаться, избавиться от какого-либо дела;

- по слухам, ходят слухи;

- поверить на слово;

- стараться из всех сил сделать что-либо;

- комок в горле;

- быть благодарным кому-либо.


II. Interpret the following:


- “He preferred to remain in the background and use in his considerable influence to affect the outcome of legislation, high government appointments and national politics” (p.49);

- “He had been married to Mary Beth for fourteen years and did not approve of extramarital affairs” (p.50);

- “We have a couple of dozen young lawyers around here who could handle this” (p.51);

- “Wouldn’t you say that went beyond the bounds of stupidity” (p.52);

- “He knew where the bodies were buried and he knew how to squeeze the most out of that information” (p.55);

- “No matter how much he pretended, the charming man seated opposite her was the enemy” (p.59).


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


- “Late that afternoon Adam Warner was … had prosecuted the case flawlessly” (p.52);

- “There were thirty more pages of transcript. … Tomorrow he would dispose of the Jennifer Parker matter” (p.54);

- “Meaning Jennifer Parker … the tone of Jennifer Parker’s voice when he denied her guilt” (p.55);

- “He was all too familiar with the long, … there was justification” (p.55).


IV. Comment on the following:


- “… there was a pleasure in power” (p.51);

- “I’m not going to let you twist my words around” (p.53);

- “Her story was so transparently naïve that it had a ring of truth about it” (p.54);

- “Unless Jennifer Parker was the most consummate actress who ever lived …” (p.56);

- Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.



Chapter 5


I. Translate into English:


- быть способным и начитанным;

- уничтожить кого-либо;

- уступать в чем-то;

- иметь недостатки;

- посмотреть на кого-либо другими глазами;

- подонки общества;

- неприспособленные к жизни люди;

- сдаваться;

- улаживать дела;

- дело, которое широко освещается в прессе.


II. Interpret the following:


- “It was as though he had resigned himself to being a failure and was afraid to try for success” (p.64);

- “He was a bodyguard-butler who keeps everyone away” (p.65);

- “All the evidence against her was circumstantial, Robert. She was I in the wrong place at the wrong time and she got mousetrapped. That doesn’t spell Mafia to me” (p.68);

- “Most of Jennifer’s clients were unimportant, but the education was priceless” (p.73);

- “The majority of clients who cam to Jennifer’s office were people who had been ground down by poverty, the system, themselves. They were peple who had long since surrendered” (p.75);

- “She couldn’t afford to become involved in a highly publicized case that she had no chance of winning” (p.78).


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


- “The next few weeks raced by, … it was twelve-fifty and expenses” (p.63);

- “In the past, Jennifer had only … began to fantasize” (p.64);

- “There’s a great deal of money at stake here” (p.65);

- “Her days were spent running around … But she felt trapped” (p.68);

- “When one of her clients was arrested for shoplifting, muggling, prostitution or drugs, Jennifer would head downtown to arrange bail, and bargaining was a way of life” (p.73);

- “There were more than a hundred and fifty cases … society had passed by” (p.74-75).


IV. Comment on the following:


- “Justice isn’t always blind” (p.68);

- “Robert Di Silva was a vindictive man, and Jennifer was a vulnerable target” (p.68);

- “When you are in love with a married man you shouldn’t wear mascara” (p.69);

- “Ken Bailey carried his own private hell with him” (p.71);

- “A high-priced divorce lawyer was known as a bomber” (p.71).



Chapters 6-7


I. Translate into English:


- мишень в тире;

- избежать наказания;

- сбить машиной (грузовиком);

- вызывать сочувствие;

- иметь профессиональную способность делать что-либо;

- делать что-либо хладнокровно;

- переходить границы дозволенного;

- нарушитель порядка;

- делать скидку на неопытность;

- кипеть от злости.


II. Interpret the following:


- “There were half a dozen very good ones who prosecuted murder trails, and Jennifer familiarized herself with their techniques” (p.64);

- “I would have thought that someone with your great legal talent would be able to get him off scot-free” (p.87);

- “Ken Bailey had warned her. … and she was to be their carrion” (p.92);

- “The District Attorney had sandbagged her” (p.95);

- “It was something we did in the heat of the moment” (p.97);

- “He was an orchestra leader and the jury was his orchestra. Jennifer had never seen anything like it” (p.97);

- “Judge Waldman will tell you that no defendant is guilty until a judge or jury declares that he is guilty” (p.98).


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


- “She studied hundreds of appellate court decisions, … reduced to manslaughter” (p.84);

- “I know this looks like an open-and-shut case, but there are extenuating circumstances” (p.87);

- “He was put in the House of Detention … robbery and sodomy” (p.89);

- “The trail was scheduled to take place in Room 37 … Jennifer thought” (p.92-93);

- “He was deliberately prejudicing the jury, yet not overstepping the bounds, so that there could be no error calling for mistrial or reversal” (p.97).


IV. Comment on the following:


- “I thought you would have turned tail and run out of town by now” (p.87);

- “This must be like the waiting room to hell” (p.89);

- “Prison society is the politest society in the world” (p.89);

- “An eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth” (p.97)


Chapters 8-9


I. Translate into English:


- перефразировать вопрос;

- избавлять кого-то от чего-то;

- переходить границы;

- быть ошеломленным;

- относиться с пренебрежением;

- унижать;

- расстраивать планы;

- бросить вызов правительству;

- изысканная свадебная церемония;

- полностью принадлежать кому-то.


II. Interpret the following:


- “She should never have taken the case in the first place. What right had she to put a man’s life in her hands?” (p.111-112)

- “He sat there as immobile as a statue” (p.112)

- “She daydreamed about her father as a kind of Robin Hood” (p.122)

- “She was spared the shock of knowing the truth” (p.122)


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


1. “This jury finds the defendant, Abraham Wilson, not guilty as charged” (p.112)

2. “You crawl into my skin and I’ll crawl into yours and … was going to be executed”(p.115)

3. “Antonio Granelli had moved cautiously at first, … and the milk flowed to the Family” (p.121)


IV. Comment on the following:


1. Justice is always blind.

2. “God is just” (the words of Thomas Jefferson in “Notes on the State of Virginia” 1781-5). How can these statements be applied to the events of the novel?

3. “How does it feel to be a celebrity” (p.114)

4. “But in the end, true love prevailed” (p.123)



Chapters 10-11

I. Translate into English:


- быть занятым своим гаремом;

- носить обручальное кольцо;

- изящная и утонченная женщина;

- записаться к парикмахеру;

- иметь преимущество;

- погибнуть в авиакатастрофе;

- быть вне себя от горя;

- сойти с троуара и поскользнуться;

- поддаться уговорам;

- калека.


II. Interpret the following:


1. “I was wondering if you’d care to have dinner with me one evening” (p.128)

2. “Jennifer liked the father just as little as she had liked the son” (p.131)

3. “As her dinner date with Adam drew closer, Jennifer found it more and more difficult to concentrate on business” (p.133)

4. “He was witty and charming, but she was armored against his charm” (p. 137)


III. Translate into Russian:


1. He testified for (on behalf of) his family.

2. The landlady testified for the prosecution.

3. No one expected her to testify against her husband.

4. The man testified that he had seen the accused leaving the building around the time of the murder.

5. The open book testified to the fact that she had been reading.

6. The jurors doubted that the testimony was really true.

7. Before giving testimony in court the witness has to take the oath.

8. Your report is testimony to the many hours of research work.


IV. Comment on the following:


1. “It was a non-win case” (p.135)

2. “The rule is, when you’re on the wrong side of a non-win case, make sure it’s where there is no publicity involved” (p.135)

3. “… you could work miracles” (p.142)

4. Every man is the architect of his own fortune.



Chapters 12-14

I. Translate into English:


- сделать первоклассную, превосходную работу

- сделать кому-либо одолжение

- напоминать кому-либо о чем-либо

- гордиться чьми-то успехами

- идти сквозь толпу

- командировка в какое-то захудалое местечко

- взять выходной

- я ни перед чем не останавлюсь

- быть захваченным игрой

- мучить кого-то, беспокоить кого-то


II. Interpret the following:


1. “The jury had exonerated both defendants” (p.145)

2. “They were performed by the top men there and were done properly. That’s why the hospital wasn’t named in the suit” (p.146)

3. “They talked about law and politics and the theatre, and solved all the complex problems of the world” (p.149)

4. “It was Michael that the crowd focused on” (p.150)

5. “Jennifer plunged herself into work, and still the weeks seemed to drag by” (p.151)

6. “But now that they were lovers, they dared not appear in public together, so they went to places where they were not apt to run into friends” (p.156-157)

7. “She knew she was going to have to pay” (p.157)


III. Translate into Russian:


1. She has been convicted of theft.

2. The jury has the power to convict or to acquit.

3. He has a long record of convictions.

4. Paul is a man of strong convictions.

5. It’s my personal conviction that all the murderers should be locked away for life.

6. A month ago she was acquitted on a shoplifting charge.

7. Of the four cases that went to trial, two ended in acquittals.


IV. Comment on the following:


1. “The city had argued that the storm was an act of God” (p.145)

2. “It was as though he had her in some kind of spell and she was mesmerized, helpless to break it” (p.153)

3. “Time took on a different dimension” (p.157)



Chapter 15


I. Translate into English:


- погрузиться в работу;

- иметь дело с людьми, попавшими в беду;

- камень преткновения;

- найти следы коварства или обмана;

- сразу же понравиться;

- напыщенный и высокомерный;

- чернить и пачкать чье-либо имя;

- бар для холостяков и незамужних женщин;

- человек со средствами;

- офисные апартаменты.


II. Interpret the following:


1. “Because she had a man’s she had to work twice as hard and be twice as good as the competition” (p.164)

2. “She would liein bed at night or sit at the desk in her office and plot her opponent’s strategy”

3. “We’re prepared to accept a reasonable out-of-court settlement”

4. “All Jennifer could do was sit by while her client’s name was besmirched” (p.170)

5. “I’m not here to moralize” (p.172)

6. “This was her only chance to try to repair the damage that had been done” (p.172)

7. “”Counsel for the plaintiff knows better than that” (p. 172)


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


1. “The cases that came into the office ranged from … the name of the game was to win” (p.161)

2. “The trial went even worse than Ken Bailey had predicted … The people on the stand did it for him” (p.170)


IV. Comment on the following:


1. “The word justice was honored mostly in the branch. In the courtroom, neither the prosecuting attorney nor the defense attorney sought justice: the name of the game was to win” (p.161)

2. “A man’s shoes said something about his character” (p.163)

3. “Most cases are won or lost before the trial begins” (p.163)

4. “It’s going to be a black mark against you” (p.170)

5. “What kind of man is it who would deny his own child?” ()p.176)



Chapters 16-17


I. Translate into English:


- Дамоклов меч;

- звучать сомнительно, подозрительно;

- быть пристрастным, иметь предвзятое мнение;

- цитировать кого-то;

- сбить машиной;

- преуспеть, выиграть;

- неисправность системы тормозов;

- замышлять что-то;

- перехитрить кого-то;

- найти другое решение;


II. Interpret the following:


1. “Adam thought about telling Jennifer of his discussion with Steward Needham, but he decided not to” (p.178)

2. “You’ve heard about cups, lips and slips” (p.178)

3. “That has nothing to do with my being proud of you. I love you so much, Adam” (p.178)

4. “She was not going to stand by and see someone railroaded into an insane asylum” (p.181)

5. “Whatever the hell you’re after, looks like you’ve hit the jackpot” (p.191)

6. “He was angry and did not bother to conceal it” (p.200)

7. “I want to know when the stature of limitations is up” (p.195)

8. “If you’d like to settle for a lunch sometime we can talk about the fickle finger of fate” (p.196)

9. “He’s been in and out of the pen since he was sixteen” (p.199)

10. “Get out of here. You turn my stomach” (p.200)


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


1. “The meeting turned out to be quite different from … full backing of the party” (p.177)

2. “There was something that was not wonderful tugging at … it would be political suicide” (p.179)

3. “Michael had never known a woman of spirit, a woman who had the courage to defy him. Jennifer Parker had had the nerve to hang up on him” (p.189)

4. “It means for civil cases what double jeopardy means for criminal cases. There must be an end to litigation” (p.191)

5. “I’m going to file for a new trial” (p.193)

6. “I’m requesting a reopening on failure to disclose” (p.193)


IV. Comment on the proverbs taking into account the events of the novel:


1. It’s never too late to mend.

2. He that never climbed never fell.

3. He laughs best who laughs last.

4. Slip between the cup and the lip.


Chapters 18-22

I. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions:


Быть уверенным в своих силах; перехитрить самого себя; отвечать за свои поступки; стоять у кого-то на пути; делать кого-то несчастным; быть осмотрительным, благоразумным; делать щедрые подарки; тайно руководить чем-то; уловка, хитрость; защищать свою позицию; профессионал; привлечение к суду; обвинение; самое совершенное оборудование; не уметь мыслить; возможные подозреваемые; быть доступным кому-то; не тратить попусту слова.


II. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:


Be surrounded by a battery of assistants; according to a recent government survey; have a lump in one’s throat; injury award; gaunt haggard face; and incredible woman; be filled with a deep feeling of gratitude; force a teller to hand over all the available cash; swear on one’s mother life; be as straight as an arrow; preliminary hearing; commit exactly the same crime; tamper with the witness; pull out a computer readout.


III. Interpret the following:


– “If you slip on a piece of ice on the street, you can’t blame big brother for it. And you shouldn’t try to swindle five million dollars out of him.” (p. 206)

– “It was the largest personal injury award in the history of State of New York.” (p. 210)

– “Adam was moving up in every poll.” (p. 219)

– “All I care about is being with you.” (p. 220)

– “And, in their minds, the jurors were sitting in Jennifer’s living room, carried away by her spell.” (p. 221)

– “They both burst out laughing.” (p. 223)

– “Whose idea was it to frame me with the canary?” (p. 229)


IV. Give a good literary translation of the following:


– “Ordinary, the trail would only have been worth a paragraph or two in the newspapers the plaintiff, the media were out in full force.” (p. 204)

– “The low in this case is very clear, … If you will just examine these figure for a moment.” (p. 207)

– “The amount of damages she was entitled to was six million dollars.” (p. 210)

– “Jennifer and Adam had lunch together almost every day, … more frequently in the press.” (p. 218)

– “Jennifer’s days were unbelievably full. If she had thought she was busy before, now she was besieged. She was representing international corporations that had bent a few laws and been caught, senators with their fingers in the till, movie stars who had gotten into trouble.” (p. 220)

– “The preliminary hearing was before … She sent for Ken Bailey.” (p. 224)


V. Give the Russian equivalents to the following proverbs and comment on them taking into account the events of the novel:


– The end crowns the work.

– God helps those who help themselves.


Chapters 23-26

I. Give English equivalents for the following words and expressions:


Быть в полном разгаре; уйти от всех проблем, которые ее окружали; концерт для детей-сирот; испытывать отвращение; кабинка для голосования; сделать решительный шаг; рассортировать; глаза полные боли.


II. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:


Be born with a gold mine in one’s throat; lighted candles floated on lily pads; a wisp of man to think straight; be full of small talk; naked hatred; expect a large voter turnout at the polls; close race; outcome of the election; cast a vote.


III. Interpret the following:


– “Rick was twenty-five years old, and Alabama farm boy who had been born with a gold mine in his throat.” (p. 223)

– “In the end, Jennifer decided to go herself.” (p. 223)

– “The time was perfect, as though the Gods were on their side.” (p. 240)

– “It’s all in the point of view.” (p.242)

– “Jennifer felt that Mary Beth right when she said it could be the stepping-stone the presidency of the United States.” (p. 244)

– “She couldn’t bear to go back to her office.” (p. 245)

– “She sat in a robe huddled up on the couch, listening to her fate being broadcast to millions of people.” (p. 246)

– “She was hurrying towards the door, running out of Adam’s life.” (p. 250)


IV. Give a good literary translation of the following:


– “It was the end of October, two weeks before the elections, and the senatorial race was in full swing.” (p. 232)

– “As a rule, Jennifer enjoyed flying, … became queasy and upset.” (p. 234)

– “Because of the interest in the senate race, a large voter turn-out was expected at the polls despite the weather.” (p. 245)

– “There was a quick shot of Adam on the screen, … making her pregnant.” (p. 246)

– “From the beginning, the polls have been almost evenly divided in this race.” (p. 247)


VI. Give the Russian equivalents to the following proverbs and comment on them taking into account the events of the novel:


– Every man has a fool in his sleeve.

– What can’t be cured must be endured.


Chapetrs 27-32

I. Give English equivalents for the following:


Уступить место; отпуск; незаконченные дела; чистая случайность; незарегистрированный телефон; поклялся сохранить тайну; не могла наслушаться; приобрести много новый влажных клиентов; накопившиеся дела; кучка старомодных людей; делать честь профессии; поддержать часть трудового законодательства; живое напоминание; выказать уважение; быть обязанной.


II. Interpret the following:


– … nor must Adam ever know that she had born him a child, for it would destroy him. (ch. 28, p. 260)

– And if anyone else ever learned about it, it would destroy Adam in different way. (ch. 28, p. 260)

– She examined them as though each one, was a juror …. (ch. 29, p. 269)

– “Off the bench, why don’t we make it Lawrence and Jennie?” (ch. 30, p. 274)

– Moretti was a man of deep silence, a man who destructed words … (ch. 32, p. 281)

– He was attractive in a dangerous, exciting way. (ch. 32, p. 281)

– Various people approached their booth to pay respects to Michael Moretti. (ch. 32, p. 281)

– … casino … packed with gamblers engrossed in various games of chance, playing as though their lives depended on their winning. (ch. 32, p. 284)


III. Give a good literary translation of the following:


– When word god out on the grapevine that Jennifer was back, the interest was enormous. The reception that Jennifer received on the morning she returned kept swelling, as attorneys from other offices drooped by to visit her. (ch. 30)

– When Ken Bailey was in Jennifer’s office alone with her, he said: “you know who’s been driving us nuts trying to reach you?” (ch. 30)

– In the months that followed, Senator Adam Warner was becoming … Jennifer felt a bittersweet pride. (ch. 32)

– She had been to Las Vegas and was indifferent to it … to have their carefully hoarded saving taken away from them. (ch. 32)


IV. Comment on the following:


– Her son was a living reminder of Adam’s presence. (ch. 32, p. 278)

– It was power paying tribute to power. (ch. 32, p. 282)

– There’s no such thing as an offer you can’t refuse. (ch. 32, p. 283)


Chapters 33-36

I. Give English equivalent for the following:


Горячо похвалить; условия федеральных исправительных учреждениях; начались далеко идущие реформы; хорошо упрявлять(ся) чем-либо; разбирать на части; перезвонить кому-либо ради выкупа; собрать в единое целое; заключать сделку; втянуться в наркотики; все что попадает под руки; мастер своего дела; побеспокоиться; представлять кого-либо в суде; чувствовать себя истощенной; отбросы человечества; мгновенное чувство тревоги; взять себя в руки; зеркало заднего обзора; связь оборвалась; первый порыв; болезненно на этом этапе.


II. Give a good literary translation of the following extract:


– “In Washington, Adam Warner’s popularity was growing … and she wondered whether he ever thought about her.” (ch. 33, p. 287-288)


III. Rephrase the following:

- Mary Beth sat at the other end of the table, making small talk with a senator from Oklahoma and his bejeweled wife.

- In Washington more deals get made over dinner tables than in halls of Congress.

- Jack Scanlon should be punished, yes, but not executed.

- … the company lost a big order and I was laid off with the rest of people in my department.

- I would like to plead my client guilty to a lesser charge.

- Kidnapping for ransom is a capital offence.

- You are always saying that everyone is entitled to a lawyer.

- One choice was to call Robert Di Silva, tell him what had happened and ask him to throw out a dragnet to try catch Frank Jackson.


IV. Comment on the following:


– It’s true that we do not inherit the world from our parents; we borrow it from our children. (ch. 34, p. 291)

– That was the foundation of the law: justice for the lowliest as well as the highest. (ch. 35, p. 294).


V. You are Jennifer. Bring as many arguments as you can to prove that you were right turning to M. Moretti for help.


Chapter 36

I. Translate the following words and expressions into Russian:


Drive somebody mad; give anyone a chance to trace him; quiet and confident voice; recount the sequence of events; conjure up a picture in one’s mind; serve time; feel confidence; be at strake; take no chances; covert look; double-cross somebody; come in handy; pay for somebody’s sins; do a favour for somebody; be a regular; stand the pain; regain consciousness; gun with a silencer; take in the scene.


II. Translate the sentences following the pattern:


F.e. She watched him grow and develop.

She wanted Joshua to become a kind and intelligent person.

– Джошуа услышал, как кто-то вошел в комнату, подошел к его постели и назвал его имя.

– Дженнифер не хотела, что бы кто-либо узнал о похищении Джошуа.

– Конечно, она хотела, что бы Адам помог ей найти сына, но это было невозможно.

– Она почувствовала, как ужас охватил ее, она не могла вымолвить ни слова.

– Франк заметил, как полицейские подошли к заправочной станции и зашли в офис поговорить с шефом.

– Когда Дженни вошла в комнату, она увидела, что Моретти сидит в кресле и читает газету.

– Ставрос почувствовал, как кто-то взял его за плече и и потащил в другую комнату.


III. Study the word-combinations with the verb to stand and use them in your own sentences:


They were going to hurt him and, instinctively she knew Frank would not be able to stand pain. (p. 322)

Stand alone – быть одиноким;

Stand godfather to the child – быть крестным отцом;

Stand high – быть в почете;

Stand the rest – выдержать испытание;

Stand somebody Dinner – угостить обедом;

Stand fast – держаться стойко;

Stand somebody – терпеть, выносить кого-либо;

Stand well with somebody – быть в хороших отношениях с кем-либо.


IV. Give a good literary translation of the following:


“Throughout New York and around the country … people began searching their memories.” (p. 313)


V. Rephrase the following:


– Jennifer forced herself to talk slowly, recounting the sequence of events.

– She conjured up a picture of him in her mind. She put the picture into words.

– Her son’s life was at strike. She deliberately sent a killer to catch a killer.

– Joshua was going to go up flames.

– This was a golden opportunity for somebody, because Moretti was a man who knew how to show his appreciation.

– “One of the bartenders recognized the description, but he says he wasn’t regular. ”

– There was a note of deep puzzlement in her voice.

– The boy then looked up and saw Frank Jackson, and the memories came flooding back.

– He had soldiers to make hits for him white he sat back in safety.

– Moretti took in the scene in single frozen moment …


VI. Comment on the following:


– He was an unexpected bonus, what the poets called a hostage to fate. (p. 312)

– A cautious word here and there, dropped into a willing ear. (p. 313)


VII. Give a characteristic sketch of Michael Moretti judging by his actions described in this chapter.

Chapters 37-39


I. Find English equivalent for the following and recall the situations they are used in:


Первобытное чувство; неопознанный человек; низко кланяться кому-либо; человек, обладающий властью; отличать одно от другого; изнутри себя работой; быть на побегушках у важных шишек; связываться с кем-либо; быть втянутым во что-либо; широкая сеть организованной преступности; улик против него было несметное количество; вооруженное ограбление мехового магазина; поймать на месте преступления; ограбление, сопровождаемое убийством; пресса была в полном составе; в открытом бою; быть временно отстраненным от работы по обвинению в преднамеренном применении силы; безоружный подозреваемый; пожертвовать жизнью, что бы задержать преступника; ошеломляющее поражение; вести другое дело; немощный человек; проиграть битву; торговый автомат; наносить ущерб торговле вымогательством; подвергать сомнению чьи-либо побуждения; одним миром мазаны; проникнуть в душу; выпустить на свободу; определить в частную школу; попасться в ловушку.


II. Translate the following into Russian:

– After Joshua’s return, Jennifer had tried to make everything as normal for him as possible, fearful of the preceding night might have inflicted upon him.

– Did she have the right to judge him? She did not know the terrible forces that had shaped his life, that had turned him into what he had become.

– His silence had suddenly turned into words and sentences and confidences, pouring out as thought they had been stored inside him for years, waiting for someone to come along to share them with.

– It was a jungle out there, Jennifer thought, but she had always stood at the edge of it, free to free whenever she wanted to. She had made the rules and her clients had had to live by them.

– Di Silva had done his homework thought, and he deliberately understated his case, letting the jurors take the suggestions he dropped and build on them, creating horrors in their minds even greater than the ones depicted.

– Jennifer had always known instinctively … who got into trouble with the low. (ch. 39, 348-349)


III. Rephrase the following in your own words:


– It was strange how much Michael Moretti reminded her of Adam Warner, for each, in his own way, was a man of power.

– Jennifer started to question Michael about his background, wanting to learn how and why he had gotten trapped into the life he led.

– I love the power. I’m a king, baby, and I love being a king.

– Jennifer, we can’t afford to get mixed up with the mob.

– … there was always a strong emotional pull in the minds of jurors when the victim was a policeman.

– If you get involved with these hoodlums, you’ll be tarred with the same brush.

– But it’s one thing when an individual makes a mistake. It’s something else when corruption is organized.

– Jennifer thought about the power that Michael would have over Senator Adam Warner if Michael ever learned the truth.

– In the past, Michael had been completely dedicated to fulfilling his ambitions. There had been no emotional room for women in his life.


IV. Comment on the following:


– There is n adage in low that when you have a weak defense you put your opponent on trail. (ch. 38, p. 342)

– It’s to good for a woman to be too smart. It’s better. It’s better to leave the brains to man. (ch. 39, p. 347)

– She planned her strategy with Joshua more carefully than she had planned any court case, determined not to fall into the traps of a one-parent home.


Chapters 40-43

I. Find Russian equivalents for the following:


Defense budget; seize on one’s offer; important advance in aviation; approve the funds; do cover stories on; investigate some vital problems; investigating committee; suffer a stroke; untenable situation; win somebody over to his side; bide one’s time; come apart; recommend deportation; reevaluate his decision; fair play; be completely at sea; pay respects to; take consolation and pride in; influential members; saturate the country with; build an image; slip of the tongue; mastermind smb’s campaign.


II. Study the pattern and translate the sentences into English:

1. He recommended that the airplane should go into production immediately.

2. It was important that the Senate should approve the results of the investigation.


– Необходимо, чтобы газеты удалили нужное внимание этому факту.

– Важно, чтобы Дженнифер приняла правильное решение и выйграла это дело.

– Желательно, чтобы Моретти никогда не узнал, что отец мальчика.

– Адам предложил, что следует начать кампанию против юристов, которые защищают преступников.

– Моретти потребовал, чтобы Дженнифер добилась заключения Марко Лоренцо в тюрьму.

– Необходимо, чтобы Джошуа не почувствовал отсутствие отца.

– Дженнифер предложила, чтобы фотографии преступника появились во всех утренних газетах.

– Было предложено, чтобы у Адама был свой имиджмейкер, который будет проводить его кампанию.


III. Rephrase or explain the following:


– Adam had volunteered to test-fly a a prototype of the new bomber and his colleagues had eagerly seized the offer.

– The press enthusiastically played up the story.

– Jennifer devoured the stories about Adam and she was filled with pride.

– Colfax had talked to the squad lieutenants and the soldiers one by one, voicing his fear, trying to win them over to his side, but they were afraid to go against Michael.

– But mainly, it was Joshua who was time’s calendar, a reminder of how quickly the years were passing.

– Eddie Santini was just picked up on an armed robbery charge. He’s a two time looser. If they convict him, they’ll throw the key away.

– Jennifer checked the retort that rose to her lips.


IV. Translate the following:

– Thomas Colfax’s loyalty to the Syndicate would keep him in line and protect her, should become stronger than loyalty…

– A friend of ours, Marco Lorenzo, has been convicted of extortion and robbery.

– According to the newspapers, Lorenzo was a congenital criminal with a long a long string of arrests for crimes of violence.

– … Jennifer had let Joshua watch the games alone, but when be tried to discuss the plays with her afterwards, she was completely.

– Well, when they get up in court identify him, they’re going to have to prove they didn’t identify him because they saw his picture all over the newspapers and televisions.

– The Cow Palace in San Francisco … was considered by the majority of people to be inept. (ch. 43, p. 372)

– We are going to saturate the country with television commercials, build an image of you as a man who can solve America’s problems.

– Law and oreder was one of the key issues of the campaign, and Adam’s crime investigation committee was heavily stressed.


V. Study the following phrasal verbs with “play” and illustrate them with your own examples:


Play about (разг.) – транжирить деньги;

Play around – заводить любовную интрижку;

Play away with – растрачивать, расточать;

Play down difficulties – преуменьшать трудности;

Play off one against another - направлять одного на другого;

Play out – изживать себя, терять силу;

Play up (амер.) – рекламировать, поднимать шум вокруг чего-то.


VI. Comment on the following:


– The Senate has found an honest and capable new guardian to investigate some of the vital problems, that plague the country, and bring to them light instead of heat. (ch. 40, p. 357)

– There is a growing feeling among the kingmakers that Adam Warner has the qualities that would grace the presidency. (ch. 40, p. 357)

– Time was a swiftly flowing river that had no shores, no boundaries. Its seasons were not winter, spring, fall or summer, but birthdays and joys and troubles and pain. (ch. 41, p. 363)

– Beware of people who say they’re too rich to have to work for money. (ch. 43, p. 373)

– You are a product, A. W. We’re going to sell you just like wa’d sell any other product. (ch. 43, p. 373)


VII. Speak on the methods used in the USA to create an image of a president.


Chapters 44-46

I. Find English equivalent for the following and make up sentences with them:


Проигнорировать приглашение; корпоративные клиенты; деньги закончились; сделать ставку; снабжать кого-либо чем-либо; смотровая площадка; не нравится заморская еда; присутствовать на съезде; группа пяти заданий; владеть аудиторией; моментальный порыв; при первой возможности; иметь важный вид; обсуждать новые идеи; почувствовать резкую боль; адвокат по уголовным делам; неотъемлемое право; нарушать закон; серьезная ошибка; бурные аплодисменты; быть знаменитостью; быть под угрозой; толкнуть в пропасть; напряжение нарастало; соединить миры; возложить ответственность на кого-либо; в полном разгаре; терпеть неповиновение.


II. Rephrase or explain the following:


– If you’ve seen one church, you’ve seen them all.

– Despite the fact that her son thought she was over the hill, Jennifer was aware that she looked like Joshua’s beautiful thirty-four-year-old sister.

– Adam’s voice was rich and resonant, and he had an air of authority that was mesmerizing.

– Adam had told her he would elude the secret service men and apparently he had succeeded.

– He was riding on a crest of public popularity, an idealist in a time of cynicism, the country’s hope for the future.

– They had gone though the fire together.

– Someone was running a game on Mike.

– Michael Moretti was not a man to tolerate disobedience.

– You can hide out in South America or somewhere. Yu must have a little dough stashed away.


III. Give a god literature translation of the following passage:


Adam’s voice grew stronger … and you are going to pay for that mistake. (ch. 44, p. 384)


IV. Comment the following:


– “The great majority of lawyers are honorable men and women doing honorable jobs, but I want to give warning to that small minority who hink theair law is above our law.” (ch. 44, p. 384)

– He was the darling of the media, but the same press that had helped to create him would be out there waiting to push him into the abyss if they betrayed their image of him. (ch. 45, p. 390)

– There was no way to bridge the words that separated them. (ch. 45, p. 391)


Chapters 47-51

I. Find English equivalent for the following and recall the situations with them:


Смотреть, оценивая друг друга; основные правила; вымышленная личность; наряд вооруженных морских пехотинцев; месячный заработок; вне правил; находиться под опекой; важнейшая задача; проявлять чрезвычайное любопытство; ее воображение разыгралось; прийти в сознание; вмешательство в частую жизнь; зарегистрировать; заботливо укрыть одеялом; состояние глубокого шока; потерять чувство времени; оставь в покое; неясно вырисоваться в дверном проеме; насильно усадить в автомобиль; быть в изнеможении; кормить внутривенно; быть начеку; имеющий право на адвокатскую практику; практиковать в качестве адвоката; справедливое предложение; сверхсекретная деятельность; отмывание денег; мстительная нотка; показания с чужих слов.


II. Rephrase or explain in your own words:


– The beach was crowded with tourists greedily soaking up the sun before returning to the routine of everyday life.

– It could be same crazy, but if it’s not, then Christmas came early this year.

– I don’t give a damn about you. I want Moretti. Let’s lay down the ground rules. If we come to an agreement, you’ll get all the protection the government can give you.

– If anyone shows any undue curiosity about him, I want that reported to me immediately.

– I refuse to answer on the grounds that it might incriminate me.

– She sat on the edge of the bed, feeling as though she had been physically beaten. All her energy had drained out of her.

– She was in a state of deep shock, hiding behind its protective shell to keep from going insane.

– I’m an attorney, licensed to practice in the state of New York as well as in many other states in this country.

– One of the man on the grand jury had asked a question about a money-laundering operation.

– Robert Di Silva said, “Jennifer Parker”? There was a bursting eagerness in his voice.


III. Translate to the following:


– On the other hand, our boy sure knows what bait to use, doesn’t he?

– So Michael Moretti had put out a contract on Thomas Colfax.

– If I’m satisfied with your testimony … to be a witness for the government. (ch. 48, p. 407)

– Adam had no answer … signed by the Attorney General. (ch. 48, p. 418)

– Jennifer looked at the clock … began to shake uncontrollably. (ch. 49, p. 418)

– He talked of murder contracts given out … the catastrophe occurred. (ch. 51, p. 431)


IV. Study the pattern and translate the sentences into English:


She was too exhausted to fight any longer.


– Джошуа был слишком напуган, чтобы шутить.

– Моретти был слишком зол, чтобы простить Нику его ошибку.

– Роза была слишком наивна, чтобы не поверить своему мужу.

– Адам был слишком знаменитый, чтобы пройти по улице незамеченным.

– Дженнифер слишком хорошо знала окружного прокурора, чтобы поверить в его искренность.

– Моретти слишком Долго ждал этого дня, чтобы так легко отказаться от власти.


V. Comment on the following:


– Our primary objective is his safety. (ch. 48, p. 408)

– It was justice, demanding its payment. (ch. 50, p. 429)



Chapters 52-57

I. Find English equivalents of the following and make up situations with them:


– Секретная операция; мошенничества, связанные с профсоюзами; деловые партнеры; поддерживать связь с коллегами; мелкие мошенники; важные преступные элементы.

– Ради собственного блага; отказываться от возможности; колючая электрическая проволока; безукоризненно чистый; телефон прослушивается; проталкиваться сквозь толпу.

– Бросить украдкой взгляд; превратить в пепел; старое обветшалое здание; следить за кем-либо; по чистой случайности; отдать почести; привести дела в порядок; документы по выдаче другому государству лица, нарушившего законы этого государства; угрожающая нота.


II. Explain in your own words:


– The largest undercover operation in low enforcement in the US began to move ahead.

– Thomas Colfax had given them the key to a Pandora’s box of crime and corruption that was going to help wipe out a major part of organized crime.

– Mary Beth disliked the intrusion on her privacy, but at same time, their being there was reminder that her husband was a candidate for the presidency.

The ancient juices of vengeance stirred strongly within Michael Moretti, and he knew he was going to kill them both.

– In front of the airport liquor store was a printed warning that anyone drinking in public place was subject imprisonment.

– The government is most adamant about drug use. Even first offenders are dealt with ruthlessly.

– I understand that in your country women are used to talk command.

– …Michael and Rosa had gone to the cemetery to pay homage to her father.

– There is no enough in the world for anyone to pay me.


III. Give a god literature translation of the following extracts:


– Across the United States and abroad … that was about to break over their heads. (ch. 52, p. 434-435)

– He should have been a happy man … It would destroy his future, his family. (ch. 52, p. 435)

– In Manhattan a meeting of law … they were being given the go-ahead to move. (ch. 56, p. 457)


IV. Study the pattern and translate the sentences into English:


Michael wasn’t used to asking twice for something.

He guessed that Adam and Jennifer used to be lovers.


– Колфакс не привык, чтобы с ним обращались таким образом.

– Том не привык к левостороннему движению и ему потребовалось несколько дней, чтобы привыкнуть к этому.

– Она приучена убирать со стола после еды.

– Мы привыкли совершать длительные прогулки перед сном.

– Дженифер не привыкла делиться с кем-либо своими проблемами.

– По вечерам Мери Бет имела обыкновение заходить в кабинет мужа, чтобы поговорить перед сном.

– Раньше Дженнифер работала по 16 часов в день и никогда не жаловалась на усталость.

– Бывало судья Валдман звонил с субботу вечером и приглашал Дженифер на обед.


V. Comment on the following:


– It had always amazed Mary Beth how brilliant a man could be in business or politics, and yet be so silly when it came to women. (ch. 52, p. 436)

– Her (Mary Beth’s) philosophy was to forgive and forged. (ch. 52, p. 436)

– Something had died in her forever and she was left with only the guilt and the loneliness. (ch. 52, p. 439)

– Vengeance is a dish best eaten cold. (ch. 56, p. 458)



Chapters 58-64


I. Find English equivalents of the following and make up situations with them:


Человек, ограниченных умственных способностей; предатель на свободе; быть преданным кому-либо; оказать множество услуг; быть отзывчивым; скачки с крупным призом; быть на денежном содержании; стать предателем; улыбнуться одобряюще; приводить в движение; чувство душевного подъема; полностью воспользоваться чем-либо; получить ордер на экстрадицию; стать посмешищем; случай, не имеющий отношения к делу; проучить кого-либо; неожиданное предчувствие опасности; чувство веселости; принять меры предосторожности; охранять сенатора; согласно последнего опроса общественного мнения; ложный тактический ход; стоять смирно; быть приведенным к присяге; приносить присягу при вступлении в должность.


II. Translate the following into Russian:


– In the past he had found Michael Moretti to be a very appreciative man.

– He knew with a sure animal instinct that Nick Vito had lied to him.

– Outmastered by a dumb hired gunman into wasting his two top men.

– Thomas Colfax was having a meeting in his sell with David Terry of the Justice Department, the man in charge of creating new identities for witnesses who who wished to disappear.

– It would become his new habitat, his protective cover, and he would not be safe anywhere else in the world.

– He could afford to buy himself enough protection so that even if Michael Moretti did finally learn when he was, no one would be able to touch him.

– Jennifer walked though the office door and, in spite of himself, Michael could not reacting to her beauty.

– She was responsible for helping to bring his empire crashing down, and she was sitting their innocently asking what was going on.


III. Rephrase the following:


– Nick Vito was a man with a limited intelligence.

– Thomas Colfax wondered what David Terry would say if he knew how much money was salted away in his bank accounts in Germany.

– Michael Moretti had made the mistake of underestimating him, and it was going to be Moretti’s final mistake.

– In the weeks that Colfax had been confined at the fort, his slightest suggestions had become their command.

– So the blackmail threat was a double-edged sword and, as tempting as it was, Michael knew that he dare not use it.

– She is a reputable attorney with a large practice here, it would be inconceivable that she would run away.

– He had loved her and he loved her still, and he had made one wrong choice that had poisoned all their lives, and he knew he would never fell free of guilt for as long as he lived.

– She was still a lawyer, as her father had been a lawyer. And she would go on, searching for the elusive thing call justice.

– But she was looking into the past, trying to understand when it was that all the laughter died.


IV. Comment the following:


– Adam felt no fear, only in ineffable sadness at the loss, the waste. (ch. 62, p. 496)

– He saw Jennifer lying on the floor, and Michael did not know which was the greater agony, her death or his. (ch. 62, p. 498)


V. Suggested topics for discussions:


Work in pairs:

– Summing up Jennifer’s life, say whether such ending was predictable or not.

– Speak on: Adam-Jennifer; Michael-Jennifer relations:

– Suppose Adam married Jennifer would he achieve the status of life he had with Mary Beth.

– Do you think Jennifer would have become such a smart lawyer but for the failure at the beginning of her career?

– Speak of Jennifer at the beginning of the book and at the end.


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