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I. Choose the correct variant:

Chapter 15

The Second Miracle

I. Choose the correct variant:

1. After the other children dissapeared, Matilda remained at her desk

a) frustrated c) pleased and relaxed

b) shocked and astonished d) thoughtful and quiet


2. Matilda decided that the one person she would like to confide in was:

a) Miss Honey c) father

b) Miss Trunchbull d) mother


3. Since the two disastrous meetings Miss Honey had had about Matilda,

she had been thinking about:

a) termination of the employment c) her own destiny

b) how she could help the Matilda d) getting rid of the Headmistress


4. The first thing Matilda asked Miss Honey was:

a) if she could get some task c) if she could be expelled

b) what mark she would get d) how to get on with parents


5. Matilda wanted to talk about:

a) the marks

b) the glass of water with the creature in it

c) the parents

d) Miss Trunchbull


6. Matilda confessed thet she:

a) loved her parents

b) put a pin on the Headmistress’s chair

c) made the glass tip over

d) broke the window


7. Miss Honey’s reaction to Matilda’s words was:

a) quiet c) she encouraged Matilda

b) she couldn’t believe that d) she shouted at the girl


8. When Miss Honey asked Matilda to repeat the miracle the girl:

a) refused

b) gave the order right to the beginning

c) failed to do this again

d) got offended and went away


9. The shock of seeing the miracle performed:

a) had struck Miss Honey dumb c) made her faint

b) didn’t produse ant impression d) surprised a bit


10. After Matilda made the glass fall she looked:

a) happy and excited c) as if nothing had happened

b) as white as paper and silent d) proud of herself


II. Mark the statements as True or False. Correct the false statements.

1. Matilda joined the rush to get out of the classroom

2. Matilda felt like telling somebody about what had happened with the glass

3. Matilda decided to have a talk with her parents

4. Miss Honey had an intention of helping Matilda

5. Matilda confessed that it was she who made the glass tip over

6. Miss Honey laughed at Matilda

7. Matilda wanted to be expelled

8. Miss Honey couldn’t understant at once what Matilda was talking about

9. Matilda failed to repeat the trick with the glass

10. Miss Honey was amazed at what Matilda had done with the glass


III. Translate, transcribe the words and reproduce situations where they were used: steadily, exalted, gigantic, sympathetic, electricity, glaze, transfigure, blaze, consciousness, seraphic.


IV. Give synonyms to the following words or word-combinations or explain their meaning. Reproduce situations the sentences from the text: Disappear, thoughtful, wise, happening, doubtful, astounding, inside, tiny, tinkle, wonderment.


V. Match the halves to make phrases used in the text. Translate them. Restore the sentences where they were used:

1. to get

2. to bottle

3. to take

4. to confide

5. to have

6. to get

7. to be

8. to be

9. to put

10. to be

a) accused of smth.

b) angry at smth.

c) in no hurry

d) of any use

e) out of

f) an end to smth.

g) a private talk

h) up inside

i) in smb.

j) place

VI. Find in the text the words and word-combinations which mean the following (Pay attention to the postpositions used). Reproduce the sentences where they were used:

1. On impulse, without planning in advance;

2. Very unusual, special, unexpected or strange;

3. Very surprising or shocking;

4. To look quickly through the pages of a book, magazine, etc., or through a collection of things;

5. Quick to see, understand and act in a particular situation;

6. Extremely bad or unsuccessful;

7. Extremely happy;

8. To (cause to) lose balance and fall down;

9. Very brightly coloured;

10. To (cause something to) shake or move from side to side in a way that shows poor balance


VII. Fill in the blanks with prepositions, conjunctions or adverbs where necessary. Translate the phrases.

1. After the other children had all dissapeared, she remained ___ her desk.

2. ____ her mother ___ her father would be of any use at all.

3. “Something peculiar happened ___ me” said Matilda.

4. And now, here was Matilda sitting ___ the classroom ____ a curiously exalted look ____ her face.

5. “It wasn’t me who put that creature ___ the jug ___ water”.

6. “I don’t think I quite follow ___ you”.

7. Miss Honey continued to look steadily ___ Matilda ___ her steel-rimmed spectacles.

8. Miss Honey was silent ____ a moment.

9. Matild, sitting ____ the second row about ten feet away ___ Miss Honey, put her elbows ____ the desk and cupped her face ____ her hands.

10. She saw the child white ___ the face.


VIII. Find in the text words and word combinations, describing Miss Honey’s state after seeing the miracle (at least five). Use them in sentences of your own.

IX. Convert the extract beginning with “You seemed so far away” up to the end into Reported Speech.

X. Give a short summary of the chapter.



Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 43 | Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
Certificate of Attendance | I. Transcribe, translate the words and reproduce the situations where they were used: encounter, muscle, reassemble, apprehensive, enormous, triumphant, impertinent, bewildered, halibut,

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