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Come to think of it, you actually might want them, if only to see what Miriam looked like in her prime. – подумав, если вдуматься; поэт. молодость, в свои лучшие годы

Barney's version

Come to think of it, you actually might want them, if only to see what Miriam looked like in her prime. – подумав, если вдуматься; поэт. молодость, в свои лучшие годы

Putz. – (Yiddish) an insult

He's been trying to reach you, too. – дозвониться до кого-л.

No, I don't give a flying fuck and neither should you. – used as an intensifier

Just wanted to buy you a drink, share in the moment, be a mensch, like you people might say. – (Yiddish) a good person

You could use a mint. – мятная жевательная резинка

It's a real page-turner. – an exciting novel, such as a thriller, with a fast-moving story

The show was a bust. = a failure

I only sold one piece, to Barney.:: Oh, his work is too bold for that crowd. – смелый

Prince Charmingbaum here knocked me up by way of a magical 30 seconds of friction. – Prince Charming – сказочный принц; baum is an insult; made me pregnant

You're not one of us. You're a voyeur. – a person who obtains sexual pleasure or excitement from the observation of someone undressing, having intercourse, etc

A toast to the newlyweds. – молодожены

To your health, to your happiness. And a three-inch prick. = penis

She's a conversation piece, she's not a wife. – an unusual object that arouses comment or interest

Opium, the horse, the hash. – heroin; hashish

Quit dicking around and finish this book already. – груб. валять дурака

You still got yourself a true-blue shiksa. – (Yiddish) a non-Jewish girl

When you go out to get the hockey scores, I let them down and force feed them pork-roast milkshakes through a funnel. – дымоход

mazel tov(Yiddish) congratulations

I'm afraid the infant was a stillborn. – мертворождённый

Then you must be an albino. – альбинос

Oh, Barney, you really do wear your heart on your sleeve. – to show one's feelings openly

Says there's all these tax loopholes that make it foolproof in Canada. – лазейка; элементарный в обращении; понятный каждому

I think it's important we talk. – requires the use of subjunctive mood

I'll even make latkes. – a pancake, especially one made of grated potato. [Yiddish, from Ukrainian oladka, from Old Russian, diminutive of olad'ya, from Greekeladia, pl. of eladion, little oily thing, diminutive of elaion, olive oil, from elai , olive.]

she used to tear hair out in clumps, right out of her head – клочьями

Dr Kupner, you felt up my tits. – облапать

Some Nazi punks took a shit right on the steps of Beth Zion. – Jewish temple

And that's why you cannot be complacent with your support. – pleased or satisfied, esp extremely self-satisfied

Starts out with a turd, next thing you know, we're wearing armbands again. – excrement but also an insult; нарукавная повязка

I'll give you the target's annual income, not the numbers on his tax returns, the real numbers. – налоговая декларация

I've got a girl I want you to meet. Irv, I don't need to be set up. – сводить кого-л с кем-л

She's got a master's from McGill and she's a good-looker. – a handsome or pretty person

And did you know Reuben? He was such a card. – a witty, entertaining, or eccentric person

That's why you're not a square like all the other Jewish boys I know. – a person who is old-fashioned in views, customs, appearance

- It's the housekeeper, Dad. - Swanky. – выглядящий шикарно

And I was just a beat cop. – a police officer who walks, rides, cycles, or drives in a specific neighborhood, known as a “beat.” Because the officer routinely patrols in the same area, he or she becomes well-known in the community, creating a positive relationship between law enforcement and the community.

One of my first shifts on the job, I corner four guys doing a dope deal in an alley, big score for a rookie. – травка (наркотик); порция наркотика; наркоман

So I toss three in the back, and the fourth I throw over the hood. Haul them all in. – AmE капот (BrE bonnet); = to drag, to pull

Are you saying you were gratuitously violent with suspected felons? Gratuitously? No, I always got paid. I ain't going to work for free.:: He means unnecessarily, Dad. – преступник; 1) бесплатно 2) беспричинно, неоправданно

Did you ever consider that your career advancement was stunted by your professional conduct

and not by imagined prejudices? = to prevent

You never know what tomorrow's going to bring so get to shtupping and multiply already. = to have sex

The chicken is great.:: It's fish.:: No shit? Sorry. = are you serious?

Did you see what she was wearing? She looked like a futon. – a Japanese padded quilt, laid on the floor for use as a bed

Hey, man. What's the score? One-zip. Boston just scored. – 1:0

So, we're shaking down a rub and tug, you know, but I never bust the girls because they provide a valuable service. – обыскивать; a massage parlour; = to arrest

But, you know, we do it for appearances. Anyway, we're doing our thing and one of the clients, this crazy Hungarian Nazi, loaded on Slivovitz starts going ape-shit, comes at me with a chair and I swear to God, a hard-on the size of a can of hairspray. – для вида; = having a lot of; a plum brandy from E Europe; зациклиться на чем-л.; = erection

I thought they'd all be snotty, but they're a nice bunch of people. = snobbish, nasty

Single malt. – односолодовый виски

And the men and women whose job this is chip in from their own wages and employ lectors

these people who read to them all day long while they work. – скидываться (деньгами)

It's a classydame. Smart as a whip, too. = elegant, stylish; (slang) a woman; intelligent

For the first time in my life, I am truly, seriously, irretrievably in love. – безнадежно влюблен

Among other things, sobriety and regret are anxiously waiting up for you. – трезвость

I was so verklempt, Dr Stein gave me a Valium. – (German) choked with emotion; a strong sedative

It's our honeymoon, not a travel junket. – не вызванная необходимостью командировка

Snap out of it. – возьми себя в руки! хватит!

To tell you the truth, perplexed. – озадаченный, сбитый с толку, растерянный

Look, no one was rooting for a comeback more than I was, but it's time to let it go. = to take sides with smth, to support smth

My landing strip will always be clear for you. – букв. взлётно-посадочная полоса

Well, tell Daddy not to eat the bagels if they make him bloated. – рогалик, бублик; раздуваться

I actually have to go because I have to go and vacuum the broadloom downstairs. – ковровое покрытие

You don't want Boogie puking all over the carpets and your father's fat.:: Do I talk down to you like that? = to throw up; to behave (towards smb) in a superior or haughty manner

I had to fix up one more time or I wasn't going to make it. – принять дозу

He needed some place safe to kick.:: Yeah, it's called rehab. – to free oneself of an addiction; реабилитационный центр

Schmuck. = (Yiddish) jerk

Look, you're talking to someone who knows how hard marriage can be. In the beginning, it's all briskets and blow jobs and la-di-da ain't life grand? But soon enough, real life starts. You come home from work, all she wants to do is talk. All you want to do is screw, right? = female breasts; oral sex to a man; used to express disdain for something viewed as pretentious; = to have sex

You're married to a well-bred woman who is loaded. – хороших кровей, воспитанный; = wealthy

Makes a nice, flakykugel, has a beautiful rack. – слоеный; a baked pudding of noodles or potatoes, eggs, and seasonings, traditionally eaten by Jews on the Sabbath; female breasts

If you divorce her, she's going to take you to the cleaners. – обчистить до нитки

You're leaving me with a junkie. – наркоман

Feminist Approaches to Fornication and Adultery. – внебрачная связь, измена

I was coming back to try to work things out.:: Oh, bullshit! I bet you two perverts cooked this whole thing up together. = nonsense; подстроить (западню)

No, I'm going to kill him for this and then I'm coming for you. And just for kicks, your father after that. – ради удовольствия; для забавы

Tells me how you've been shirking your husbandly duties. – уклоняться, отлынивать

You sly bastard. You planned this all along, didn't you? – хитрый

I just don't think we have enough booze to get us there, do we? = alcohol

Duel at high noon? – средь бела дня, ровно в полдень

I think that it's time that you came through for me, for once. How many times have I bailed you out over the years, man? = to help (выручить)

A TV hustler married to a rich man's vulgar daughter. = wheeler-dealer, operator

But not so vulgar that you wouldn't bang her, asshole.:: Oh, and that's not the only wife of yours I had. Not at all. I'll call on your little tart and I'll make it a trifecta. = to have sex with smb; = a promiscuous woman, esp a prostitute: often a term of abuse; Boogies way of saying that he'll have sex with all three Barney's wives

I am not your pet project. I am not your vicarious life. – a project, activity or goal pursued as a personal favorite, rather than because it is generally accepted as necessary or important; "to live vicariously" is to feel one is experiencing things by hearing or seeing what another is doing. A good example would be, "I can't afford to travel to Europe, so I live vicariously through the shows on the Travel Channel."

You're too drunk, man, and you're a lousy swimmer. = poor

I'll shoot you, prick. = jerk

But next time, you shoot it at me, you fucking coward. – трус

And a dozen long-stem roses sent to my room at exactly 2:00. – с длинным стеблем

but the Big Apple is actually an old racing term – a nickname of New York

After all you've done to pursue me, how can I trust you? = to follow

You're offering to be my eunuch? – евнух

There's bullfrogs down there by the lake. – any of various large frogs, having a loud deep croak

You did good, boychik. – (Yiddish) a boy or young man.

- A nibble? - No, Dad. – поклевка

If you throw me a line, I can tow you in. – взять на буксир

I'm renting a cabin here. Just moved from New York. = a summer house (ср. дача)

No, I don't want to impose. – навязываться

I should probably paddle home before it gets dark – плыть, переправлять на лодке

If you need money, ask me. Don't start selling dope. – травка (наркотик)

Maybe even on air. – в прямом эфире

I need to get laid. = to have sex

How long have you ever had to hold out, Mr Three Wives? – воздерживаться

Thank you again for doing this. This was a real coup for Miriam. – успех, удача

Or all the dinners that you ruined 'cause you're incorrigible with my friends. – difficult or impossible to control or manage

You're going to step right off the plane onto the tarmaca runway at an airport

You were a pallbearer at his funeral, Barney. – a person who carries the coffin at a funeral

A gaggle of paparazzi awaiting your arrival? = crowd

But I do have my crib notes. – шпаргалка

Let's go play hooky. – бездельничать, прогулять, удрать с уроков

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 20 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Award & TopHotel 2014 | The purpose of this report is to assess the new Beef and Wine restaurant in Kiev , which I visited on 11th November.

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