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Announcer:Time once again to join the adventures of (pause) Jimmy Search! Yes, boys and girls, Jimmy search, the young man who misses a lot of junior high-school classes because he’s always having

Jimmy Search

Announcer: Time once again to join the adventures of (pause) Jimmy Search! Yes, boys and girls, Jimmy search, the young man who misses a lot of junior high-school classes because he’s always having an adventure with Dr. Elmo Loomis, government consultant, nuclear physicist, dermatologist, maritime lawyer, and concert pianist. Yes, it’s Jimmy Search and his sister Janey, and Soakes the wonder dog. This week Jimmy, Janey, and Soakes find themselves rowing a boat up the Amazon River in search of a tribe of Mundaroes Indians. The Mundaroes, a mysterious people, live in the upper reaches of the Amazon. It is they, Dr.Loomis believes, who have found a jungle plant that fights off dandruff. Dr. Loomis is determined to go to them and examine first hand this medical breakthrough. Come with us now as we join Jimmy Search and his party on the treacherous waters of the Amazon.


Jimmy: It sure is fun rowing up the Amazon like this, isn’t it Janey?


Janey: Boy, it sure is. Don’t you think rowing up the Amazon is a whole lot of fun, Dr. Loomis?


Loomis: I’d like is a lot better, Janey, if that dumb brother of yours hadn’t dropped our new motor in the river!


Janey: Well, gosh, Dr. Loomis, Jimmy said he was sorry. Didn’t you say that Jimmy?


Jimmy: I sure did, Janey. I’m sorry. You’re sorry. Even Soakes our wonder dog is sorry. Tell Dr. Loomis how sorry you are, Soakes.


Soakes: (sadly) Arf.


Jimmy: See, Dr. Loomis, even Soakes is sorry that I dropped the motor in the river, and now we have to paddle up the Amazon. Its fun to wiggle my fingers in the water like this, and...Ouch!


Janey: Gosh, look, Dr. Loomis! There’s a goldfish hanging on Jimmy’s finger!


Loomis: That’s no gold fish, Janey. It’s a piranha, one of the deadliest fish in South America. And it’s not hanging on Jimmy’s finger; it’s eating Jimmy’s finger.


Janey: Really? Gosh!


Loomis: Now hold still, Jimmy. I’m going to shoot the piranha off your finger.


Janey: Gosh, Dr. Loomis! You might hit Jimmy’s hand!


Loomis: That’s a chance I’m willing to take, Janey. Don’t move, Jimmy.



Jimmy: That was nice shooting, Dr. Lommis. But look. The fish is gone, but there are three teeth in my finger and my finger’s bleeding.


Loomis: We’ll pull over to shore, and I’ll put a dirty handkerchief on the wound. Didn’t you rub on that bottle of piranha repellent I gave you?


Jimmy: Rub it on? I thought I was supposed to drink it!


Janey: Gosh, Dr. Loomis! Our boat just touched shore!


Jimmy: And just look at that jungle, Janey! Those plants. Those trees. (fading off the mike) I’m gong to swing on this big vine. (Hollars and groans) Hel..p!


Janey: Look, Dr. Loomis! Jimmy’s all tangled up in that big vine!


Loomis: That’s not a big vine, Janey. It’s an anaconda, one of the deadliest snakes in South America.


Janey: Gosh, an anaconda! It sure is hugging Jimmy!


Loomis: That snake isn’t hugging Jimmy; it’s trying to break every bone in Jimmy’s body.


Janey: Gosh! I wonder why.


Loomis: So it can swallow him.


Janey: Oh.


Loomis: Hold real still, Jimmy. I’m going to blow the snake’s head off.


Janey: Gosh, Dr. Loomis, that snake’s head is right up by Jimmy’s ear! What if you miss and hit Jimmy?


Loomis: I’ll risk it. Easy now, Jimmy.



Jimmy: Thanks, Dr. Loomis. You saved my life. But the bullet nicked my ear and it’s bleeding.


Loomis: Just get in the boat, and I’ll put some muddy water on it, Jimmy.


Jimmy: OK, Dr. Loomis. When you fix my ear maybe we can do some more rowing up the Amazon. How far is it to the village of the Mundaroes?


Loomis: Not far, Jimmy. I can hear their drums now.



Soakes: Arf


Janey: Gosh, Dr, Loomis, Soakes, the wonder dog, sounds worried.


Loomis: Soakes may be right to worry, Janey. Do you know what “Mundaroes” means?


Janey: Gosh, no, Dr. Loomis. What does “Mundaroes” mean?


Loomis: “Mundaroes,” Janey, means “insipid!”


Jimmy: (Excited by the news) Insipid! (Thoughtfully) No kiddin’. (Long pause) One question, Dr. Loomis,...what does “insipid” mean?


Loomis: It means, Jimmy, my boy, that you are going to be amoung your own people at last.


Announcer: After another hour of paddling, during which time Jimmy was bitten above the eyebrows by a nine-foot crocodile, Dr. Loomis guided the party to a small native village on the banks of the great river.


(Drums beat faintly in the background)

Announcer: As their boat glided to shore and stopped, the adventurous band was me by “Los Dopos” the chief of the Mundaroes who welcomed them to his humble village.


Dopos: Welcome, White Eyes, to humble village.


Loomis: Thank you, Chief Dopos. This is Janey. The dog’s name is Soakes, and the kid here with the crocodile teeth embedded in his forehead is called Jimmy.


Dopos: Interesting group. Better put dirty mud on kid’s forehead ‘fore he bleed to death.


Loomis: I was about to do that, Chief.


Janey: Dirty mud? Gosh, Dr. Loomis, what if Jimmy gets a bad infection?


Loomis: We’ll have to take that chance, Janey. While ii smear this goo on Jimmy, give the Chief the presents we brought.


Janey: I sure will, Dr. Loomis. Here, Chief. Look at this. It’s a Mix Master! Great for blending cocktails, minces meat for sandwhiches, dices vegetables...


Dopos: Dopos know all about blenders. Married twenty-seventh wife. Got four blenders for wedding presents.


Janey: Gosh. Four, huh. Well, let’s see what else we’ve got in the boat...


Dopos: Not bother. I give you present. Here!


Janey: Gosh. Llok, Dr. Loomis, the Chief gave me a long hallow tube!


Loomis: that’s not a long, hallow tube, Janey. That’s a Mundaroe blowgun, one of the deadliest weapons in South America.


Jimmy: Wow, a blowgun! Let me give it a try! (coughs) ugh!

Janey: Gosh, Dr. Loomis, Jimmy is turning all blue and funny-looking.


Loomis: That’s because he didn’t blow the dart out; he inhaled. Quick, get that pair of rusty pliers I used to clean fish.


Janey: I’ve got them right here Dr. Loomis.


Loomis: Good girl! Open your mouth, Jimmy. Don’t move now. Ah, I see the dart...there...easy now, Jimmy...that’s it. I’ve got it!


Jimmy: Thanks, Dr. Loomis. That dart sure did hurt. I feel dizzy.


Loomis: That’s because the dart was tipped with “Yucko” one of the deadliest poisons in South America, Jimmy.


Janey: Does that mean Jimmy is going to die Dr. Loomis?


Dopos: Him not die! Here, kid, drink this! It make poison go away.


Jimmy: Boy! Thanks, Chief. (Makes swallowing sounds) boy, that stuff tastes terrible! What is it, Chief?


Dopos: It secret potion made from swamp slime and rotten parrot eggs.


Janey: Gosh, Dr. Loomis, look how green Jimmy is. He blends right in with that bush.


Dopos: Him be OK. We carry him to filthy hut. Then we talk business, White Eyes. (Calls to tribe members) Bondo! Boo-tot! Boo-too!


Announcer: At the command of Chief Dopos, Jimmy is carried away and Dr. Loomis and the Chief retire to the Chief’s hut to make a deal for the secret herb that fights dandruff. The negotiations last all night, but ad the first rays of the tropical sun filter through the trees and fry the malarial mosquitoes that lurk about the dank and rancid vegetation, the two men have struck a bargain.


Dopos: OK, White Eyes, we got deal. Me get twenty-five percent off top, gross sales. Right?

Loomis: That’s what the contract calls for chief.


Dopos: Right. Now you deal with my agent in New York. He see that money get to Swiss bank.


Loomis: No problem there, Chief. Well, Janey, that’s another breakthrough for medical science. All set for the trip back down the Amazon?


Janey: All set, Dr. Loomis. The Mundaroes have wrapped Jimmy in banana leaves and put him in the boat with Soakes, the wonder dog. He’s not green anymore.


Loomis: Good, glad to hear it.


Janey: He’s blue. And his head is bigger than it used to be.


Dopos: Not to worry, little girl. Six weeks and brother be like new.


Loomis: Right. Well, Chief, good doing business with you. If you’re ever up my way, give me a call. We’ll have lunch.


Dopos: Will do, White Eyes. Have good trip.


Loomis: I’m sure we will, Chief, now that Jimmy is immobilized. Take care now. Have a nice day.


Dopos: (calling) You do same, White Eyes.


Announcer: And so, with the drums of the Mandaroes throbbing in his swollen ears, Jimmy Search and hisparty ride the current of the treacherous Amazon in search of their next adventure. Be sure to be with us next time as Jimmy, Janey, Dr. Loomis, and Soakes, the wonder dog travel to Africa to find the “Lost Diamond Mine of Munjaro”. Be there when Janey says:


Janey: Gosh, Dr. Loomis, that kitty sure does like to play with Jimmy!


Loomis: That’s no kitty, Janey, that’s a black-maned lion, one of the deadliest cats in Africa...


Announcer: yes, boys and girls, next week we bring you another adventure in the saga of...Jimmy Search! Same time! Same station!


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 17 | Нарушение авторских прав

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the nine stories to the book the following seven appeared originally in THE NEW YORKER; A Perfect Day for Bananafish, Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut, Just Before the War 12 страница | While answering readers job search questions recently, I've often found my­self harping on the need to wage a creative search today.

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