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• Understand what is meant by physical dimensions and physical units and their relation to the SI system;

Lecture 1.

• Understand what is meant by physical dimensions and physical units and their relation to the SI system;

• Know the base SI units and what they represent;

• Know the difference between a base unit and a derived unit, and be able to express derived units in terms of base units;

• Understand the concept of dimensional analysis and be able to derive expression for physical quantities using this technique;

• Be able to check whether an equation is homogenous;

• Know the difference between decimal places and significant figures;

• Be able to correctly identify the significant figures of a measured quantity;

• Be able to perform calculations using numbers of different significant figures.

Lecture 2.

• Be able to give examples of physical quantities represented by vectors and scalars

• Understand how to add and subtract vectors

• Know what a resultant vector is

• Know how to find the change in a vector quantity, calculate relative and resolve a vector into components

• Understand how vectors can be represented in component form in a coordinate system

• Be able to do calculations which demonstrate that you have understood the above concepts

Lecture 3.

• Understand the concept of gradient and its use to find average as well as instantaneous values of velocity and acceleration

• Understand and use derivatives to solve problems in Physics;

• Calculate derivatives of basic functions;

• Use 1st and 2nd derivatives to find the extrema of a function,

Lecture 4.

• Understand the concept of errors (uncertainties) in measurements

• Know the definitions of accuracy and precision

• Know the definitions of random and systematic errors

• Be able to estimate random experimental errors

• Know what are absolute and fractional uncertainties

• Be able to perform error analysis having set of experimental data

• Know how to draw a conclusion from an error analysis

• Be able to estimate uncertainties by error propagation

• Know the rules for determining significant figures

Lecture 5.

• Make sure you understood the kinematics of motion in 1,2 and 3 dimensions.

Lecture 6.

• Be able to define force

• Be able to use principle of superposition

• To know three Laws of Newton

• Be able to solve problems with pulleys

• To know the concept of terminal speed

Lecture 7.

• Know and be able to prove mathematically that the net Work done on a system or object by an external force equals the change in Kinetic Energy (KE) of the system or object;

• Know how to calculate the work done by constant or variable forces;

• Know that Power can be defined as work done per unit time;

• Be able to define the Potential Energy (PE) of a system or objects, and know how to calculate the PE of objects in gravitational fields;

• Be able to state and prove the Principle of Conservation of Mechanical Energy;

• Know the definition of Impulse and how it relates to momentum;

• Be able to state and prove the Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum by using Newton's Laws;

• Know the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions;

• Be able to solve problems based on conservation laws, particularly one- and two-dimensional collisions problems and motion in a gravitational field.

Lecture 8.

• Be able to define conservative and non-conservative forces;

• Know the properties of conservative and non-conservative forces;

• Be able to show that the potential energy is a function of position in a conservative force field, and write an expression for the potential energy in terms of force and position;

• Be able to derive expressions for conservative forces from potential energy functions;

• Know how to identify the equilibrium points of potential energy functions, and determine whether those are stable or unstable.

Lecture 9.

• Understand the concept of Torque (moment of a force).

• Be able to define a Torque.

• Be familiar with Vector (Cross) Product.

• Understand what couple of forces is.

• Understand the principle of moments and condition for equilibrium.

• Understand the concept of the Centre of Mass.

Lecture 10.

• State the 2 conditions for static equilibrium of a rigid body

• Understand the nature of friction and that it is a contact force proportional to the normal reaction force

• Understand the origin of the coefficient of static friction

• Be able to perform calculations to find the forces and torques acting on different bodies in a number of different situations of static equilibrium

Lecture 11.

• Be able to define angular speed, centripetal acceleration, centripetal force

• Appreciate why an object moving in a circle must have a force acting on it

• Understand the direction and nature of both the centripetal force and centrifugal force

• Understand how circular motion can arise in a number of different situations in which the force applied to an object is perpendicular to the direction of the object's motion

• Appreciate the difference between circular motion of uniform angular speed and circular motion in which the angular speed may be varying

• Be able to give examples of such situations and perform calculations to work out various properties of the circular motion in these different cases

Lecture 12.

• Be able to define angular momentum;

• Be able to define the moment of inertia of a rigid body or system of point particles;

• Understand the link between angular momentum, moment of inertia and angular speed;

• Be able to define the work done by a torque rotating a rigid object by an angle and the power delivered by this torque;

• Know the equation for the kinetic energy of a body rotating with angular speed w;

• Know the similarity between linear and angular equations of motion and be able to use them.

Lecture 13.

• Understand what is meant by a differential equation (DE);

• Be able to solve the DE for SHM by using a general solution;

• Be able to solve problems using the equations of Simple Harmonic Motion.

Lecture 14.

• Understand PE and KE and total energy for SHM;

• Be able to perform calculations to find the amplitude, period, frequency and angular frequency of objects performing SHM in a variety of situations;

• Be able to perform calculations involving PE, KE, acceleration velocity, displacement and energy;

• Understand the links between SHM and circular motion

• Understand the notions of natural frequency of an oscillating system and the driving frequency of a system

• Be able to define resonance

• Give some real examples of resonance

• Understand what is meant by damping and be able to give examples in which damping occurs

Lecture 15.

• know what is a wave;

• be able to define each type of wave and provide at least one example of each type of wave;

• know how waves are produced and propagate on strings;

• know what is meant by the sinusoidal wave model and what are its properties;

• be able to write a mathematical expression that describes a wave travelling in one dimension;

• be able to define and identify the wavelength, period, frequency, crest, trough, amplitude and velocity for any one-dimensional wave and know how to use the equation v=fl;

• know what is the phase of a wave;

• be able to write an equation for the displacement of a particle on a travelling wave, and use that equation to derive equations for the particle’s velocity and acceleration;

• be able to sketch the displacement, velocity and acceleration of particles on travelling waves.

Lecture 16.

• Define the mechanical wave;

• Write an equation for the speed of a transverse wave along a string under a tension, T;

• Describe sound as a longitudinal, mechanical wave of pressure;

• Know what is meant by a compression and a rarefaction;

• Define intensity for a sound wave;

• Show that the intensity of spherical sound waves emitted by a point source varies as 1/r2, where r is the distance from the source;

• Calculate the intensity level or loudness in decibels (dB).

Lecture 17.

• Define the standing wave;

• Define nodes and antinodes;

• Describe the standing wave patterns in strings or springs attached at both ends and derive the mathematical expressions of the resonant frequencies;

• Describe the standing wave patterns in closed and open pipes, tubes or cavities and derive the mathematical expressions of the resonant frequencies;

• Derive the equation of a standing wave.

Lecture 18.

• Understand the principle of superposition

• Understand coherent and monochromatic

• Know constructive and destructive interference

• Demonstrate the mathematical result of the superposition of two plane waves of equal wave length and period

• Be able to explain path difference

• Understand phase

Understand Young’s double slit experiment and be able to perform calculations and analyses using the formula derived for Young's double slit

Lecture 19.

• Know what diffraction is, and how it occurs;

• Be able to sketch the setup used to produce a single slit diffraction pattern, and label the physical quantities of interest;

• Be able to derive equations for the position and size of observed fringes;

• Be familiar with terms such as light intensity pattern, interference and diffraction minima, maxima, bright and dark fringes or bands, fringe width, position, angular position, central bright fringe;

• Be able to explain the observed light intensity patterns;

• Remember the basic formulas in order to solve problems relevant to this topic;

• Understand and explain the occurrence and properties of the light intensity pattern observed for a diffraction grating;

• Be able to distinguish between single slit diffraction, double slit interference and diffraction grating, and remember the basic formulas in order to solve relevant problems.

Lecture 20.

• know the law of reflection and be able to use it to calculate reflection angles;

• be able to define the refraction index and calculate the speed of light in any medium using the index of refraction;

• know and be able to explain and use the law of refraction to calculate incidence and refraction angles,

• explain light dispersion by prisms, and the formation of rainbows;

• be able to define and calculate the critical angle between any two media;

• be able to define and explain total internal reflection.

Lecture 21.

• understand the concepts of relativity and reference frame in the context of classical and relativistic Physics;

• know Einstein’s postulates of Special Relativity and that the velocity of light is constant in all reference frames;

• know the meaning of proper and coordinate time and length;

• understand what is meant by time dilation and length contraction and be able to perform calculations based on this concept.

Lecture 22.

• Understand the concept of relativistic addition of velocities

• Understand what is meant by rest mass and rest energy;

• Understand what is meant by relativistic mass, relativistic energy and relativistic momentum;

• Know that the relativistic kinetic energy and momentum cannot be calculated by using classical expressions;

• Know that mass and energy are equivalent;

• Understand the equation E = mc2 and be able to perform basic calculations using this equation;

• Understand and be able to use the relativistic expressions of mass, total energy, kinetic energy and momentum.

Lecture 23.

• Understand the quantum nature of the black body radiation;

• Understand the photoelectric effect and the relevant formulas;

• Understand wave-particle duality and the uncertainty principle;

Lecture 24.

• Know Thomson’s model. Understand why it fails.

• Know Rutherfords experiment and understand what conclusions can be derived from it.

• Understand how does the neutron fits into Rutherford’s model of an atom.

• Know the representation of the nucleus

• Understand the origin of emission and absorption spectra spectroscopy.

• Understand the Bohr model and the relevant postulates.

• Understand the concept of energy levels and transitions between them.

• Understand the concept of Bohr's electron orbits and standing waves.

• Understand the concept of a wave function, probability density, wave-aprticle duality, Schrodinger's atom.


Lecture 25.

• Be able to draw and explain force-separation graph and energy-separation graph of matter

• Know how to use equation for energy and atom separation

• Understand 4 types of molecular bonds

• Be able to explain rotational motion of molecule

• Be able to explain vibrational motion of molecule

Lecture 26.

• Understand the structure of crystals

• Know 3 types of crystal lattices (SC, FCC, BCC)

• Understand Energy Band theory

• Be able to explain the Energy band of Insulator, Conductor and Semi-conductor

Lecture 27.

• Understand the structure of semiconductor

• Know the meaning of holes, energy gap.

• Know what doped semiconductor is

• Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors

• Know all properties of n-type and p-type semiconductors

• Be able to explain fully p-n junction diode

Lecture 28.

• Know the Importance of Integration in Understanding Physics

• Find the Area of simple Geometric Shapes using integration

• Find the Total Mass and Center of Mass (centroid) of simple Geometric Shapes

• Set up Formulas for other physical examples of changing characteristics (mass density, charge density, kinetic energy, etc…) and

• Use these formulas in integrals to solve for the unknowns

Lecture 29.

• Know that the nucleus of an atom is made of protons and neutrons, collectively called nucleons, and the meaning of the Z, N and A numbers;

• Be able to define the atomic mass unit (amu);

• Know what strong nuclear force is and which particles feel it;

• Be able to explain nuclear stability and the Z vs N or N vs Z trend;

• Be able to define Radioactivity and list the 3 types of known radiation emitted by a radioactive substance, including their general nuclear reaction equations and basic properties;

• Understand that radioactive decay is a spontaneous process (no external stimulation) involving the emission of particles or photons;

• Be able to define activity, decay constant, half-life and isotope;

• Know the equation relating the number of unstable nuclei to the decay rate and be able to derive the equation for the number of remaining nuclei as a function of time and initial number of nuclei;

• Know the equation for activity as a function of the number of unstable nuclei and time, and be able to derive an equation for half-life as a function of the decay constant;

• Be able to plot activity, and the number of unstable nuclei vs. time;

• Know what nuclear transformations or transmutations are and be able to use the conservation of Z and A to find unknown radioactive decay elements;

• Understand and be able to solve the recommended Lecture, PSC and CW questions.

Lecture 30.

• At the end of this lecture you should

• Have met and understood how to use Einstein's equation DE=Dmc2

• Understand the phrases binding energy and mass defect

• Understand how energy can be released from nuclear reactions by fission and fusion

• Have a basic knowledge of the 'binding energy per nucleon' curve and be able to interpret it

• Know what the terms critical mass, moderator, coolant and chain reaction mean in relation to production of energy from a nuclear reactor

• Be aware of the main steps of hydrogen fusion in the sun

Lecture 31.

• State Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation and Coulomb's Law

• Know quantitative formulas which define the gravitational field strength, electric field strength.

• Understand that field strength is a vector

• Be familiar with the ideas of field lines, flux and flux density

• Be able to perform a variety of calculations that demonstrate your understanding

Lecture 32.

• Understand, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the relationship between field strength and potential at a point, for electric and gravitational fields

• Be able to derive, by integration, the formulae for the potential energy of two particle systems in both electric and gravitational fields

• Understand the concepts of potential difference and potential gradient

• Know quantitative formulas which define the gravitational potential, electric potential.

• Know what an equipotential is

• Be able to perform a variety of calculations that demonstrate your understanding

Lecture 33.

• Understand the concepts of average and instantaneous electric currents

• Understand the concept of drift speed of electrons and its relation to current

• Understand how electrons move in a metal (conductor)

• Understand the origin of resistance and resistivity and Ohms Law.

• Understand the origin of electric power and know relevant equations

Lecture 34.

• Know the equivalent resistance of number of resistors connected in series (be able to derive the expression for equivalent resistance).

• Know the equivalent resistance of number of resistors connected in parallel (be able to derive the expression for equivalent resistance).

• Be familiar with Kirchhoff’s first and second rules

• Know how to use Kirchhoff’s rules in DC circuits



Lecture 35.

• define the capacitance and know its properties;

• explain how a capacitor stores charge;

• calculate the equivalent capacitance for series and parallel combinations of capacitors;

• calculate the energy stored in a charged capacitor.

Lecture 36.

• have a strong understanding of the charging and discharging of a capacitor in series with a resistor;

• be able to prove from first principles the key formulae characteristic to DC RC circuits;

• know what the time constant represents in DC RC circuits and how it affects the charge buildup on the capacitor or the decay of the current through the resistor, as well as other quantities characteristic to DC RC circuits;

• be able to draw graphs for the growth and decay of charge, current and potential differences in DC RC circuits.

Lecture 37.

• Understand how a magnetic field is defined implicitly by the Lorentz force

• Be able to calculate the magnitude and direction of the force on a conductor of length, l, carrying current, I, in a magnetic field of field strength, B

• Know the formula for the field strength due to a long straight wire carrying current, I, at a distance, a, from the wire

• Understand how the definition of the ampere arises and be able to give the definition

• Understand the concept of field lines for a magnetic field

• Know the formula for the magnetic field strength due to a solenoid and be able to perform calculations using that formula

• Have an understanding of the form of the Earth’s magnetic field and understand that this field resolves into two components

Lecture 38.

• Understand how velocity selector works

• Understand how mass spectrometer works

• Explain what induced emf is

• Understand Faraday’s Law

• Understand Lenz’s law of induction

• Be able to explain Self-Induction

Lecture 39.

• Understand Lenz’s Law and be able to find induced emf, magnitude and direction.

• Understand motional emf for a conductor inside a magnetic field, and can find its magnitude and direction.

• Be able to find the mechanical power that results from the motional emf.

• Understand the concepts and parts of an AC generator and find the resultant emf.

• Understand the concepts and parts of an DC generator and find the resultant emf.

• Understand the differences between an AC and a DC generator.

Lecture 40.

• Know the concept of self-induction for solenoid

• Prove and explain formulae for RL circuits


Lecture 41.

• Understand the AC generator

• Be able to use formulas and draw phasor diagrams for Resistor connected to AC circuit

• Be able to use formulas and draw phasor diagrams for Inductor connected to AC circuit

Lecture 42.

• Know all formulas for RLC circuits and be able to operate with them

• Understand the resonant frequency

• Understand the structure of transformer

Lecture 43.

• Be able to define specific heat capacity and be able to perform calculations that show your understanding of this concept

• Be able to define latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporisation and be able to perform calculations that show your understanding of this concept

• Appreciate how the intermolecular energy - separation curve can be used to find approximations to latent heats

Lecture 44.

• Know the 3 principle gas laws and how they combine to give the ideal gas equation

• Appreciate the 4 assumptions made in treating a gas as an ideal gas

• Understand the origin of the idea of absolute zero and know that this is defined as zero on the Kelvin scale.

• Understand the principles behind a simple P-V diagram

• Have a quantitative understanding of the laws of thermodynamics

• Have a qualitative understanding of the idea of entropy

• Appreciate that heat or thermal energy can be defined as the energy due to the random motion of molecules/atoms

Lecture 45.

• Be able to derive the microscopic equation for pressure.

• Be able to relate temperature to kinetic energy of an atom.

• Understand what is meant by a root-mean-square velocity.

• Be able to interpret Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution curves.

• Be able to understand internal energy and be able to relate it to kinetic energy.


Lecture 46.

• Be able to explain in words three different mechanisms of heat transfer and give examples.

• Be able to use the equation for thermal conduction.

• Be familiar with the concept of temperature gradient.

• Be familiar with Stefan's and Wien's laws. Understand the concepts of black and grey bodies.

• Be able to give examples of application of infrared radiation.



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