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The Shining by Stephen King, 1977 21 страница


He fumbled at the passkey. It seemed sludgy, unwilling to

turn in the lock. He attacked the passkey. The tumblers

suddenly fell and he stepped back against the corridor's far

wall, a little groan of relief escaping him. He closed his

eyes and all the old phrases began to parade through his mind,

it seemed there must be hundreds of them,

(cracking up not playing with a full deck lostya marbles guy

just went loony tunes he went up and over the high side went

bananas lost his football crackers nuts half a seabag)

all meaning the same thing: losing your mind.

"No," he whimpered, hardly aware that he had been reduced to

this, whimpering with his eyes shut like a child. "Oh no, God.

Please, God, no."

But below the tumble of his chaotic thoughts, below the

triphammer beat of his heart, he could hear the soft and

futile sound of the doorknob being turned to and fro as

something locked in tried helplessly to get out, something

that wanted to meet him, something that would like to be

introduced to his family as the storm shrieked around them and

white daylight became black night. If he opened his eyes and

saw that doorknob moving he would go mad. So he kept them

shut, and after an unknowable time, there was stillness.

Jack forced himself to open his eyes, half-convinced that

when he did, she would be standing before him. But the hall

was empty.

He felt watched just the same.

He looked at the peephole in the center of the door and

wondered what would happen if he approached it, stared into

ft. What would he be eyeball to eyeball with?

His feet were moving

(feets don't fail me now)

before he realized it. He turned them away from the door and

walked down to the main hall, his feet whispering on the blue-

black jungle carpet. He stopped halfway to the stairs and

looked at the fire extinguisher. He thought that the folds of

canvas were arranged in a slightly different manner. And he

was quite sure that the brass nozzle had been pointing toward

the elevator when he came up the hall. Now it was pointing the

other way.

"I didn't see that at all," Jack Torrance said quite clearly.

His face was white and haggard and his mouth kept trying to


But he didn't take the elevator back down. It was too much

like an open mouth. Too much by half. He took the stairs.





He stepped into the kitchen and looked at them, bouncing the

passkey a few inches up off his left hand, making the chain on

the white metal tongue jingle, then catching it again. Danny

was pallid and worn out. Wendy had been crying, he saw; her

eyes were red and darkly circled. He felt a sudden burst of

gladness at this. He wasn't suffering alone, that was sure.

They looked at him without speaking.

"Nothing there," he said, astounded by the heartiness of his

voice. "Not a thing."

He bounced the passkey up and down, up and down, smiling

reassuringly at them, watching the relief spread over their

faces, and thought he had never in his life wanted a drink so

badly as he did right now.





Late that afternoon Jack got a cot from the first-floor

storage room and put it in the corner of their bedroom. Wendy

had expected that the boy would be half the night getting to

sleep, but Danny was nodding before "The Waltons" was half

over, and fifteen minutes after they had tucked biro in he was

far down in sleep, moveless, one band tucked under his cheek.

Wendy sat watching him, holding her place in a fat paperback

copy of Cashelmara with one finger. Jack sat at his desk,

looking at his play.

"Oh shit," Jack said.

Wendy looked up from her contemplation of Danny. "What?"


He looked down at the play with smoldering ill-temper. How

could he have thought it was good? It was puerile. It had been

done a thousand times. Worse, he had no idea how to finish it.

Once it had seemed simple enough. Denker, in a fit of rage,

seizes the poker from beside the fireplace and beats saintly

Gary to death. Then, standing spread-legged over the body, the

bloody poker in one hand, he screams at the audience: "It's

here somewhere and I will find it!" Then, as the lights dim

and the curtain is slowly drawn, the audience sees Gary's body

face down on the forestage as Denker strides to the upstage

bookcase and feverishly begins pulling books from the shelves,

looking at them, throwing them aside. He bad thought it was

something old enough to be new, a play whose novelty alone

might be enough to see it through a successful Broadway run: a

tragedy in five acts.

But, in addition to his sudden diversion of interest to the

Overlooks history, something else had happened. He had

developed opposing feelings about his characters. This was

something quite new. Ordinarily he liked all of his

characters, the good and the bad. He was glad he did. It

allowed him to try to see all of their sides and understand

their motivations more clearly. His favorite story, sold to a

small southern Maine magazine called Contraband for copies,

had been a piece called "The Monkey Is Here, Paul DeLong." It

had been about a child molester about to commit suicide in his

furnished room. The child molester's name had been Paul

DeLong, Monkey to his friends. Jack had liked Monkey very

much. He sympathized with Monkey's bizarre needs. knowing that

Monkey was not the only one to blame for the three rape-

murders in his past. There had been bad parents, the father a

beater as his own father had been, the mother a limp and

silent dishrag as his mother had been. A homosexual experience

in grammar school. Public humiliation. Worse experiences in

high school and college. He had been arrested and sent to an

institution after exposing himself to a pair of little girls

getting off a school bus. Worst of all, he had been dismissed

from the institution, let back out onto the streets, because

the man in charge had decided he was all right. This man's

name had been Grimmer. Grimmer had known that Monkey DeLong

was exhibiting deviant symptoms, but he had written the good,

hopeful report and had let him go anyway. Jack liked and

sympathized with Grimmer, too. Grimmer had to run an

understaffed and underfunded institution and try to keep the

whole thing together with spit, baling wire, and nickle-and-

dime appropriations from a state legislature who had to go

back and face the voters. Grimmer knew that Monkey could

interact with other people, that he did not soil his pants or

try to stab his fellow inmates with the scissors. He did not

think he was Napoleon. The staff psychiatrist in charge of

Monkey's case thought there was a better-than-even chance that

Monkey could make it on the street, and they both knew that

the longer a man is in an institution the more he comes to

need that closed environment, like a junkie with his smack.

And meanwhile, people were knocking down the doors. Paranoids,

schizoids, cycloids, semicatatonics, men who claimed to have

gone to heaven in flying saucers, women who had burned their

children's sex organs off with Bic lighters, alcoholics,

pyromaniacs, kleptomaniacs, manic-depressives, suicidals.

Tough old world, baby. If you're not bolted together tightly,

you're gonna shake, rattle, and roll before you turn thirty.

Jack could sympathize with Grimmer's problem. He could

sympathize with the parents of the murder victims. With the

murdered children themselves, of course. And with Monkey

DeLong. Let the reader lay blame. In those days he hadn't

wanted to judge. The cloak of the moralist sat badly on his


He had started The Little School in the same optimistic vein.

But lately he had begun to choose up sides, and worse still,

he had come to loathe his hero, Gary Benson. Originally

conceived as a bright boy more cursed with money than blessed

with it, a boy who wanted more than anything to compile a good

record so he could go to a good university because he had

earned admission and not because his father had pulled

strings, he had become to Jack a kind of simpering Goody Two-

shoes, a postulant before the altar of knowledge rather than a

sincere acolyte, an outward paragon of Boy Scout virtues,

inwardly cynical, filled not with real brilliance (as he had

first been conceived) but only with sly animal cunning. All

through the play he unfailingly addressed Denker as "sir,"

just as Jack had taught his own son to address those older and

those in authority as "sir." He thought that Danny used the

word quite sincerely, and Gary Benson as originally conceived

had too, but as he had begun Act V, it had come more and more

strongly to him that Gary was using the word satirically,

outwardly straight-faced while the Gary Benson inside was

mugging and leering at Denker. Denker, who had never had any

of the things Gary had. Denker, who had had to work all his

life just to become head of a single little school. Who was

now faced with ruin over this handsome, innocent-seeming rich

boy who had cheated on his Final Composition and had then

cunningly covered his tracks. Jack had seen Denker the teacher

as not much different from the strutting South American little

Caesars in their banana kingdoms, standing dissidents up

against the wall of the handiest squash or handball court, a

super-zealot in a comparatively small puddle, a man whose

every whim becomes a crusade. In the beginning he had wanted

to use his play as a microcosm to say something about the

abuse of power. Now he tended more and more to see Denker as a

Mr. Chips figure, and the tragedy was not the intellectual

racking of Gary Benson but rather the destruction of a kindly

old teacher and headmaster unable to see through the cynical

wiles of this monster masquerading as a boy.

He hadn't been able to finish the play.

Now he sat looking down at it, scowling, wondering if there

was any way he could salvage the situation. He didn't really

think there was. He bad begun with one play and it had somehow

turned into another, presto-chango. Well, what the hell.

Either way it had been done before. Either way it was a load

of shit. And why was he driving himself crazy about it tonight

anyway? After the day just gone by it was no wonder he

couldn't think straight.

"-get him down?"

He looked up, trying to blink the cobwebs away. "Huh?"

"I said, how are we going to get him down? We've got to get

him out of here, Jack."

For a moment his wits were so scattered that he wasn't even

sure what she was talking about. Then he realized and uttered

a short, barking laugh.

"You say that as if it were so easy."

"I didn't mean-"

"No problem, Wendy. I'll just change clothes in that

telephone booth down in the lobby and fly him to Denver on my

back. Superman Jack Torrance, they called me in my salad


Her face registered slow hurt.

"I understand the problem, Jack. The radio is broken. The

snow... but you have to understand Danny's problem. My God,

don't you? He was nearly catatonic, Jack! What if he hadn't

come out of that?"

"But he did," Jack said, a trifle shortly. He had been

frightened at Danny's blank-eyed, slack-faced state too, of

course he had. At first. But the more he thought about it, the

more he wondered if it hadn't been a piece of play-acting put

on to escape his punishment. He had, after all, been


"All the same," she said. She came to him and sat on the end

of the bed by his desk. Her face was both surprised and

worried. "Jack, the bruises on his neck! Something got at him!

And I want him away from it!"

"Don't shout," he said. "My head aches, Wendy. I'm as worried

about this as you are, so please... don't... shout."

"All right," she said, lowering her voice. "I won't shout.

But I don't understand you, Jack. Someone is in here with us.

And not a very nice someone, either. We have to get down to

Sidewinder, not just Danny but all of us. Quickly. And you...

you're sitting there reading your play!"

" 'We have to get down, we have to get down,' you keep saying

that. You must think I really am Superman."

"I think you're my husband," she said softly, and looked down

at her hands.

His temper flared. He slammed the playscript down, knocking

the edges of the pile out of true again and crumpling the

sheets on the bottom.

"It's time you got some of the home truths into you, Wendy.

You don't seem to have internalized them, as the sociologists

say. They're knocking around up in your head like a bunch of

loose cueballs. You need to shoot them into the pockets. You

need to understand that we are snowed in."

Danny had suddenly become active in his bed. Still sleeping,

he had begun to twist and turn. The way he always did when we

fought, Wendy thought dismally. And we're doing it again.

"Don't wake him up, Jack. Please."

He glanced over at Danny and some of the flush went out of

his cheeks. "Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I sounded mad, Wendy.

It's not really for you. But I broke the radio. If it's

anybody's fault it's mine. That was our big link to the

outside. Olly-oily-in-for-free. Please come get us, Mister

Ranger. We can't stay out this late."

"Don't," she said, and put a hand on his shoulder. He leaned

his head against it. She brushed his hair with her other hand.

"I guess you've got a right, after what I accused you of.

Sometimes I am like my mother. I can be a bitch. But you have

to understand that some things... are hard to get over. You

have to understand that."

"Do you mean his arm?" His lips had thinned.

"Yes," Wendy said, and then she rushed on: "But it's not just

you. I worry when he goes out to play. I worry about him

wanting a two-wheeler next year, even one with training

wheels. I worry about his teeth and his eyesight and about

this thing, what he calls his shine. I worry. Because he's

little and he seems very fragile and because... because

something in this hotel seems to want him. And it will go

through us to get him if it has to. That's why we must get him

out, Jack. I know that! I feel that! We must get him out!"

Her hand had tightened painfully on his shoulder in her

agitation, but he didn't move away. One hand found the firm

weight of her left breast and he began to stroke it through

her shirt.

"Wendy," he said, and stopped. She waited for him to

rearrange whatever he had to say. His strong hand on her

breast felt good, soothing. "I could maybe snowshoe him down.

He could walk part of the way himself, but I would mostly have

to carry him. It would mean camping out one, two, maybe three

nights. That would mean building a travois to carry supplies

and bedrolls on. We have the AM/FM radio, so we could pick a

day when the weather forecast called for a three-day spell of

good weather. But if the forecast was wrong," he finished, his

voice soft and measured, "I think we might die."

Her face had paled. It looked shiny, almost ghostly. He

continued to stroke her breast, rubbing the ball of his thumb

gently over the nipple.

She made a soft sound-from his words or in reaction to his

gentle pressure on her breast, he couldn't tell. He raised his

hand slightly and undid the top button of her shirt. Wendy

shifted her legs slightly. All at once her jeans seemed too

tight, slightly irritating in a pleasant sort of way.

"It would mean leaving you alone because you can't snowshoe

worth beans. It would be maybe three days of not knowing.

Would you want that?" His hand dropped to the second button,

slipped it, and the beginning of her cleavage was exposed.

"No," she said in a voice that was slightly thick. She

glanced over at Danny. He had stopped twisting and turning.

His thumb had crept back into his mouth. So that was all

right. But Jack was leaving something out of the picture. It

was too bleak. There was something else... what?

"If we stay put," Jack said, unbuttoning the third and fourth

buttons with that same deliberate slowness, "a ranger from the

park or a game warden is going to poke in here just to find

out how we're doing. At that point we simply tell him we want

down. He'll see to it." He slipped her naked breasts into the

wide V of the open shirt, bent, and molded his lips around the

stem of a nipple. It was hard and erect. He slipped his tongue

slowly back and forth across it in a way he knew she liked.

Wendy moaned a little and arched her back.

(?Something I've forgotten?)

"Honey?" she asked. On their own her hands sought the back of

his head so that when he answered his voice was muffled

against her flesh.

"How would the ranger take us out?"

He raised his head slightly to answer and then settled his

mouth against the other nipple.

"If the helicopter was spoken for I guess it would have to be

by snowmobile."


"But we have one of those! Ullman said so!"

His mouth froze against her breast for a moment, and then he

sat up. Her own face was slightly flushed, her eyes

overbright. Jack's on the other hand, was calm, as if he had

been reading a rather dull book instead of engaging in

foreplay with his wife.

"If there's a snowmobile there's no problem," she said

excitedly. "We can all three go down together."

"Wendy, I've never driven a snowmobile in my life."

"It can't be that hard to learn. Back in Vermont you see ten-

year-olds driving them in the fields... although what their

parents can be thinking of I don't know. And you had a

motorcycle when we met." He had, a Honda 350cc. He had traded

it in on a Saab shortly after he and Wendy took up residence


"I suppose I could," he said slowly. "But I wonder how well

it's been maintained. Ullman and Watson... they run this place

from May to October. They have summertime minds. I know it

won't have gas in it. There may not be plugs or a battery,

either. I don't want you to get your hopes up over your head,


She was totally excited now, leaning over him, her breasts

tumbling out of her shirt. He had a sudden impulse to seize

one and twist it until she shrieked. Maybe that would teach

her to shut up.

"The gas is no problem," she said. "The VW` and the hotel

truck are both full. There's gas for the emergency generator

downstairs, too. And there must be a gascan out in that shed

so you could carry extra."

"Yes," he said. "There is" Actually there were three of them,

two five-gallons and a two-gallon.

"I'll bet the sparkplugs and the battery are out there too.

Nobody would store their snowmobile in one place and the plugs

and battery someplace else, would they?"

"Doesn't seem likely, does it?" He got up and walked over to

where Danny lay sleeping. A spill of hair had fallen across

his forehead and Jack brushed it away gently. Danny didn't


"And if you can get it running you'll take us out?" she asked

from behind him. "On the first day the radio says good


For a moment he didn't answer. He stood looking down at his

son, and his mixed feelings dissolved in a wave of love. He

was the way she had said, vulnerable, fragile. The marks on

his neck were very prominent.

"Yes," he said. "I'll get it running and we'll get out as

quick as we can."

"Thank God!"

He turned around. She had taken off her shirt and lay on the

bed, her belly flat, her breasts aimed perkily at the ceiling.

She was playing with them lazily, flicking at the nipples.

"Hurry up, gentlemen," she said softly, "time."



* * *


After, with no light burning in the room but the night light

that Danny had brought with him from his room, she lay in the

crook of his arm, feeling deliciously at peace. She found it

hard to believe they could be sharing the Overlook with a

murderous stowaway.



"What got at him?"

He didn't answer her directly. "He does have something. Some

talent the rest of us are missing. The most of us, beg pardon.

And maybe the Overlook has something, too."


"I don't know. Not in the Algernon Blackwood sense, that's

for sure. More like the residues of the feelings of the people

who have stayed here. Good things and bad things. In that

sense, I suppose that every big hotel has got its ghosts.

Especially the old ones."

"But a dead woman in the tub... Jack, he's not losing his

mind, is he?"

He gave her a brief squeeze. "We know he goes into... well,

trances, for want of a better word... from time to time. We

know that when he's in them he sometimes... sees?... things he

doesn't understand. If precognitive trances are possible,

they're probably functions of the subconscious mind. Freud

said that the subconscious never speaks to us in literal

language. Only in symbols. If you dream about being in a

bakery where no one speaks English, you may be worried about

your ability to support your family. Or maybe just that no one

understands you. I've read that the falling dream is a

standard outlet for feelings of insecurity. Games, little

games. Conscious on one side of the net, subconscious on the

other, serving some cockamamie image back and forth. Same with

mental illness, with hunches, all of that. Why should

precognition be any different? Maybe Danny really did see

blood all over the walls of the Presidential Suite. To a kid

his age, the image of blood and the concept of death are

nearly interchangeable. To kids, the image is always more

accessible than the concept, anyway. William Carlos Williams

knew that, he was a pediatrician. When we grow up, concepts

gradually get easier and we leave the images to the poets...

and I'm just rambling on."

"I like to hear you ramble."

"She said it, folks. She said it. You all heard it."

"The marks on his neck, Jack. Those are real."


There was nothing else for a long time. She had begun to

think he must have gone to sleep and she was slipping into a

drowse herself when he said:

"I can think of two explanations for those. And neither of

them involves a fourth party in the hotel."

"What?" She came up on one elbow.

"Stigmata, maybe," he said.

"Stigmata? Isn't that when people bleed on Good Friday or


"Yes. Sometimes people who believe deeply in Christ's

divinity exhibit bleeding marks on their hands and feet during

the Holy Week. It was more common in the Middle Ages than now.

In those days such people were considered blessed by God. I

don't think the Catholic Church proclaimed any of it as out-

and-out miracles, which was pretty smart of them. Stigmata

isn't much different from some of the things the yogis can do.

It's better understood now, that's all. The people who

understand the interaction between the mind and the body-study

it, I mean, no one understands it-believe we have a lot more

control over our involuntary functions than they used to

think. You can slow your heartbeat if you think about it

enough. Speed up your own metabolism. Make yourself sweat

more. Or make yourself bleed."

"You think Danny thought those bruises onto his neck? Jack, I

just can't believe that."

"I can believe it's possible, although it seems unlikely to

me, too. What's more likely is that he did it to himself."

"To himself?"

"He's gone into these 'trances' and hurt himself in the past.

Do you remember the time at the supper table? About two years

ago, I think. We were super-pissed at each other. Nobody

talking very much. Then, all at once, his eyes rolled up in

his head and he went face-first into his dinner. Then onto the

floor. Remember?"

"Yes," she said. "I sure do. I thought he was having a


"Another time we were in the park," he said. "Just Danny and

I. Saturday afternoon. He was sitting on a swing, coasting

back and forth. He collapsed onto the ground. It was like he'd

been shot. I ran over and picked him up and all of a sudden he

just came around. He sort of blinked at me and said, `I hurt

my tummy. Tell Mommy to close the bedroom windows if it rains.

' And that night it rained like hell."

"Yes, but-"

"And he's always coming in with cuts and scraped elbows. His

shins look like a battlefield in distress. And when you ask

him how he got this one or that one, he just says `Oh, I was

playing,' and that's the end of it."

"Jack, all kids get bumped and bruised up. With little boys

it's almost constant from the time they learn to walk until

they're twelve or thirteen."

"And I'm sure Danny gets his share," Jack responded. "He's an

active kid. But I remember that day in the park and that night

at the supper table. And I wonder if some of our kid's bumps

and bruises come from just keeling over. That Dr. Edmonds said

Danny did it right in his office, for Christ's sake!"

"All right. But those bruises were fingers. I'd swear to it.

He didn't get them falling down."

"He goes into a trance," Jack said. "Maybe he sees something

that happened in that room. An argument. Maybe a suicide.

Violent emotions. It isn't like watching a movie; he's in a

highly suggestible state. He's right in the damn thing. His

subconscious is maybe visualizing whatever happened in a

symbolic way... as a dead woman who's alive again, zombie,

undead, ghoul, you pick your term."

"You're giving me goose-bumps," she said thickly.

"I'm giving myself a few. I'm no psychiatrist, but it seems

to fit so well. The walking dead woman as a symbol for dead

emotions, dead lives, that just won't give up and go away...

but because she's a subconscious figure, she's also him. In

the trance state, the conscious Danny is submerged. The

subconscious figure is pulling the strings. So Danny put his

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