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Useful words & phrases

Jobs (2013)


Useful words & phrases


1) We have something really special to share with you today - поделиться

The device I'm about to introduce to you is gonna revolutionize an entire industry – устройство; познакомить; целый

If I do say so myself, it's insanely cool - безумно

You know, I'm not dismissing the value of higher education – отклонять; ценность

I agree with you. It takes balls to drop out like you did – нужно иметь стальные яйца; отчислиться

I hope I'm not interrupting - вмешиваться

You obviously fancy yourself as an artist – очевидно; воображать

For others it offers validation - подтверждение

Steven. To be continuedпродолжение следует (разговор не окончен)

Yeah, the teacher's this monk, or something - монах

He's totally inspiring - вдохновляющий

A typeface specifically designed to make the very act of reading more natural - шрифт

Computers are inherently designed to make your lives easier – изначально (от рождения)

The moment of your death is fixed - определен

You'll be astonished to see how uncomplicated and happy your life can become - изумлен

Okay, you refuse to do anything that vaguely escapes your comfort zone – отказываться; едва выходит

Well, I damn sure should be – чертовски уверен

People are complaining about your behavior - жалуются

And your odor. Are you showering like we discussed? - запах

But you're an asshole - засранец

But I'm on a tight deadlineжесткий дедлайн

So if you can deliver, we'll pay you up to $5,000 – доставить; платить

So many circuitsэлектронные схемы

Are you kidding me? This is great – шутить (дурачить)

But just out of curiosity, how much are we getting paid? - любопытство

That's hilariousочень смешно

The code is still buggy, but in theory it'll display whatever you're working on – с косяками

This is the wheel. It's the Industrial Revolution - колесо

Cool. It's profound. How could you not tell me about this before? - основательный

Your big evolved brain wanted something that didn't existразвитый мозг; существовать

But look, you're overreactingслишком эмоционально реагировать

Yeah, I know. Something catchy - запоминающееся

The fruit of creation. Apple. It's simple but sophisticated - изощренный

Okay, and that's a comparison that you always make - сравнение

And I don't think it's fair - справедливо

It will display up to 192 memory locations on the monitor simultaneously - одновременно

So I guess that wraps it up. Thank you very much for your time – завершает выступление

Listen, why don't you stop by and talk to me some time – заглянуть в гости

We're not negotiating. Yes, we are - торговаться

We can't afford to pay three people right now – не можем себе позволить платить

They're, what, how dare you! – как ты смеешь

They want to take it out of the box, plug it in, and have it work – вставить в розетку

He practically begged me to come and look at your outfit here - умолять

Are you even listening to me? I'm pregnant - беременный

Steven, he's kicking me out - выгнать

You don't deserve to be treated the way he treats you – заслуживать; обращаться

Great artists, Dylan, Picasso, Newton, they risk failure - провал

What, are you gonna, you're gonna fire me? – (gonna = be going to); уволить

Then shut the hell up, Bill! - заткнись

So sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Jobs, but your attorney is here for your 8:00 – перебивать; адвокат

I doubt you do. You never asked - сомневаться

But he's like a kid in a candy store, and we've given him the keys - карамель

Steve will no longer be involved in Lisa's development. Period - точка

But you have to try to look at it from the shareholder's perspectiveглазами акционеров

Oh, sorry for the mess - беспорядок

We're actually trying to avoid this project becoming another over bloated disasterна самом деле; избежать; катастрофа

Be involved, just don't turn Macintosh into a measure of revenge for you - месть

And I am done working under the gun of your ridiculous deadline bullshit – пистолет; смехотворный

You might as well be asking for a date with her - свидание

But you have to convince people that what you're selling is greater - убедить

Just, do you mind if we talk later? – не возражаешь

You guys must be pretty desperate - отчаянный

And I understand your hesitation to trust me - сомнения

At least if he's not too proud to admit it - признать

We're not gonna ask for permission - разрешение

We're gonna build a new operating system on the backbone of NEXT - позвоночник

Apple is like a ship with a hole in the bottom, and it's leaking water - протекать

You can influence it - влиять

The same opportunity is detailed inside that envelope - конверт

You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them – цитировать; прославлять; клеветать



Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 19 | Нарушение авторских прав

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