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The Gerund vs the Infinitive


The Gerund vs the Infinitive


The -ing form is used

The to-Infinitive is used

1) As a noun.

Jogging is very good for your health.

2) after certain verbs:

admit, anticipate, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, delay, deny, detest, dread (бояться), envisage (смотреть в лицо, рассматривать, предвидеть), discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, go (for physical activities), imagine, involve, keep (=continue), mention, mind, miss, object to, postpone, practice, practise, prevent, quit, recall, recollect (= remember), report, resent (возмущаться), resist, risk, save, stand, suggest, tolerate, understand; to burst out, to give up, to go on, to keep on, to put off, to stop, to approve of, to be afraid of, to complain of, to depend on, to feel like, to give up the idea of, to insist on, to persist in, to prevent from, to rely on, to succeed in, to suspect of, to thank for, to think of

They discussed selling the company.

Let’s go jogging. – No, I’d rather go sailing.

3) After: dislike, enjoy, hate, like, love, prefer – to express general preference.

Clare enjoys talking to her friends on the phone.

But! For a specific preference we use would like, would prefer, would love + to-infinitive

Note! Like + to-infinitive = it’s a good idea

I like to wash my hair every day.

4) After:

I’m busy, it’s no use, it’s (no) good, it’s (not) worth, what’s the use of, can’t help, there’s no point (in), can’t stand, have difficulty in, in addition to, as well as, have trouble, have a hard/ difficult time.

He can’t stand being treated like a slave.

He had difficulty finding his way back.

4) after:

spend/ waste/ lose (time, money, etc).

He spends his free time (in) digging the garden.

5) After the preposition to with verbs and expressions such as

Look forward to, be/ get used to, in addition to, object to, prefer doing sth to doing sth, be/ get accustomed, admit (to), to agree to

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

6) after:

hear, listen, notice, see, watch, feel to express an incomplete action, an action in progress, or a long action

I heard Nick talking to Eva. (I only heard a part of the conversation.)

But! Hear, listen, see, watch, feel + infinitive (without to) to express a complete action, something that one saw or heard from beginning to end.

I heard Nick tell the story. (I heard the whole story)

7) after prepositions

He left the shop without paying so he was accused of stealing.


1) To express purpose.

She went to the clothes shop to buy a new dress for the reception.

2) after certain verbs that refer to the future

Agree, aim, decline, demand, hesitate, hope, hurry, manage, offer, prepare, refuse, want, wish, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse etc).

They plan to buy a new car.

3) After ask, decide, explain, find out, learn, want, want to know, etc when they are followed by a question word.

He explained how to solve a problem.

But! Why is followed by subject + verb, not an infinitive.

I wonder why she didn’t let us know about it.

3) after I would like/ love/ prefer to express specific preference.

I’d like to see the manager.

4) after adjectives that describe feelings/ emotions

Happy, glad, sad, sorry;

Express (un)willingness

eager, reluctant, willing;

refer to a person’s character

clever, kind

the adjectives

lucky, fortunate

I was very glad to know that Liz got married.

5) after certain constructions

- Too/ enough + adjective

He’s too young to have his own car.

He’s clever enough to do the crossword.

- it + be + adj + (of + noun/ pronoun)

It was generous of him to offer 1,000 $.

It was easy to find the house.

- so + adj + as

Would you be so kind as to help me move the sofa?

- with “only” to express an unsatisfactory result.

She came in only to find Bob had left.

- be + 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd/ next/ last/ best etc

He was the last to come to work.

- for + noun/ pronoun + to inf

For him to be so rude was unforgivable.

7) in the expressions to tell you the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with

To be honest, I don’t like him.

8) be made/ be heard/ be seen+ to-infinitive

he was made to pay for the damage




Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 38 | Нарушение авторских прав

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