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Contents contents 1 introduction



CONTENTS CONTENTS.................................................................................................................. 1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 2 Chapter I Gerund as Non-Finite Forms of the verb.................................................... 4 1.1 Gerund as non-finite form of the verb.................................................................... 6 1.1.1 History...................................................................................................... 9 1.1.2 Peculiarities of form and usage. Gerund versus Verbal Noun.............. 10 1.1.3. The gerundial constructions.................................................................... 16 CHAPTER II Syntactical functions of Gerund........................................................ 18 3.1 The functions of Gerund in the role of subject..................................................... 18 3.2 The functions of the Gerund as object.................................................................. 19 3.3 Predicative functions of Gerund........................................................................... 20 3.4 Gerund functions as an Adverbial Modifier......................................................... 21 3.5. Functions of Gerund as Attribute....................................................................... 23 CONCLUSIONS......................................................................................................... 24 Bibliography................................................................................................................ 26 Cited literature:........................................................................................................... 26



English grammar has been thoroughly studied by grammarians from different countries: Crystal, D., Idem, Thomson, A.J., Fowel,W.S.,(The UK), Melenciuc D., (Moldova),

Paidos M., Leviţchi,

L., Nicolescu, A. (România), D.Bloch, Kaushanskaya, Ganshina M.A, Vasilevskaya, Gordon E.M., Krylova I.P.(Russia) etc. In addition, their valuable contribution to this science is manifested through a treatment of a particular part of it from the point of view of contrasting it with their mother tongue counterpart. There have been revealed many disputable theories regarding the Gerund. The non-finite forms of verb appear in the works of different grammarians under diverse names. Thus, B

loch names them ―verbids


‖ Kaushanskaya, Gordon, Melenciuc etc. ―verbals.‖ In this paper we will use the term ―verbals.‖

The consideration of the English verbals in their mutual comparison, puts forwards some points of structure and function worthy of special notice. The central point of our analysis will be the very lexico-grammatical identification of Gerund and its reference with functions, which it bears. The ground for raising this problem is quite substantial due to Gerund duality. Appeal is naturally made to the alternating use of the possessive and the common-objective nounal element in the role of the subject of Gerund (mostly observed in carious object positions of the sentence). The purpose of the course paper is to analyze the syntactical functions of Gerund in English. The objects for analysis are the examples with Gerund from the literary works

―David Copperfield‖

by Charles Dickens

, ―

The Moon and Six

pence‖ by W. Somerset Maugham, and ―The Myth of the Blue Train‖ by Agatha Christie.

The element of investigating the respective problem consists in establishing and explaining in a detailed and clear way the means and practical use of its functions in English. The methods of research to be used in this paper are analysis, synthesis and comparison. This course paper consists of two chapters.



Chapter I comprises two subchapters that deal with general characteristic of Gerund as non-finite forms of the verb. They represent a theoretical approach to lexico-grammatical properties of Gerund. Chapter II includes the functions and syntactical characteristics of Gerund.



Chapter I Gerund as Non-Finite Forms of the verb

(General characteristic of non-finite forms of the verb)

The aim of this chapter is to present the various points of view taken from diverse sources concerning Gerund and to give it an appropriate characteristic: We shall begin with various definitions and points of view of some grammarians who have studied this subject intensely. Gerund: "the English verbal noun in -ing that has the function of a [noun] and at the same time shows the verbal features of tense, voice, and capacity to take adverbial qualifiers and to govern objects" [12] A gerund, a verbal noun that most frequently acts as a direct object or predicate nominative. For example, in the following sentence, jumping is a participle: "The jumping boy received many unpleasant complaints." In this sentence, on the other hand,


is a gerund: "Jumping can cause wounds." M. Bloch put an important point of view forward

: ―Non


finite forms of the verb are intermediary in many of the lexico


grammatical features between the verb and the non-processual parts of the speech. Their mixed features are revealed in the principal spheres of the part



speech characterization, i.e. in their meaning, structural making combinability, and syntactic functions.


Ganshina M.A., Vasilevskaya N.M. also consider that the characteristic traits of the noun

finite forms consists in the fact that they have a double nature, nominal

and verbal. Their tense distinctions, ―are not absolute, but relative‖; ―the form of a

verbal does not show whether the action it denotes refers to the present, past or future; it shows only wheth

er the action expressed by finite verb or prior to it.‖

It should be mentioned that all the non-finite forms can form predicative

constructions, ―i.e. constructions consisting of two elements, a nominal (noun or

pronoun) and a verbal (participle, gerund, infinitive); the verbal element, i.e. in a relation of the sentence. In most cases, predicative constructions form syntactic units,

serving as one part of the sentence.‖

Concerning the Gerund categorical forms, they are differently interpreted by various linguists: some linguistic schools think that all the verbal forms ending in



ing should belong to

ing forms. Thus, Blokh mentions the fact that

in the American linguistic tradition which can be traced back to the school of descriptive linguistics the two forms are recognized as one integral


ing.‖ To

these points of view, many other linguists have adhered. Other scholars think that present participle and gerund represent different homonymous non-finite categorical, each of which is fulfilling quite specific functions. Among the second group of linguists, discrepancies have appeared as to how to differentiate between the functions of the gerund and participle and their depending on their formal combination with certain syncategorematic lexical units.




1.1 Gerund as non-finite form of the verb

The gerund

is the non-finite form of the verb, which combines the properties of

the verb with those of the noun. The gerund serves as the verbal name of a

process and its substantive quality is strongly pronounced. Namely, the gerund

can be modified by a noun in the possessive case or its pronominal equivalents

(expressing the subject of the verbal process), and it can be used with

prepositions. [1:108].

Here it is appropriate to make a comparison with the infinitive in order to

understand better gerund characteristics as non-finite verb.

The gerund cannot perform the function of the paradigmatic verbal head-

form, because first it is more detached from the finite verb than the infinitive

semantically, tending to be a far more substantival unit categorially. Then, as

different from the infinitive, it does not join in the conjugation of the finite verb.

Unlike the infinitive, it is a suffixal form, which makes it less generalized than

the infinitive in terms of the formal properties of the verbal lexeme (although it is

more abstract in the purely semantic sense). Finally, it is less definite than the

infinitive from the lexico-grammatical point of view, being subject to easy

neutralizations in its opposition with the verbal noun in


as well as with the

present participle. Therefore, the gerund is no rival of the infinitive in the

paradigmatic head-form function. [1:108]

The general combinability of the gerund, like that of the infinitive, is dual,

sharing some features with the verb, and some features with the noun. The verb-

type combinability of the gerund is displayed in its combining, first, with nouns

expressing the object of the action; second, with modifying adverbs; third, with

certain semi-functional predicator verbs, but other than modal. Of the noun-type

is the combinability of the gerund, first, with finite notional verbs as the object

of the action; second, with finite notional verbs as the prepositional adjunct of

various functions; third, with finite notional verbs as the subject of the action;

fourth, with nouns as the prepositional adjunct of various functions.


The gerund, in the corresponding positional patterns, performs the functions of

all the types of notional sentence-parts, i.e. the subject, the object, the

predicative, the attribute, the adverbial modifier. [1:109] E.g..: Knowing at what time his wife did her shopping, he

(Gerund subject position)


… if

he denied bringing the pictures to Dirk Stroeve. (Gerund direct object


She could not give her mind to pressing


wild flowers in Pauline's botany

book. (Gerund addressee object position)

David began by drawing our attention to that serious matter. (Gerund

prepositional object position)

Seeing is believing. (Gerund predicative position)

Fancy the pleasant prospect of listening


to all the gossip they have in store

for you! (Gerund attributive position)

He could not push against the furniture without bringing


the whole lot down.

(Gerund adverbial of manner position)

One of the specific gerund patterns is its combination with the noun in the

possessive case or its possessive pronominal equivalent expressing the subject of

the action. This gerundial construction is used in cases when the subject of the

gerundial process differs from the subject of the governing sentence-situation,

i.e. when the gerundial sentence-part has its own, separate subject. [1:109] E.g.: Mr. Barkis's wooing, as I remember it, was altogether of a peculiar kind.

How can she know about the Richard'


being related with this immoral affair?

The possessive with the gerund displays one of the distinctive categorial

properties of the gerund as such, establishing it in the English lexemic system

as the form of the verb with nounal characteristics. As a matter of fact, from

the point of view of the inner semantic relations, this combination is of a verbal

type, while from the point of view of the formal categorial features, this

combination is of a nounal type. It can be clearly demonstrated by the appropriate

transformations, i.e. verb-related and noun-related re-constructions. [1:110]





I can't stand

his criticizing

artistic works that are beyond his competence. (T-verbal ->He is criticizing artistic works. T-nounal

» His criticism of artistic works.)



Besides combining with the possessive noun-subject, the verbal ing-form can

also combine with the noun-subject in the common case or its objective

pronominal equivalent.


I read in yesterday's paper about

the hostages having been released.


This gerundial use as presenting very peculiar features of categorial

mediality will be discussed after the treatment of the participle.

The formal sign of the gerund is wholly homonymous with that of the present

participle: it is the suffix


added to its grammatically (categorially) leading


Like the infinitive, the gerund is a categorially changeable (variable,

demutative) form; it distinguishes the two grammatical categories, sharing them

with the finite verb and the present participle, namely, the aspective category

of retrospective coordination (perfect in opposition), and the category of voice

(passive in opposition). Consequently, the categorial paradigm of the gerund of

the objective verb includes four forms: the simple active, the perfect active; the

simple passive, the perfect passive.



having taken

being taken

having been taken.

The gerundial paradigm of the non-objective verb, correspondingly, includes

two forms.




having gone.

The perfect forms of the gerund are used, as a rule, only in semantically strong

positions, laying special emphasis on the meaningful categorial content of the




1.1.1 History


The gerund is a descendant of the Old English verbal noun and the present participle; hence its double nature and its noun and verb characteristics. In the Old English period the verbal noun had the endings -ing, -ing; in Middle English the ending was


The present participle in Old English had the ending -


which in Middle English was replaced by


as the result of a confusion of constructions with the verbal noun and the participle..Thus the verbal noun and the participle became merged into one form


the modern

ing. As the result of the blending of the two forms, the verbal noun in -ing began to develop verbal characteristics under the influence of the participle. In constructions where in Middle English and in Early Modern English the verbal noun, like any other noun, was preceded by the definite article and followed by the preposition

of (He thanked


for the saving of his life.


He thanked him for the preservation of his


the article as well as the preposition


were gradually dropped, the ing-form taking the noun following as its direct object

(He thanked him for saving his life),

thus crystallizing into a new form, the gerund. The following example; show the gradual transition from the verbal noun to the gerund; the ing-noun still retains the article, but the preposition has already disappeared: E.g.:



It‘s there for the talking.

The hardest part is the waiting. Later on the gerund, becoming more and more verbal, developed tense distinctions and the passive voice, and preserving still its syntactical characteristics of a noun assumed largely the dynamic force of a verb. The gerund has both verb and noun characteristics.[4:268]



1.1.2 Peculiarities of form and usage. Gerund versus Verbal Noun


Word derived from a verb stern by the suffix


may be used in variety of meanings and functions, according to the context in which they occur. In the first place, such words may be used as Verbal Nouns, i.e. as nouns with a verbal meaning.


Reading and writing are nowadays widespread acquirements;



I‘m fond of

smoking. In addition to its verbal meaning, such a form in -


may have verbal function:

it may take an object or be qualified by an adverb.


I am fond of smoking a pipe.



He educated himself by reading widely. Noun in



with verbal meaning, or with verbal meaning and functions combined, are called Gerund. In group like: A human being, the Chrysler Building,

and the former being synonymous with house

or edifice

such noun are not called Gerunds.[14] Gerund has Verbal Characteristics:

A Grammar Category of Time and Voice.


Active voice



I enjoy learning


Perfect Gerund:


He denies having taken

the books.

Passive Voice



He can‘t stand

being interrupted.




He was punished by being sent

to bed without any supper.




I remember being taking



Yarmouth as a small child.

Perfect Gerund:


The safe showed no signs of having touched.





He denies having been invited

to the party.


As a rule,


expresses an action. Simultaneous with the action of predicative verb (exception the situation when Gerund is preceded by prepositions: before or after).


The teacher enjoyed taking

the children to the museum last Sunday.


Perfect Gerund

denotes a prior action to Predicative verb. This can be used instead of the Present from of the Present form of the Gerund when we are referring to a past action:


He was accused of deserting

his ship; or:


He was accused of having deserted

his ship. Perfect Gerund is used more rarely than Gerund, it especially appears after verb




He denies having seen



They denied having been

there. With other verbs as: to remember, excuse, forgive, thank

and after prepositions: on, after, without, the report of priority

can be expressed also by the Gerund.


I can‘t remember


this exercise before.



I can‘t remember

having done

this exercise before. - I thank him for helping

me. - I thank him for having helped

me. As usual passive sense of the Gerund is expressed by Passive form.


The children enjoyed being taken

to the museum. But, to express Passive sense after verbs: want, need, require, deserve, and after adjective worth, it is used Active Gerund.


Your shoes need mending.


That young man will require looking after.


Your house badly wants painting.


What is worth doing is doing well.



Usage of Gerund

I. after prepositions,

such as:

after, before, by for, from, on,

etc., which show relation of tense, cause, mod, etc.


On waking up,

he found himself in a hospital ward.


Read your paper again before handing

it in.


You‘ll get ticket

for parking



She keeps healthy by keeping

a strict diet


after parts of speech,

which are followed obligatorily by certain prepositions: a) Noun with obligatorily preposition:

- doubt + about;


Cause, reason




Belief, confidence, delight, experience, faith, interest, luck, pride






Charge, favor, habit, hope, intention, opportunity





Contribution, objection, opposition





He has a lot of experience in

foreign language teaching. b) Abstractive and Past Participles with obligatory preposition



angry, anxious, certain, enthusiastic, happy, optimistic, pleased, sure, worried





angry, astonished, bad, clever, delighted, expert, good, pleased, skilful, surprised

+ at;



excellent, famous, responsible, sorry, suitable, useful





consistent, correct, diligent, experienced, expert, fortunate, helpful, interested, hate, prompt, quick, right, show, successful





afraid, ashamed, aware, capable, certain, conscious, convinced, fond, guilty, proud, tired





I am delightful at her winning the first prize.



I am used to getting up early. c) Verbs with obligatory preposition:



to complain, dream, learn, worry





to aim, hesitate +




to begin, conclude, end +





to apologize, care




to prevent, recover, refrain, retire +




to believe, consist, delight, participate, succeed +




to agree, concentrate, congratulate, count, decide, focus, insist, live, rely +




to agree, contribute book forward, object, resort t




to agree +



I don‘t

agree to

your leaving

earlier than the others. I object to

your leaving

earlier than the others.

I won‘t

hear of buying

a new TV set.

III. The Gerund is used


the noun


in expression:


―it is no use‖


‗there is no use‖

and after adjective



E.g.: This book is worth reading.


s no use trying to mend the vacuum cleaner.

IV. After transitive verbs:

admit, avoid, consider, deny, detest, dislike, escape, fancy, finish, fie up,

cannot help, keep (on), don ‗t mind, miss, postpone, practice, put

off reset, risk, cannot stand, stop, suggest,

etc. E.g.: You must avoid being

like in future. He has given up smoking.


V. After the verbs that express a mental activity:


to forget, remember, understand;



cannot bear, dream, hate, like, love, neglect, prefer, regret,

etc., alternately with the Infinitive. E.g.: I remember being disappointed. I hate their arriving late.

VI. After the verbs,

which show a process:

to plan, try, undertake;


to begin;


to continue;

or the end of


to cease,

in alternation with Infinitive. E.g.: started They continued } comparing notes.


The Long Infinitive and the Gerund has same nounal and verbal common characteristics, because they can: c



: I want you to go first. I ca

n‘t stand Torn interrupting me

all the time;

Direct Object:

I intend to read this tomorrow. I remember spending a holiday with them.


We want to go to the theatre. He had the benefit of studying at a University. d) be the same functions in sentence:

Subject, Predicative

: To see her, is to like her. Seeing is believing.

Direct Object

: I have to swim in to the sea. I love swimming.

Prepositional Attribute:

He has no desire to go. He has no intention of going.

Gerund versus Verbal Noun The verbal noun

It is known that the gerund has the same ending –ing similar to the verbal noun. Let us point out differences between the gerund and the verbal noun and give some instances in order to make cited points comprehensiveThe main points of difference are as follows:

Like all verbals the gerund has a double character — nominal and verbal.

The verbal noun has only a nominal character.

The Gerund is not used with an article.

The verbal noun may be used with article.



The making of a new humanity cannot be the privilege of a handful of bureaucrats.

I want you to give my hair a good brushing.

The Gerund has no plural form.

The verbal noun may be used in the plural

Our likings are regulated by our circumstance.

The Gerund of a transitive verb takes a direct object.

He received more and more and more letters, so many that he had given up reading them.

A verbal noun cannot take a direct object; it takes a prepositional object with the preposition of.

Mean while Gwendolen was rallying her nerves to the reading to the paper.

The gerund may be modified by an adverb.

Drinking, even temperately, was a sin.

The verbal noun may be modfied by an adjective.

He took a good scolding about cladding Sid.


1.1.3. The gerundial constructions


1. Sometimes the gerund is preceded by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case: E.g.: We insisted on his being present there. I insist on

Mary‘s (her) going there.

In this construction


the relation between the noun (or pronoun) and the gerund is that of a secondary object and secondary predicate his arriving. Such a construction may have the function of a complex subject, predicative, object, attribute, etc. [5:116] E.g.:

The boy‘s (his) arriving so late was a surprise.

(complex subject.) "I have no objection to your nursing him." (complex direct object.)


She wondered at his caring for things like that... (complex prepositional object) There was little likelihood of his meeting anybody at that tune. (complex attribute.)

―How did you get our without his seeing you?‖ (complex Adverbial modifier.)

A gerundial complex used as subject is often introduced by an anticipatory it: E.g.: It was quite unexpected his coming back so soon. It is not worth while your going there to-day.

It Perhaps it‘s of no use my

mentioning it at present. It was not of the least use my trying to look wise. 2. If the noun which precedes the gerund cannot be used in the possessive case, the common case is used: E.g.: He did not recollect such a thing having happened to him before. Meanwhile, the rain came down in a steady torrent, and the lower part of the town vas under water, owing to the river having overflowed. In Modern English, there is a tendency to use the common case even with such nouns that may be used in the possessive case, and to use the objective case of personal pronouns: [5:117] E.g.: I remember my brother-in-

law ‗oing for a short sea trip once for the benefit

oi his health.


On Mr. Brown calling to him to come in, he


himself in a little room...

―You must forgive me coming at such an hour...‖ The umbr

ella strained and pulled and I felt us driving along with it. The ing-form when preceded by a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case has a function intermediate between that of participle I and the gerund. E.g.: I rely on John (him) doing it in time. On the one hand this construction is closely connected in meaning with the gerundial construction

―I rely on John‘s (his) doing it in time‖

: on the other hand it reminds is of the pa

rticiple construction (―Accusative with the Participle‖):

[5:117] E.g.: I saw John (him) doing it. Such a thingform may be called a half-gerund. 3. The gerund of such verbs as to be, to get, to become, to remain, etc. is often used with the help of a-link-verb and is followed by a predicative: [5:117] E.g.: Just before dinner he was told of Sirs.

Stormner‘s not being well…


―Won‘t you sit down?‖ she said.


―You must forgive our being at work.‖ you ‗ll

excuse my being busy.


CHAPTER II Syntactical functions of Gerund

3.1 The functions of the verbals in the role of subject


Verbals are verbs that function as another part of speech.


which is a verb that always functions as a noun. We will discuss about this type. The verbals may be used in various syntactic functions. A single gerund occurs as subject but seldom; in most cases we find a gerundial phrase or a gerundial construction.

Syntactically they

has function as the

subject of a sentence:



Playing basketball takes up too much of her time.


Jogging is a healthy activity.




is the ideal way to spend a holiday.




difficulties is not my method. It ends in


as well all gerunds do. Here, it functions as the subject of the sentence, and when the subject of the sentence is a gerundial phrase, it is the sometimes placed after the predicate. Then the sentence begins with the anticipatory


E.g.: It is no use crying over split milk. Gerund can appear as a Subject Complement:

E.g.: Her favorite fantasy is playing basketball for UConn. The gerund form can further identity a noun when they play the role of Noun

Complement and Appositive:

E.g.: Her one burning desire in life,

playing basketball for UConn,

seemed a goal within reach. Gerund may exhibit all the syntactic properties of a noun.

Thus, it may be preceded by an article, a possessive or demonstrative pronoun, a noun in the genitive, or an adjective, or followed by noun-adjunct with of (or another preposition).


3.2 The functions of the Gerund as object


The Gerund can also have an object. This object, like a direct object, will also

answer the questions, whom or what. ―Running the store is hard work.‖


―Running the store‖ is the subject o

f the sentence. It is the Gerund phrase used as

Noun. ―Store ―is

the object of the gerund. Running what? The store. [13] It is not uncommon to find gerunds taking

Object of a Preposition:

E.g.: She wrote a newspaper article about

dealing with college recruiters



She thanked her coach for helping


to deal with the pressure.

Noun with syntactical function of





E.g.:...a discreet smile of greeting.


The occasion of the coming

of Don Juan‘s

two sons was not only the return of Don Manuel...



Direct Object

E.g.:... the importance of preserving the faith in its purity.


... the traffic prevented us from speaking.


A direct object is the receiver of action within a s

entence, as in ―The traffic

prevented us from



However, there is the distinguishing between a direct object and object complement. E.g.: Dirk loves reading good stories.


This gerund phrase acts as direct object

of loves.

Within the phrase itself is a second direct object. E.g.: Bertha enjoys hiking.


is the gerund. In this position, it functions as the direct object




Indirect Object

E.g.:... the Mac Andrews will pay for their schooling.



Beatriz at that age was pay, passionately pond of dancing.



She had a real passion for reading.



The Gerund with function of Indirect Object can be regarded as: Verb

with such syntactical functions:

Indirect Object, Adverbial ModifIer of Cause, compound Part of Predicate, Attribute Clause;

and as


syntactical function


Indirect Object.

E.g.: I cannot blame him for taking

step, which was forced upon him by circumstances


I never ceased to be fascinated by their persistence in eating

buttered He


forward the ridiculous argument that there was nothing more disgraceful in baking

bead than in plugging a barren field or pressing olives.

3.3 Predicative functions of Gerund


Basically, the rest of the sentences or clauses other than the subject; it usually has a verb, and thus indicates some action, but may have other functions such as modifying the subjects. E.g.:


is going downtown.

Stopping at a red light

is always a good idea.




Gerundial construction

with functions of:

Adverbial Modifier of Manner




of money‖.

...and wondering

if the fault is mine...


with function of:

Attribute, Direct


Object, Adverbial Modifier and Subordinate Clauses




about your book.‖



It was pleasing

to him to think that the grandeur of the reception arranged for them... E.g.:


On the other hand, Don Manuel had never communicated with them excepted when he was intriguing

to the order of Calatrava....




And this news slightly disconcerting

to me personally because I had written from the country to Mrs. Strickland, announcing

my return.


The gerund as part of a compound verbal predicative with verbs and phrases, denoting modality forms part of a compound verbal modal predicate. E.g.: Joseph could not help admiring the man.

The Gerund

as Predicative


Verb with the similar function:

E.g.:... he broke of and began gnawing

at his nail. Like the tense distinctions of all the verbals, those of the participle are not absolute but relative.

3.4 Gerund functions as an Adverbial Modifier


Without modifiers, sentences would be no fun to read. Carefully chosen, well

placed modifiers allow your writing to express your unique slang on the situation you are capturing with words.

The Gerund

that syntactically appears as

Adverbial Modifier of Manner


As an adverbial modifier of manner the Gerund is used with the prepositions




E.g.:... and finished by repeating the story.


Of their elders some, by imitating the antics of youth....... Thus not only rendering a service to God, but also edifying the people. I tried to conceal my embarrassment

by handing

round cups of tea. As an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances the Gerund is preceded by the preposition


E.g.:... without thinking she slithered down the stair on her backside, helping herself....


He seldom comes without bringing them anything, and soon they were able to eat meat every day that the Church allowed it. As adverbial modifier of purpose, the gerund is chiefly used with the preposition


. E.g.:... one side of the room was used for


As an adverbial modifier of condition the gerund is preceded by the preposition


E.g.: He has no right to come bothering you and father

without being invited.



As an adverbial modifier of cause, the Gerund is used with the prepositions

for, for fear of owing to.

E.g.: I dared not attend the funeral for fear

of making a fool of myself

As an adverbial modifier of concession the gerund is preceded by the preposition

in spite of

E.g.: In spite of being busy, he did all he could to help her. With the function of



E.g.: I felt she must have been suffering.

E.g.: When we had done discussing

the merits of the latest book.... Participle

In addition, it may be met as

Participle and Noun

with function of

Adverbial ModfIer of Manner


Direct Object.

E.g.: In a minute she returned


in a stronger. E.g.:... she knew no other may to amuse the sick girl than by telling

her the gossip of the city.

The Gerund


Adverbial ModifIer of Time:

(preceded by the preposition after, before, on, in, at)

Gerundial Construction and Gerund

as adverbial Modifier of Time




back at the Savoy, he gives a curt-order... E.g.: On coming

to Castle Rodriguez... E.g.: On reading

over that I have written. E.g.: On turning

a corner he come upon a scene of same activity.


also as

Adverbial Modifier of Time.


E.g.:...and after reviewing

various possible candidates... E.g.:...and after doing

her errand... The above examples show that the Gerund preceded by one and the same

preposition may be used in different functions: with the preposition ―without‖, it may

perform the function of an adverbial modifier of attendant circumstances and of

condition; with the preposition ―in‖, it may perform the function of an adverbial




difier of time and of manner; with the preposition ―for‖, it may perform the

function of an adverbial modifier of purpose or of cause.

3.5. Functions of Gerund as Attribute


In this function the Gerund is always preceded by a proposition E.g.: Strove protruded his pale round eyes with the effort

of hearing Gerund as attribute with functions of Attribute or Attributive Subordinate Clause.

E.g.:... many Spanish women with advancing

years.... Lady Prioress had been in the habit of giving

Maria Perez work to do...


...even at the risk of boring

the reader...


A man of learning

and a poet. In most cases, the Gerund might be manifested as Gerund, Noun, Verb, seldom Participle with Syntactical function of: Adverbial Modifiers, Subordinate Clauses, Attribute, Direct and Indirect Object and Predicate. The Gerund developed from the verbal noun, which in course of time became verbalized preserving at the same time its nominal character. As a natural result of its origin and development the Gerund has nominal and verbal properties. As we noticed the nominal characters of the Gerund are met in different cases with different function.





The consideration of the English overbids in their mutual comparison, supported and supplemented by comparing them with their non-verbal counterparts, puts forward some points of structure and function worth of special notice. Of special significance for the differential overbid identification purposes the two different types of conversion: the compared forms are subject to, namely, the nounal conversion of the Gerund. After analyzing about 100 examples with Gerund from literary works we have come to a conclusion that there are: - Gerund

with the syntactical functions of attribute, direct object, indirect object, predicate. - Gerund

functioning as adverbial modifier of manner Gerunds, which syntactically are direct objects, are rendered as: - Noun with the function of direct object - Verbs with the function of predicate - Gerunds functioning as adverbial modifiers of manner


Gerunds, which appear as adverbial modifier of manner, are rendered as:


Adverbial modifier of manner








Gerund that syntactically are indirect objects, predicates preserve their function. It should be mentioned that in the process of using the nounal and verbal characteristics of the Gerund are subject to changes for example: the semi dynamic character of the Gerund is transformed into a static character, in most of the cases when the gerund is rendered by means of a noun. The consideration also had revealed Participle I with the function of: Predicate is rendered by means of:


Verb functioning as predicate, direct object, attribute.



Gerund and gerundial construction functioning as adverbial modifier of manner.


Participle, noun, parasitological units functioning as attributes, direct objects, adverbial modifiers and subordinate Clauses. Attribute is transmitted as:








Noun, all of them functioning as attributes and direct objects. Adverbial modifier of manner is transmitted as:


Gerund, functioning as adverbial modifier of manner and of reason


Verb, functioning as direct object and predicate Complex object is transmitted as:


Gerund with the functions of adverbial modifier of manner and attribute Adverbial modifier of time, purpose and cause is transmitted as:


Verb with the function of predicate, adverbial modifier of manner and time, attribute.





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Название:Гай Юлий Цезарь и Верка Сердючка Автор:Milik Фэндомы:Три богатыря, Алёша Попович и Тугарин Змей, Добрыня Никитич и Змей Горыныч, Верка Сердючка (кроссовер) Основные персонажи:Юлий, 3 страница | Ex.1 Choose Gerund or Infinitive

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