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9.What sights attract tourists from all over the world to Moscow?



8.How old is Moscow?

9.What sights attract tourists from all over the world to Moscow?

10.WЪat reputation has Russia got in the world?

11.Who is the president of the country now? What power has he got?

12. Are you optimistic about the future of your motherland?

5 Agriculture of Russia

The Russian Federation is a large country with different soil and climatic conditions. Fanners of Russia produce various farm products on its vast territory. The south of the country is the main area for producing grain, vegetables, fruit and meat. In the Non-Black Soil Zone they grow potatoes, flax, keep farm animals. Forestry and grain production are developed in Siberia. The Far East is famous for its fishing. Fur breeding is popular in the North.

There are two main branches of agriculture: animal breeding and crop growing. Farmers of Russia grow such cereals as wheat, rye, buckwheat, barley and oats. They grow vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, onions and cabbage. Animal breeding is developed all over the country. Farmers raise cows for milk and meat; sheep are kept for their wool and meat. Farmers breed poultry: hens, ducks and geese. Farms are provided with tractors, combine-harvesters, trucks and other farm machinery.

Russian agriculture is living through the period of changes and reforms. Much success has been achieved in some spheres of farming thanks to the efforts of scientists and outstanding agriculturists. They develop new crop varieties, animal breeds and highly effective machines for tillage, seeding and harvesting operations. There are still problems which our agriculture faces today. Among them are financing, management, storage and

marketing of agricultural products.

The chief aim of agriculture is to supply industry with raw materials and population with food. This aim can be achieved by joint efforts of all people of the country.

5.1 Translate into English:

1. Россия это обширная страна.

2. Ландшафт России разнообразен.

3. Больше людей живет в городах, чем в сельской

4. Москва была основана в 1147 году.

5. Красная площадь и кремль привлекают много

6. Россия это миролюбивое государство.

7. Московское метро - это одно из самых красивых
метро в мире.

8. Скотоводство и растениеводство развиты в России.

9. Реформы и перемены сделают российское сельское
хозяйство высоко эффективным.


10. Во фруктовых садах фермеры выращивают яблоки,
сливу и вишню.

11. Фермеры выращивают картофель и свеклу в
больших количествах.

12. В смешанных хозяйствах фермеры выращивают
зерновые, овощи, фрукты и содержат скот.

5.2 True / false sentences:

1. Russia has large resources of coal and oil.

2. The aim of the reforms in agriculture is to supply
people with food products:

3. The government of Russia is in Moscow.

4. Fanners keep cows for meat, milk and wool; poultry is
kept for meat and eggs.

5. Animal breeding is developed all over Russia.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 33 | Нарушение авторских прав

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