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How to write a letter of transmittal




letter of transmittal


супровідний лист



передмова, вступ

to authorize











стереотип, газетний матеріал

to clip


скріпляти (скріпкою)



підготовка; освіта






виготовлений заздалегідь

to tailor



to proofread


правити коректуру




registered letter


рекомендований лист


These specialized kinds of letters of transmittal function as introductory cover letters to a report or proposal and are attached either to the front of the document or placed directly after the title page, depending on company custom. They are usually brief-one page, preferably, and have several functions: to introduce the document, to summarize its contents, to persuade the reader of the document's value, to make sure the document gets to the right person and the right place, and to give writers a place to add comments that don't fit easily into the report itself. When done well, the letter of transmittal serves much the same function that a preface to a book does.

Follow the procedures below

1. At the beginning of the letter, state the report topic and indicate that the report is attached.

2. Establish the purpose of the report and explain why, when, and by whom the report was authorized.

3. Give a brief summary of the report and stress any significant information especially relevant to readers.

4. State any conclusion or recommendations.

5. Include any relevant background information.

6. Acknowledge those who provided valuable assistance.

7. Mention any planned future reports.

8. Recommend further action, if needed.

9. Close the letter with a sense of appreciation for the opportunity to prepare the report and include an offer to assist with future projects or further study, if appropriate.

10. At the end always offer to answer any questions the readers may have or provide additional information.

a) A note of caution is appropriate here. Too often companies send out boiler-plate letters with the specific new information inserted into an obviously prefabricated set of paragraphs. When readers sense that the letter is boilerplate, they often don't bother to read it at all, and the writer loses an opportunity to create a positive impression.

So, the writer muct take time to tailor letters of transmittal for the audience-don't just revise standard prose.

b) Another caution: Make sure the transmittal letter is securely attached to the report or proposal. A letter paper clipped to the front of a document is easily detached and lost before it reaches its proper destination. If the letter serves its introductory function well, it should remain attached to the report even after it has reached its primary readers, as for the layout of the letter the blocked style is preferable. It means that there is no punctuation in the address and the greetings.

All new lines of typing are ranged to the left. This streamline is considered to be modern and efficient.

But there are some companies and firms which prefer to indented style. In this style paragraph openings are indented, the address and greetings are punctuated.

This style in business letters has become traditional. The business letter may be written in some other styles too for example, semi-indented letter style fully-blocked letter style. In general all these styles have much in common.


the blocked style - блочний стиль

streamline - спрощення, модернізація indented - з відступом

TASK 4. Study the following definitions:



the introductory remarks of a speaker



or writer



prudent forethought to minimize risk



to move by argument and entreaty to



a belief, position or course of action



an item or part typical of a group or



whole; sample; instance



something that promotes well-being



to read and mark corrections in



critical evaluation (as of a book or






enquiries and replies


Before opening a business relationship, a company will try to obtain as possible information to make careful decisions. A request for information is called an enquiry.

If the company asks for price lists, catalogues, visits from representatives, they will send a general enquiry. If, however, specific details, e.g. certain kinds of products, quotations of prices, terms of delivery and payment, samples of drawings are required a special enquiry will be written.

Both types are without any legal obligation for the enquirer. When dealing with a new supplier, that is, for the first time it is important if you mention how you obtained his name and give some short information about your own business. You should state your requirements clearly and distinctly, asking for prices, terms of payments, discounts and date of delivery.

Though these letters do not have any legal obligations nevertheless it is an important step towards a business contract.

Replies to enquiries are an important stage in business dealings. That's why one who receives an inquiry should reply promptly even if the matters of inquiry are of no interest to the recipient. Inability to deal with enquiries can lead to loss of valuable orders.

In response to any enquiry the firm submits a quotation, giving details of prices, terms of payment, terms of delivery, discount So, it gives the information as courteously and as fully as if it means material profit to the firm.

Many firms have ready-made forms which they send to customers, but in many cases a personal letter would do the job better. It may induce the customer to buy the goods.


TASK 2. Remember the following phrases and sentences for writing Enquiry Letters

1. Before we consider placing an order, we would be interested in....

2. We'd expect to negotiate favourable terms.

3. We'd like to have a trial of the items mentioned.

4. We'd appreciate a reply at an early date.

5. Looking forward to a prompt reply, I am....

6. Some of the items listed have aroused our interest.

7. We were surprised to find out that this article nо longer features in your new catalogue.

8. Do you supply operating instructions and specifications sheets in


We'd like to know if you would be in a position to supply... |

9. Having encountered difficultly in obtaining supplies of....

10. However some slight modification would be necessary to adapt your product to the French market.

11. Could you let us have the address of a local distributor?

12. Before placing a firm order, we'd like....


VTASK 3. Find the English equivalents for the


1. Проте незначні зміни будуть необхідні для адаптації Вашої продукції до вимог французького ринку.

2. Ви відправляєте інструкції з експлуатації і англійською мовою?

3. Нас здивувало, коли ми дізналися, що цей товар більш не значиться у Вашому новому каталозі.

4. Деякі товари, перелічені у списку, зацікавили нас.

5. Будемо вдячні за якнайшвидшу відповідь на наш лист.

6. Перед розміщенням твердого замовлення ми б хотіли....

7. Перед тим, як розглянути питання щодо розміщення замовлення, нас цікавить....

8. Ми сподіваємося обговорити сприятливі умови.

9. Нам би хотілося провести випробування згаданих товарів.

10. З нетерпінням будемо чекати на швидку відповідь.

11. Чи не могли б Ви нам повідомити адресу місцевого агента з продажу?

12. Стикаємося з проблемою отримання поставок.

13. Якщо ми правильно зрозуміли, цей продукт знятий з випуску?


|TASK 5. Remember the following phrases and sentences for writing Replies to Enquiries

I We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 8 April.

2. We are in receipt of your letter of....

3. Thank you for your interest in....

4. We are enclosing a brochure specifications and price sheets.

5. We are sending you a copy of our latest product list under separate cover.

6. Our local sales supervisor will be getting in touch with you in the near future.

7. We can forward samples of all our articles on request.

8. Our salesman will contact you to agree on a date for a meeting.

9. All our products can be delivered within a week (at a week's


10. We look forward to receiving an order from you

II We trust our equipment will meet your requirements.

12. The enclosed leaflet will supply full particulars.

13. We hold large stocks to cater for your requirements.


\J TASK 6. Find the English équivalents fQz


1. У нас є великий асортимент запасів, щоб задовольнити Ваші потреби.

2. Підтверджуємо отримання Вашого листа від 8 квітня.

3. Відповідальний за продаж у даному регіоні незабаром зв'яжеться з Вами.

4. Всі наші товари можуть бути доставлені протягом тижня (з повідомленням за тиждень).

5. Окремо відправляємо Вам копію останнього переліку наших товарів.

6. Додаємо рекламний проспект (брошуру), специфікації та прейскуранти.

7. Дякуємо Вам за Вашу зацікавленість до....

8. Ми впевнені, що наше обладнання задовольнить Ваші потреби.

9. З нетерпінням чекаємо на Ваше замовлення.

10. В доданому проспекті розглянуто всі деталі.

11. Наш продавець зв'яжеться з Вами, щоб погодити дату зустрічі.

12. На Вашу вимогу ми можемо направити зразок всіх наших товарів.

13. Ми отримали листа від....


TASK 7. Translate these letters into English:

a) Шановні панове,

Дякуємо Вам за літературу, яку Ви надіслали нам 15 жовтня.

На жаль, реорганізація нашого заводу змушує нас зупинити цю виробничу лінію.

Ми проявили ініціативу, направивши Ваш каталог фірмі Боргер Брос, яка може зацікавитись Вашою продукцією.

Сподіваємось, що Ви зможете знайти з ними спільну мову.

З повагою,


виробнича лінія - product line знайти спільну мову — to deal with

b) Шановні панове,

Ми отримали Ваш новий каталог.

Оскільки у вашому каталозі не зазначена ціна моделі XX, ми б хотіли уточнити її ціну і Ваші умови продажу.

Ми були б Вам дуже вдячні, якби Ви направили нам повні дані щодо всіх товарів разом з прейскурантом цін і з умовами поставки за кордон.

З повагою,

c) Шановний містер Петісон,

Ми отримали Ваш новий каталог.

У відповідь на Ваш запит направляємо Вам документацію на товари, які привернули Вашу увагу.

Будемо раді надати Вам будь-яку додаткову інформацію щодо товарів і цін на них.

Дякуємо Вам за проявлений інтерес до наших товарів.

d) Шановний містер Томкінс,

Ми були дуже раді отримати Ваш запит від 25 березня.

Наш представник зв'яжеться з Вами через декілька днів.

Він представить Вам сучасні рекламні проспекти, специфікації та прейскуранти і порадить,





to place an order


розмістити замовлення



доказ, підстава

trial order


пробне замовлення

standing order


постійно діюче замовлення




to acknowledge



to stipulate










Before deciding where to buy necessary goods, a customer should examine and compare offers of different possible supplies. A detailed offer should consist of information about the kind and quality of the service or product, quantities, prices, terms of delivery and payment, and delivery periods. After thorough examination, the customer will react to the most favourable offer by placing an order.

The order can be made in any kind of modern telecommunications. But very often it is done in written form. Orders which have not been made in writing should be confirmed by written order to provide evidence.

The order should list all the details contained in an offer. Sometimes letters to suppliers contain printed order sheets or order forms which standardize the process of ordering within a company.

A customer can place different kinds of orders:

initial (or first) order:

the customer orders goods from a particular supplier for the very first time

repeat (or re-) orders:

the customer orders the same goods from the same supplier again

trial order:

the customer places an order to test the quality of the supplier's goods and/or his reliability

standing order:

the customer asks the supplier to deliver goods at certain intervals according to the customer's specification

A sales contract is established if an order follows a firm offer. In the case of an offer without engagement, a customer's order must be acknowledged by the supplier to establish a sales contract. This is also necessary if a customer has changed the conditions of the preceding offer substantially.

A letter of acknowledgement won't be only written to confirm a customer's order which has been placed on the basis of a preceding offer without engagement.

The supplier may also send an acknowledgement in the form of letter or a telex to:

- express his thanks for the customer's order

- express his willingness to. accept an order which has not been preceded by an offer

- repeat the important details of an order which has been placed in a form other than writing

- ask for additional instructions concerning details not mentioned in the order

- answer a customer's counter-offer (either he accepts the conditions desired by the customer or he submits a counter-offer of his own

- refuse acceptance of an order if he is not able or willing to supply

In the case of acceptance of an order the acknowledgement should

contain all details stipulated in the order.

If possible, it should prepare the customer for the arrival of the by informing him about delivery dates, mode of dispatch, etc.


з. Remember the following phrases and

etitences for writing Letters of Orders.

1. Please forward 50 units of....

2. We enclose our order for....

3. We trust that you will grant us the 10% reduction for bulk orders.

4. This material seems to be well adapted to the requirements of our clients.

5. Are these artictes available for immediate delivery?

6. We hope that your current rates will continue to apply.

7. This articles should reach us before 20 March.

8. This trial order will be followed by regular orders.

9. Your representative has advised us to contact you directly.

10. Your new range conforms to the standards of quality that we expect.

11. Please find enclosed our order form No....

12. We hope that it will be possible for you to have them sent to us within a week.

13. This item is listed as number 5618 in your catalogue.

14. Please let us know when you can meet (carry out) our order.


TASK 4. Find the English equivalents for the following:

1. Ми повинні отримати ці товари до 20 березня.

2. Сподіваємось, що Ваші поточні тарифи залишаються ще в


3. Ця позиція значиться у Вашому каталозі під номером 5618.

4. Додаємо наше замовлення на....

5. Ці товари є в наявності для негайної відправки.

6. Здається, що цей матеріал відповідає потребам наших клієнтів

7. Ми гадаємо, що Ви надасте нам 10%-ну знижку за розміщення великого замовлення.

8. Ваш представник порадив звернутися безпосередньо до Вас

9. Сподіваємось, що для Вас буде можливим направити їх нам протягом тижня.

10. При цьому направляємо бланк замовлення №....

11. Ваша нова серія відповідає тому рівню якості, якого ми від неї чекали.

12. Повідомте, будь-ласка, коли Ви зможете виконати наше замовлення.

13. Будь-ласка, направте 50 одиниць....

14. Слідом за пробним замовленням надходитимуть регулярні замовлення.


TASK 5. Remember the following phrases and sentences for writing Letters Of


1. Your order of 8 April is receiving our attention.

2. We are pleased to advise you that the order has been dispatched today by car to San Francisco.

3. We acknowledge receipt of your order for.... This will be dispatched immediately upon receipt of your remittance for... If

4. We thank you for your order of... which is being attended to and will be dispatched carriage forward.

5. Your order will be completed by the stipulated date.

6. The goods are to be collected at our works.

7. Your agent will be notified when the order is ready to be called for.

8. We are holding your order pending precise shipping instructions.

9. Your order is being processed for immediate dispatch.

10. Your order has been passed to our forwarding agents.

11. As requested we have enclosed a packing note with the goods.


TASK 6. Find the English equivalents for the following:

1. На Ваш запит додаємо пакувальний лист до товару.

2. Ми тримаємо Ваше замовлення в очікуванні чітких інструкцій щодо відправлення.

З Ми працюємо над Вашим замовленням для його негайного


4. Ми займаємось Вашим замовленням від 8 квітня.

5. Ми передали Ваше замовлення нашому експедитору.

6 Ваше замовлення буде виконано до призначеної дати.

7. Ми раді Вам повідомити, що товар на Ваше замовлення було сьогодні відвантажено залізницею (вантажним автомобілем) до Сан-Франциско.

8. Підтверджуємо отримання Вашого замовлення на.... Воно буде відправлене негайно після отримання від Вас переказу на... доларів.

9. Товари необхідно отримати у нас на заводі.

10. Дякуємо Вам за Ваше замовлення яким ми займаємося і яке буде відвантажене з оплатою доставки одержувача.

11. Ми повідомимо Вашого агента, коли буде готове замовлення для відправки.



letters of complaints; claims and



to be dignified бути сповненим гідності

чесний, справедливий

fair тільки факти

bare facts

to adjust Улагоджувати

promptly швидко

In business everything should be done very carefully, but sometimes it is impossible to avoid mistakes, that is "err is human". The mistakes may be different. For example, as a result of the sales contract a customer will result punctual delivery in accordance with the agreed delivery date or period. If, however, the goods are not delivered on time, and one of the parties considers that the other party has violated the terms of the contract in such case this party sent a letter of complaint. So, the causes of the complaints may be different:

violation of the terms (delays in shipment, later than the date stipulated):

quality of the goods (unsatisfactory, below the standard, not up to the sample)

quantity of the goods (insufficient, to be short - shipped)

damage to the goods

errors (in statements, invoices, orders)

service (inadequate)

But before writing a letter of complaint, make sure you have got your facts right. A letter of complaint or claim should always be courteous, dignified and fair. Its purpose is not to express anger but to correct mistakes or faults and to get results avoiding hostile or demanding tone.

The letter should consist of the following:

1. An expression of regret that there is a need to complain.

2. The information about the date of the order and the date of delivery.

3. The nature of your complaint.

Some suggestions as for solution, if you think, you know, how the mistake can be corrected. It may express your confidence that the company will be fair. Its also necessary to remember that the complaint must be confined by the stat ement of facts and polite enquiry about what the supplier is going to do adjust the complaint.

But every claim is unique and it is difficult to recommend a set form of letter for all cases.

Replies to such letters may be called adjustments. They usually require patience, tact and diplomacy. All complaints should be treated as serious matters and thoroughly investigated.

You should react to the claim promptly if you don't want to lose your customers. If you need more time to investigate the complaint, tell your customer about this.

There is no need to go into details concerning the occurrence of a mistake or error since the only thing the client is interested in is how the seller will deal with the complaint That's why the answer should be always courteous even if the sellers think that the complaint is unfounded, you should always try to give an explanation to the problem and the reply to complaint should contain the bare facts and information about the action taken by the seller.

An adjustment letter should begin with a positive statement, expressing sympathy and understanding and should end with another positive statement reaffirming the company's good intention.


TASK 2. Remember the following phrases and sentences for writing Complaints and claims.

1. You have charged for returnable boxes but sent disposable ones.

2. The contents are so severely damaged that it is considered to be unsaleable.

3. Although we have followed your operating instructions to the letter we are unable to obtain the performances promised.

4. We would appreciate an early visit from your technical advisor.

5. We have had repeated breakdowns and must ask you to send an engineer.

6. We are disappointed that quality is not up to sample.

7. We are returning the broken appliances to you forthwith and would be grateful shipment of replacements.

8. Your shipment is already late and our import licence expires at the end of the month.

9. We will have to consider other sources of supply.

Please, ensure that this sort of problem does not arise again.

TASK 3. Find the English equivalents tor


1. Ми змушені будемо звертатися до інших постачальник і і

2. Ви включили в ціну ящики багаторазового використаний проте відправили нам - одноразові.

3. Ми негайно повертаємо Вам поламані прилади і будемо вд за негайне відвантаження їх заміни.

4. Будь ласка, не допускайте виникнення таких проблем.

5. Вміст настільки пошкоджений, що його неможливо продати,

6. Хоча ми виконували Ваші інструкції з експлуатації досить скрупульозно, ми не отримали обіцяних характеристик роботи.

7. Ваше відвантаження уже затримується, а термін дії нашої імпортної ліцензії закінчується наприкінці цього місяця.

8. У нас поломки повторювались, і ми повинні просити направити інженера.

9. Ми були б Вам вдячні за скоріший приїзд Вашого технічного радника.

10. Ми розчаровані, що якість не відповідає зразку.


TASK 5. Remember the following phrases a

sentences for writing Letters of Adjustment. m

1. We regret that we cannot be held responsible for expenses incurs by delays in delivery.

2. We are in the process of going over to a new computer and this ha& led to some duplication in invoicing.

3. We have sorted out the question of your wrong invoice.

4. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused.

5. We have taken steps to ensure that this will not occur again.

6. The late delivery was due to labour disputes at the docks.

7. Replacements are already on their way Franco domicile, duty paid.

8. If you dispose of the items at the best available price we'll send you a credit note for the difference.

9. The move to the new office has resulted in delays.

10. We can assure you that future orders from you will be dealt with promptly, and the consignments will reach you by the dates stipulated.


TASK 6. Find the English equivalents for the following:

1. Ви можете упевнитесь, що Ваші замовлення надалі будуть виконуватися швидко, і товари будуть доставлені згідно з обумовленими датами.

2. Ми переводимо документи на новий комп'ютер і це призвело до подвійного виставлення рахунків.

3. Переїзд до нового офісу спричинив затримки.

4. Шкода, проте на нас не можна покладати відповідальність за виплатою, спричинені затримкою у постачанні.

5. Ми вирішили питання про Ваш помилковий рахунок.

Ми вжили заходів, щоб це надалі не повторилось



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