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Conversational topic : Industrial and Residential Construction

Контрольная работа №3

Theme: Construction

Conversational topic: Industrial and Residential Construction



Task I. Analyse the given word-buildings

a) speci + es (sing.) род, особь, разновидность, вид

speci + al (adj.) специальный,особенный

specialist n.; специалист

speciality п. специальность

specialize v. специализировать

specialization n.. специализация

specific adj. 1) специфический, определенный

2) специальное средство, (лекарство)

specification п. спецификации, детали

specify v. определять, подробно обозначать

b) to vary v. менять
variable adj. 1) изменчивый

п.. 2) переменная величина

variability n.изменчивость

variance п.. несогласие

variant adj., п. иной, вариант

variation n. изменение, отступление

variety n. разнообразие

various adj различный, разный.

c) to differ v. различать
difference n. различие

different adj. различный, отличный от

differentia отличительное свойство вида, класса

differential adj. 1) дифференциальный

2) дифференциал

differentiate v. дифференцировать

differentiation n. дифференцирование

Примечания: sing. единственное число существительного; n. cуществительное

adj. прилагательное; v. глагол

Task II. Give as many words as you can of the same stem and then translate
them into Russian:

to construct, to build, to mount, to engine, to act, to relate, to form, to produce, to develop, to port, to put.

For example: to construct- construction- constructor….

Task III. Form few words using the following models and translate them into Russian

v + -ment=noun (Глагол +ment=существительное)

to require (требовать) ­– requirement (требование)

to improve (улучшать)

to govern (управлять)

to measure (измерять)

to invest (вкладывать)

to develop (развивать)

to achieve (достигать)

v + - tjon = noun

to introduce (вводить) – introduction (введение);

to produce (производить)

to reduce (снижать)

to consider (считать)

to apply (применять)

to investigate (исследовать)

Task IV. Pay attention to the following contextual synonyms.

V. • What's this in Russian?

a) situation - situate - situ (in-situ) - site

b) prefabrication

VI. Remember!

mass / reinforced / ferro concreteжелезобетон

in-situ / cast-in-place / precast concrete монолитный бетон.

prefabricated concrete сборный

Notes to the text A.

technique техника(технология)

material материалы

strength прочность

commensurate benefit рентабельность, соответственная выгода

frame каркас

to supply снабжать

to ensure страховать,


stable - стабильный - stability п. стабильность

durable-долговечный - durability п. долговечность

comprehensive [kompri'hensiv] объемлющий

to assemble v. собирать

assembly work монтажные работы
source --источник - resource - ресурсы

search - поиск –

research - исследование

to condition - обуславливать –

conditions n.. условия

to use - использовать - (use) n. использование

to employ v. employ n.

employ+ee служащий

employ+er наниматель

employment служба

(to finish-finish)-finishing отделочные работы

to increase. увеличивать

to decrease уменьшать

to fit - снабжать - fitting снабжение

to advance - продвигать - advance n. продвижение

advantage преимущество

disadvantage недостаток

structure структура

structural конструкционный

to take form принимать форму

to take into account принимать в расчет

to analyze анализировать

analysis анализ.

Task Read and translate the text and then render it in English


Building industry includes residential, public and industrial construction. The type and the function of a building govern its design, materials and techniques. The evolution of techniques is conditioned by two factors: one is economic - the search for a maximum of stability and durability in building with a minimum of materials, labour and time; the other is expressive - the desire to produce meaningful form. A building cannot take form without consideration of structural principles, materials, social and economic requirements, but without aesthetic quality of this form it cannot be considered as a work of architecture. There are three basic factors in architecture - convenience, strength and beauty which are always present and interrelated in the best structures.'

The national architectural styles, climatic conditions and various lifestyles are always taken into account while projecting a new dwelling. Acute problem is the reconstruction of old cities preserving old architecture.

The application of engineering fundamentals and analyses to construction activities may reveal methods of improving the quality, while at the same time reducing the costs of construction. Requirements of the design should be based on the cost with producing commensurate benefits.

At present there are new methods of constructionsuch as standardization, off site prefabrication, reinforced concrete panels, and etc. Modern industrial buildings have demonstrated the advantages of reinforced concrete arches, metal frames, glass walls and prefabricated standardized mass produced parts. There is a marked improvement in the planning of a building, in heating and ventilating systems, in hot water supply, in kitchen and sanitary fittings and in finishing.

The main directions of capital construction development are as follows:

1) to increase the effectiveness of capital investments;

2) to carry out the further industrialization of construction work; to speed up the development and the introduction of advanced technologies and the system of machines ensuring comprehensive mechanization of the construction and assembly work. To improve the structure of buildings and materials employed;

3) to improve the organization and the management of construction work introducing the collective contract work;

4) to continue the improvement of architectural design and urban planning.

Exercises 2.

I. Find the Russian equivalents of the following English words:


1. residential construction а. рассматривать

2. techniques b.заводской

3. stability с. жилье, жилище

4. requirements d. проектировать

e. методы

5. strength f. металлический каркас

6. to project g. отделка

7. dwelling h. выгода

8. to improve i. сборное строительство

9. to reduce j. устойчивость

10.benefit k. техника

11.prefabrication 1. требование

12.metal frame m. прочность

13.mass produced parts n.строительно-монтажные работы

14.finishing о. уменьшать

15.construction and assembly work p. детали массового изготовления

16. to consider r. жилищное строительство

s. улучшать


Exercises 3.

Find the synonyms:


residential building


a. precast


reinforced concrete


b. town planning


to employ


c. in-situ


urban planning


d. demand




to show








to decrease


to project




to reduce


to use


to demonstrate


to draw






building (adj.)









Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 27 | Нарушение авторских прав

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Construction is the most dangerous land-based work sector in Europe, after the fishing industry. In the European Union, the fatal accident rate is nearly 13 workers per 100,000 as against 5 per | Construction is growing from year to year in our great country. Millions of people get new flats and houses built by modern methods and materials.

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2025 год. (0.016 сек.)