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Second student innovation forum with international participation

Second student innovation forum with international participation




Dear Colleagues!

invite students bachelors, undergraduates, graduate universities of St. Petersburg to participate in the

Second Student Innovation Forum with international participation


Forum will be held November 26-27, 2014 in the Institute of Refrigeration and biotechnology ITMO University at the address: 191002, St. Petersburg, ul. University, 9, 3327.2222 audience.

The main directions of the Forum:

Automatics and automation of manufacturing processes;

Processes and equipment of food industry;

Resource-saving technologies.


The final formation of the Forum program will be based on participants' bids.

Participation in the Forum is free.

Working languages: Russian, English.

Forms of participation: full-time, part-time.

Application for participation, abstracts and presentation materials sent electronically oksi280491@yandex.ru Aksenova O.I.


Deadline for materials: November 19, 2014.


Second student innovation forum with international participation


Please name the file the questionnaire as follows:





Full name completely


status (student, bakalavriant, undergraduate, graduate student), course / year of study


Place of study

(University, college, department)


The current e-mail E-mail


Chosen section - the direction of the forum


Title of report


Your photo (no more than 1MB)



Requirements for the materials:

Card's website (in Russian and English):

surname, first name, middle name (in full)

Degrees Held

name of the organization (in accordance with the Charter of the organization)

address of the organization

e-mail address for contacts

Review of the manuscript


File Format Word:

text made ​​in any of the Microsoft Word text editor without formatting to the UDC. Font size (TimesNewRoman) of the main text - 14 pt, line spacing 1.15.

extended abstract (minimum 100 words) - in Russian and English languages

keywords (5-10) in Russian and English. (Words and groups of words marked as key must be present in the text of the article)


Second student innovation forum with international participation


title of the article - in Russian and English figures are submitted mainly in one of the application formats Microsoft (Word, Excel, Power Point). Illustrations are made ​​taking into account the subsequent reproduction by means of offset printing: dashed (drawings, diagrams, graphs, technical drawings) - in accordance with the requirements of ESKD - programmatically using graphical editors.

literature, references, footnotes. Legend of bibliographic references - GOST 7.0.5-2008 (pay special attention to the sources of the Internet). Numbering positions - according to the order of their appearance in the text. The text of the article should contain links to all of the list of references.


In the abstract volume of one A4 page should be summarized the essence of your scientific work.


The file should be named with the thesis as follows:


and send to the address oksi280491@yandex.ru to November 19, 2014

Report should be prepared in the form of presentation PowerPoint (5-10 slides).

You can send an article of 5-6 pages. Making the following pattern:

Sample articles

UDC 65.33

Optimization of the interoperational pipeline transportation of the dough made from varied cereal flour - Scherabakov A.S, an engineer, a graduate student, Institute of Refrigeration and Biotechnologies, National Research University of

Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (University ITMO), alex.scherBa@mail.ru

Baichenko A.A, MPH, assistant University ITMO, Externalize@yandex.ru

Optimization of the dough transportation requires a mutual solution of the equations of the motion and continuity of the flow, taking into account the rheological equation of dough and the cost of the pipe depending on its parameters.
Keywords: dough, pipeline, price


Second student innovation forum with international participation


Arete VA Shcherbakov A. Visco wheat dough by exclusion vhodovyh pressure loss [electronic resource]: Electronic scientific journal "Processes and equipment for food production" / HPE «Saint-Petersburg State University of Refrigeration and Food Technology." Electronic Journal - Saint - Petersburg SPbGUNiPT, 2011. - №2.



Date Small Innovation Forum - 26-27 November 2014 (ATTENTION: Dates of forum can be changed).


The Organizing Committee of the Second Student Innovation Forum St.Petersburg on 26-27 November 2014


Chairman of the Organizing Committee - Aksenov OI,. oksi280491@yandex.ru

Deputy Chairman - Saveliev VA, vadik-09@bk.ru


Members of the organizing committee of the Second Student Innovation Forum St. Petersburg on 26-27 November 2014

Surname, initials

Position, position


Aksenova OI

Chairman of the organizing committee, undergraduate


Savelyev VA

Deputy Chairman of the organizing committee, undergraduate


Salokeeva AR

Member of the organizing committee, undergraduate


Thoruk DK

Member of the organizing committee, undergraduate


Kravchenko NN

Member of the organizing committee, bakalavriant


Consultants of the organizing committee of the Second Student Innovation Forum St. Petersburg on 26-27 November 2014

Verboloz EI

Dean of the Faculty of Food Engineering and Automation (Piia)


Arete VA

Head of the department of technological machinery and equipment (TMiO)


Ivanov VL

Head of the Department of Automation and process automation


GV Alekseev

Head of the department processes and devices


Baychenko LA

Associate Professor of TMiO


Kudryavtsev VN

Associate Professor of TMiO


Gromtsev AS

Art. the teacher. TMiO



oksi280491@yandex.ru, vadik-09@bk.ru, ms.salokeeva@mail.ru, denis-thoruk@mail.ru, nikitoz64@mail.ru, elenaverboloz@mail.ru, valdurtera@mail.ru,vniig-audit@mail.ru, gva2003@rambler.ru, larabaychenko@yandex.ru, kudryavtsevvn@mail.ru, aleex_g@mail.ru

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 13 | Нарушение авторских прав

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