History of Kazakhstan I year students
Lecture 12 All departments
Instructor: 2007-2008 academic year
Taichikova K.T. Winter trimester
Kazakhstan under the power of the Russian empire.
The objective of the lecture: To show internal and external reasons of the joining of Kazakhstan to Russia.
Outline of the lecture:
1. In 1552 and 1556 Russian border reached the northern part of Kazakhstan, after joining Kazan and Astrakhan khanates. With the aim of establishing of the communication between Russia, India and other eastern countries the reconnaissance expeditions were sent by PeterI. The first one headed by A.Bekovich-Cherkassky was dispatched to the Caspian Sea and Khiva (1715-1717) and second one under the supervision of I.Bukhgolts (1717-1718) and I.Likharev (1719-1720) were sent up to the Irtysh river.
During the two last expeditions the beginning of the building line of Russian military fortification on the north-eastern border lines of Kazakhstan.
In 1722 during the staying in Astrakhan on the way from Persia to Petersburg Peter I as it was admitted by the competent eyewitness A.Tevkelev “Could be informed through much people” about the Kazakh lands and defined their significance for geopolitical and trade-economic interests of Russia in Central Asia.
The period of the formation of the Eastern Doctrine of Peter I chronologically coincided with the epoch of growing up of the crisis phenomenon in the internal-political situation of Kazakh nomadic society and worsening of the states of Kazakhstan on the world arena. There were the intensified centrifugal tendencies and it was difficult for Kazakh khan Tauke (1680-1715) and Kaip (1716-1718) to control the separations aspirations of the khans and sultans.
Having used the non-stability of the social-political situation in Kazakhstan, the rulers of the neighboring Joungar khanate at the beginning of the XVIIIc. Went over from the policy of local invasions into regions of the Middle and Senior juzes to the organization of large scale military aggression against the Kazakh and other peoples of Central Asia.
Besides, the conflicts between the Kazakhs and Volga Kalmyks, Bashkirs, Siberian and Ural Cossacks became more frequent to the north of the region. All these induced the big cattle-owners of the Junior and Middle juzes to seek reliable legal guarantees of the consolidating of the earlier occupied nomad encampments near the Jaik, Ori rivers, and also getting of the new nomadic lands in the lower reaches of the Jaik where the route to Fertile pastures of its right-bank was opened and there were wide opportunities of the enlarging of the contacts with the Russian market.
Not less actual for the Kazakh people was also the mission of seeking for the advantageous ally and the protector with the object of continuing the fight with Joungars for restoring their primordial nomadic lands on the south of the region. All these circumstances caused the striving of the part of the political elite of the Kazakh society to look for the support of the Russian Government.
2. In October 1730 the Ambassadors of the Khan of the Junior juz Abulkhair (1694-1748), Seitkul Koidagulov and Kutlumbet Koshbayev arrived at Petersburg. They made a request to the empress of Russia about his and people’s subjected to him, taking the Russian citizenship. For the administrating the Kazakhs to the oath of allegiance to Russia to the Empress Anna Ioanovna sent the special embassy to the Junior juz headed by A.Tevkelev, the translator of the Board (Collegeu) of foreign affairs.
On the 10-th of the October 1731 the signing of the document legal about citizenship by the group of the Kazakh leaders took place in the Headquarters of Abulkhair khan at the country between two rivers of the lower flows of Irghiz and Tobol rivers. This fact marked the beginning of the long historical process of the joining of the kazakh lands.
1. Before in 1717 khan Tauke and sultans Kaip and Abulkhair sent ambassadors to Peter I for conclusion treaties against Joungaria, but this negotiations were failed.
2. In the beginning of 1726 Abulkhair sent Koibagar Kobekov’s embassy to Russia for taking Russian citizenship again.
The process of the joining of Kazakh juzes to Russia was long in time and contradictionary in its essence. The first period of the 30-th of the XVIII involved in the epoch of the formal-legal sovereignty of the Russian empire over the Kazakh people of the Junior and Middle juzes.
Reconnaissance | разведка |
Dispatch | посылать |
Admit | допускать, принимать |
Aspiration | стремление, желание |
Worsening | ухудшение |
Intensify | усиливать |
Frequent | частый, многократный |
Induce | побуждать, убеждать |
Fertile | плодородный, изобилующий |
Primordial | изначальный, исконный |
Strive | стараться, бороться |
Oath | клятва |
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