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Ex. 1 Choose the best variant,

Ex. 1 Choose the best variant,

Choosing a Job

One of the most difficult decisions is choosing what to do for a / - (1) work / living. For example, do you want to follow a definite (2) business/career, and (3) earn/gain a I- low (4) salary / money at the beginning, but have good (5) perspectives / prospects in a company that trains its (6) employers / staff? Or are you more interested in taking any Kind of work, because you need a / an (7) income /money? You may have to (8) come up with / face up ro the fact that a good (9) work /job can be difficult to find. In that case, why not take a (10) temporary /short one? You will gain some useful (11) experiences /experience. Remember that even if you have the right (12) qualifications / degrees, you may have to (13) turn down /fill in lots of application forms before you are asked to (14) attend/make an interview. But don't worry if you don't know what you want to (15) work / do exactly. You'll enjoy finding out!

Skilide vetoping

Ex, 2 A. What are the most important factors for you in choosing or keeping a job? Put the following factors in order of importance and then compare your list with that of your partner's.

- good salary or wages

- interesting and varied work, not boring and monotonous

- work which is useful to society

- good working conditions

- flexible hours

- opportunities to meet people

- friendly considerate management and colleagues

- opportunities to travel

- long holidays

- job security

- good career prospects

- bossing people

- dealing with children

- responsibility of your own

- working with nice people

- getting on with your boss

- the chance of promotion

- another factor - what?

B. In your opinion, which jobs or professions fit your criteria?

C. Does the job you hope to have fit them?

(The Important thing is not what others think of me

but what I think of me.


D. What jobs fit the criteria that you have selected above? Put them in order.

Very boring

* Very interesting

Very badly-paid

Very well-paid

Give opportunity to meet people

Give no opportunity to meet people i

Involve travelling

Don t involve travelling

Require special qualification



Influencing people

Require using a computer

Don t require using a computer

Involve the use of languages

Don't require knowledge of languages



Involve living abroad

Don't involve living abroad



Require working indoors

Require working outdoors

Require wearing special uniform

Suggest wearing beautiful clothes

Ex. 8 Read about how two people came to choose their careers. Pay attention to phrasal verbs.


At the moment I have a very good, well-paid job that I enjoy doing, but it hasr 't always been like this.

Several years ago I used to work as a salesman for a small company that specialized n making motor components for the car industry. It was the sort of job where you uad to be committed to your product, you had to believe in it and do everything possible to iisll it. But:imes were hard, and a lot of companies were going out of business, so our company started to cut back on the number of people it employed in order to save money -:ortunately I wasn't one of them - but in the end it had to close down, and i found myself iut of work for the first time in my life. I applied for several jobs in similar companies, but I wasn't successful - every one of them fumed me down.

Then one day I was looking through the paper and I came across an advertisement for courses that specialized in journalism. 1 filled in an application form, sent it off, was accepted onto the course, studied hard, passed my exams, and became a qualified ournalist. I then wrote to a small magazine for the car industry, attended an interview with dozens of other applicants and, to my surprise, they took me on. The magazine grew in iize and popularity, I moved from writing articles to being subeditor, and this year I became he editor, so I suppose, I've been lucky, really.


When I was young my father always told me how important it was to get on in life and je a success. 'You must make something of your life,' he used to say. I think he wanted ne to be a doctor or an engineer or something like that. And I can remember how lisappointed he was when I left school early and started work as a secretary.

It was a small, badiy-run company, and when I went there they toid me the job wasn't lifficult and I would soon pick it up. At the beginning I liked the job, but as time passed the i/ork started to take up more of my time and I found I was working late in the evenings and:ven at weekends. And in addition to this I had to put up with poor working conditions and, low salary - I earned just enough to get by - and there were no promotion prospects at II. All this really got me down. And then I started to wonder if I was really cut out for this ind of work - it didn't really suit me or my particular abilities.

Then one day - I remember I'd been working very hard that month and had put in a 3t of extra hours - I went to see my boss to ask for some time off work. I needed to visit ly mother, who wasn't well at that time. I have to say that I didn't get on with my boss very /ell. Anyway, he refused point-blank. He said that it was out of the question and he didn't /ant to hear another word, f tried explaining but I just couldn't get through to him. He 7

wouldn't listen. So 1 walked out of the office, and as far as I was concerned, that was the last straw. The next day / handed in my resignation, and I said to myself that I would never put myself in that kind of position again. I decided to return to studying and go in for law. I graduated from London University and now I am starting to make my way in the world. As my father used to say, 'The world is your oyster1.

So was my father right? Is it important to get on in the world? Well, in some ways it is, but it depends on how you measure success and what you want to get out of life. After all there are other things in life besides work.

Word meaning

Јx. 9 Find in the text the phrasal verbs that mean the following;

1. to learn something without difficulty or special study

2. to make someone feel depressed

3. to close something (a factory or organisation) temporarily or permanently

4. to manage to survive and have a satisfactory life

5. to use or require a certain amount of time, effort, or space

6. to employ someone

7. to choose something as one's career

8 to refuse or reject someone / something

9. to reduce something, especially to save money

10. to succeed, to be successful in one's job

Ex. 10 Paraphrase the sentences using the phrasal verbs.

1. The company has employed extra staff.

2. I've decided to make a career in medicine.

3. He didn't accept my offer of help.

4. The factory will have to reduce production.

5. The bad working conditions depress me.

6. The company has stopped doing business.

7. I learned some Arabic while I was in Cairo.

8. She wants to be a success in her job.

9. Writing reports uses a lot of my time.

10. She survives on a very small income.

Ex. 11 Look at how the following expressions are used in the texts.

What do you think they mean? How would you say number 4 and 6 in Russian/

1. to get on in life / the world

2. to be cut out for something

3. to refuse (something) point-blank

4. That's the last straw!

5. to make one's way in the world

6. The world is one's oyster.


1. He has all the right__________for the job.

a) certificates b) degrees

c) diplomas d) qualifications

2. She's looking for a better position with another__________.

a) association b) firm

c) house d) society

3. A doctor is a member of a respected__________.

a) occupation b) profession

c) trade d) work

4. It's wise to think about choosing a__________before leaving school.

a) business b) career

c) living d) profession

5. If you want a job you have to__________for one.

a) applicate b) apply

c) ask d) appoint

6. You'll probably have to__________an application form,

a) fill down b) fil! in

c) fill on d) fill through

7. And you'll need to give the names of two or three__________.

a) hostages b) judges

c) referees d) umpires

8. AN the members of our___________are expected to work hard.

a) personal b) personnel

c) staff d) gang

9. If you're a(n)__________you have to do what your boss tells you.

a) director b) employee

c) employer d) manager

10. You can earn more money by working__________,

a) extraordinary hours b) overhours

c) overtime d) supplementary hours

11. It's difficult these days for a young person to find a well-paid__________job.

a) eternal b) permanent

c) reliable d) stable

12. She was__________after three years with the company.

a) advanced b) risen

c) promoted d) raised

13. An apprentice is required to do several years'__________.

a) coaching b) education

c) formation d) training

14. In Britain, people are usually unwilling to tell other people how much they__________.

a) deserve b) earn

c) gain d) obtain

•15. A retired person is paid a__________.

a) grant b) pension

c) rent d) scholarship

16. According to everyone in the__________, she is a very good boss.

17. a) apartment b) compartment c) department d) employment

18. Some of my work is quite interesting, but a lot of it is just__________.

a) habit b) practice

c) routine d) tradition

19. If you are paid monthly, rather than weekly, you receive__________.

a} revenue b) a reward

c) a salary d) wages,20. The purpose of running a business is to make a__________,

a) contribution b} money

c) profit d) service 21. Great news! I've just been__________,

a) promoted b) raised

c)advanced d)put up


1. Workers who arrive late will be given three warnings and then__________.

a) refused b) dismissed

c) cancelled d) rejected

2. The job__________dealing with potentially dangerous situations. Are you still interested?

a) involves b) concerns

c) offers d) encloses

3. Most of the men went__________in protest at the cuts.

a) to strike b) in strike

c) on strike d) at strike

4. The chief engineer was in__________of nearly fifty men.

a) charge b) direction

c) leadership d) management

5. Before long I was promoted to the__________of under-secretary.

a) job b) profession

c} position d) vocation

6. Many women decided to__________their careers for their family life.

a) give up b) put down

c) give in d) put up

7. They asked me if 1 had had any__________experience in this area.,.

a) before b) preliminary

c) early d) previous I

8. Teachers find it difficult to__________on the small salaries they earn. (

a) keep b) be

c) alive d) survive,

9. It was terrible - my best friend and I had both__________for the same job!

a) intended b) referred (

c) applied d) requested 10.1 have an excellent job__________an architect's office. 1

a} by b) in

c) with d) to,

11. I'm on the dole now - I was__________by the dockyard when they started to lose

money. I

a) laid off b) put off

c) called off d) sent off j

12. She was a woman of great__________; she was so good at her job that she soon rose

to the top of the profession. I

a) future b) ability

c) opportunity d) possibility

13. We're very busy this week. Can you work__________?

a) extra time b) supplementary time

c) overtime d) double time

14.1 succeeded in my job through sheer hard__________.

a) work b) labour

c) industry d) effort '.

15. I'm thinking of changing my job because there are few__________of promotion.

a) perspectives b) opportunities

c) prospects d) sources

16. Bill has a real__________for looking after handicapped children.

a) career b) post

c) inspiration d) vocation

17.1 am well-qualified and have completed a__________in graphic design.

a) lesson b) curriculum

c) course d) timetable

18. in our company! am afraid there is very little__________to work hard.

a) inspiration b) advantage

c) gain d) motivation

19. It's not very interesting work, but at least it's a__________job.

a) regular b) continuous

c) firm d) steady

///. The word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

a. The__________rate is coming down at last. More people will be cypi oy

able to find jobs now.

b. You need to get good__________in order to be a doctor. QUALIFY

c. The last._____was selected for the job because she had more, ____ ___

---------------- INTERVIEW

experience than the others.

d. When applying for a job, it's important to fill in the__________form D| v

r\r i L. T


e. Most people continue working until 60 or 65, but recently people have._._

, i >, " Kb I IKh

been taking early__________.

f. The company had to close down because its prices were not _.._CTr_

L-'LJIVIn El I tl

g.__________developments mean that we don't have to work so hard - -rprHNni nrY

most of the thinking is now done by computers.

h. Computers have__________our lives; they can do everything from. _ n-r^M

,,,.,., KfcVULU I ION

mathematics to making cars!

i. Job__________is very important if you're going to do the same thing for c.f,-r]C:cv

,,..... oA I lor Y

most of your adult life, k. I'm in a terrible state -__________and with nowhere to live. JOB








Curriculum Vitae - CV (BrE)

resume (AmE) decision


job centre

job description






short list


If you are hunting for a job, you should

^ look through job advertisements;

•/ write a CV / resume about yourself;

^ write a letter of application;

vx make an appointment for a job interview;

^ attend the job interview.

And!f you do well, you'll get your dream-job!

Ex. 1 Below, there is a a job advertisement from the Guardian on 29 July. Teresa Price applied for the job. You can see her C V and part of her letter of application below.

Ex. 2 Complete the tetter of application using the information from the advertisement and the CV to help you.


j with an international clientele is looking for a 24 to 30-year-old graduate in I British Economics. The ability to work under pressure together with an en-j thusiasm to learn and good command ot German is essential since you would be based in Germany except for brief trips to the London Office.

Please send a letter of application and CV to: 24 Tottenham Street, Lorv l don W 1 ,a-~~—L1.m—.maSsm,~^^


Born: Home address: Tet. No; Education:


Marital Status: Hobbies: Referees:

1980, Grantham, Lincolnshire 6 Carlswood Street, Redhill. Surrey Croydon 5231 9 1991 -7: Grantham Comprehensive (9 0 levels, A level Economics, French, German) 1997 _ 2QOO: Bristol University, BSc Economics (2n class honours) 2000 - 4 Social worker, East Anglian Unemployment Scheme 2004- Present: Advertising Copywriter, Marksad, Norwich Single Travel, music John Fredericks, E.A.U.S. (Director) Arthur Guttler, Marksad (Director)

. Dear Sir,

In answer to your ________,_ __._..._ I am applying/or the post ofad-

, vertising executive.

I have a background in economics. I.. _________ ot nristol university and obtained _______________ (please see attached CV). I also bane, a. good

_ _ _________ German, as you mention in your advertisement.

I am interested in the job because ___________——•

I would be happy to attend, an interview if selected.

Yours _________________,

Teresa Price

Ex. 3 Cfcoose a job that you would like to do. Write out your CV using Teresa's CV to help you. Choose a job for Joe Morris (see the text 'Hunting for a Job') and write an application letter for him. Writes letter of application for the job in answer to an advertisement for it in a newspaper. Use Teresa's letter to help you.



to work i'n our busy Travel Department compiling itineraries for our customers. This is the fastest growing part of our business and you will need a very good knowledge of Italy, and also be able to work under a lot of pressure in a very lively team.

It would be an advantage if you could speak Italian. Our offices are in sunny Croydon, and In addition to a competitive; starting salary we offer a contributory pension scheme and staff l! travel benefits.

Written applications only to: Nicola Jeffery, Reservations Manager CITALIA

WSarco Polo House, 3 / 5 Lansdowne Road Croydon CR3 1 LL






We are looking for an intelligent, self confident person fluent in at least one foreign language. The work involves answering correspondence, meeting visitors and clients from abroad in the office and talking to clients on the phone.

The working week will be 20 hours per week. Monday - Friday, mornings or afternoons only. Previous experience would be useful but not essential. Apply in writing to Ms Pat Brown, ACME Enterprises, 13 Armada Way, Brookfield BF27 LJ ___________

Class CommunicatiQji

You can apply fora job by telephone.

Situations Vacant

Music JjdsJB^ssfamily require NANN't'^OTHER'S

Ov^r 2$. Not far from London. \

Looking for a job this summer TUTOR required for 1(Kyear-old Jonathan during 6-week yaclft cruise amoha Greek islands I


Student A

You teach s class of 11-year-olds at a primary school in Brighton. You have had this job for three years. You are looking for a summer job to help buy a new car in the autumn. You do not mind what sort of job it is, but possibly teaching foreign students or looking after children would do.

You are prepared to work in any part of the country or even abroad. You would hope to earn at least Ј80 a week and are available from 20 July until 8 September.

You see the above advertisement in the newspaper and decide to phone up about it. Student B is Jonathan's mother / father.

You can begin like this:

- Good (afternoon). I'm phoning about the advertisement in today's paper.

Student E

You are looking for a tutor for your 10-year-old son, Jonathan, during a summer cruise with friends among the Greek islands. The person must be between twenty-two and thirty, able to swim, have a lively personality and experience in teaching children. The person will also be expected to take part in the social life on board the yacht and help with the cooking.

The job is from 14 July to 31 August and you will pay Ј50 a week pocket money since all food, drink, accommodation, entertainment, etc. will be free.

You have put an advertisement in the newspaper for a tutor. Student A phones up about it. If you think he / she sounds interesting, arrange a time to see him / her. (But you are only free at weekends).


Ex, 4 Work in groups.

Imagine that you have received a lot of applications for a job in your firm. Sort them into three piles:

\: These look promising!

1: These are possibles.

;.- Thanks, but no thanks! (hopeless cases)

Discuss them in class.

As you will see from my enclosed CV, I have been working for my present company for three years,! joined them as assistant works manager and was promoted to production manager last year. Before that I had spent two years taking a full-time diploma course.

:. My name's Jim Brown and i can do great things for your company! I'm 29, unmarried, fit and healthy and I've got ai! the qualifications and experience to make me the ideal.

i. I am sure I would be able to manage the department successfully as I am good at supervising people and at giving clear instructions. I feel that i would be

,. I wish to apply for the job you have advertised. Please send me further details.

i. I noted with interest your advertisement for a Marketing Assistant in today's Daily Planet

}. I am writing about the job in your advertisement in today's Evening Post. I am having five years' experience in the export and import trade as well as the qualifications you...

'. I am ambitious and my present job doesn't offer me the chance to expand.

I. If you consider that my experience and qualifications are suitable, 1 would be available for interview at any time.

). I enclose a CV, which gives full details of my qualifications and work experience. In support of my application, i should like to mention the following points:

"0. Although my present employers are first-rate and our relationship is excellent, 1 am keen to extend my range and am looking for a more rewarding and challenging post.

•1.1 woufd be grateful if I could discuss the post available in person and perhaps go into my background and rny suitability for the post in more detail.


Employment Agencies

VJfc* чеУ

In Britain there is a special service for school leavers, the Careers Advisory Service, which helps young people who are looking for their first job. Careers Officers give practical advice on interview techniques, application forms, letters, pay, National Insurance and Trade Unions.

One business organization that you may use when you are job-hunting01 is an employment agency. There are the state employment services and nonprofit agencies that do not receive fees for finding jobs for people. There exist also some private employment agencies which receive a fee. Some employment agencies see applicants without an appointment. These include the state employment services and nonprofit agencies. Counselors there may spend a ['few minutes with each applicant.

But an agency that deals with technical and higher-salaried jobs, spends.much more time with each applicant. Appointments are necessary in this [type of agency, where a counselor may be able to see only a few applicants [a day.

An interview for any kind of job, whether the interview is obtained through

a friend, classified advertisement, or an agency, generally requires an

appointment. It is important to be on time for your appointment. If you

mave made an appointment and cannot keep it, or if you will be more than

ten minutes late, you should always call the interviewer. If you do not cancel

[the appointment or notify the interviewer that you will be late, you will

[create a negative impression on your possible employer.

To make efficient use of time, American business people schedule their Eays hour by hour. In most American business situations, appointments Be a necessary courtesy.


I job-hunting — looking for work


"....They Live by the Appointment Book."

Victor had recently arrived in the United States, and he did not completely Understand the need for appointments. He thought his friend was exaggerating.

One day he went to an employment agency. This agency specialized in

placing people according to their qualifications. Victor wanted;: working as soon as possible so that he could afford his own apartmer:

When he arrived at the agency at 10 a.m. the receptionist said to *'Do you have an appointment?" Victor looked around the office anc "No, I don't, but I see that there are very few people waiting here sure the counselor can see me. "The receptionist answered, "I'm s This agency works by appointment only." She told him to leave his fill out an application, and make an appointment. Victor did not t resume, but he was able to get an appointment in two days.

Before dinner that evening, Victor dropped in on his friend Andre told Victor again why sometimes in America you cannot just droj Victor then turned to his friend and said, "Andre, you are right. In Arad you don't live from day to day — you live from appointment to appointmed

(adapted from "Working World" by Baskin

Ex. 3. Find in texts A and В equivalents for the following words: phrases:

1) быть готовым к переменам (изменениям); 2) создать положительч. отрицательное впечатление; 3) заполнить анкету для поступления на рабе 4) решить, принять решение; 5) приобрести знания/опыт работы; 6) ущ детальную информацию; 7) час за часом; 8} эффективно использовать предлагать что-либо (советовать); 10) подбирать работу согласно квалиф кации; И) специализироваться в области; 12) самооценка; 13) обратитьс.-кому-либо; 14) изучать что-либо (пойти на курсы).

Ex. 4. Match the idioms in column A with the definitions in column с


1. self appraisal


a. to consider smth after delaying it

2. self concept

b. to visit without an appointment

3. self evaluation

c. to get an appointment

4. resume

d. newspaper listing of job

5. give notice

e. your own view of yourself

6. give me a call

f. to give someone a good opinion of you

7. create a good impression

g. summary of one's employment record

8. classified ad

h. a form to be filled in when

9. drop in

applying for smth i. determine your own value

or worth

10. make an appointment

j. estimate your own qualities, abilities

11. get around to smth

k. telephone me

12. application form

1. inform your employer in advance that you are leaving the job


Ex. 5. Replace the italicized parts of the sentences by words and word combinations from the vocabulary.

1. In American business practice making appointments is a rule of polite behaviour.

2. He went to an employment agency to meet a person who gives advice, but first he had to talk to the employee who receives callers and answers

the phone.

3. He went to the manager in order to formally ask for a job.

4. He doesn't work at the moment, he is out of work.

5. The company gives provisions against sickness, death, damage and loss.

6. His parents couldn't make him leave the job, they could only give advice.

7. His programme was very busy, every hour was occupied.

8. These agencies deal only with people having no trade.

Ex. 6. Choose the right word.

a) job — positionoccupation

"job" — anything that one has to do, task, duty;

"position" — a person's relative place, as in society; rank,status;

"occupation" ~ that which chiefly engages one's time; one's trade.

1. He was unemployed doing only odd.....

2. Knitting is a useful..... for long winter evenings.

3. This aid is for those who have a very low.... in society.

4. My sister occupies an important..... in the Department of Health.

5. The police called the company to find out his...... at the moment.

6. He had a hard........ painting the car.

b) force— make

"force" — do smth by force or as if by force; compel;

"make" — to cause or force (followed by an infinitive without "to").

1. They.....the confession from him

2. The robbers.....the cashier lie on the floor and took the money.

3. They.....me repeat the story again.

4. He would have never done it, but he was.....to do it.

c) leave— graduate "leave" — graduate (school);

"graduate (from)" — to get a degree or diploma, to complete a course of study at a college/university.

1. He.... from Columbia University last summer.

2. She... school 2 months ago and couldn't find a job.

3. What University did you.... from?

Ex. 7. Fill in prepositions where necessary.

1) After leaving school a young person faces..,. a very difficult problem -choosing an occupation. 2) The majority of young people do not get around..,. making a decision until they leave school, 3) Boys and girls seldom talk about this problem.... with the family. 4) One has to take special courses to qualify.... the job. 5) There is a special advisory service which counsels.... people who are looking.... work. 6) There are nonprofit agencies that deal.... nonskilled positions. 7) This agency specializes.... placing people.... their qualifications. 8) The agency helped me find.... the information I needed. 9) You can turn.... your teacher.... advice and help. 10) Counselors give practical advice.... interview techniques, application forms, etc. 11) He made an appointment with the career officer.... 11 o'clock. 12) A counselor can see only a few applicants.... a day. 13) An interview.... any kind of job generally requires an appointment. 14) He was.... 20 minutes late and created a negative impression.... the employer. 15) American business people schedule their day hour.... hour. 16) On the wall he saw a notice "The agency works.... appointment only". 17) He didn't know how to fill.... the application form. 18) It turned out that he travelled to the agency.... nothing as he didn't make an appointment.... advance. 19) Appointment is a necessary courtesy, you can't just drop.....

Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences:

1) Когда я вошла в офис агентства, секретарь, встречающий посе-тителей, спросил меня, назначена ли у меня встреча. 2) У меня назначена встреча с Мисс Харрис на 10:15. 3) Я проходил мимо вашего агентства и решил зайти и поговорить с одним из ваших сотрудников. 4) Он не пришел в назначенное

время на встречу с Мистером Брауном, это, конечно, произвело крайне отрицательное впечатление. 5) Анкета для поступления на работу заполняется печатными буквами. 6) Вам придется начать работу с самой маленькой должности, чтобы приобрести необходимый опыт. 7) Вы должны пойти на курсы, чтобы приобрести знания, необходимые для этой работы. 8) Агентство поможет вам подобрать работу согласно вашей квалификации. 9) Агентство "Manpower" специализируется именно в этой области. 10) Ему предложили две разные должности, но он не мог решить, какую выбрать.

Ex. 9. Which statement is a good example of the meaning of the italicized word?

1. He thought that his friend was exaggerating.

a. He was shouting to make his point understood.

b. He made it seem much more important than it really was.

2. One day he went to an employment office.

a. office where he worked

b. organization that helps people to find an occupation.

3. The employment office places people according to their qualifications.

a. the office which helps people to find a place to live.

b. the office which advises people on the job and interview technique.

4. He thought he was imposing on his brother and sister-in-law.

a. He made things very difficult for his brother.

b. He made his brother work hard.

5. He couldn 't afford his own apartment.

a. he couldn't live alone.

b. he didn't have enough money to pay the rent

6. One should have definite qualifications for the job.

a. education and work experience

b. definite personal features

Ex. 10, Fill in the right word from the word-column.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 370 | Нарушение авторских прав

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WE COME SWEEPING up the tree-lined boulevard with siren and lights and when the GPS urges us to make the next left we take it so fast that all the gear slams and sways inside the vehicle. I don't 11 страница | 

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