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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Laboratory Work 4

Countable and Uncountable Nouns


Существительные могут быть исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми.

· Неисчисляемые существительные имеют только одну форму (единственное число) и не требуют неопределённый артикль (a/an).

· Неисчисляемые существительные включают:

- субстанции, материалы: gas, gold, plastic, water, air, sand …

- абстрактные идеи: profitability, progress, travel, weather, luck

- отглагольные существительные: brainstorming, engineering, timing, advertising

(+ см. Laboratory work No.3)


Разница между исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными



countable example

uncountable example

use of a, an, the

plural noun

some + noun

any + noun

enough + noun

many + noun

few/a few + noun

less + noun

little/a little + noun

much + noun

that/this + noun

those/these + noun

a book, the book

books, the books

some books

any book, any books

enough books

many books

(a) few books

(not possible)

(not possible)

(not possible)

that/this book

those/these books

cheese, the cheese

(no plural form)

some cheese

any cheese

enough cheese

(not possible)

(not possible)

less cheese

(a) little cheese

much cheese

that/this cheese

(not possible)


· Неисчисляемые существительные всегда требуют после себя глагол в единственном числе.

The money is insufficient.


· Многие существительные могут быть как неисчисляемыми, так и исчисляемыми:

There is a fine cheese. (= a fine variety or type)

These cheeses are produced only in Italy. (= these types of cheese)

- fish – fishes (all the fishes in the sea = the different varieties of fish)

He studies the fishes in the Atlantic. (= types of fish)

- fruit – fruits (Fruit is sweet.)



countable example

uncountable example














He sat there and ate a whole chicken.

I’d love a coffee now. (= cup of coffee)

Failing an exam was a new experience for me.

A kumquat is an exotic fruit.


The cat has left white hairs all over the sofa.

I’d like an orange juice, please. (= a glass of)

I heard a noise outside the window.

I’ll have some chicken and chips, please.

Is there any coffee left?


Have you had any previous experience?

You should eat fruit every day.

Get your hair cut – it’s getting too long.

I’ll just squeeze some juice from these oranges.

Stop making so much noise.


· Некоторые исчисляемые и неисчисляемые формы имеют абсолютно разные значения:

iron (железо) - an iron (утюг)

paper (бумага) - a paper (газета)

wood (дерево) - a wood (лес)

work (работа) - a work (произведение)


· Если вы говорите об определённом количестве, используя неисчисляемые существительные, то вы можете использовать: a piece of cheese

a blob of paint

a bunch of flowers

a cup of coffee

a drop of water

a glass of juice

a loaf of bread

a lump of sugar

a pile of rubbish

a slice of bread

a pair of scissors

a sheet of paper


I. In the following pairs of words, one is countable and the other is uncountable. Write some or a before each word.

1. __ a __ book/ some _ literature

2. _____ report/ _____ news

3. _____ desk/ _____ furniture

4. _____ accommodation/ _____ hotel

5. _____ chance/ _____ luck

6. _____ water/ _____ litre

7. _____ equipment/ _____ machine

8. _____ dollar/ _____ money

9. _____ cheque/ _____ cash

10. _____ letter/ _____ correspondence

II. In the dialogue, choose the correct option from the words in italics.

HARRY: I’ve got (1) a problem /some problem with Petersens. They owe us (2) a money/some money for (3) a work/some work we did for them, but they won’t pay.

JANET: We’ve had (4) a trouble/some trouble with them before, haven’t we?

HARRY: Yes, that’s right. Last year they sent us (5) a cheque/some cheque for (6) an equipment/some equipment we had supplied and the bank returned it. So they haven’t got (7) a good record/some good record.

JANET: May I make (8) a suggestion/some suggestion? Send them (9) a final demand/some final demand, saying we want to be paid immediately.

HARRY: And if they still don’t pay?

JANET: Go and see (10) a lawyer/some lawyer and get (11) an advice/some advice about what to do next.

HARRY: All right, I’ll send them (12) a letter/some letter today.

JANET: Yes, OK. And by the way, there’s (13) an information/some information about the company and who runs it in the Accounts Department. Have a word with Kerry, because she’s got (14) a correspondence/some correspondence from them that might be useful.

III. Cross out the incorrect alternative in the following sentences:

1. I’ve ordered a/some new software.

2. I have a/some good news for you.

3. I need a/some information about visas.

4. We’ve made a/some progress since we met.

5. The fire didn’t cause much/many damage.

6. They say that the/- travel broadens the mind.

7. She never uses public transport/transports.

8. There was a heavy/some heavy traffic this morning.

9. We’ve done a little/a few research into the causes of the problem.

10. I was given another/some more training when I started my present job.

11. Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful advice/advices.

12. We had very good weather/a very good weather while we were on holiday.

13. It’s very difficult to find a work/job at the moment.

14. I had to buy a/some bread because I wanted to make some sandwiches.

15. Bad news don’t/doesn’t make people happy.

16. Your hair is/Your hairs are too long. You should have it/them cut.

IV. Fill in the blanks with is or are.

1. The equipment that we ordered _____ here.

2. What _____ the weather like at this time of year?

3. There _____ a lot of cars in the car park this morning.

4. The agenda for tomorrow’s meeting _____ on your desk.

5. The reports that I have just received from Tokyo _____ not very good.

6. Your Japanese visitors have gone to the hotel, but their luggage _____ still at the office.

7. On the foreign exchanges this morning, the dollar ______ up 0.5 cents against the yen.

V. Match the words in box A with those in box B.


a bottle of inspiration

a barrel of work

a stroke of applause

a pair of oil

a flash of perfume

a mountain of luck

a round of jeans

VI. Use the expressions in Exercise V appropriately in the following sentences. (Translate the sentences.)

1. The solution of the problem came to him in a ….

2. He made a passionate speech and got a huge ….

3. He bought a … for his wife from the duty-free.

4. He surprised everybody by coming to work wearing a ….

5. OPEC has fixed the price of a … at $ 70.

6. Please don’t disturb me under any circumstances. I’ve got a … to get through.

7. I had a … at the airport – they gave me an earlier flight and upgrade to a first-class cabin.

VII. Complete the sentences using one of the following words. Sometimes the word needs to be plural (-s).

air chair country day experience experience friend furniture hair information job meat language letter patience people permission photograph progress queue space work


1. I had my camera but I didn’t take any photographs.

2. There are seven … in a week.

3. A vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat ….

4. Outside the cinema there was … of people waiting to see the film.

5. I’m not very good at writing ….

6. Last night I went with some … of mine.

7. There were very few … in the shops today. They were almost empty.

8. I’m going out for a walk. I need some fresh ….

9. George always wants things quickly. He’s got no ….

10. Do you speak any foreign …?

11. Jane travels a lot. She has been to many ….

12. Our flat is very small. We haven’t got much....

13. They’ll tell you all you want to know. They’ll give you plenty of ….

14. There is room for everybody to sit down. There are plenty of ….

15. We have no …, not even a bed or a table.

16. ‘What does Alan look like?’ ‘He’s got a long beard and very short …’.

17. Carla’s English is better than it was. She’s made ….

18. George is unemployed. He’s looking for a ….

19. George is unemployed. He’s looking for ….

20. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ….

21. I don’t think Ann will get the job. She hasn’t got enough ….

22. Rita has done many interesting things. She should write a book about her ….

VIII. Fill in the gaps in the text with a few/a little/much/many. Retell the text.

Two Bags of Groceries


Michael is at the supermarket and he's really upset. He just bought some groceries, and he can't believe he just spent forty dollars!

He only bought … oranges, … apples, … milk, … ice cream, and … eggs.

He also bought just … coffee, … onion, … bananas, … rice, … cheese, and … lemons.

He didn’t buy very … fish. He didn’t buy very … grapes. And he didn’t buy very … meat.

Michael just spent forty dollars, and he’s walking out of the Supermarket with only two bags of groceries. No wonder he’s upset!

IX. Translate the sentences.

1. Сколько человек в вашей компании?

2. Разрешите дать Вам совет.

3. Питеру надо купить стекло, чтобы отремонтировать разбитое окно.

4. Извините, мне нужна информация о поездах в Париж.

5. Я нашёл сок в холодильнике, но я не могу найти стакан.

6. Фильм имел большой успех.

7. Из чего сделана эта мебель? – Из дерева.

8. Деньги – вещь очень важная. Особенно когда их нет. (Э.М.Ремарк)

9. Сегодня чудесная погода.

10. Какая нудная работа!

11. Только работа тебе поможет забыть всё.

12. Что нового? – Нет новостей - уже хорошая новость.

13. Англичане тратят много денег на путешествия.

14. У тебя много работы сегодня? – Нет, я свободен.

15. Вы купили сахару? – Да, немного.

16. Наши летние каникулы продолжаются 2 месяца.

17. Я думаю, вы сделали удивительный прогресс.

18. Официант, извините! У меня волос в супе.

19. Давай сделаем яблочный пирог! – Извини, мы не можем, у нас очень мало муки.

20. Нефть дорожает (to get expensive) каждый год.

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 110 | Нарушение авторских прав

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