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History of Kazakhstan I year students

Lecture 19 All departments

Instructor: 2006-2007 academic year

Taichikova K.T. Fall trimester

October Revolution of 1917 and Kazakhstan.

The objective of the lecture: To show establishment of the Soviet power on the territory of Kazakhstan, it’s peculiarities. Struggle between the leaders of political parties of Kazakstan for perspectives of future Kazakhstan.


Outline of the lecture:

  1. Kazakhstan in the period of October Revolution. Establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan.
  2. Formation and activity of Alash-Orda.


On the 24 of October 1917 in Petrograd there was begun an armed uprising. At the morning of 25 of October there were captured important objects in the city by the Soviet power allied people: railway stations, electric power stations, telephone stations, government enterprises and banks. Provisional government was arrested.


The news about the victory of armed uprising in Petrograd and the Soviet power authorization there reached Kazakhstan. There was started the establishment of Soviet power in krai. On the 3- of October the Soviet workers and soldiers deputies of Perovsk announced about the conquering of power in their hands. On the 1 of November in the result of war actions the power of Soviets was established in Tashkent. On the 6 of November the power was transited to Soviets in Aulie-Ata, in Chernyaev by peaceful way. In December – in Bukey Horde, Petropavlovsk, Kokchetav, Atbasar, Kustanai. In January of 1918 – in Aktubinsk, on the 18 of January – in Orenburg, in the result of failure of armed uprising of ataman Dutov. On the 17 of February the Soviet power was established in Semipalatinsk, and then in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Karkaralinsk, Zaisan, on the 3 of March in Verny and during the March it was established in whole Semipalatinskaya oblast. The establishment of the Soviet power was proclaimed on the 15 of January of 1918, but on the 29 of March it was overthrown, and finally the power was authorized already in the years of civil war.


On the 22 of November of 1917 in Kokand there was opened IV Urgent Krai Muslim congress. It was opened by M.Chokai. On the congress there was decided to create the Turkestan autonomy that was called “Turkestoni mukhtariat”, which firstly was headed by Tynyshpayev, and then by M.Chokai. The place of Congress passing and autonomy supervisory organs being was the city of Kokand, that’s why the autonomy was named after it – “Kokand Autonomy”. But in the February of 1918 the autonomy was eliminated by the Soviet power.


On the 5-13 of December 1917 there was held Second All-Kazakh congress in Orenburg. In this congress delegates from whole Kazakhstan participated: from Bukey Horde, Semipalatinskay, Semire3chenskaya, Samarkadskaya oblasts, and from Altai gubernia. The organization was made by Bukeikhanov, Baytursynov, Omarov, Doshyanov, Dulatov. Kulmanov was the chairman of congress. The agenda was filled by following questions: the attitude to Siberian autonomy, to Turkestan autonomy and to south-east union, autonomy of Kazakh oblasts, militia, national council, education, national fund, muftiat, national court, aul supervising, food question.


The main question of the congress was the creation of the Kazakh autonomy. The report about the autonomy was presented by Bukeikhanov. This report and the question about Kazakh autonomy were transmitted to special commissin for consideration. The congress stated to create the autonomy of Kazakh oblasts and to give to it the name “Alash”.


There was formed Provisinal national council “Alash-Orda” consisting of 25 members, 10 of which were for Russians and other representatives of different nations of Krai. The head-office of Alash-Orda was defined to situate in Semipalatinsk. A.Bukeikhanov was elected on the alternative basis on the post of government head, chairman of All-Kazakh national Council. Beside him, Kulmanov and Turlubayev were pretending to take this post.

The leaders of Alash-Orda had contacted with soviet power. Brothers Dosmukhamedovs had met with Lenin and Stalin, Gabbasov also had negotiated with Stalin as national commissar of the business on nationalities. They were trying to achieve the mutual acceptance of Alash autonomy and Soviet power. But this didn’t happen. In that time leaders of Alash-Orda had established the contacts with ataman Dutov after his overthrowing of the Soviet power in Orenburg, with Committee of Constituent assembly in Samara and with Provisional Siberian government in Omsk. The Alash-Ordians passed from contacts and compromises with Soviet power to unity with the last mentioned organizations with the purpose of struggling with Soviets. In June of 1918 there was accepted the decree of Alash-Orda, where was told: “All the decrees, which were issued by the Soviet power on the territory of Alash autonomy, are illegal”. In the August in Semipalatinsk there was formed first Alash cavalry regiment.


In Alash at that time happened a split. On September, 1918 there was formed Western department of Alsh-Orda with the center in Jambeity in Uralskay oblast, in the head was J.Dosmukhamedov. Western department – Wilskiy olyayat consisted of: Uralskaya oblast, Bukey Horde, Mangystauskay uezd, Aktubinskay and Irgizskiy uezds of Turgaiskaya oblast. The center of Eastern separated department of Alash-Orda had moved from Semipalatinsk to Zhana Semey.


Soviet government understood that for attraction of big Kazakh population masses on their side, it should cooperate with the Alash-Orda leaders, and of the November,4, 1919 there was issued the decree about Alash-Ordians amnesty. On the 21 of December of that year the council of Alash-Orda had accepted a dicision to move to the side of Soviets. In the beginning of 1920 year Alash-Orda stopped to exist, because on the 9 of March there was accepted the decision of its elimination.




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Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 22 | Нарушение авторских прав

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