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(a) A (in tones of sympathy): You have to make beds, I suppose. 6 страница

17. Could you vacate your room by noon on the day you are leaving?

18. Ring for room service if you want anything.

19. Would you inform the hall porter if you're going to be out late?

20. Please don't make too much noise after midnight.



199 Reported speech: commands reported by tell/warn/want

+ object + infinitive, or say + subject + be + infinitive


PEG 320, 321


A supervisor is giving instructions to a group of exam candidates. One of these, Bill, reports the instructions after the exam.


(a) A: Sit at the numbered desks.

B: He told us to sit at the numbered desks.


A: Don't smoke.

B: He told/warned us not to smoke.


Bill also reports the instructions immediately they are given to another candidate who

doesn't hear very well.


(b) A: Sit at the numbered desks.

B: He says we're to sit at the numbered desks.


B: He wants us to sit at the numbered desks.


A: Don't smoke.

B: He says we're not to smoke.


B: He wants us not to smoke.


Warn could also be used to report an affirmative command:


A: Watch the time.

B: He warned us to watch the time.


1. Hang up your coats.

2. Don't write in the margin.

3. Put your name on each sheet.

4. Read the questions carefully.

5. Start each question on a fresh sheet.

6. Answer the questions in order.

7. Don't spend too long on the first question.

8. Don't talk to your neighbour.

9. Don't try to copy your neighbour's answers.

10.Keep to the point.

11.Watch the time.

12.Be careful about your spelling.

13.Write clearly.

14.Count the number of words in your essays.

15.Look over your work before you hand it in.

16.Number your sheets.

17.Tie the sheets together.

18.Go out quietly when you've finished.

19.Don't take any paper out of the room.

20.Come back at two o'clock.



200 Reported speech: commands reported by say + subject + be + infinitive


PEG 321


Mr Jones, a widower, has to go away for a fortnight, leaving his house and two children

in the care of his neighbour, Ann. He gives Ann various instructions, which she reports

to her husband.


A: If one of the children gets ill, ring the doctor.

(a) B: He says that if one of the children gets ill I am to ring the doctor.

(b) B: He said that if one of the children got ill I was to call a doctor.


Up to the time that Mr Jones goes away, Ann could use either form.

After he has left she would be more likely to use the second.


1. If one of the children loses his appetite, take his temperature.

2. If the temperature is very high, ring the doctor.

3. If one of them cuts himself, wash the cut and put on a plaster.

4. When they have finished their homework, let them watch TV.

5. When they are in bed, read them a story.

6. If it gets cold, make them wear coats.

7. If they miss the school bus, send them by taxi.

8. When you go out, double-lock the door.

9. If the cat is still out when you go to bed, leave a window open.

10.If you haven't time to cook, open tins.

11.When you've used up the tins on the shelf, buy some more.

12.If you run out of oil, order another supply.

13.If it gets colder, turn on the central heating.

14.If the central heating doesn't work properly, phone the company.

15.If the dogs won't eat tinned food, buy them fresh meat.

16.If the dogs bark at night, go down and see what it is.

17.If the tank leaks, send for the plumber.

18.If any letters come for me, please forward them.

19.If the gardener turns up, ask him to cut the grass.

20.When the milkman brings his bill, please pay it.



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