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Mix is basically good. Just some slight level changes and to decide about what to do with guitar in first verse.

Julian – mix comments 08.05.13

Be Together

Mix is basically good. Just some slight level changes and to decide about what to do with guitar in first verse.

1) Acoustic Guitar is missing from 1st verse until 0’34”. Also it drops out at 0’48” until 1’06”. Is this what we recorded? From a video direction the guitar coming in halfway through the verse makes sense: as if a group of friends are joining in, but does it sound stupid?


2) Brass should be 1 or 2db more – maybe an alternative panning possible?


3) Whistle should be down 2 db?


4) Do a second mix without effect vox at beginning. ie. Start from drum fill at 0’06”


5) Check Tuning of word “Heart” at 0’58” – 1’00. Not a big problem but what do you think?




The mix doesn’t have enough space. Too many instruments are taking attention from the words. The solution is to reduce the number of fills, from Denis’ guitar especially, and to reduce the volume level of the bass and guitars quite a lot, and to slightly reduce the strings and trumpet.

1) Bass too loud through song


2) Funky guitar (Al) too loud through song


3) Jazz Guitar (Denis) too loud through song


4) The starting bass pop at 0’00” not a good idea – my fault ((


5) Vocal sounds too processed at very beginning. Less reverb?


6) Strings too loud in second verse


7) Trumpet fill and guitar fill (Denis) clash at 1’53’. Mute the guitar until 2’00” to allow space and strings?


8) Rhodes (Julian) too loud in second verse 2’09 etc.

9) Strings too loud during trumpet solo 3’31” but ok from 4’05”


10) Backing vocals too loud at 4’26”


11) Trumpet very loud (ouch!) at 4’51”. Mute until 4.56” so it doesn’t hide Anya’s vocal word “fade”


12) I don’t think the introduction works without the string meleody. If we have anything else to use we can mute the strings, but the empty rhythm section just sounds wrong at the moment on version 2. I don’t mind the concept of there not being a melody on the intro but what is there to replace it?




The mix has too many instruments fighting for attention and not enough space. The sound and level of the drums, bass and vocal are all good. It is the other instruments, especially keyboards, which are too loud.

1) Strings are too loud on intro at 0’13” They can be muted entirely if they don’t work at a quieter level, I don’t mind.


2) Is the guitar too loud on verse?


3) Keyboard string pad too loud throughout song


4) Bass fill too loud at 1’27”


5) Keyboards too loud except for piano and distortion organ


6) Guitar too loud in harmonica solo


7) Strings too loud in bridge before key-change 2’51’


8) Keyboard string pad is too loud in the final choruses.


9) Still no decision on ending “Nothing”, sorry! I think we just have to ask our friends which they like best, so please make 2 versions, 1 long and 1 short.


Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 19 | Нарушение авторских прав

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