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1. Пересказать один из текстов.

Task 10

1. Пересказать один из текстов.


A successful job, lots of money, a beautiful flat in the city. Most of us dream of these things but for Emily and Simon of Atlanta, Georgia, all this was not enough. They had everything, but they weren’t happy living in the city. They wanted to change their lifestyle so they gave up their jobs as computer consultants, left their house and bought some land in the Cumberland Mountains. Life is very different. There’s no electricity, no shower for washing, no supermarket to buy food, but the husband and wife team love it and they have big plans. So what are they going to do?

‘First we’re going to build a house. After that we’re going to have lots of vegetables in the garden to eat.’ And are they going to work in the future?

‘We’re going to earn money by offering holidays to business people who need to escape the stress of the city, but this time we aren’t going to get stressed.’


Name: Marcus Willis

Job: Pizza delivery man

Wages: $ 6.00/hour

So you think my job is simple? You take pizza from the shop, drive around town, go back to the shop and repeat. Unfortunately, it isn’t that easy. I don’t earn much per hour so I have to work long hours – sometimes I start at 3 p.m. and finish at 2 a.m. I drive about 80 miles a night and I have to use my own car because the company doesn’t give me one. Another problem is the tips. Customers don’t have to give me extra money, but with no tips I don’t earn much. When I finish driving, I have to serve customers in the shop with the other workers. And my boss? Does he have to meet customers? No, he doesn’t. He just has to sit in his office and answer the phone before he goes home at 6 p.m. After reading this, I hope you will be nice to the drivers who deliver pizza to your house!


Are you in the perfect job or do you want to change? Each week, we help people decide on a new career. Try a new job for one week and decide if you want to make a permanent change.

Amy Renfrew is a professional soldier and tank driver. This week she is changing jobs with Gary Hampton, a hotel manager from Leeds. Can she become the perfect hotel manager?

‘This is basically the worst week of my life. Gary can speak French and German and is really good with the guests but I can only say “Guten Morgen”. The problem is we have a group of German guests tonight and I can’t understand anything they say. Tonight is also cabaret night with karaoke. Usually the manager does the first song but I can’t sing. Never again!’

Gary Hampton is a hotel manager from Leeds and is married with two children. Can Gary become the perfect soldier?

‘It’s cold, it’s six o’clock in the morning, we’re in the middle of the forest, but I actually quite like this job. I can drive a car but it’s difficult learning to drive a tank. I can also repair cars which is useful, because we sometimes have problems with the tank. The only problem is that I can’t read maps, so I think at the moment we’re lost!’


2. Перевести текст

You’re gorgeous

1. For many people, German – born supermodel Claudia Schiffer is the perfect beauty: tall and slim, blue – eyed, tanned and athletic – looking with long, blond hair. No wonder people have described her as ‘The most beautiful woman in the world’.

2. But people have not always had the same ideas about beauty. Until the 1920s, suntans were for poor people, ’ladies’ stayed out of the sun to keep their faces as pale as possible. Five hundred years ago, in the times of Queen Elizabeth 1 of England, fashionable ladies even painted their faces with lead to make them whiter – a very dangerous habit as lead is poisonous!

3. And people in the eighteenth century would certainly not have thought much of Claudia Schiffer’s hair! Ladies in those days never went out without their wigs, which were so enormous – and so dirty – that it was quite common to find mice living in them! As for the ‘perfect beauties’ painted by Rubens in the seventeenth century, if they wanted to be supermodels today they would have to spend months on a diet!

4. Ideas of beauty can be very different according to where you live, too. For the Paduang tribe in South – East Asia, traditionally the most important sign of beauty was a long neck. So at the age of five or six, girls received their first neck ring, and each year they added new rings. By the time they were old enough to marry, their necks were about twenty – five centimeters long!

5. And what about the ideal man? If you ask women today to name an attractive man, most mention someone like Russell Crowe, Mel Gibson or Denzel Washington: someone tall and strong, brave and ‘manly’.

6. In the eighteenth century, however, ‘manliness’ was very different from what it is today. As well as wearing wigs, perfume and lots of make – up, a true gentleman showed his feelings by crying frequently in public. According to one story, when the British Prime Minister, Lord Spencer Percival, came to give King IV some bad news, both men sat down and cried!

7. And even now, Russell Crowe might not find it so easy to attract women if he visited the Dinka tribe of Sudan. They have always believed in the saying that ‘big is beautiful’. Traditionally, each year, men compete to win the title of ‘the fattest man’. The winner is sure to find a wife quickly: for a Dinka woman, if a man is fat, it is also a sign that he is rich and powerful.



Домашнее задание:

1. Пересказать один из текстов: ‘Stressful life’, ‘Nine to five’, ‘Changing jobs’.

2. Перевести текст ‘You’re gorgeous’..




Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 25 | Нарушение авторских прав

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1.1 Make up a dialogue according to the situation: You have got friends. They don’t know each other. Make your friends’ acquaintance. This dialogue helps you to do this task. | 

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