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Language focus:- First conditional

Lesson 2 Life inside


Language focus:- First conditional

'Speaking: taking part in a discussion

Skills focus^'^;Readirig,fpr specific information *V$y;3P, Speaking: taking Dart in a Hism^

Look at the newspaper headline below. What do you think the article is going to be about? Read the first two paragraphs quickly to find out if you were right.





1 Behind the barbed-wire fences, gun towers and patrols of armed guards, Chino high-security prison in California, USA, seems like most prisons. However, it's the one jail in the world that people want to' get into. Prisoners ask to have their sentences made longer so they can stay there. And when inmates are released t hey earn more

than the police who arrested them.
Why Chino jail is different _________

2 The reason is a successful rehabilitation scheme that has changed convicts' lives -Chino is the only prison which teaches a deep-sea diving course. While other jails teach inmates how to sew mail-bags, make car number plates or do car repairs, if prisoners are sent to Chino, they will have the chance to become highly-paid commercial divers who will be able to find jobs anywhere in the world.

3 'This course is a life-saver,' says Joe Moore, 25, serving eight years for burglary. 'It's a second chance. If you follow it, it'll give you a skill, adventure and the chance to earn big money.'

4 Inmates leave prison and start jobs where they can quickly earn more than $75,000 a year - much more than prison officers' salaries.

5 'If prisoners follow our programme, they will rarely return to crime,' says Chino's diving instructor, Woodley. 'Only 6% ever come back, while the rest of California's prisoners have a 75% chance of ending up back in jail.'

6 Convicts in Chino have to work hard. If they don't want to work, they should choose to go somewhere else. Only strong people can dive.

7 The scheme has been working for 21 years and has sent divers all over the world, including the Arabian Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean.

8 'Diving is a great achievement for inmates,' says Woodley, aged 32. 'It changes their self-esteem and now the course is famous throughout the world. Former inmates have even started their own companies, and come back to Chino to offer work to inmates leaving.

9 Inmates learn how to dive inside two giant five-metre deep tanks which are inside the prison. The prison also has a decompression chamber for treating diving injuries. Other equipment has been given by the US Navy and diving companies. So the course costs less than $9,000 a year.

10 Brian Emery, 31, from California, was convicted six years ago for armed robbery, and he will be released soon. He says, 'Because I've been in prison, employers know I will do a job which other guys won't, either because they're scared or because they don't think the job is good enough. Prison teaches you that if you don't do what you're told, you'll suffer, and you need that in diving.'

11 Tony Charles, 29, from Hawaii, is serving three years for theft and burglary. He has been in priso n three times. He says, 'This will be my last time in jail. When I came here I didn't care about anything, but the diving class made me feel proud of myself. Of course I want to earn a lot of money, but I've also really enjoyed the challenge. Unless I do this now, I know I'll return to crime when I get out.'

12 Divers' pay is so good, why don't the prison guards take the course themselves and earn more money?

13 Paul Woodley admits 'I could earn twice as much if I was doing the job I'm teaching the inmates to do, but I'm happy here. I love diving and teaching, but diving is dangerous - you can drown, or suffocate, and many things can go wrong under water.

14 'Because you earn a lot of money being a diver, inmates don't have to rob banks or sell drugs to get money. We're not just teaching people how to dive - we're saving lives.'

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 26 | Нарушение авторских прав

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