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“Here!” cried Alice. She forgot how large she was now. She jumped up so quickly that she pushed the table where the jurymen sat. The poor jurymen fell down on the floor and there they lay and could

Chapter Sixteen


“Here!” cried Alice. She forgot how large she was now. She jumped up so quickly that she pushed the table where the jurymen sat. The poor jurymen fell down on the floor and there they lay and could not get up.

“Oh, I am sorry!” cried Alice.

“The trial cannot go on[2],” said the King angrily. “You must pick them up and put them in their places.”

Alice began to pick them up and when they were in their places the King said to Alice:

“Do you know, how and when the Knave of Hearts stole the Queen’s tarts?”

“I know nothing,” answered Alice. “Nothing?”

“Nothing!” said Alice again.

“That’s very bad,” said the King and turned to the jurymen. The jurymen began to write in their papers “very bad”. At this moment the King got up from his place and began to read out from his book:

“Rule Forty-two: All people who are more than a mile high[3] cannot stay in the courtroom. They must go away!”

Everybody looked at Alice.

“I am not a mile high,” said Alice.

“You are[4],” said the King.

“You are two miles high,” shouted the Queen.

“No, I am not, and I shall not go!”

“Off with her head!” shouted the Queen. “Who is afraid of you?” shouted Alice. “You are only a card from a pack!”

Suddenly all the cards flew up into the air. Then they began to fall down on Alice’s head and face.

She grew frightened and angry at the same time. She tried to fight them off[5] and she gave a little cry[6].

Suddenly she heard her sister’s voice.

“Wake up, Alice, dear! What is the matter?” Alice opened her eyes. She was lying on the grass under a tree. Some yellow leaves were falling down on her face from the tree.

“Oh, what a funny dream[7],” said Alice. And she told her sister about the White Rabbit, about the Duchess and about the Queen of Hearts. She told her all the funny things that happened in her dream.

“Yes, it is a funny dream, dear,” said her sister. “And now let’s run home, it’s time for tea and Mother is waiting for us.”



[1] Alice gets angry — Алиса рассержена (букв, делается сердитой)

[2] The trial cannot go on — Судебное разбирательство не может продолжаться

[3] more than a mile high — ростом выше мили

[4] You are — зд. Нет, ты больше (мили)

[5] She tried to fight them off — Она пыталась отбиваться от них

[6] she gave a little cry — она слегка вскрикнула

[7] what a funny dream — какой странный сон

Дата добавления: 2015-11-04; просмотров: 206 | Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
The King and the Queen were sitting on their throne. A lot of little birds and animals were standing around the throne. All the other cards of the pack were there too. | Мейс уставился на меня в ответ. Между нами было, может, дюйма три - достаточно для того, чтобы я не косилась на него. Он отступил назад. И я была рада, что он это сделал, даже учитывая то, что моя

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2024 год. (0.006 сек.)