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<question>Match the sentence with correct tense. Do elephants eat meat?

<question>Match the sentence with correct tense. Do elephants eat meat?

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<variant>Past Continuous

<question>People haven’t been using the Internet for thirty years

<variant>Present perfect continuous

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<question>I’ve had this book for a week

<variant>Present perfect simple

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<question>Portuguese is Spoken in Brazil

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Past Simple Passive

<question>The Egyptians built the Pyramid

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<variant>Past Continuous

<question>What were you doing an hour ago?

<variant>Past Continuous

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<question>When was the film Titanic made?

<variant>Past Simple Passive

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<question>If you are looking at Vatican, which city are you standing in?

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple

<variant>Past Simple

<variant>Present Continuous

<variant>Present Simple Passive

<question>Put the words in the correct order to make a question or negative. Move. the Sun does not

<variant>The Sun does not move.

<variant>Move the Sun does not.

<variant>Does the Sun not move.

<variant>Not the Sun move does

<variant>Sun the move does not

<question> in film? Madonna been has a

<variant>Has Madonna been in a film?

<variant>Madonna has been in a film?

<variant>Been Madonna has in a film?

<variant>Has a film been in Madonna?

<variant>Madonna in a film has been?

<question>French doing not a exercise. I’m

<variant>I’m not doing a French exercise.

<variant>French not doing a exercise I’m.

<variant>I’m doing not a exercise French.

<variant>Not doing I’m a French exercise.

<variant>I’m a French exercise not doing.

<question>wasn’t president in 1984

<variant>He wasn’t president in 1984.

<variant>Wasn’t he president in 1984.

<variant>In 1984 president he wasn’t.

<variant>Wasn’t president in 1984 he.

<variant>Not he was in 1984 president.

<question>have not any children got they

<variant>They haven’t got any children.

<variant>Haven’t got they any children.

<variant>Got they haven’t any children.

<variant>Any children haven’t got they

<variant>Children they haven’t any got.

<question>after where going you the are lesson?

<variant>Where are you going after the lesson?

<variant>Going you after where the lesson?

<variant>Where you are going after the lesson?

<variant>Where are the lesson you after going?

<variant>The lesson after you are going?

<question>Does mean what perform?

<variant>What does ‘perform’ mean?

<variant>Does what ‘perform’ mean?

<variant>What does ‘perform’ mean.

<variant> ‘Perform’ mean does what?

<variant>Mean ‘perform’ what does?

<question>you a lunch? did for have a sandwich

<variant>Did you have a sandwich for a lunch?

<variant>Did a sandwich have you for a lunch?

<variant>Did a lunch have you for a sandwich

<variant>Did have you a sandwich for a lunch

<variant>Did you a sandwich gave for a lunch?

<question>learning English? do you enjoy

<variant>Do you enjoy learning English?

<variant>Do learning English enjoy you?

<variant>Do English learning enjoy you?

<variant>Enjoy you did learning English?

<variant>Do enjoy you learning English?

<question>Choose the correct answer.She________golf with her husband.


<variant>is played

<variant>is being played

<variant>was played

<variant>will be played

<question>I ________lunch today

<variant>am not eating

<variant>hadn’t eaten

<variant>wasn’t eaten

<variant>was going to eat

<variant>had been eaten

<question>Some birds________to warm countries in the winter.




<variant>are being flown


<question>We never______on holiday at Christmas?


<variant>have been gone

<variant>is gone

<variant> won’t

<variant>are going

<question>Why______she_______the washing-up?

Is it her turn?

<variant>Is she doing

<variant>Was she doing

<variant>Has she done

<variant>Did she do

<variant>Will she do

<question>Our cousins________us very often.

<variant>don’t visit

<variant>will visit

<variant>had been visited


<variant>doesn’t visit

<question>_____you____the computer?

<variant>Do fix

<variant>Had fixed

<variant>Was fixed

<variant>Having fix

<variant>Were fixed

<question>______they always late for meetings?






<question>wear your boots. It

<variant> ‘s snowing

<variant>was snowing

<variant>is snowed

<variant>had been snowed

<variant>will been snowed

<question>We_______dinner together the next Monday.

<variant> ‘re having

<variant>will have

<variant>were having


<variant>have had

<question>No, I______in Rome, I______in Milan.

<variant>don’t live live

<variant>doesn’t live live

<variant>don’t live lived

<variant>have lived ‘m living

<variant>didn’t live lived

<question>He_______for an International company so she ________a lot in his job.

<variant>works travels

<variant>is working is travelling

<variant>was worked was travelling

<variant>has worked did travel

<variant>was working travelled

<question>We ________very hard at the moment.

<variant>are studying

<variant>were studying

<variant>had studied

<variant>will be studying

<variant>are going to study

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>Who does this coat belong to?

<variant>Who is this coat belonging to?

<variant>Who was this coat belonging to?

<variant>Who will this coat belonging to?

<variant>Who had this coat belonging to?

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>They have ten grandchildren.

<variant>They are having ten grandchildren.

<variant>They have had ten grandchildren.

<variant>They were having ten grandchildren.

<variant>They weren’t had ten grandchildren.

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>Are you enjoying the film?

<variant>Do you enjoy the film?

<variant>Did you enjoying the film?

<variant>Didn’t you enjoying the film?

<variant>Will you enjoying the film?

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>I’m going to the dentist before work, so I’ll be late.

<variant>I go to the dentist before work, so I’ll be late.

<variant>I don’t go to the dentist before work, so I’ll be late.

<variant>I won’t go to the dentist before work, so I’ll be late.

<variant>I went to the dentist before work, so I’ll be late.

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>I always take the bus to work.

<variant>I’m always taking the bus to work.

<variant>I was always taking the bus to work.

<variant>I had always taking the bus to work.

<variant>I did took always took the bus to work.

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>The fish smells bad.

<variant>The fish is smelling bad.

<variant>The fish have been smelling bad.

<variant>The fish would have been smelt bad.

<variant>The fish is being smelling bad.

<question>Which one is the correct sentence?

<variant>They are having a baby in June.

<variant>They will have a baby in June

<variant>They have a baby in June.

<variant>They will be having a baby in June.

<variant>They will having a baby in June.

<question>Choose the correct answer. A lot of ice hockey______________in Canada.

<variant>is played

<variant>is playing


<variant>had played


<question>The results_______in a computer.

<variant>are kept

<variant>have kept


<variant>will keep

<variant>is kept

<question>Her mother is helping her to do her homework. She_______by her mother.

<variant>is being helped

<variant>was helped

<variant>had helped

<variant>have been helped

<variant>will help

<question>More than 1000 cars …… our company every week.

<variant>are sold by

<variant>were sold by

<variant>have been sold by

<variant>sold with

<variant>are sell with

<question>A new museum ….. in the city centre.

<variant>is being built

<variant>is built

<variant>has built


<variant>to be built

<question>Who … you play tennis with yesterday?





<variant>will play

<question>When I arrived, they …… dinner.

<variant>were having

<variant>have already had

<variant>are having

<variant>will have

<variant>have been having

<question>… you ever been to Spain? Yes, I went there in 1992.






<question>A burglar broke into the house … we were watching television.






<question>Jeff was studying to be a doctor …. he met Sally.



<variant>as soon as

<variant>last week


<question>Last summer I ….. every weekend.

<variant>went swimming

<variant>went swim

<variant>have swum

<variant>was going swimming

<variant>had swum

<question>This purse …. in the classroom yesterday.

<variant>was left

<variant>is left


<variant>is being left

<variant>has been left

<question>George ….. by the police.

<variant>was questioned


<variant>is questioned

<variant>has questioned

<variant>will question

<question>What did you do … the weekend?






<question>You … bring in guns or drugs.



<variant>don’t have to



<question>Have you booked your holiday? – Yes, we have. We … to Italy.

<variant>are going

<variant>will go



<variant>were going

<question>My father let me … driving lessons when I was seventeen.



<variant>to have


<variant>was having

<question>I finished … TV and then I went to bed.


<variant>to watch



<variant>to be watching

<question>I don’t mind …, as long as I don’t have to do the shopping.


<variant>to cook


<variant>to be cooked

<variant>be cooking

<question>……. – Coffee, please. I don’t like tea.

<variant>Would you like coffee or tea?

<variant>What is it like?

<variant>Do you like coffee?

<variant>How is coffee?

<variant>What does coffee look like?

<question>She’ s not allowed to drive. She … passed her driving test yet.





<variant>will have

<question>That’s Peter over there. He … wearing a red jacket





<variant>is being

<question> If I was taller_________

<variant> I’d play volleyball

<variant> I played volleyball

<variant> I’ll play volleyball

<variant> I am playing volleyball

<variant> I have played volleyball

<question> If I get the job____________

<variant> we’ll go out and celebrate

<variant> I’d play volleyball

<variant> I won’t get in your car again

<variant> we’ll go diving

<variant> it would be hard to get a job

<question> If you don’t slow down_____________

<variant> I won’t get in your car again

<variant> we’ll go out and celebrate

<variant> I’d play volleyball

<variant> we’ll go diving

<variant> it would be hard to get a job

<question> If I didn’t know any English_____________

<variant> it would be hard to get a job

<variant> we’ll go out and celebrate

<variant> I won’t get in your car again

<variant> we’ll go diving

<variant> I’d play volleyball

<question> If it_________ tomorrow, what shall we do?

<variant> rains

<variant> will rain

<variant> rain

<variant> should rain

<variant> would rain

<question> If I were you I____ to bed earlier.

<variant> would go

<variant> went

<variant> will go

<variant> go

<variant> can go

<question> If I hated my boss I_____ my job.

<variant> would leave

<variant> will leave

<variant> left

<variant> leaves

<variant> has left

<question> If you ______ we’ll be late.

<variant> don’t hurry

<variant> hurry

<variant> will hurry

<variant> won’t hurry

<variant> didn’t hurry

<question> If I _____ a headache I would come with you.

<variant> didn’t have

<variant> haven’t had

<variant> don’t have

<variant> had

<variant> has had

<question> You ______ smoke anywhere in the hospital.

<variant> can’t

<variant> don’t have to

<variant> must

<variant> shall not

<variant> can

<question> You______ be careful with your money.

<variant> must

<variant> don’t have to

<variant> can’t

<variant> shouldn’t

<variant> can

<question> You _____pay for children under two.

<variant> don’t have to

<variant> must

<variant> can’t

<variant> shouldn’t

<variant> ought

<question> You ______ eat so many burgers.

<variant> shouldn’t

<variant> don’t have to

<variant> can’t

<variant> must

<variant> can

<question> You ____watch the film if you’re over 15.

<variant> can

<variant> don’t have to

<variant> can’t

<variant> shouldn’t

<variant> must

<question> _____ you tell me the way to the station?

<variant> Can

<variant> Won’t you

<variant> Must

<variant> Should

<variant> Shall

<question> ____we have a menu, please?

<variant> Could

<variant> Will you

<variant> Can’t

<variant> Should

<variant> Shall

<question> ____ pass me that pen, please?

<variant> Will you

<variant> Couldn’t you

<variant> Would you mind

<variant> Should you

<variant> Shall you

<question> ____ I give you my phone number?

<variant> Shall

<variant> Will you

<variant> Can’t

<variant> Shouldn’t

<variant> Couldn’t

<question> He’s got three sports cars.

<variant> He must be very rich.

<variant> He must have lost them.

<variant> He can’t have spent it all.

<variant> He might be asleep.

<variant> He could hurt himself.

<question> He can’t find his keys.

<variant> He must have lost them.

<variant> He must be very rich.

<variant> He can’t have spent it all.

<variant> He might be asleep.

<variant> He could hurt himself.

<question> I lent him 200 euros.

<variant> He can’t have spent it all.

<variant> He must be very rich.

<variant> He must have lost them.

<variant> He might be asleep.

<variant> He could hurt himself.

<question> He’s not answering the phone.

<variant> He might be asleep.

<variant> He mustn’t be very rich.

<variant> He can’t have spent it all.

<variant> He must have lost them.

<variant> He could hurt himself.

<question> He should be careful.

<variant> He could hurt himself.

<variant> He must be very rich.

<variant> He can’t have spent it all.

<variant> He might be asleep.

<variant> He must have lost them.

<question> He’ late. He_____ have got lost.

<variant> must

<variant> mustn’t

<variant> needn’t

<variant> couldn’t

<variant> can’t

<question> Maria ______ have got my message.

<variant> couldn’t

<variant> ought

<variant> was able

<variant> needn’t

<variant> need

<question> We _____ three of the four rooms.

<variant> have painted

<variant> was painted

<variant> painted

<variant> paint

<variant> has painted

<question> I’m hot because I ______.

<variant> have been dancing

<variant> danced

<variant> have danced

<variant> dance

<variant> am dancing

<question> I _____ my foot.

<variant> have hurt

<variant> hurt

<variant> was hurt

<variant> had hurt

<variant> have been hurting

<question> Jo______ a lot of blood.

<variant> has lost

<variant> has been losing

<variant> have lost

<variant> lost

<variant> had lost

<question> He _____ Italian recently.

<variant> has been studying

<variant> studied

<variant> had studied

<variant> has been studied

<variant> was studied

<question> I _____some coffee for everyone.

<variant> have made

<variant> had made

<variant> make

<variant> have been making

<variant> made

<question> I _____ the piano all day.

<variant> have been playing

<variant> has played

<variant> play

<variant> have played

<variant> played

<question> Fred ____ six sandwiches.

<variant> has eaten

<variant> had eaten

<variant> has been eating

<variant> ate

<variant> was eaten

<question> Who ____ nuts in here?

<variant> has been eating

<variant> have eaten

<variant> eat

<variant> has been eaten

<variant> had eaten

<question> I read a magazine while______.

<variant> was waiting

<variant> didn’t exist

<variant> were little

<variant> lunchtime

<variant> the day



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