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Contrastive Linguistics: 4th English dpt.



  1. Theoretical material.
  2. A contrastive scheme of a conceptual, lexical, cultural or idiomatic item.
  3. To read and review two books and two articles.


Questions for testing

1. Contrastive linguistics and other linguistic disciplines.

2. Main terms of Contrastive linguistics (tertium comparationis, linguistic relativism etc)

3. Role of Prague Linguistic Circle in Contrastive linguistics.

4. R. Lado’s contribution to Contrastive Analysis.

5. U. Weinreich’s contribution to Contrastive linguistics.

6. Contact linguistics and language conflicts.

7. Multilinguism and diglossia.

8. Notion of Interlanguage.

9. Error analysis.

10. Cross-cultural semantics and Natural semantic metalanguage.

11. Main terms of Contrastive Textology.

12. Main ideas of Contrastive Rhetoric.

13. Contrastive Linguistics

1. Бодуэн дэ Куртенэ И. А. О смешанном характере всех языков // Избранные труды по общему языкознанию. - М., 1963. - Т. 1.

2. Брагина А. А. К сопоставительному изучению языковой образности // Методы сопоставительного изучения языков. - М .: Наука, 1988. - С. 43 - 47.

3. Вайнрах У. Языковые контакты: Состояние и проблемы исследования / Пер с англ. Ю. А. Жлуктенко.. - Киев: Вища школа, 1979. - 246 с.

4. Вахек И. В. Лингвистический словарь пражской школы. – М., 1964. –

5. 350 с.

6. Виноградов В. В. Общелингвистические и грамматические взгляды акад.

7. Л. В. Щербы// Сб. "Памяти академика Л. В. Щербы". Л., 1951.

8. Волоцкая 3. М., Шумилина А. Л. Рецензия на книгу R. Lado "Linguistics across cultures" // ИЯШ. - 1959. - № 2.

9. Герценберг Л., Юсуфджанова Ж. М. О методе сопоставительного изучения языков // Теория языка. Англистика. Кельтология. - М.: Наука, 1976. - C. 40 - 46.

10. Гинзбург Р. 3. Чарлз Фриз, его лингвистические и методологические взгляды// ИЯШ.- 1963.-№5.

11. Жлуктенко Ю. А. К вопросу о проницаемости грамматического строя при взаимодействии языков // Сб. "Вопросы теории английского и немецкого языков". -Киев, 1962.

12. Жлуктенко Ю. О. Аспекти контрастивної лексикології // Мовознавство. - 1989. - № 6.-С.3-8.

13. Жлуктенко Ю. О. Українсько-англійські міжмовні відносини. Українська мова у США i Канаді. - К.: Вид-во Київ. ун-ту, 1964. - 168 с.

14. ЖлуктенкоЮ. О., Бублик В. Н. Контрастивна лінгвістика: Проблеми i перспективи // Мовознавство. - 1976. - № 4. - С. 3 - 15.

15. Жлуктенко Ю. О. Мовні контакти. Проблеми інтерлінгвістики. - К.: Вид-во Київ. ун-ту, 1966. – 134 с.

16. Жлуктенко Ю. О. Навчання іноземних мов за методичною системою Ч. Фріза - Р. Ладо: Посібник для вчителів шкіл i викладачів вузів.- К.: Рад. школа, 1969. - 106 с.

17. Контрастивная и функциональная грамматика: Межвузовский тематический сб. научн. тр. / Отв. ред. Б. М. Балин. - Калинин: Калинин. гос. ун-т, 1987. - 164 с.

18. Ларин Б. А. О филологии близкого будущего // Научн. докл. высш. шк. Филолог. науки.- 1963.-№ 1 (21).

19. Лихачев Д. Концептосфера русского языка // Изв. АН. - 1993. - Т. 52. - С. 3 - 9.

20. Манакин В. Н. Основы контрастивной лексикологии близкородственных и родственных языков. - К., 1994.

21. Манакін В. М. Проблеми контрастивної лексикології близькоспоріднених мов // Мовознавство. - 1994. - № 1. - С. 50 - 58.

22. Махароблидзе Г. Проблемы сопоставительно-типологического анализа родственных языков. - Тбилиси, 1970.

23. Методы сопоставительного изучения языков / Отв. ред. В. Н. Ярцева. - М.: Наука, 1988.-94 с.

24. Нариси з контрастивної лінгвістики / Відп. ред. Ю. Жлуктенко. - К.: Наук. думка, 1979.- 195 с.

25. Поливанов Е. Д. Русская грамматика в сопоставлении с узбекским языком. -Ташкент, 1933.

26. Порівняльні дослідження з граматики англійської, української та російської мов / За ред. Ю. О. Жлуктенка.- К.: Наук. думка, 1981.

27. Розенцвейг В. Ю. Лингвистический подход к описанию культурных контактов. - М., 1964.

28. Сопоставительная лингвистика: Теоретические и прикладные проблемы: Тезисы докладов на совещаниях / Отв. ред. А. М. Шахнарович, Ф. А. Циткина. - Москва; Ужгород: Институт языкознания АН СССР; Ужгородский гос. ун-т, 1991. -87 с.

29. Якубинский Л. Язык и его функционирование. - М.: Наука, 1986.

30. Ярцева В. Н. Контрастивная грамматика.- М.: Наука, 1981. - 112с.

31. Ярцева В. Н. О задачах сопоставительно-типологического изучения родственных языков // Вопр. общего языкознания. - М., 1964. - С. 54 - 60.

32. Ярцева В. Н. О сопоставительном методе изучения языков. - М., 1960.

33. Ярцева В. Н. Сопоставительно-типологические исследования в области синтаксиса // Philologica. - Л., 1973. - С. 190 - 197.

34. Ярцева В. Н. Сопоставительный анализ структуры слова в современных германских языках // Проблемы морфологического строя германских языков. - М., 1963. - С. 5 -14.


35. Aarts, F. (1982) The Contrastive Analysis Debate: Problems and Solutions. In Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 14, pp. 47-68.

36. Aarts, F. & H. Wekker (1988) Contrastive Grammar: theory and practice. In Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics, 23: 5-17, and in J. Fisiak (ed.) (1990) Further Insights into Contrastive Analysis, Amsterdam: Benjamins (=Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe:10). 163-176.

37. Alatis, J. E. (ed.) (1968) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics; 21).

38. Altenberg B. & S. Granger (2002) Recent trends in cross-linguistic lexical studies. In Altenberg & Granger (eds.) Lexis in Contrast. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 3-48.

39. Baker, M. (1993) Corpus linguistics and translation studies: Implications and applications. Text and technology. In honour of John Sinclair, ed. by Mona Baker, Gill Francis and Elena Tognini-Bonelli, 233-250. Philadelphia/Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

40. Baker, M. (1999) The role of corpora in investigating the linguistic behaviour of professional translators. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 4: 281-298.

41. Ballard, M. (ed.) (1995) Relations discursives et traduction. Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille.

42. Banczerowski, J. (1974) Some contrastive considerations about semantics in the communicative process. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 2: 11-31.

43. Barlow, M. (2000) Parallel texts in language teaching. In Botley et al. (eds), 106-115.

44. Borin, L. (ed.) (2002) Parallel corpora, parallel worlds: Selected papers from a symposium on parallel and comparable corpora at Uppsala University, Sweden, 22-23 April, 1999. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

45. Botley, S. P., A. M. McEnery & A. Wilson (eds.) (2000) Multilingual corpora in teaching and research. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

46. Baumann, K.-D. & H. Kalverkämper (eds.) (1992) Kontrastive Fachsprachenforschung. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.

47. Bouton, L. F. (1976) The Problem of Equivalence in Contrastive Analysis. IRAL 14, 1: 143-163.

48. Breitenstein, P. H. (1978) The Application of Contrastive Linguistics. English Language Teaching Journal XXXIII, 1: 21-26.

49. Calzolari, N. (1996) Lexicon and corpus: a multi-faceted interaction. In Gellerstam et al. (eds.), 3-16.

50. Carroll, J. B. (1963) Linguistic Relativity, Contrastive Linguistics and Language Learning. In IRAL, 1, pp. 1-2O.

51. Carroll, J. B. (1968) Contrastive Linguistics and Interference Theory. In J. E. Alatis (ed.) (1968) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics; 21), pp. 113-122.

52. Catford, J. C. (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation. An Essay in Applied Linguistics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

53. Catford, J. C. (1968) Contrastive analysis and language teaching. In J. E. Alatis (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies. Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics, 21). 159-173.

54. Chesterman, A. (1977) Error analysis and the learner's linguistic repertoire. Jyväskylä Contrastive Studies 4: 45-58.

55. Chesterman, A. (1980) Contrastive generative grammar and the psycholinguistic fallacy. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 11: 17-24.

56. Chesterman, A. (1998) Contrastive Functional Analysis. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

57. Chitoran, D. (1976) Report on the Romanian-English contrastive analysis project. In D. Chitoran (ed.) Second International Conference of English Contrastive Projects, Bucharest: University Press, pp. 11-34.

58. Connor, U. (1996) Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross-cultural aspects of second-language learning. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

59. Corder, S. P. (1974) Error Analysis. In J. P. B. Allen and S. Pit Corder (eds.) Techniques in Applied Linguistics (The Edinburgh Course in Applied Linguistics:3), London: Oxford University Press (Language and Language Learning), pp. 122-154.

60. Corder, S. P. (1967) The Significance of Learners' Errors. In IRAL, 4, pp. 161-169.

61. Corder, S. P. (1973) Introducing Applied Linguistics, Harmondsworth: Penguin (1985, 6th ed.).

62. Coseriu, E. (1981) Kontrastive Linguistik und Übersetzungstheorie: ihr Verhältnis zueinander. In W. Kühlwein, G. Thome, W. Wills (eds.) Kontrastive Linguistik und Übersetzungswissenschaft. München. 183-199.

63. Coseriu, E. (1990) Science de la traduction et grammaire contrastive. Linguistica Antverpiensia XXIV: 29-40.

64. Croft, W. (1990) Typology and universals. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

65. Danchev, A. (1983) Contrastive Linguistics in Bulgaria. In K. Sajavaara (ed.) Cross-Language Analysis and Second Language Acquisition, 1, Jyväskylä (Jyväskylä Cross-Language Studies:9), pp. 39-63.

66. Devos, F. (1996) Contrastive verb valency: overview, criteria, methodology and applications. In: A.-M. Simon-Vandenbergen et al. (eds.), 15-81.

67. Dezsö, L. & E. Stephanides (1976) Report on the English-Hungarian contrastive linguistics project. In D. Chitoran (ed.) Second International Conference of English Contrastive Projects, Bucharest: University Press, pp. 53-58.

68. Di Pietro, R. J. (1968) Contrastive Analysis and the Notions of Deep and Surface Grammar. In J. Alatis (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics; 21), pp. 65-8O.

69. Di Pietro, R. J. (1971) Language Structures in Contrast, Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House Publishers.

70. Dirven, R. (1976) A redefinition of contrastive linguistics. In IRAL 14,1: 1-14.

71. Dulay, H., M. Burt & S. Krashen (1982) Language Two, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

72. Dulay, H. C. & M. K. Burt (1974) You can't learn without goofing. An analysis of children's second language 'errors'", in: J.C. Richards (ed.) Error Analysis. Perspectives on second language acquisition, London: Longman. 95-123.

73. Dusková, L. (1969) On sources of errors in foreign language learning. IRAL 7: 11-36.

74. Dyvik, H. (1998) A translational basis for semantics. In S. Johansson & S. Oksefjell (eds.), 51-86.

75. Ebeling, J. (1998) Contrastive linguistics, translation, and parallel corpora. Meta 43, 4: 602-615.

76. Ebeling, J. (1999) Linking dictionary and corpus. In Hasselgård & Oksefjell (eds.), 31-45.

77. Enkvist, N. E. (1984) Contrastive linguistics and text linguistics. In J. Fisiak (ed.), 45-67.

78. Ervin-Tripp, S. (1974) Is second language learning like the first?. TESOL Quarterly 8: 111-127.

79. Esser, J. (1980) Contrastive analysis at the crossroads of linguistics and foreign language teaching. In IRAL, XVIII-3, pp. 181-191.

80. Etherton, A. R. B. (1977) Error Analysis: Problems and Procedures. English Language Teaching Journal XXXII, 1: 67-78.

81. Fabricius-Hansen, C. (1991) Contrastive stylistics. In Lauridsen and Lauridsen (eds.) 1991: 51-75.

82. Falster Jakobsen, L. (1991) On equivalence in contrastive linguistics. In Lauridsen and Lauridsen (eds.) 1991: 77-103.

83. Ferguson, Charles A. (1968) Contrastive Analysis and language Development. In J. E. Alatis (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics; 21), pp. 101-112.

84. Filipovic, R. (1978) The Application of CA and EA to a Contrastive Grammar. In Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, XXIII-1-2, pp. 337-348.

85. Filipovic, R. (1984) What are the primary data for contrastive analysis?. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics. Prospects and Problems, Berlin/ New York/ Amsterdam (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs; 22), pp. 107-117.

86. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1981) Contrastive Linguistics and the Language Teacher, Oxford: Pergamon (Language Teaching Methodology Series).

87. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1984) Contrastive Linguistics. Prospects and Problems, Berlin/ New York/ Amsterdam (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs; 22).

88. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (198O) Theoretical Issues in Contrastive Linguistics, Amsterdam (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory; 12).

89. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1990) Further Insights into Contrastive Analysis, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins (Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe:10).

90. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1980) Theoretical issues in contrastive linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

91. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1981) Contrastive linguistics and the language teacher. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

92. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1984) Contrastive linguistics. Prospects and problems. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

93. Fisiak, J. (ed.) (1990) Further insights into contrastive linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

94. Fries, C. C. (1945) Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

95. Ghadessy, Mohsen (1980) Implications of error analysis for second/foreign language acquisition. In IRAL, XVIII-2, pp. 93-101.

96. Gradman, H. (1973) The contrastive analysis hypothesis. What it is and what it isn't, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

97. Granger, S. (1994) The Learner Corpus: A revolution in applied linguistics. English Today 39, 10, 3: 25-29.

98. Granger, S. (1996) From CA to CIA and back: An integrated approach to computerized bilingual and learner corpora. In Aijmer et al. (eds.) 1996: 37-51.

99. Hartmann, R. R. K. (1987) Contrastive textology and bilingual lexicography. In J. Monaghan (ed.) Grammar in the construction of texts, 114-122. London: Frances Pinter.

100. Hartmann, R. R. K. (1980) Contrastive textology: Comparative discourse analysis in applied linguistics. Heidelberg: Groos.

101. Hartmann, R. R. K. (1981) What's cooking? From contrastive lexicology to functional contrastive discourse analysis. Forms and functions. Papers in general, English, and applied linguistics presented to Vilém Fried on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday, ed. by J. Esser and A. Hübler, 97-102. Tübingen: Narr.

102. Hartmann, R. R. K. (1996) Contrastive textology and corpus linguistics: On the value of parallel texts. Language Sciences 18: 947-957.

103. Hawkins, J. A. (ed.) (1988) Explaining language universals. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

104. House, J. (1984) Some methodological problems and perspectives in contrastive discourse analysis. Applied Linguistics 5: 245-254.

105. Ivir, V. (1983) A translation-based model of contrastive analysis. Jyväskylä Cross-Language Studies 9: 171-178.

106. Ivir, V. (1987) Functionalism in contrastive analysis and translation studies. In R. Dirven & V. Fried (eds.), Functionalism in linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 471-481.

107. James, C. (1971) The exculpation of contrastive linguistics. In G. Nickel (ed.) Papers in contrastive linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 53-68.

108. James, C. (1977) Judgements of Error Analysis. In English Language Teaching Journal, XXXI-2, pp. 116-124.

109. James, C. (1981) The Transfer of Communicative Competence. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics and the Language Teacher, Oxford: Pergamon (Language Teaching Methodology Series). 57-69.

110. James, C. (1980) Contrastive analysis. London: Longman.

111. Janicki, K. (1980) Contrastive sociolinguistics. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Theoretical Issues in Contrastive Linguistics, Amsterdam: John Benjamins (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory; 12), pp. 11-18.

112. Janicki, K. (1985) On the tenability of the notion 'pragmatic equivalence' in contrastive analysis. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 20: 19-25.

113. Johansson, S. (1975) The Uses of Error Analysis and Contrastive Analysis. In English Language Teaching Journal, XXIX-3, pp. 246-253.

114. Johansson, S. (1998) On computer corpora in contrastive linguistics. In W. R. Cooper (ed.) Compare or contrast? Current issues in cross-linguistic research. Tampere: University of Tampere. (=Tampere English Studies 6.) 269-89.

115. Johansson, S. (1998) On the role of corpora in cross-linguistic research. In S. Johansson and S. Oksefjell (eds.), 3-24.

116. Johansson, S. & H. Hasselgård (1999) Corpora and cross-linguistic research in the Nordic countries. In S. Granger, L. Beheydt & J. P. Colson (eds.) Contrastive linguistics and translation. (= Special issue of Le Langage et l'Homme, Vol. 34, 1.) 145-162.

117. Johansson, S. & S. Oksefjell (eds.) (1998) Corpora and Cross-linguistic Research: Theory, Method and Case Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

118. Johansson, S. & H. Hasselgard (1999) Corpora and cross-linguistic research in the Nordic countries. Le Langage et l'Homme XXXIV, 1: 145-162.

119. Jørgensen, J.N. (1982) Contrastive linguistics. Anglica et Americana 15. Department of English, University of Copenhagen.

120. Kaplan, Robert B. (1988) Contrastive rhetoric and second language learning: Notes towards a theory of contrastive rhetoric. In Purves (ed.) 1988: 275-304.

121. Kellerman, E. (1997) Why typologically close languages are interesting for theories of language acquisition. In J. Aarts, I. de Mönnink and H. Wekker (eds.) Studies in English Language and Teaching. Amsterdam: Rodopi. 275-292.

122. Krzeszowski, T. P. (1984) Tertium comparationis. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics. Prospects and Problems, Ber-lin/ New York/Amsterdam (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs; 22), pp. 3O1-312.

123. Krzeszowski, T. P. (1990) Contrasting languages: The scope of contrastive linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

124. Kühlwein, W. (1984) Pedagogical limitations of Contrastive Linguistics. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics. Prospects and Problems, Berlin/New York/Amsterdam (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs; 22), pp. 313-331.

125. Lado, R. (1948) A Prime Source of Students errors. In Language Learning, 1-3, pp. 1-3.

126. Lado, R. (1957) Linguistics across Cultures. Applied Linguistics for Language Teachers, Michigan: Ann Arbor.

127. Lado, R. (1964) Language Teaching: A Scientific Approach, New York: McGrow-Hill.

128. Lado, R. (1968) Contrastive linguistics in a mentalistic theory of language learning', in J.E. Alatis (ed.) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics; 21), pp. 123-135.

129. Lamiroy, B. (1983) La linguistique comparée et l'argumentation en syntaxe. In Angelet, C., Melis, L. & Mertens, F. J. (eds.) Langue, dialecte et littérature. Etudes romanes dédiées à la mémoire de H. Plomteux. Leuven: Leuven University Press. 371-379.

130. Laufer, B. (1990) Words you know: how they affect the words you learn. In J. Fisiak (ed.) Further Insights into Contrastive Analysis, Amsterdam: Benjamins (=Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 30). 441-459.

131. Lechtonen, J. (1982) The theory and methodology of speech science and contrastive analysis. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 14: 45-58.

132. Lee, W. R. (1968),'Thoughts of contrastive linguistics in the context of foreign language teaching. In J.E. Alatis (1968) Contrastive Linguistics and Its Pedagogical Implications. Report of the Nineteenth Annual Round Table Meeting on Linguistics and Language Studies, Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press (Monograph Series on Languages and Linguistics; 21), pp. 185-194.

133. Leki, I. (1991) Twenty-five years of contrastive rhetoric: Text analysis and writing pedagogies. TESOL Quarterly 25: 123-143.

134. Mackey, W. F. (1965) Language teaching analysis. London: Longmans, Green & Co.

135. Mackey, W. F. (1966) Applied linguistics: its meaning and use. English language teaching XX, 3: 197-206.

136. Markkanen, R., M. S. Steffensen & A. Crismore (1993) Quantitative contrastive study of metadiscourse. Problems of design and analysis of data. Papers and Studies in Contrastive Linguistics 28: 137-152.

137. Martin, J. E. (1992) Towards a theory of text for contrastive rhetoric: An introduction to issues of text for students and practitioners of contrastive rhetoric. London: Peter Lang.

138. Mathesius, V. (1929) On linguistic characterology. With illustrations from Modern English, in: Actes du Premier Congres Internationale de Linguistes a la Haye, pp. 56-63 and in J. Vachek (ed.) (1964) A Prague School Reader in Linguistics, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

139. Mathesius, V. (1936) Nebojte se anglictiny [Do not be afraid of English], Praha: Orbis.

140. McLaughlin, B. (1987) Theories of Second Language Learning, London.

141. Merkel, M. (1999) Understanding and enhancing translation by parallel text processing. Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Linköping.

142. Myhill, J. (1992) Typological discourse analysis. Quantitative approaches to the study of linguistic function. Oxford: Blackwell.

143. Newmark, L. & D. A. Reibel (1968) Necessity and sufficiency in language learning. IRAL 6, 2: 145-164.

144. Nickel, G. (1989) Some controversies in present-day error analysis: 'contrastive' vs. 'non-contrastive' errors. In IRAL, XXVII-4, pp. 293-305.

145. Nickel, G. (ed.) (1971) Papers in contrastive linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

146. Oleksy, W. (ed.) (1989) Contrastive pragmatics. Amsterdam: Benjamins.

147. Palmer, D. (1980) Expressing Error Gravity. English Language Teaching Journal XXXIV, 2: 93-96.

148. Paulin, C & P. Rapatel (2002) Langues et cultures en contact: Traduire e(s)t commenter. (= Recherches en Linguistique Etrangère XXII) Besançon: Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté.

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