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2. In the Oriental culture, touching another person is considered an invasion of privacy, while in Southern European and Arabic countries it is a sign of warmth and friendship. 2 страница

b) internal relay comment



Grammar material. Complete the sentence using Complex Object. Translate into Ukrainian.

ex: “Use Internet,” said my boss to me. My boss wanted me to use Internet.

1. The secretary said to the head of the department: “Read the document, please.” — The secretary wanted... 2. “Be careful when opening this site,” said my colleague to me. — My colleague wanted... 3. “Employees will go to English training,” said the personnel manager. — The personnel manager wanted...4. The employer said: “My subordinates will use e-mails every day.” —The employer wanted... 5. “The Internet can be divided into five broad areas,” said the lecturer to the students. — The lecturer wanted the students to understand...

10. Grammar material. Paraphrase these sentences using Complex Object.

ex: I expect that she will send me e-mail. 1 expect her to send me e-mail.

I know that he is a good computer-user. I know him to be a good computer-user.

1.1 know that electronic mail is tast. 2.1 expect that the information sites will be of great importance for us. 3. He knows that his colleagues can search everywhere in the Net. 4. She expected that you can access all the resources from your home. 5.1 know that on the WWW we can go on a tour of a museum or exhibition.

11. Grammar material. Translate into English using Complex Object.

1. Він знав, що хтось надіслав цього листа на його електронну адресу. 2. Він розумів, що абонент повинен мати доступ до мережі цілодобово. 3. Я бачив, як вона видалила цей сайт. 4. Я не очікував, що цій інформаційний ресурс буде розвиватися так швидко. 5. Я знаю, що Ваш друг - професійний веб-дизайнер.

2. Grammar material. M-V/fe afoivn //«? underlined words into two groups:

1. infinitives: 2. gerunds.

3. Grammar material. Complete the following sentences with infinitives (add “to") or gerunds (add "-ing”) of the verbs below to make them grammatically correct. Translate into Ukrainian.

answer apply be to listen make see try use wash work write

1. He tried to avoid... my question.

2. Could you please stop... so much noise while he is talking?

3.1 enjoy... to his report.

4. i considered... for the job but in the end I decided against it.

5. Have you finished... your negotiations yet?

6. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on....

7.1 don’t mind you... the phone as long as you pay for all your calls.

4. Complete the following tasks.

1. Define 'communication1 in about 20 words.

2. Name four elements of the communication process.

3. What is meant by Business Communication?

4. “Letters are the best means of communication”. Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons.

5. Give a short description of Voice Mail.

6. Explain the meaning of'verbal communication'.

7. Give any four points highlighting importance of communication in business.

8. “Telephone is a very popular form of oral communication”. Do you agree? Give reasons.

9. Differentiate between Verbal and Non-Verbal communication.

10. Explain the meaning of communication and its process.

11. Discuss the importance of communication in business.

12. State the different types of Non-verbal communication.

13. “E-mail is the fastest method of transmitting written messages”. Explain.

14. You are an exporter and you want to mail an exact copy of a quotation to an importer in USA. Which means of communication would you use and why?

Complete the table, then using it tell about the advantages and disadvantages of different means of communication.

6. Grammar material. Complete the sentences with the correct form, gerund or infinitive. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. We must... you that your payment is overdue.

2. We have... overtime.

3. Catherine managed... an important customer.

4. Jane is busy... invitations for our company's anniversary celebration.

5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford... out very often, (go)

6. It is hard... certain customers.

7. Let me begin by... you something about our company's history.

7. Grammar material. Make infinitives (with or without "to”) or gerunds (add ing”) of the verbs in brackets to make the following sentences grammatically correct. Translate into Ukrainian

1. Hello. I'd like (speak)... to Mr Jones, please.

2. We intend (move)... to the new offices in June.

3.1 don't remember (tell)... him to cancel the appointment.

4. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me...it. (read)

5. Do you regret (tell)... Edward about the contract?

6. My boss told (I/do)... the reports before Friday.

7. My colleague asked (1/send)... a fax to the customer.

Тема: Інгернет. Електронна пошта.


1. Tell the story' of creating the Internet.

2. What is the purpose of using the Internet?

3. Which main spheres/branches of using the Internet do you know?

4. What is e-mail?

5. How does a typical e-mail address look like? Give examples.

6. What does an e-mail message consist of?

7. Name abbreviations used when writing an e-mail message.


t. Перекажіть текст про Інтернет.

2. Напишіть електронне повідомлення про можливу зустріч.

3. Граматичний матеріал: складний додаток.

Список літератури:

1. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка / [Под общей ред. Ьогацкого И. С. - 5-е изд., испр.] - Киев: ООО «ИП ЛОГОС-М», 2007. - 352 с.

2. Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Ділова англійська мова. Business English / C.I. Буданов, А.О. Борисова. - X.: Торсінг Плюс, 2009. - 288 с.

3. Буданов С.І., Борисова А.О. Business English. Ділова англійська мова. / С.І. Буданов, А.О. Борисова. - Харків: Торсінг Плюс, 2007. - 128 с.

Topical words

transferring data - передача даних amounts of information - кількість інформації key word - пароль outer space - відкритий космос

/. Read and discuss the text. Write out the unknown words.


The best way to think of the Internet, or Net as it is often called, is a vast global network of networks connecting computers across the world. At present, more than 33 million people use Internet and over three million computers worldwide are linked in. They use the Net for transferring data, playing games, socializing with other computer users, and sending e-mail.

The Net was dreamt up in the late 1960s by the US Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency which decided that it needed a means by which messages could be sent and received even if phone lines were inoperative. In 1969, there was a network of just four computers. By 1972 the number had risen to 40. About this time the idea of electronic mailbox was bom. By 1984 the Internet began to develop into the form we know it today.

The Internet can be divided into five broad areas.

Electronic mail is much faster than traditional mail. Anything that can be digitized (converted into digital form) — pictures, sound, video — can be sent, retrieved, and printed at the other end.

Information sites is perhaps the fastest growing area of the Internet as more and more people put their own information pages on line. Computers process vast amounts of

information very fast, by specifying a key word or phrase. The computer can then search around the Net until it finds some matches. These information sites are usually stored on big computers that exist all over the world. The beauty of the Net is that you can access all of them from your home, using your own PC.

The World Wide Web usually referred to as WWW or 3W, is a vast network of information databases that feature text, sound, and even video clips. On the WWW you can go on a tour of a museum or exhibition, see the latest images from outer space, go shopping, and get travel information on hotels and holidays.

Usenet is a collection of newsgroups covering any topic. Each newsgroup consists of messages and information posted by other users. There are more than 10,000 newsgroups and they arc popular witli universities and businesses.

Telnet programs allow you to use your personal computer to access a powerful mainframe computer.

2. Make the following sentences complete.

1. More than 33 million people use the Net for.

2. It was in the late 1960s when...........................

3. Ву 1984...............................................................

4........................................................... five broad areas.

5. Anything that can be digitized, can................

6.One thing that computers do very well is..........

7. On WWW you can.............................................

8. More than 10,000..............................................

3. Read and discuss the text. Try to retell it.

Topical words

to retrieve - отримувати; знайти password - пароль

use rid - ідентифікація користувача; ім’я або псевдонім

personal handle — приватне користування, особистий код

domain — домен (місцезнаходження або сфера діяльності адресанта)

server - сервер, накопичувач

login - логін (комп’ютерне ім’я)

inbox - вхідні

outbox - вихідні

sent items - відправлені

empty deleted items folder - видалені

reply all - відповісти всім


The electronic mail (e-mail) was started in the late 60s by the U.S. military that were searching for a way of communication in the event of a large-scale nuclear war. They needed a system that would be decentralized, reliable, and fast in case the central institutions were destroyed. They came up with e-mail.

In the early 70s, e-mail was limited to the U.S. military, defense contractors, and universities doing defense research. By the 70s it had begun to spread more broadly within university communities. By the 80s, academics in a number of fields were using e- mail for professional collaboration. The 90s saw an explosion of the use of e-mail and



3. What is charged extra at cost?

6. Write the offer of your own using the given phrases and expressions.

Expressions used in enquiries for catalogues, brochures, etc, and in answers to such enquiries

We shall be obliged if you will send Ми будемо зобов’язані, якщо Ви

надішлете нам останні каталоги, брошури або будь-які інші публікації.

Ми раді додати наш останній каталог, який ілюструє асортимент наших виробів, які, на нашу думку, Вас зацікавлять.

Як тільки-но каталоги будуть в наявності, ми надішлемо Вам декілька копій.

На жаль, ми повідомляємо Вам, що весь тираж нашого каталогу розійшовся.

Мі зацікавлені..., який Ви рекламуєте в цьому каталозі.

Якщо Вам потрібні ще копії цього каталогу, будь-ласка, повідомте нам.

Товарів, на які Ви посилаєтесь, немає в наявності, і тому каталогів ще нема.

Ми додаємо для Вашої інформації брошуру та рекламний листок, які, на нашу думку, Ви знайдете корисними.

Ми були проінформовані..., що Ви - виробники та експортери...

Ми бачили Вашу рекламу в...

Ми посилаємося на Вашу рекламу

4. We received an e-mail attachment... contained video files.

5. To... was that last message addressed?

6. Jim Darnell, for... we have great respect, is now working for Lucent Technologies.

7.... responsible for monitoring Web-based e-mail accounts?

9. Study new business proverbs. Find the pronouns and underline them.

* Nothing succeeds like success.

* Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

* Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

■ Rome was not built in a day.

* Seize opportunity by the beard, for it is bald behind.

* Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish, you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.

■ Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.


We shall be glad to answer any Ми будемо раді відповісти на будь-

additional questions you may ask. які додаткові питання, які Ви можете


7. Grammar material. Fill in the missing pronouns: much, many, little, few, a little, a few. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. Will it take... time to answer this letter? 2. We give the customers... catalogues of our products. 3. We had... time, so we couldn’t prepare the goods for shipping. 4. She wrote us... letters from abroad. 5. I know French... and 1 can help you with the translation of this document. 6. Please don’t ask me... questions during the meeting. 7. There were... new orders and we spent... time executing them.

8. Grammar material. Fill the gaps with a proper pronoun. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. This is the person... 1 taught how to use e-mail.

2. Juan will hire... is most qualified.

3.... computer had problems accessing the network?

Тема: Електронні засоби зв’язку.


1. What is letter?

2. What is telegram?

3. What telex?

4. What are the advantages of e-mail?

5. What is teleconferencing?


1. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст «Means of Communication». Складіть словник за темою обсягом ЗО слів за схемою термін-транскрипція-переклад.

2. Зробіть доповідь на тему «Means of Communication Used by Business People».

3. Граматичний матеріал: інфінітив, герундій.

Список літератури:

1. Биконя О.ГІ. Ділова англійська мова: Навчальний посібник / О.П. Биконя. - Вінниця: Нова ткнига, 2010.-312 с.

2. Хачатурова М.Ф. English for Business Contacts / М.Ф. Хачатурова. - К.: Аконіт, 2003.-265с.

3. Крилова И.П. Збірник вправ по граматиці англійської мови / И.Г1. Крилова. - М., 2000.-424 с.

Topical words

means of communication - засоби спілкування convey the messages - передавати повідомлення purpose of communication - мета спілкування urgent message - термінове повідомлення

according to requirement and liking - відповідно до вимог й уподобань private couriers - приватні кур’єри available - доступний

internal and external - внутрішній та зовнішній install at different places - встановлювати у різних місцях interact with each other - взаємодіяти один з одним participant - учасник

respond immediately - реагувати (відповідати) одразу queries - питання

1. Read and translate the text with the help of topical words. Characterize every means of communication.


There are various ways through which we communicate with each other. These may be called as the means of communication. In face-to-face contact we use different parts of our body or we directly talk to others while communicating our message. Where face-to-face communication is not possible, we take the help of some other means through which we usually convey our messages. For example, we may use letters to convey written messages; talk to others over telephones; send telegrams and use various other modern machines like computers, fax machine, etc. to communicate our messages. The means to be used in our communication process depend upon the purpose of 36

communication. For example, to send any urgent message wc generally use telephone; for any important matter for which a written document is required, we use letter, telegram, fax, etc. Now-a-days modern technology has given us a wide option to choose the means according to our requirement and liking. Let us discuss some of the important means of communication commonly used in business.

Letters are a written form of communication. These can be sent or received by individuals or organizations. Written messages in the form of letters can be delivered to the receivers through special messenger, post offices or private couriers. This method is mostly used where face-to-face communication is difficult or other means are not easily available.

Telegram is also a form of written communication by which messages can be sent quickly to distant places. It is generally used when there is an urgency of communicating any important message. It transmits message much faster than ordinary postal mail. This facility is available in all telegraph offices, where on payment of specific fee, we send our message.

Telephone is a very popular form of oral communication. It is widely used for internal and external business communications. Both government and private agencies provide telecom services.

Telex provides a means of printed communication using teleprinter. Teleprinters are machines installed at different places which are connected to a central exchange through cable. In each machine a standard keyboard is fitted. Any message typed by using those keyboards at one end is automatically typed at the other end.

Fax or facsimile is an electronic device that enables instant transmission of any matter, which may be handwritten or printed like letters, diagrams, graphs, sketches, etc. By using telephone lines this machine sends the exact copy of the document to another fax machine at the receiving end. For sending any message the documents on which message, diagram or drawing is typed or drawn has to be put in the fax machine and the fax number (a telephone number) of the other party has to be dialed.

Electronic mail, popularly known as e-mail is a modern means of communication. The system makes use of electronic methods of transmitting and receiving, information.

Voice Mail is a computer-based system for receiving and responding to incoming telephone calls, it records and stores telephone messages through computer memory. The caller can get the required information by dialing the voice mail number and then following the instructions of the computer.

Teleconferencing. Conference generally refers to a meeting of people for consultation or discussion regarding any common issues. Here people sit together and interact face to face with each other. But, teleconferencing is a system through which people interact with each other without physically sitting in front of others. People can hear the voice and see the picture of others and also respond to their queries even if sitting in different countries.

Audio-conferencing is a two-way audio communication system in which the participants listen to the voice and respond immediately sitting at different places. People may listen to the voice through radio or television and put their queries by using telephone.

Video-conferencing. Besides listening to the voice, the participants of the conference can also see the picture of each other while talking themselves. This is called video-conferencing. There are two different types of video conferencing process.

London WIC 37D UK Gentlemen:

We saw a collection of women's dresses in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market. Would you kindly send us your quotation for clothing that you could supply to us by the end of November? We would require 1,000 dresses in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16.

We propose the payment made by Letter of Credit.

Thank you for an early reply.

Very truly yours

P. PRATT, Jr Buyers

10. Answer the questions:

1. What do the Buyers ask for in their enquiry letter?

2. What quantities of goods do they require?

3. What terms of payment do the Buyers propose?

11 Study new business proverbs:

" A man is known by the company he keeps.

■ Failing to plan is planning to fail.

■ From those to whom much is given, much is expected.

* If ifs and ands were pots and pans there’d be no work for tinkers.

■ Money can’t buy everything, but everything needs money.

«Never let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.

* Not until just before dawn do people sleep best; not until people gel old do they become wise.

12. Grammar material. Translate into English.

1. Ці питання зазвичай обговорюються після роботи.

2. Мене попросили допомогти йому закінчити цю роботу сьогодні, тому я повинен був залишитися в установі після роботи.

3. Йому можуть віддати документи в понеділок вранці.

4. Його треба зараз же знайти, контракт за минулий рік.

5. Ким був складений цей документ про купівлю компанії?

6. Коли принесуть (будуть принесені) листи? - Я думаю, тільки через годину.

7. Коли буде відправлена ця телеграма?

8. Його запитали, коли буде відправлений факс.

9. Після зустрічі було задано багато питань.

10. Я думаю, що про ці переговори будуть багато говорити.


Тема: Види ділових листів.


1. What types of business letter do you know?

2. What letters of two types are often used?

3. What is the main aim of an offer?

4. What information do the offers usually include?

5. What are the types of the quotation?

6. What phrases do usually open a free offer?

7. How do a free and a firm offers differ from each other?


1. Підготувати доповідь на тему: «The Types of Business Letters».

2. Скласти 2 зразки ділового листа.

3. Граматичний матеріал: займенники.

Список літератури:

1. Васильєва Л. Деловая переписка на английском язі,псе / Л. Васильєва. - VL: Айрис-пресс, 2004. — 352 с.

2. Ділова лексика: англо-український, україно-англійський словник / [уклад.

О.М. Акмапдінова, С.С. Кіраль, О.О. Письменна] - К.: ВЦ «Академія», 2001. - 296 с.

3. Haines Simon, Nettle Mark? Advanced Grammar in Use/ Supplementary Exercises / S/ Haines, M. Nettle, М/ Hewings. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. - 135 p.

тверда пропозиція раді

що стосується






який може бути отриманий

за умови, що...



надавати перевагу

перевезення повітряним шляхом

рід, вид, сорт


назначати ціну

вартість, витрати

за додаткову сплату

text with the help of topical words. Characterize every type


Business letter is an old form of official correspondence. A business letter is written by an individual to an organization or an organization to another organization. Business letters are written for various purposes. One writes a letter to enquire information, apply for a job, acknowledge someone's work, and appreciate one's job done, etc. As the motive of writing the letter is different, the style of the letter changes and you get different types of business letters. The various types of business letters are used by different people to serve their purpose of sending the message across. Let's take look at the most common types of business letters:

Acknowledgement Letter. This type of letter is written when you want to acknowledge someone for his help or support when you were in trouble. The letter can be used to just say thanks for something you have received from someone, which is of great help to you.

Apology Letter. An apology letter is written for a failure in delivering the desired results. If the person has taken up a task and he fails to meet the target then he apologizes and asks for an opportunity to improve in this type of letter.

Appreciation Letter. An appreciation letter is written to appreciate some one's work in the organization. This type of letter is written by a superior to his junior. An organization can also write an appreciation letter to other organization, thanking the client for doing business with them.

Complaint Letter. A complaint letter is written to show one that an error has occurred and that needs to be corrected as soon as possible. The letter can be used as a document that was used for warning the reader.

Inquiry Letter. The letter of inquiry is written to inquire about a product or service. If you have ordered a product and yet not received it then you can write a letter to inquire when you will be receiving it.

Order Letter. This letter is as the name suggests is used for ordering products. This letter can be used as a legal document to show the transaction between the customer and vendor.

Letter of Recommendation. This type of letter is written to recommend a person for a job position. The letter states the positive aspects of the applicant's personality and how he/she would be an asset for the organization. Letter of recommendation is even used for promoting a person in the organization

2. Grammar material. Find the pronouns "some” and “any” in the text “The Types of Business Letters". Explain the difference of their usage. Put “some”or “any". Translate the sentences.

1. Could you give me... information, please?

2. Did the change in the law make... difference to your company?

3. We saw... few differences in the quality of the products.

4. 1 didn't receive... instructions about what we should do next.

5. I will go to the meeting with you. I have... free time.

6. There isn’t... unemployment in the north of the country.

7. They need... time to discuss your offer again.

3. Read and translate the text.


An offer (a quoDrion) is a statement by the Sellers usually in written form expressing their wish to sell the goods. Offers as a rule include the following information:

— the description of the goods offered (their quality, quantity);

— detailed prices, discounts and terms of payment;

— the date or the time and place of delivery.

There are two kinds of offers.

A free offer is made when Seller offers goods to regular customers without waiting for an enquiry and sends quotation to those who may be interested in the goods. These offers were formerly called offers without obligation. There must be an indication in such an offer that it is made subject to the goods being available when the order is received. The opening phrases in free offers may be: “We think you will be interested in our quotation for the goods” or “Wc have pleasure in enclosing our latest catalogue (or the price-list of our products)”.

A firm offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms stated (i.e. at a stated price and within a stated period of time). This promise may be expressed in a letter in the following words: “We make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of May at the price quoted” or in some other words like: “The offer is subject to acceptance within fourteen days”, or “The offer is open for acceptance until the fifteenth of January”.

The Sellers making a firm offer have the right to withdraw it at any time before it has been accepted. In practice, however, no seller will risk his reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated time.

4. Read one of the examples of a business letter. State to what type it belongs to. JACKSON & MILES 118 Regent Street London W1C 37D UK Oct. 28, 2000

HOWARD & PRATT Ladies' Clothing 306, 3d Avenue Chicago, 111.60602 USA Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to make you a firm offer regarding our products in the size you require. Nearly all the models are obtainable and can be delivered to you by the end of November. All other models of dresses can be supplied by the middle of December 2000, subject to our receiving your order by 15th of November. If you prefer the goods to be shipped by air freight, this kind of shipment will be charged extra at cost.

Yours faithfully,



Export Department Sellers

5. Answer the questions.

1. When can the Sellers deliver the goods to the Buyers?

2. When can the Sellers supply all other models of dresses?


exclusive right виключне право

1. Read and discuss the texts with the help of topical words. Write out the unknown words.

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