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sf_fantasyHarrisonWitch, Black Curseass witch and bounty hunter Rachel Morgan lost her lover, and now she wont rest until his murder is solved and avenged. But the road to hell is paved with good 26 страница

“It was fun,” Marshal said, eyes down. “But then you got shunned, and, Rachel…” His gaze rose to mine, anger in it. “I like you. I like your family. I have fun when we get together, but what pisses me off is that I let myself start to think about spending my life with you, and then you go do something so stupid that it gets you shunned. I don’t even want to know what it was.”

“Marshal.” I never had a choice. I never had a damned choice!

“I don’t want to do this,” he said, not letting me interrupt. “And trust me,” he said, gesturing, “I thought hard about it, really weighed what I wanted and what I was willing to give for a possible life with you. I came over here ready to curse the world, to try to find out who did this to you and find a way to get the shunning rescinded, but then…” Marshal gritted his teeth, making his jaw muscles bunch. “I’m only going to get myself shunned. I can’t live outside society. You’re a fun, beautiful, fabulous woman,” he said, as if trying to convince himself. “Even if you do get the shunning rescinded, what are you going to do next? I like my life.” He looked at me, and I blinked fast. “Now I’m just angry that you can’t be a part of it,” he finished.couldn’t seem to breathe, and I held the edge of the center counter to hide my vertigo.

“No hard feelings, okay?” he said as he turned.nodded. “No hard feelings,” I breathed. Marshal wasn’t a bad man for wanting out. He wanted to be part of something, and I clearly wasn’t able to put my needs aside and put ours first. Maybe if my life wasn’t so crappy, it wouldn’t show as much and we could have tried, but not now. It wasn’t his fault. I’d screwed up, and asking him to pay the price with me wasn’t fair.

“Thanks, Marshal,” I whispered. “For everything. And if you ever need help from the dark side…” I gestured helplessly as my throat closed. “Call me.”faint smile turned the edges of his mouth up. “No one else.”then he was gone, his steps fading as he walked away from me. I heard a soft murmur as he said good-bye to the pixies, and then the closing of a door., I sank into my chair at the table. Eyes unseeing, I pulled my spell book closer, covering up the letter from the university. Wiping my eyes, I opened it and started searching.sixwind funneling between the tall buildings down by the river picked up tiny bits of ice and grit, and they hit my legs like pinpricks. I hated nylons. Even black ones with glitter. Hunching into my dressy long felt coat, I hustled after Ivy, head down and pace fast. Trying to do this charm in the parking garage would have been miserable, and I was glad for the invitations if only for that, but now that we’d be inside, Jenks could come. He was currently in my bag sitting on one of those hand warmers hunters use. With him at my back and Ivy guarding the ladies’ bathroom door, this would be a snap. That is, if we got up there in time. If we didn’t hurry, we’d be in the elevator at midnight.gust of wind brought me the scent of fried vendor food, and I squinted ahead to one of Carew Tower’s street entrances. Carew Tower was right over Fountain Square, and people were everywhere, milling through the closed-off streets as both FIB and I.S. cruisers blocked the way. It wasn’t as bad as the solstice, when they closed the circle by lottery, but the uproar at midnight ought to be a big enough collective emotion to do the spell. Actually, it was a lot like the night I had first summoned Pierce, trying to bring my dad back for some parental advice, weather and all., I held my bulging bag tighter, trying not to squish Jenks. I had everything in it I’d need to do the charm, including a set of clothes for Pierce, and my splat gun. Beside me, Ivy’s steps were short and fast because of her heels.

“Sure are a lot of witches,” she said as we made our way across the street.

“Any excuse to party, right?” I said, then took a longer look. She was pale in her long coat with her hair whipping in the wind. And worried. “We make you nervous, don’t we?”met my eyes as we stepped up onto the curb. “You don’t.”smiled. “Thanks.” I understood. Most vampires made me nervous, especially when they gathered.doorman opened the glass doors for us so we didn’t have to use the revolving entryway, and we entered together. The cessation of the wind was a blessed relief, and I immediately opened my bag. “You okay, Jenks?” I said, peering down to find him sitting awkwardly beside the warmer.

“Freaking fantabulous,” he muttered. “Tink’s tampons, I think my wing snapped off. What are you doing out there? Jumping jacks?”

“Stay put until we get up there,” I said so he wouldn’t come out to prove that the echoing entryway wasn’t too cold-which it was. “I only have two invitations.”

“Like they could stop me?” he said, and I smiled at Ivy’s snicker.left the bag unzipped as Ivy and I clacked our feminine way to the restaurant’s elevator, where the man in the white uniform checked our invitations and then our coats. The night air from the revolving door was cold on my bare shoulders, and I let my coat go with regret. The doors to the elevator had been polished to a shine, and I resisted the urge to adjust my nylons as I shifted to get a better appreciation of the work I had done to look like this.heels, nylons, and a long black dress with no shoulders and a choker neckline looked good. I’d picked it out last week, almost able to feel Kisten in my thoughts as I shut out the clerk’s enthusiastic recommendations for something with more flash. I’d nearly gotten the little dress that showed off my butt, but I’d listened to Kisten’s memory instead. I looked great with my hair up off my neck in a complicated braid that had taken five of Jenks’s kids to do. It had even held up in the wind.was dressed just as dramatically, having pulled a bright red dress out of her closet, and going from workout tights to glamorous sophisticate in ten minutes. Her neckline was cut low, and the slit in the dress went to midthigh. A lace shawl graced her shoulders. I knew the shawl was for a vampire’s benefit, more enticing around her neck than bare skin. Apart we looked good. Together we looked fantastic, with her Asian heritage standing as a beautiful contrast to my pale, dead-fish complexion.older couple smelling of too much perfume and aftershave stood ahead of us as the silver doors opened and we all got in. A spike of adrenaline went through me, and I shifted my lumpy bag to my front. This had to work. I’d prepped Pierce’s substance spells in exactly the same way, and I had my splat gun loaded with sleepy-time charms. Ivy would man the bathroom door, Jenks would help me with Al. Nothing would get past them. And when it was over, we could party the new year in together, ghost, vamp, witch, and pixy.was another doorman inside the elevator in case we didn’t know how to push a button, and as I nervously stood in the dead center of the small lift, the hairs on the back of my neck pricked. I slowly turned to see the couple who had gotten in with us, the woman’s lips pressed tight and the man staring straight ahead with a strained look on his face. I turned back around, and Ivy snickered.

“You’re a fun date,” she whispered as she leaned sideways. “People look at you.”. Embarrassed, I stared at the elevator man while he hid a grin. Finally the doors opened. The older woman, who looked good in her own right, gave her husband a smack on the shoulder with her beaded handbag as they got out. He took it like a man, but I noticed he was already ogling the serving ladies in their modestly short skirts.murmur of conversations and the scent of high-calorie appetizers hit me first, and my shoulders eased in the warmth. Hidden around the curve of the restaurant, a live band played slow jazz. The tables were gone but for a ring around the windows. Elegantly dressed people mingled, holding little plates of food or champagne flutes, the occasional feminine laugh mixing with the clinking of expensive china to invoke a feeling of high class. Servers moved sedately or darted about, depending on what they were doing. And behind it all as a backdrop was Cincinnati herself.myself, I stood for a moment and took in the view. It had been pretty during the day, but now, with the black of the sky and the lights…it was riveting. The Hollows was glittering, showing the contours of the land as it rose up and away. A ribbon of illumination on the expressway ran as an informal border. The river was a black shadow, and I could see where it had cut into the hills over the millennium.woman’s laugh and the flash of Jenks darting from my bag drew my eyes away. Immediately the conversation seemed to grow loud. Jenks flew two circles around me to stretch his wings, then landed on Ivy’s shoulder. She was staring at the city, mesmerized. “It looks peaceful from up here,” she said when her line of sight was broken by a member of the waitstaff.snorted. “It looks peaceful when you get up real close, too,” he said, and I thought of my garden. “It’s only the middle ground that’s ugly.”woman with a tray was slowly passing, and I met her eyes. She smiled at Jenks and handed me a little plate. “We’ve got twenty minutes,” I said, nervous, as I put a few bites of food on it. “Jenks, you want to scope out the bathrooms?”

“You got it, Rache,” he said, and he was gone.the looks Ivy and I were getting, it was growing obvious that this was almost an office party. Everyone seemed to know everyone else, and they were all dressed alike, too. Elegant, but a little out of date-classy geek, maybe? No wonder Ivy and I were getting eyed.we made our way onto the revolving floor. Balloons were netted to the ceiling for midnight, and the lights were low to keep the view fabulous. I didn’t see anyone I recognized, but it had been a long time since I’d been in school, and I’d taken only one class at the university. I’d flunked it, but that was because the teacher had faked her own death before finals.snagged two light amber glasses as we moved. She handed one to me without looking, and as soon as we found the band, I stopped beside a potted plant at the window. There was a small dance floor, and I turned when the woman started singing “What’s New?” Crap, it was the same band that had been playing at Trent’s wedding-rehearsal dinner-minus most of the players. There were only five this time. But it was her. The woman’s voice bobbled as she caught sight of me, and I looked away. Being recognized shouldn’t cause fear.

“Nice music,” Ivy said, seeing my flush. Taking a deep breath she added, “Edden’s here.”back to the band, I stared at her. “Edden? You can smell him?”smiled. “He’s standing behind you.”, I spun, almost spilling my drink. “Edden!” I cried as I set my glass down and took in his tux. There was a thickening at his chest that told me he was wearing a sidearm in a holster, but he looked great with his hair slicked back and his almost squat figure standing shoulder to shoulder with mine. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Working,” he said, clearly glad to see me. “I see Glenn got through to you. Thanks for coming in. You look nice.” Attention going to Ivy, he added, “Both of you.”smiled, but I was flustered. “That’s not why I’m here,” I said. “I told Glenn no. I’m here doing some personal spelling. I didn’t know this was the party you were talking about, and even if I did, I wouldn’t be working it. Mia isn’t going to show. Ivy, tell him Mia won’t be here.”adjusted her little clutch purse, hanging on a thin strap. “She won’t be here.”yeah. That was a big help.Edden rocked back in his dress shoes to look mildly irritated. He had a plate with a stuffed puff on it, and showing a thinning spot in his short hair, he took a bite. “Personal spelling. What is that? Witch speak for washing your hair?”

“I am spelling,” I said. “Jenks is here somewhere, Ivy’s chaperoning, I guess, and my date will be along about midnight. I’ve got his clothes in my bag.”’s gaze dropped to my oversize shoulder bag that didn’t match my shoes, my dress, or my hair. “I bet you do,” he said dryly, clearly still upset I’d turned him down, then showed up at the same party he wanted me to come to with him. “Well,” he said as he wiped his fingers on his napkin and set his plate aside, “if you aren’t here for Mia, then I’m going to guess your personal spelling involves Trent.” I shook my head, and he sighed. “Rachel, don’t make me arrest you tonight.”

“Trent has nothing to do with this,” I said as I watched Ivy mentally map out the floor, “and Mia isn’t going to be here. Your profilers are way off. She’s not worried about you bringing her in. She’s fighting her own personal war with Ms. Walker, and, Edden, you need to back off and let things cool down. You hire me for my opinion, well, there it is. Don’t you have one of those amulets I gave you? It’s blank, isn’t it?”frowned, telling me it was. His eyes scanned everywhere with the skill and patience of the military officer he’d once been. “After the incident at Aston’s, three independent profilers put Mia here or at another highly visible party,” he said, as if not having heard me. “We’ll catch her, with or without your help. Enjoy your evening, Ms. Morgan. Jenks. Ivy.”last words, though dry, held a hint of anxiety, and my instincts kicked in. “How’s Glenn?” I asked, and Edden’s jaw clenched. Ivy saw it, too, and when Jenks flew up, we all faced him square on, not letting him leave. “My God. You didn’t put Glenn back on duty, did you?” I looked over the edge of the windows to the party below and the FIB cruisers. “Is he down there? At Fountain Square? With his compromised aura? Edden, are you crazy? I told you I’m not ready to face a banshee, and Glenn sure as hell isn’t.”set her plate down, and Edden’s squat form shifted uncomfortably. “He’s fine. He’s got one of those amulets and he knows what she looks like. The minute she shows, he calls. Lower your voice.”pulse quickened, and I put my face right by Edden’s. “He is not fine,” I almost hissed. “And I’m not so sure those amulets are all working.”the tension rise, Ivy gave us a professional smile. “Rachel, it’s getting stuffy in here,” she said pleasantly. “I’m going to go downstairs and get some air. Jenks, you got this okay?”

“Tink’s panties, yes,” he said as he landed on my shoulder protectively.breath slipped out in relief. She’d watch him. Good. I didn’t think Mia would show, but she sure as hell wouldn’t be up here. Jenks and I could handle Al. Pierce, if he wasn’t hurt, could help, too.

“My son is fine,” Edden said, his brow furrowed and his posture hunched.

“I like watching fine men,” Ivy said, and checking that her phone was on, she slid it away in her clutch purse and started for the elevator. “You’re the one who wanted us to work the party. I’ll be downstairs. Call me if you need me.”took that with a bad grace, muttering, “You do the same. I have a warrant for both of them now.”nodded, and sashayed off. Not three steps away, and two guys approached her. Don’t do it, I mentally warned them, but she laughed like the happy woman she’d never be, and the two men thought they had it made. They were going to be made all right. Made into happy little burgers if they weren’t careful.

“I want to talk to Ivy before she goes,” Jenks said, spilling heavy dust as he hovered beside me. “Be nice to Trent, okay? You’re going to need his help someday.”

“Trent?” I asked, stiffening at the faint scent of wine and cinnamon. Jenks inclined his head to someone behind me before darting off to join Ivy in the elevator, and Edden and I turned. My jaw clenched, and I forced my teeth apart. It was Trent, and oh my God, he looked good.

“Hi, Trent,” I said wryly as I tried not to show my appreciation, as hard as that was, seeing him in a slim tux that showed off his height and frame. The fabric looked silky and free moving, making me want to run my hand down his shoulder just to feel it. A sharp, professional-looking tie with a pattern that said he wasn’t uptight gave the impression of a clever, witty man, but it was his bearing that made it all work. He had a nearly full wineglass in hand, and he was clearly comfortably in control with no doubts about who he was and what he wanted-and how to get it.his eyes on me, I stood a little straighter and remembered how good we had looked together the night Kisten had blown up the casino boat we’d been on. Kisten hadn’t known we were on it, but thanks to Ivy’s warning, Trent and I had survived. We’d been the only two to do so. My brow furrowed as I considered that. We had gotten out of the ever-after together, as well. We were survivors.saw my frown, and the cocky boyish front that he used to beguile grew stilted. He touched his baby-fine hair to make sure it was lying flat, and I knew he was nervous. “Ms. Morgan,” he said, saluting me with his glass so I wouldn’t shake his hand.just ticked me off. And I wasn’t happy he’d been keeping Ceri away from me like I was the plague. Even if I was.

“We’ve shared a cell in the ever-after,” I said. “I think we ought to be on a first-name basis, don’t you?”single pale eyebrow rose. “They’re dressing the help nicely this year,” he said, and Edden disguised a laugh as a cough. It was all I could do to not give the FIB captain a backhanded swat.distinctive click and whine of a shutter snapping pulled my head around and I froze. It was the Cincinnati Enquirer, the photographer looking odd dressed in a full-length sequined gown with two cameras draped over her. “Councilman Kalamack,” she said enthusiastically. “Can I get a picture of you, the lady, and Captain Edden together?”shifted closer, hiding a smile as he muttered for me alone, “She ain’t no lady. She’s my witch.”

“Stop that,” I whispered. Then I stiffened as Trent sidled closer, slipping his hand about my waist so that his fingers would show for the camera. It was possessive, and I didn’t like it.

“Smile, Ms. Morgan,” the woman said brightly. “You might make the front page!”. Trent’s touch was light compared to Edden’s heavy pressure on my shoulder. I sucked in my gut and turned a little sideways to put my back to Trent to balance out his hand on my waist. He smelled like the outdoors. The shutter clicked several times, and I stiffened when I spotted Quen, Trent’s bodyguard, watching. Jenks zipped over us to talk to Quen, and the woman snapped another picture when his dust glittered upon us. My tension eased; Jenks was back.

“Wonderful,” the photographer said as she looked at the back of the camera. “Thank you. Enjoy the party.”

“Always a pleasure to talk to the press,” Trent said as he started drifting away.woman looked up. “Captain Edden, if I could get a picture of you and the dean of the university? I promise I’ll leave you alone after that.”gave me a severe look that told me to behave myself, then smiled benevolently as he talked to the woman about the FIB’s annual fund-raiser while she led him away.was gazing at nothing in the hope that either I would go away or someone would come rescue him, but the photographer had given everyone the idea that we were here together and they were leaving us alone. I wanted to talk to him about a Pandora charm to possibly return my memory, but I couldn’t come right out and ask. Cocking my hip, I tapped my heel once, then turned to him.

“How is Ceri?”hesitated, and still not looking at me, he said, “Fine.”voice was beautiful, and I nodded as if waiting for more. When he remained silent, I added, “My calls are being stopped at the switchboard.”didn’t even twitch. “I’ll look into it.” His eyes were mocking when they met mine, and then he started to walk away.

“Trent,” I said as I jumped to keep up with him.

“Don’t touch me, Morgan,” he said without moving his lips, waving pleasantly at someone across the room.made a noise of affronted surprise, and angry, I got in front of Trent. The man rocked to a halt, clearly bothered. “Trent,” I said as my heart pounded. “This is stupid.”his eyebrows rose high. “You are a demon. If I could, I’d have you jailed on that alone. Shunning is hardly justice.”expression became stiff, but I wasn’t surprised he knew I’d been shunned. “Take me down and you go with me, eh?” I said as Jenks landed on my shoulder in support.smiled mirthlessly. “That’s about it.”

“I’m not a demon,” I protested softly, aware of the people around us.man sniffed, as if smelling something rank. “You’re close enough for me.”started to push by me again, and I muttered, “It was your dad’s fault.”that, he jerked to a stop. “Ooooh,” Jenks mocked, sparkles sifting down my front as his wings made a draft, “don’t you talk about my daddy!”

“He saved your life,” Trent said, clearly affronted. “It was a mistake that cost him his own. My father didn’t make you. You were born what you are, and if you need any more proof, just look at who you settled into an apprenticeship with.”felt that keenly, but I swallowed my anger. I’d been trying to talk to him for months to clear the air, but he wouldn’t take my calls, wouldn’t let me talk to Ceri. This might be my last chance to explain myself.

“You just don’t get it, do you?” I said, leaning close since my words were barely above a whisper, and Jenks took off. “I did what I did to save your life. Laying claim to you was the only way to get you out of there, and to do that, I had to agree to a very tight tie to Al.”

“Tight tie?” he mocked under his breath. “You’re his student.”

“I did it to save your damned freaking life!” My knees were shaking, and I locked them. “I don’t expect any thanks from you, as you’re so irritatingly unable to thank anyone when they do something you’re afraid to do, but stop taking your guilt or shame out on me.”was done, and kissing good-bye my chance at getting a Pandora’s charm or him to understand, I turned my back on him and stomped to the window. The restaurant had shifted, and I was looking right down at the square. Damn it, why wouldn’t he at least listen?familiar wing hum of Jenks brought my head up, and I wiped an eye an instant before he landed on my shoulder again. “You have a way with him, don’t you,” the pixy said.sniffed, wiping my eyes. “Look at that,” I muttered. “The bastard made me cry.”’s wings made a cool spot on my neck. “Want me to pixy him?”

“No. But now I don’t have the chance of a ghost’s fart in a windstorm to get that Pandora charm.” That’s not really what was bothering me, though. It was Trent. Why did I even care what he thought?soft scuff of a shoe on flat carpet and Jenks’s soft oath brought me around, shocked to see Trent. He had a glass in his hand, and he extended it. “Here’s your water,” he said loudly, his jaw clenched.looked him up and down, wondering what the devil was going on. Behind him, Quen was doing his security thing, arms crossed and expression severe. It was obvious that Quen had made him come over. Sighing, I took the glass, turning to look out the window in the attempt to divorce myself from everything. I needed to find a quiet place, out of the way. “Jenks, could you see if the bathroom is clear?”pixy’s wings buzzed a warning, but he lifted from my shoulder. “Sure, Rache.”an instant he was gone, leaving in his path delighted coos of sound from some of the older ladies. “I don’t have anything to say to you right now,” I said softly to Trent.shifted to stand shoulder to shoulder with me. Together we looked over the edge to the mass of people down below. I should have just taken my chances in the parking garage as I had originally planned. This was starting to have all the signs of one of my famous backfires.

“I don’t have anything to say to you either,” Trent said, but tension was showing. I could play this game. I’d already lost, so it didn’t matter.

“You need a Pandora charm?” the man said casually, and I jerked. Cripes, he heard me?indifference, I breathed on the glass to fog it up. “Yes.”put a shoulder against the glass and faced me. “That’s a rare branch of magic.”does he have to be so insufferably smug? “I know. Elven, my mother says.”was silent while the band took a break. “Tell me what you need to remember, and maybe I’ll look into it.”’d been down this path with him before and had gotten burned every time. I didn’t want to owe him anything, but what harm would it do if he knew? Sighing, I faced him, thinking that leaning against the window like that looked really dangerous. “I’m trying to remember who killed Kisten Felps.”’s jaw unclenched. It was a small move, but I caught it. “I thought you’d want to remember something from the make-a-wish camp, or your father,” he said.looked out the window again. They had a band down there. Ivy was probably having a lot more fun than me. “What if it was?” I whispered.

“I might have said yes.”us, the party continued, excitement growing as the serving people started distributing champagne for the upcoming toasts. My eyes searched the ceiling for Jenks. I had to move. No one would be in the ladies’ restroom when the clock ticked over., I tightened my grip on my bag. “What do you want, Trent?” I asked, trying to hurry this up. “You wouldn’t offer if you didn’t want something. Other than me dead, that is.”smiled with half his mouth, then became serious. “How do you figure I want something? I’m just curious as to what makes you tick.”head tilted, and for the first time all night, I felt in control. “You’ve approached me twice. You’ve touched your hair three times. You had a drink in your hand when we had our picture taken. That will be a first if it goes to press. You’re nervous and upset, not thinking clearly.”’s face lost all expression. He dropped his head as if in irritation, and when he pulled it back up, there was a new tightness to his eyes. He glanced at Quen, and the older man shrugged.

“Is it Ceri?” I asked. Mocked almost.brow furrowed, and he looked out the window.

“You want to know what she really thinks of you.” Still he said nothing, and I felt a sloppy smile come over me. Hiding it, I took a sip of water and set it on the tiny railing. Slowly it started to move away as the restaurant turned. “You won’t like what I say.”

“I don’t like a lot of things.”sighed. I couldn’t do this to him. I really couldn’t. Much as I would like to see Trent hurt, betraying Ceri’s trust was not going to happen. I didn’t think he had a Pandora charm anyway. “Ask Ceri. She’ll tell you a pretty story that will save your pride.”, so I wasn’t above a little dig.

“Rachel.”was reaching out, and I pulled back a step. “Don’t touch me,” I said coldly.flew up, the glow of his dust reflected in the black glass. He hovered uncertainly, and he tapped his wrist like he’d seen Ivy do when we were running late. He had his sword bared, and though it looked like a shiny olive pick, it could be deadly. My pulse jumped. It was almost time.

“If you will excuse me,” I said tightly. “I have to use the little girls’ room. Happy New Year, Trent.”a backward glance, I walked away, my head high and my bag in my grip. Jenks landed on my shoulder almost immediately.

“Get on the elevator,” he said, and curiosity filled me. People were getting out of my way with whispers and stares, but I didn’t care.

“Elevator?” I echoed. “Why? What’s wrong?”took off, flying backward so I could see him grin. “Nothing. There’s a maintenance floor where they store the tables. I wouldn’t have been able to find it if they hadn’t left the key wedged atop the frame holding the inspection notice.” He grinned. “I sat on it when I took Ivy downstairs.”swinging, I smiled at the elevator man as I entered the lift, and with no regret, shoved him out with a well-planted foot. The poor guy hit the carpet face-first, his loud complaint cutting off as the doors shut. Excited, I held my hand out, and the key dropped into it.

“Thanks, Jenks,” I said as I keyed the panel and hit the button he indicated. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

“Probably die,” he said, grinning.I could pull this off yet.sevenelevator hardly moved, dropping a floor before the silver doors slid apart to show a dark, low-ceilinged entryway. “Jenks,” I said as I edged to the opening lit by the elevator itself. “Are you sure about this?”hum of his wings rose over the faint sound of machinery as he lifted off from my shoulder. “I’ll get the lights. Hit the button for the lobby before you come out so it looks like you left, okay?”did what he said, and his faint glow darted out and was lost. There was undoubtedly a camera in the elevator, but Jenks would’ve taken care of it. I followed the pixy’s sifting dust, holding my bag more tightly to me. It was cooler down here. Not like outside, but worrisome.

“Jenks?” I called, hearing my voice come back from hard walls and surfaces. “You okay with this temp?” There were chairs stacked up everywhere, with a wide path leading out. Low carpet. I didn’t think the floor was moving, but if it was like upstairs, there would be only a ring of mobile floor, moving with the steady pace of an hour hand.’s faint voice came back, “Tink’s panties. You’re worse than my mother, Rache.”

“I’m just saying it’s cold.” The chairs gave way to tables stacked surface to surface. I moved to an open spot before the bare, black windows. It had the same view as the restaurant above, and I could see Fountain Square if I pressed my head to the glass. We weren’t moving, but the grinding of machinery was loud. Maybe it was too noisy to use this level.

“Found the lights!” Jenks shouted, and with that as warning, bright light flashed into existence from the recessed fixtures overhead.jerked, shrinking down below the level of the windows. “Uh, is there a dimmer? All of Cincinnati can see me!”the lights went out, and before I could stand, Jenks’s wings were humming by my ear. “No. Sorry. You want me to keep looking?”to see with my light-blinded vision, I fumbled for a chair stacked on an upside-down table. “No, there’s enough ambient light.” I said. “I’ll just do this by the window.”shook himself to light a small circle, and I set the chair in it, dropping my bag on top. A second chair went beside it, and a third about five feet to the side. “What’s our time look like?” I asked, tension knotting my stomach as I dug in my bag. Finally my eyes readjusted.landed on the back of the chair. I recognized the pattern of brocade from having sat on it only yesterday. “Less than two minutes.”

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