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1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Вариант 1

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


Leaving Home

Wednesday 10th June, 4 am

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m really sorry, but I’m leaving home. When you read this, I’ll be far away. Don’t try to find me. Martin and I are getting married next Saturday.

I know you have never liked Martin. You didn’t want me to go out with him because you said that he was just a car salesman and he wasn’t good enough for me. I know that you have always wanted the best for me, but Martin is best for me. I love him very much indeed.

When I was a little girl, you always gave me everything I wanted – toys, clothes, and an expensive education. I know it was difficult to do this. It was a struggle because we didn’t have much money, but you wanted to plan my life for me. You tried to choose my friends, my job, even my clothes. Now I am going to do what I want to do, not what you tell me to do. I want to be independent.

I love you both very much and I am your only child, so it isn’t easy to leave. I hope you can forgive me and learn to love Martin. I’d love us all to get on well together.

Look after each other. I promise to write again soon.


2. Поставьте ко всему содержанию текста вопросы (не менее пяти) разного типа: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный


3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

3.1 Can we have the bill, please? – Don’t worry. I (already pay) it.

3.2 I (wear) shorts today because I (go) to the gym and it’s very hot, but I (not normally wear) them because I (hate) my legs.

3.3 Don’t go near that dog! It (bite) you!

3.4 We (not come) from Canada. Where (you come) from)

3.5 Sally (have) a shower? – No, she (wash) her hair.

3.6 (you go) to the cinema very often?

3.7 You (be) on holiday? You (look) very brown.

4. Заполните пропуски правильным одним из предлогов

from like than in at for of on

Can you buy a bottle __ lemonade ___ the shops?

What have we got ____ dinner? I’m really hungry.

Our hotel is fifty meters ____ the sea.

What is the longest river ___ the world?

France is much bigger ____ England

I’m looking ____ Jane. Do you know where she is?


5. Переведите фрагменты в скобках на английский язык

1. A new cinema is (современнее) than the old one.

2. He is one of the (самый опасный) criminals in our district.

3. What is your height? Oh, you are (выше) than me.

4. Today your cake is (хуже) you have ever made.

5. The banks in Switzerland are (самые надежные) banks in the world

6. January is (самый холодный) month of the year.

7. Bobby was (спокойнее) than his sister.

8. Now my granny feels much (лучше).

9. This is (самый прекрасный) view I have ever seen in my life.

  1. The (самое высокое) tree in the world grows in California.


Вариант 2

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


102 and She’s a Writer

Dorothy Moriarty is Britain’s oldest writer. She is 102 years old and has just written her first book, The memoirs of a Nurse. In it she describes her life as a nurse at University College Hospital, London, in early part of this century. At that time civilian hospitals had very little money. They were dirty and nurses worked seventy hours a week and earned 8& a year. Dorothy says, “There were cockroaches everywhere. Nobody worried about our hospitals. All the money went to the military hospitals, and the newspapers were full of stories of Florence Nightingale and her soldiers. We decided to do something. We started the Royal College for Nursing and cut our working week from seventy to forty-eight hours. This was much better.”

After the First World War, Dorothy went to work in Egypt, where she met her husband, Oliver. They married, but her family life wasn’t always happy. Oliver had a drink problem and finally died. “I’ve had a difficult life, but it’s been very interesting, and I’ve always had the love of my children and grandchildren.”

Dorothy has started planning her next book. She says that with her long life she has lots of ideas!


2. Поставьте ко всему содержанию текста вопросы (не менее пяти) разного типа: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный

3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

3.1 (you ever sell) anything on the Internet? – No, ____. What about you?

3.2 I usually (wear) make up when I (go) to work, and when I (go out), but I (not wear) any at the moment because I (work) at home today.

3.3 I’m going to buy Sally a blouse for her birthday. – She’s already got one. – Well, I (buy) her a new sweater

3.4 (you ever eat) Japanese food?

3.5 (snow) much in your country? – Yes, it (snow) a lot during the winter.

3.6 Prices (rise) all the time. Everything (get) more and more expensive.

3.7 What Peter (do) on the floor? – He (look) for his glasses.

4. Заполните пропуски одним из предлогов

from like than in at for of on

Look ___ that picture! Isn’t it beautiful?

Marmalade is ____ jam, but it’s made from oranges.

Come and see me _______seven o’clock

What did you do _______ the weekend.

________Saturday night we went to a party.

We went shopping _________ the morning.


5. Переведите фрагменты в скобках на английский язык

  1. The Alps are (выше) than the Urals.
  2. Today the bus is (быстрее) than usual.
  3. Your tests are very poor. Why don't you study (лучше)?
  4. Nick lives (ближе) than Mike.

5. My mother’s dress was (самое элегантное) at the party

6. These days were (самые счастливые) days of her life.

7. You should be (спокойнее) when you pass your next exam.

8. My test was (самый лучший) test in the class.

9. The English Channel is (шире) than the Straits of Gibraltar.

10. Our new English teacher is much (терпеливее) than the previous one



Вариант 3

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


My Grandma’s a Bank Robber!

Kitty Currie is everyone’s favorite grandma. She is sixty-eight years old, has snow-white hair and always wears a pink cardigan and carries a big handbag. She likes knitting and looking after her five lovely grandsons. But she’s not looking after them at the moment. Kitty Currie has gone to prison! Two months ago, Kitty, who loves in the village of Bovdon in Devon, robbed a bank! She took her grandson’s toy gun, put a stocking over her face, and walked into Barclays Bank. She pointed the gun at the cashier and asked for some money. The cashier gave her 20&. Kitty smiled, said “Thank you very much,” and left. The cashier called the police, and they caught Kitty in the next street. The money, the gun, and the stocking were all in her bag.

Kitty says, “I got married when I was sixteen. All my life I’ve looked after my home and my children. I’ve got a lovely husband and I’ve had a happy life but I’ve never done anything really exciting. I’ve never been abroad. I’ve never even had a job.Now I’m famous. I’ve been on TV and in the newspapers! But I’m not going to rob another bank!”


2. Поставьте ко всему содержанию текста вопросы (не менее пяти) разного типа: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный



3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

3.1 I (go) to Paris next week. (you ever go) there? – Yes. We (go) there about two years ago.

3.2 We (meet) at a party in Milan about a month ago and one week later we (decide) to get married.

3.3 Would you like to come the cinema with us? – All right, I (meet) you at 7.00

3.4 When the doorbell (ring), I (get) up and (answer) it.

3.5 What (you do) yesterday?

3.6 What Maria (do) these days? –She (study) English at a school in London.

3.7 I (go) to bed now. Goodnight.

4. Выберите правильный предлог

I’m feeling rather nervous (of/to/about) my interview tomorrow.

I got (next/next to/onto) the crowded train and sat down (next/next to onto) a young man.

I’m not really interested (in/on/by) stamp collecting

The boys got (over/into/to) the garden by climbing (over/into/to) the fence.

Maria drove (to/in/from) Madrid (to/in/from) Barcelona (to/in/from) her friend’s car yesterday. She arrived (to/in from) Barcelona at 8 o’clock.

We were driving (in front of/into/along) Harbour Street when the car (in front of/into/along) us stopped suddenly and we crashed (in front of/into/along) it.


5. Переведите фрагменты в скобках на английский язык

1. Shakespeare is (самый знаменитый) English poet and playwright of all the times!

2. He is (умнее) man than his colleagues.

3. This jacket is too small. I need (больший) size.

4. This is (самая интересная книга) I this library.

5. Put on this coat, it is (теплее).

6. Which of these books is (самая интересная)?

7. He's not so keen on his studies. He's (более заинтересован) in sports and music.

8. Please, be (внимательнее) next time.

9. You have (наилучшие) marks in the class.

10. Every day the air becomes (холоднее) and (холоднее).



Вариант 4

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


Why did Agatha Christie Disappear?

Agatha Christie was the most successful writer of detective stories of all time. People all over the world read her stories of Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. But when she died in 1976 there was a final mystery why did she disappear for eleven days in December 1926?

Agatha Christie was born in September 1890. She lived with her family in Devon, England. In 1914 she married Colonel Archibald Christie. She wrote her first detective story in 1920 and soon she was very successful.

But Agatha Christie didn’t have a happy marriage. On a cold night in December 1926 she left home in her car. The following morning, the police found the empty car but there was no sign of Agatha Christie. Two days later, they told the newspapers that they didn’t know where she was. Everyone thought she was dead.

But 250 miles away in Yorkshire, a waiter in a hotel saw a guest who looked like Agatha Christie, and he told the police. Eleven days after her disappearance, her husband found her again in the hotel living room.

The couple were soon divorced. She married Sir Max Mallowan, an archaeologist, in 1930 and she continued to write her mysteries. But she didn’t explain what happened in 1926. Did she want to kill herself? Did she want to show her husband that she didn’t love him? Did she hope to sell more books?

Over the years, Agatha Christie wrote more than 80 mysteries and sold over 300 million books. But she didn’t tell anyone why she disappeared in December 1926.


2. Поставьте ко всему содержанию текста вопросы (не менее пяти) разного типа: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный

3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

3.1 How’s Ana? I (not see) her recently. – I (speak) to her yesterday. She’s very well.

3.2 We (come back) to Rome two days ago and at the moment we (stay) at Laura’s apartment because it’ bigger.

3.3 Look at those black clouds. It (rain).

3.4 We’re tired. We (work) hard all day.

3.5 I know Sally Robinson. – Really? How long (you know) her?

3.6 What time Kate (finish) work?

3.7 She (play) the guitar? – Yes, she (play) the guitar and the piano.

4. Выберите правильный предлог

4.1 I used to be quite good (in/at/on) dancing.

4.2 My grandparents live (in/on/below/at) 42 London Road, (in/on/below/at) a flat (in/on/below/at) the top floor. A very nice Italian couple live (in/on/below/at) the floor (in/on/below/at) us.

4.3 London is (from/through/on) the River Thames, flows (in/on/below/at) the city (in/on/below/at) west to east.

4.4 She’s a middle-aged woman (in/with/as) blue eyes and short blonde hair.

4.5 There’s some tea (at/in/on) the shelf (at/in/on) the cupboard.

4.6 We had lunch (in/at/on) Mario’s cafe (at/in/on) Main Road (at/in/on) our way home.

5. Переведите фрагменты в скобках на английский язык

1. The island of Great Britain is (меньше) than Greenland.

2. New Year’s Day is­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ (самый счастливый) day in the year.

3. Today the exam was much (сложнее) than on Monday.

4. This way is (самый длинный).

5. Swimming is one of the (наиболее популярных) summer sports

6. The Arctic Ocean is (холоднее) than the Indian Ocean.

7. She isn’t (самый занятой) person in our office.

  1. Which building is (самое высокое) in your city?
  2. You should work (усерднее) in the end of the term.
  3. Perfume is (наилучший) gift for a woman.


Вариант 5

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.


The First Miss World


Alice Hyde is ninety-seven years old and she always watches the Miss World competition on TV. She likes to remember the year 1911, when she became the very first Miss World. “It was wonderful. My picture was in the best magazines and on post cards. I received hundreds of letters. A lot of men wanted to marry me! Best of all, Charlie Chaplin wrote from America and invited me to Hollywood. I really wanted to go there and be film star, but my parents said “no”.

Instead, in 1912, Alice married Charlie Hyde, a boy from her home town in the North of England. They had five children, four sons and the daughter. When Charlie retired, they moved to Spain and they lived there until Charlie died. Alice came back to England and bought an antique shop, where she worked until last year. “I’ve had a wonderful life. I’ve traveled, I’ve lived abroad, I’ve to Hollywood, but I don’t regret that. I’ve known true love. My Charlie was the best husband in the world! I am still healthy and active. I feel much younger than ninety-seven. I’ve just done my exercises and I am going to Spain for my summer holiday!”


2. Поставьте ко всему содержанию текста вопросы (не менее пяти) разного типа: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный


3. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

3.1 - Fantastic! I (just/ pass) my exam. – Oh, well done!

3.2 I (write) this e-mail from sunny Rome where I (sit) on a balcony in the city center and I’ve got some brilliant news!

3.3 It (snow) quite often in Britain during the winter.

3.4 I (not live) in London. I (live) in Brighton.

3.5 I’m sorry I’m late. I (be) to the dentist’s

3.6 Look, there’s Sally. Who she (talk) to?

3.7 How much money you (earn) a month? We (earn) about 800&.

4. Выберите правильный предлог

4.1 Are you afraid (by/to/of) snakes?

4.2 Rio de Janeiro is (at/in/on) the south east coast of Brazil.

4.3 When I was (in/out of/outside) my hotel room, I started to take my clothes (in/out of/outside) my suitcase.

4.4 When I got back (behind/off/into/inside) my hotel bedroom, I locked the door (behind/off/into/inside) me, took (behind/off/into/inside) my dressing-gown and got (behind/off/into/inside) bed.

4.5 The coach drove (past/up/through) the factory, and then it went (past/up/through) the tunnel and started to climb (past/up/through) the hill.

4.6 Kate doesn’t normally work (at/-/in/on) weekends, but she had to work (at/-/in/on) last Sunday.

5. Переведите фрагменты в скобках на английский язык

  1. It is (самый вкусный) marmalade I have ever eaten.
  2. This hotel is (гораздо дороже) than in the North of the country.
  3. The London underground is (самое большое) in the world.
  4. My new car is much (удобнее) than that one I had last year.
  5. June, 22 is (самый длинный) day of the year.
  6. He is (самый старший) in the family.
  7. Rome is one of (самых древних) cities on earth.
  8. You should be (внимательнее)!
  9. Oh, this is (самая смешная) story I have ever heard.

10. Spanish is much (легче) than German



Вариант 6

1. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.

Easy English?

English is an important global language, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. Many experts have tries to make English easier for students to learn – but they weren’t always successful.

In 1930, Professor CK Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in the Basic English word list. For example, if you wanted a water melon, you asked for ‘a large green fruit with the form of an egg, which has a sweet red inside and a good taste’?

RE Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language called Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher’, ‘new’ became ‘nue’, and ‘years’ became ‘yeerz’. Unfortunately, for some students of English, Anglic never became popular.

Even easier is the language which ships’ captain use: it’s called ‘Seaspeak’. Seaspeak uses a few simple phrases for every possible situation. In Seaspeak, for example, you don’t say, ‘I’m sorry what did you say?’ or ‘I didn’t understand, can you repeat that?’… it’s just, ‘Say again.’ No more grammar!

In the age of international communication through the Internet who knows? … a new form of English might appear. A large number of the world’s e-mails are in English and include examples of ‘NetLingo’ like OIC (Oh, I see) and TTYL (Talk to you later). In another fifty years, English as we know it might not exist… we’ll probably all speak fluent Internetish!

2. Поставьте ко всему содержанию текста вопросы (не менее пяти) разного типа: общий, специальный, альтернативный и разделительный


3.Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.

3.1 It’s nearly 10 o’clock. Andrew (wake up) yet?

3.2 ‘When I (arrive) back at the car park, my car wasn’t there!’ – ‘Oh, no! What you (do)?’ – ‘I (report) it to the police.

3.3 you (see) Sarah yesterday? – No, _______.

3.4 You (not write) to you friend very often, but he (write) to you every week.

3.5 Don’t forget your umbrella when you (go) out. It (rain) outside.

3.6 What you (do) at the moment? – I (write) a letter.

3.7 you (enjoy) yourself? – Yes, I (have) a great time.

4. Выберите правильный предлог

4.1 We’re leaving (in/at/on/-) tomorrow morning, but we’ll be back (in/at/on/-) three week’s time.

4.2 Do you enjoy driving (in/at/on/-) night?

4.3 Annie usually goes to school (by/on/in) her bicycle, but sometimes she goes (by/on/in) bus.

4.4 Pisa in Italy is famous (about/from/for) its Leaning Tower

4.5 The coach drove (past/up/through) the factory, then it went(past/up/through) the tunnel and started to climb (past/up/through) the hill.

4.6 My girlfriend and I often meet (opposite/between/at/in) the Espresso Cafe (opposite/between/at/in) East Street. Do you know the Espresso? It’s (opposite/between/at/in) the bank and the school, (opposite/between/at/in) the Grand Hotel.

5. Переведите фрагменты в скобках на английский язык

Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 401 | Нарушение авторских прав

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