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In search af the fish with the longest name



In search af the fish
with the longest name

A Australia

The Groal Barn o' Ooo* >c me largeti and
moss COrrpW* roof cysicm on iho p<anol IIS’
2.900 rndtvdual /cels arc dv-ocd up ■olo a
COITlpla* SCI Ol /ones ^oropnsmg il>o
wortjs wooed marine M>. ncrne to more
than 1400 species d cm ana 400 soocies
a COrtf

Seen nv> /eel >s 30 io 45 mnc* pltahorc
mosl people w*»i cn a ttov top ir>e«
ODO'VC Irom resort islands at»«* H8 hum
Cairns Ron Douglas and Townsvir* The
tuai of these top* can ti* aioinbrVvc. anrt r
inis respect the Barnor Reel isn'l as
aatifilyrng as sonewbore say. six}' as tl*
Ma d-iCh, where you can |us» SlucnWe Out Ol
you/ room and take a s/von swim to me met
#1 tne oooe ot mo.a go on

a recent ireieawm n marine tourism
ne*e has been Ihe introduction ol guidod
anorkefiing wo/s wrfn man/* wwogists.
"which o«you a nancs-on experience o«
Tie reel and an opponunty io touch corals
and Other marine lile safe*.

Lit® /eels ai oxer ir* wona. ir-e u/oat
Bomor >s r>0l without us share ol ecrtogxal
proctcms Iho mosl noiabto ol when, as we

wrote two *eets age * the oeeuucw
caused Ov population ooUroaks ot Crown
o’ reor/'B starfish. Mtwto uiorauy tat me

B Cozumel, Mexico

Corumcl a sma» island oil Mexico s
'■'ucnlan peninsula. is onolhci success
story ter msnne pd'XS Although tne stands
reois we/e coouiv w»m dno/s as >ong ago
as the 1960* Ihp reel environment
drlnnoralrd bally n life ‘9703 Ihrcrjpn
tneon!rolled soear luhrnj iwhrch too* care
or ihe larger fcsn) and it* hftrrasbac ol
coral tor it* yiuvenu trade However,
■tonka lo Ihe l3/es»ghi d ihe Mexican
govornmeni m dccfenrg me reefs a marine
refuge m 19*0 lish populations are now
thriving and divers me Hocking mere

Cozumel «dvided lron> ihs mainland
by a deep-waier channel which is swept by
nch currents. ensuring nor only llouitshlny
marine flora and Uuna bul also
guaranleed good vwb'1'ly |norma*y in
excess ol >0Wi) The undeiwawr terrav is
unq.B «n me CanMwan. wtfi cotossal coral
bmiresset riddled will' caverns and

Cozumcr IS 50 American dvors whal
Egypf ano the Red Sea are io their


j Marine tourism - and conservation
I ot cora! reets - is booming all over
| Ihetropecs NICK HANNA reporisj

Eu'cpenn counterparts good value, good
quaWy iropca drvng curnenMy ihe beat
bargain n Ihe Caribbean

C Hawaii

The islands ol Ihe Hawaiian^Brchpclago
are II* mosl isoalod tropical islands in Ihe
vro-W which means that a l»glh proportion
ol marine species aie eodetrlc. Many ol
tneso bdogieMfy unique h*h are very
beautiful mdocd and snorkelling or dwing
here * a Wsoncuve e>pedenca

On iho mam island ol Oahu Hanuama
Bay is or* ol l** mosl suocessU marine
parks in Kxwti Once a lavoudie iishng
ground ter Hawaiian royalty Ihe reels ware
scvo-ory aoptojjod urri me aioa became a
manne ne consprvauor. ownei in 1967
Since then, recovery has been romarkabe
and there is now an aixxioonce ol beauefui
iropcai reel nsh. ii>p*iding»ie it$h wen ttv©
iongosl nano in me work), the
Humi.bumjnukinokoapjaa (Hawan's stale
embtem). The one drnwt>aa«of Manuama
Boy is that tne woior e aimosi as crowded
wtn peoofe as N ts wm fish go early *n the

D Maldives

Aiihough p*re are no ch-cial manne pa/xs
or protected areas, the Ov.hq and
snodiottng o generally superb There are
w«i-egupp*d ewe cer*es on mos; lounst
islands and snorkeBers wll *nd lhal n very
few other ccuofnes» the nvsgic ol ihe
underwater works as guaranteed as ii la
hflre l_arge.jaaifi.Ssh abound on nearly
every reel end in seme lagcons you* fnd
yourseU compiete'v su-'Ounded by what
seems like a orctiar wall of foh as.! you
were lloatng in a giganiir. troprcal


Some rents do have problems, mosl
notceab* because of coral bong mined for
building, and pollution from resons. but
overall they appeal lo bo ® good shape.

Shaik feeds are common In the
MakSves and maivy divers enjoy ihe
opportunity w oose/ve me power end grace
oi mow mhgnfcon creatures undecwaier

E Philippines

There are more Ilian 13,009 squere miles
ol ree*s in the Phhppines but thanks to
dynamite lishmy coral souvenus and
n.xncanos a norvudaraWo proportion are

Aimoogn there aro as y«no naocnai
manne parks there iwe profecied areas
wnere you can lind good dhnng and
snorkefling Some ol the best reels are
around Palawan, ai the drvng mson ot El
Ntoo on mo rvorthwoiii comer o! the isund
III oy-vo ms So a conco«od often 'O proioct
to err reels as woJ as SOAng up 'coring
sanons whch.vc Ircquented by targe
groupers, nos necdieiijh nno barrocuda.

There >3 a cluster cl c>ve resorts near
Anrtao two hours south of Manila Boals go
out lo Somortrro Island, a popuiv d"* tpet.
wllh surpnsingly iniacl coral cover This is
O'* of II* better ctves I had in tho
PbBppino* sadly tha oxcepton ramcr man
ihe rule

F Thailand

Tt* mosf extcnarve reels m Thaaand arc in
Iho Andaman Sea. on P* wost coast Ihes
includes me area around PhiAel. aihuugh
many roots in tho immediate vontr ol
PtiukCI riav* been smofhered and lulled by
(>■ edging tot tn which was toe prncoai
nOuSlry hero Dctoro loonsm.

Some ol It* best oving» m the Ko
Simian National Park Although lire* is
some oamege Irom rtyrwmile fohng end
Crown of Thorns starfish here, lish Ife «
ebundanl erwogh to satisfy mosl people
and wsibliiy can reach i2Sn pus during
too season n* o««Oevoiopvi reefs are
beyono ihe simiians tn tne Ko Sum
National Park

Reels around Kon Samui ond Kon
Pnangan on iho oast coast nave oem
damaged oy dynamii* ftshing end boll cm
l^avUirq. SntMkeltng Ihps operate Irom Koh
Samui lo me nearby Ang Thong National
Park out mis Miners from simHar protxeme
and l kxind it dsaoooiftung


Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 48 | Нарушение авторских прав

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