60 Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv, Ukraine; tel. +380 44 239 32 45
April 3-4, 2014
Dear Colleagues,
On March 18, 2014 an important event in social and political life of Ukraine – the tenth anniversary of adoption of the new Civil Procedure Code isheld. It marks the current stage of development of the national legislation on the way of elaborating an independent, constitutional (law-based) and democratic state. Over the last ten years a number of reforms of the country’s legal and judicial system has been carried out. The changes have significantly affected the development of the civil procedural law and are of current interest for discussions in scientific circles and communities of practitioners in Ukraine and other countries.
This same year the 180th anniversary of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv is also celebrated and that is another important event in social and scientific life of our country. Since its foundation the University has become the mainstay of the national science, the classic university of a research type, and the leading university in Ukraine, which holds a prominent place in international rankings of higher educational institutions in the world.
The Faculty of Law of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv together with the Association of Civil procedural scholars of Ukraine has a honor to invite you to participate in the International scientific and practical conference “European standards of human rights protection in civil justice: the test of time”, which isdedicated to the tenth anniversary of adoption of the Civil Procedural Code of Ukraine, which is held on the Faculty of Law on April 3-4, 2014.
The conference will be attended by leading academicians and practitioners from Ukraine and other countries.
The conference suggests the work in the following areas:
• European standards as the basis of reforming civil procedural law
• Efficiency of civil procedure reforming: experience of codification
• Formation of the national school of civil procedural law
• Alternative solutions of civil disputes
• Unification of standards of judicial decisions revising in civil proceedings
• Institute of proof in the civil procedural legislation of Ukraine and foreign countries
• Status and prospects of introduction of the electronic justice in civil litigation.
We hope for productive cooperation in development and improvement of an effective system of human rights protection in the context of international standards of justice!
Again, may we take this opportunity to extend a cordial invitation to you from our country. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Kiev. Should further detailed information be required, please do not hesitate to contact to the address below.
Conference working languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English.
To participate you have to:
by January 14, 2014 – send application by mail, email or apply in personal application form (see Sample of the Application for participation in the conference);
by March 1, 2014 – send thesis paper (see Requirements for thesis paper).
Postgraduate students and degree receivers must also submit a review of their supervisor of studies which is certified in accordance with the established procedure.
The digest of conference materials will be published before the conference is held. The cost of a digest for participants is 200 UAH.
All costs related to the stay at the conference are paid by participants from their own funds or from the funds of sending organization.
01601, 60 Volodymyrska Street, Kyiv, Ukraine
Contact details:
E-mail: conference2014@i.ua
Deputy Head of the Organizing Committee, PhD assistant professor Olena Zakharova
Tel.: +38 050 384 57 16
Member of the organizing committee, PhD assistant professor Iryna Izarova
Tel.:+38 066 295 81 36
Sample of the Application for participation in the conference
Application form for participation in the
International Scientific and Practical Conference “European Standards of Human Rights Protection in Civil Justice: the test of time“, April 3-4, 2014
title of the speech
Name and surname
academic degree, academic status
_______________________________________________________________workplace, position
_______________________________________________________________ contact address, telephone, e-mail address
Personal participation (indicate yes or no) ___________________________________________
Requirements for thesis paper
Total volume of thesis paper (including title, author information, text, used materials, anotation, key words) must not exceed 4 pages (Times New Roman; size 14, line-to-line spacing - 1.5).
The authors who have no scientific degree must additionally submit a review of a candidate or a doctor in relevant specialty and an extract from the report of the relevant department recommending publishing the thesis paper.
Citation to used sources has to be in brackets containing the number of source and the pages, for example. [1, p. 20-22], and a list of sources has to be given at the end of the thesis paper in alphabetical order.
Materials to be added: an electronic version of the thesis paper in Word format; information sheet about the author.
Editorial Board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce and reject thesis paper.
The content and accuracy of provided information is the responsibility of the author.
Sergey V. Zaharchenko,
PhD student of the theory of law
V.M. Koretsky Institute of State and Law
Of NAS of Ukraine
Value Orientations in Law as a Factor of Strengthening of the Rule of Law in Ukraine
Statement of the problem.
Analysis of recent researches and publications.
The purpose of the article.
The main results of the research and findings.
1. The action of law: an integrative aspect. Monograph / Col. authors, Ed. yet. N.M. Onishchenko. - K.: Jurydychna dumka, 2010. - 360 p.
2. Onishchenko N.M/ Monism in law in the context of modern thinking / / Derzhava I pravo: Proc. papers. Legal and political science. Issue 47. - Kyiv: V.M Koretsky Institute of State and Law of NAS of Ukraine, 2010. - P. 3-9.
Yours Sincerely, Organizing Committee
Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 20 | Нарушение авторских прав
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Ministry of education and science | | | Taras shevchenko national university of kyiv |