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A task that needs to be done, but calling it an action item makes it sound more important.


Slang Meaning

Action item

A task that needs to be done, but calling it an action item makes it sound more important.

Best in breed

The top company in an industry.

Best practices

Optimal tactics and strategies.


"Short for ""business method"".

Blocking and tackling

Basic tasks.

Blue sky thinking

Idealistic or visionary ideas - not always with practical application.

Boil the ocean

Taking on a very difficult or impossible task (the ocean can't be boiled).

Bottom out/ Bottom line

"Used as a verb to indicate that something needs to be done urgently - for example ""we need to get that bottom-lined before the end of play today.""


A company's marketing, related to the overall feeling evoked by the company's products, advertisements, and graphic design.

Bring Your ""A"" Game"

Be prepared, do your best.

Business landscape

The threats and opportunities facing a business.

Business-to-Business (B2B)

Selling to other businesses, not consumers.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

Selling to consumers, not other businesses.

Chase shiny objects

"Chasing anything that moves or looks new or enticing. Example usage: ""Stop chasing shiny objects and get down to the business of growing your business"".

Client engagement

A meeting.

Client-centric / customer-centric

Focusing on the customer to keep them happy and satisfied.


"A fancy way of saying ""say"" or ""tell"".


"Often used in place of ""background"" or ""information"". Used in conversation such as ""What's the context?"" or ""Give me some context""

Core competencies

A business's main strengths or strategic advantages.

Cover all directions of the compass

Trying to make things acceptable for all stakeholders.


Powerpoint slides used for a presentation.

Deep dive

Getting into the detail.


Something that is owed and has to be done by a certain date.


To clarify.


Cutting expenses by laying people off.


To look more closely

Drinking the Kool-Aid

Trusting in things said by authority figures. A fervent devotion to a certain company or technology.

Drop dead date

The absolute final possible date for deliverable.

Drop the ball

To make a blunder of fail.

Eating your own dogfood

Using a product yourself which you sell to others.

Elephant in the room

An important and obvious topic that everyone is aware of, but is not discussed because it would be uncomfortable.


A project.


"Can mean ""Estimated Time of Arrival"" but also refers to your estimated time to completion of a task.

Event horizon

A turning point in the life of a company.

Face time

Time spent meeting face to face with someone, not remotely by email/phone/text. Sometimes refers to just showing up at a location and interacting with people.


To conduct or oversee, like for a meeting.

Game changer

A person, company or event that radically changes a situation, usually with new and different ideas that stand out from the crowd.

Gantt chart

Shows the schedule of a project along with other details.

Hard stop

The absolute final possible ending time of a meeting.

Have the vendor in our pocket

Keeping a vendor / contractor paid

Heads Up

"Used to ask for a report/update on something, ex: ""Give me a heads up on this.""

Herding cats

A difficult chore.

Hit the ground running

To start doing something that you have already prepared for so that you do not waste any time.

Home run

A big financial win. Example: The investor passed on the deal because he did not think it could be a home run.

Human capital


In the loop

Knowing what's going on and being kept informed

In the weeds

The view by the staff who actually does the work


To encourage


To communicate.

It’s not brain surgery

It is not hard to do.

it’s not rocket science

It is not hard to do.


To use something to maximum advantage.

Light a fire under him/her

To motivate somebody.

Low hanging fruit


Make it pop

Make it stand out.

My two cents

Giving my opinion

Off the shelf

In-stock, not custom made.

On the fritz


On the radar

When you are aware of something. Well-known.


To define an abstract concept in such a way that it can be practically measured.


A non-reimbursable expense you need to pay for yourself. Also used to mean somebody is unavailable.

Paradigm shift

A revolution in thinking. A transformation from one way of thinking to another.

Pass the monkey

To pass the responsibility for a problem to someone else.

Pick the low-hanging fruit

Going for the easiest option.


To contact somebody, like by email, text, or phone.


Buying things.

Pushing the envelope

Going outside normal boundaries to achieve a target or goal

Raft of measures

A collection of proposals or schemes

Reaching Out

To contact


Putting jobs where they belong. For example outsourcing the less important processes overseas and keeping the complex work in-house.


Cutting expenses by firing people. Downsizing.

Run the numbers

Do the calculations.

Sandwich method

A way of providing feedback where you positive feedback (a compliment) in the beginning and end but in the middle give constructive criticism. Also known as the hamburger method.


Singing from the same sheet music


Showing a united front in public.

Skin in the game

Showing confidence by investing your own money in something, instead of just getting paid to do it.

Solutions provider

A vendor.

Spinning the plates



Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Take it offline

Talk about it later

Talk the talk, walk the walk

If you say you can do something, demonstrate you can do it.

Tear down the silos

Remove barriers

Think outside the box

Novel or creative thinking where you think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective.

Touch base

"To contact or speak with. ""Let's touch base on Friday about the new computer software.""

Unique selling proposition (USP)

Something that differentiates a product from the competition.

Value proposition

A statement explaining why a customer should buy the company's product or service.


Something that improves a value or service.


To know about something.

Win-win solution

Providing a product or service which makes everyone happy.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 15 | Нарушение авторских прав

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