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EPS – expanded polystyrene

(пенополистирол) Expanded polystyrene (EPS) isn't just foam insulation, it's an innovative building material that lends to the design and structural integrity of many building projects. Since the 1950's, EPS has been recognized as a mainstream insulation material, but over the past decade, new applications using EPS have expanded, and EPS now serves as a powerful design element.



Using this building technology one gets wall resistance to heat transfer (wall thermal efficiency, R-Value) R = 2.90°C/w per sq., which shows doubtless advantage in comparison with other building technologies. It is obvious that building a warm brick wall with a similar to ICF wall thermal efficiency will cost 2.5 times more. For concrete wall with the same thermal efficiency the cost will go up 6.5 times. Comparison of thicknesses of walls made of different materials with R-Value equivalent to R = 2.90°C/w per sq.m.



ICF with foam concrete

Pine tree



Wall thickness (m)





Cost (ruble/sq.m.)


1 800

2 250

5 900

Simple analysis of this table will convince you that heating costs for ICF house decrease 3 times as compared with warm brick house.


Another advantage of ICF technology is light wall weight: 100 kg / sq. m. against 1500 kg /sq. m. of a brick wall with just 50 sm. thickness. This allows to considerably reduce expenses on basement construction and also to build up additional floors above old buildings where basements cannot bear extra load inevitable when conventional building technologies are used.

Activity 6



One more advantage of the offered technology is 10 % gain of interior space due to small wall thickness with the external building size remaining the same. Very important advantage of ICF technology is the short construction period. Practice shows that ICF walling gives 10 times reduction of construction period in comparison with traditional construction methods. This in its turn reduces the time of construction investment return. Besides we have immense reduction of transportation costs, also conduit application works (plumbing, heating, wiring, etc.) become easier.

1. Look through the text again and find expressions which mean:



Высотой до 50 метров


Несъемная опалубка из пенополистирола


Полая изолирующая форма




Термический кпд


Теплонепроницаемость стен


Мера теплосопротивления теплоизоляционного материала


Толщина стены


Стоимость отопления


Сократить расходы на строительство фундамента


Нести дополнительную нагрузку


Увеличение внутреннего пространства на 10 %


Размер здания с внешней стороны


Стены, возведенные с помощью изолированной опалубки


Сокращение времени строительства в 10 раз


Период окупаемости


Прокладка коммуникаций


2. Use the expressions from the exercise above to write about the advantages of ICF technology.




Activity 7



“-ing“ forms

1. Study the table and pay attention to different uses of

“-ing“ forms



Часть речи


В английском языке

В переводе на русский язык


Перевод на русский язык


Participle I

(в составе Continuous)


When the workers were building the dam, they used local materials.

Когда рабочие строили эту плотину, они использовали местные материалы.

Participle I

(как обстоятельство)


Building the dam, the workers used local materials.

Строя эту плотину, рабочие использовали местные материалы.

Participle I

(как определе-ние)


The workers building the dam used only local materials.

Рабочие, строившие эту плотину, применяли только местные материалы.


Отглагольное Существитель-ное



Building the dam took six months.

Строительство этой плотины заняло шесть месяцев.

Verbal noun




The building of the dam took six months.

Строительство этой плотины заняло шесть месяцев.




The use of local building materials reduced the cost.

Использование местных строительных материалов сократило стоимость.







The new building of the University has already been built.

Новое здание университета уже построено.


2. Find all the “-ing“ forms in the article, state their parts of speech and translate them into Russian.


3. Complete the sentences below by matching two halves of each of them. Translate the sentences into Russian.


1. The potential for this technology is immense in terms of the possible applications…

a. … including the roof and conduits for plumbing and electricity.

2. The construction industry has a huge negative impact on the environment…

b. … significantly reducing manual labour and exchanging physical power for brainpower.…

3. Dr Behrokh Khoshnevis predicts that the system will soon erect a 2000-thousand-square-foot home in a single day…

c. … generating construction waste and exploiting natural resources.


4. This rapid construction minimises the costs ob building projects…

d. … including emergency shelters, low-income housing and extra-terrestrial houses.



4. Participle I and Gerund are often used to shorten complex sentences. Study the complex sentences in the left column of the table and find their shortened variant in paragraph II of the text above.


If you use this building technology you get wall resistance to heat transfer (wall thermal efficiency, R-Value) R = 2.90°C/w per sq., which shows doubtless advantage in comparison with other building technologies.


It is obvious that when one builds a warm brick wall with a similar to ICF wall thermal efficiency will cost 2.5 times more.



6. Shorten or change the following sentences using Participle I and Gerund.

Example: 1.Many of Aircrete’s (aerated concrete) innovative products and construction methods employ simple, easily-learned skills. This helps to overcome one of the key barriers to the adoption of modern methods of construction. Many of Aircrete’s (aerated concrete) innovative products and construction methods employ simple, easily learned skills overcoming one of the key barriers to the adoption of modern methods of construction.

2. To provide emergency shelters is one of the possible applications of Contour Crafting technology. Providing emergency shelters is one of the possible applications of Contour Crafting technology.


a. This innovative build method utilises the light weight and thermal performance of Aircrete to create a solid floor that can significantly reduce heat losses and minimise the amount of secondary insulation.

b. The 'thin joint' method of construction, which utilises mortar joints less than 3mm, allows Aircrete walls to be built very rapidly.

c. With the mortar setting in an hour or so, many courses can be built in a day, which makes house completions possible in a significantly shorter time period.

d. If you combine structural Aircrete elements with Aircrete walls and foundations, an entire house can be constructed very rapidly.

e. To build is really not a job for human beings in this day and age.

f. When you use this process a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different design, may be automatically constructed in a single run.

g. Contour Crafting is a recent fabrication technology that has a great potential in automated construction of whole structures as well as subcomponents.

h. The scientist says it’s possible that the robot could run along rails on the ground while it spits out several houses at a time.

i. “It’s much like as if you print on paper,” engineer Behrokh Khoshnevis says of his $30 000 brainchild.

j. Later this year the engineer plans to demonstrate a prototype that can put up 500-square-foot emergency shelters. (Can=capable of)


Activity 8


Both Participle I and Gerund help to describe a process. Besides, there are a number of other structures which can be used for this purpose.

1. As…which …

As structural Aircrete elements are combined with Aircrete walls and foundations, an entire house can be constructed very rapidly, which makes on-site working fast, flexible and versatile.

2. At the same time …which …

At the same time concrete is poured into vertical and horizontal cavities which are located in blocks from expanded polystyrene.

3. When …and …

When ICF blocks are made of polystyrene PCB-C they do not support combustion and this increases fire resistance limit of an ICF wall to 2.5 hours.

4. …which … and …

The 'thin joint' method of construction utilises mortar joints, which allows Aircrete walls to be built very rapidly and makes house completions possible in a shorter time period.


Activity 9


1. Study the instruction “Foam concrete manufacture using a mobile complex” given by the Russian building company “Alina” specializing in progressive building technologies. (left-hand column of the table). Underline the key words in each paragraph.


Описание технологического процесса приготовления пенобетона на мобильном пенобетоносмесительном комплексе.

Устройство мобильного комплекса.

Мобильный комплекс состоит из двух блоков: блока накопительного БН и блока пенобетоносмесительного БПБС.

Устройство мобильного комплекса иллюстрируется технологической схемой.

Блок накопительный БН (верхний контейнер) состоит из:

- дополнительного бункера цемента 2;

- дополнительного бункера золы-уноса 5;

- съемных трубопроводов 1 и 4 подачи цемента и золы-уноса в бункеры;

- люков загрузки 3 и 6 цемента и золы-уноса в бункеры;

- емкости для воды;

- съемной лестницы для доступа на верхний контейнер.

Supply unit SU (top unit) consists of three reservoirs:

- for cement (2)

- for fly ashes (5)

- for water (9). Water reservoir (9) with the feed pipeline, waste pipe for water drain and water level control, two branch pipes for hot water feed from the boiler and a reverse pipe for cold.

- two air bag filters (3 and 6)

- drive pipes from an external supply for cement (1) and for fly ashes (4)

Блок пенобетоносмесительный БПБС (нижний контейнер) состоит из:

- бункера цемента 2;

- бункера золы-уноса 5;

- шиберы и винтовые дозаторы цемента 7 и золы-уноса 8 приводимые в движения электродвигателями;

- насоса-дозатора воды 10;

- бака для приготовления и накопления рабочего раствора пенообразователя 11;

- насоса дозатора пены 12;

- компрессора с ресивером 13;

- пеногенератора 14;

- пенобетоносмесителя 15;

- винтового растворонасоса 16;

- отопительного котла 17 с трубой для отвода продуктов сгорания и баллона с редуктором 18 для сжиженного природного газа.

- блок управления агрегатами, блок контроля и индикации, - шланг для подачи

пенобетонной смеси на объект строительства.

Foam concrete mixer FCM (bottom unit) consists of:

- conical parts: batchers of cement 2) and fly ashes (5)

- spiral suppliers of cement (7) and fly ashes (8)

- batching water pump (10)

- processing foam generator and accumulator (12)

- compressor with receiver (13)

- foam generator (14)

- foam concrete mixer (15)

- foam concrete mix screw pump (16)

- heater (17) with exhaust line

- natural gas bottle (18) with reducer

Принцип работы.

Принцип работы мобильного комплекса основан на непрерывном способе дозирования компонентов, приготовления пенобетонной смеси и ее перекачке по рукаву к месту укладки.

Мобильный комплекс работает следующим образом:

How it works.

- to work on

- continuous fill material batching

- mixing of foam concrete

- to supply to

- the place of pouring

Цемент и зола-уноса доставляются автоцементовозом и с помощью сжатого воздуха перекачиваются по загрузочным трубам 1 и 4 в бункер 2 и 5, из которых воздух отводится через воздушный фильтр 3 и 6.

Во время закачки цемента и золы-уноса шибер закрывают.

- cement

- fly ashes

- to furnish by a trailer

- to pump air

- the inlet pipe

- reservoir

- to carry air out

- the reservoir

- the air filter

- the bottom outlet

Вода через трубопровод заливается под давлением в расходный бак 9 из водопроводной сети или из автобочки. При достижении верхнего уровня избыток воды сбрасывается через переливной патрубок. Бак 9 имеет два патрубка: один для подвода горячей воды от котла и обратного патрубка для подачи холодной воды в котел.

- to pour water under pressure

- the inlet pipeline

- the water supply network

- to achieve the maximum level

- to drain excess water

- the waste pipe

- two branch pipes

- hot water supply

- a reverse pipe

Рабочий раствор пенообразователя приготавливается в баке 11, путем смешивания расчетного количества воды и концентрата пенообразователя.

- to prepare processing foam

- to batch water and foamer

- to blend

Для подогрева воды в баке 9 служит отопительный водогрейный котел 17, работающий на сжиженном природном газе из баллона 18 или угле.

- to heat water

- to work on liquefied natural gas

Для дозированной подачи цемента и золы-уноса открывают полностью шибера, включают приводы винтовых дозаторов 7 и 8. При этом цемент и зола-уноса равномерно подаются в первый отсек пенобетоносмесителя 15. Одновременно туда же подают дозировано воду через калиброванное отверстие распылителя воды.

- cement and fly ashes batching

- to open the bottom outlets of the reservoirs

- to switch on the spiral suppliers

- to feed into the first chamber of the mixer

- to fulfill water batching

- to keep the required pressure at

- the gauged outlet nozzle

- pressure control

- to perform by manometer

Во второй отсек пенобетоносмесителя 15 подается из пеногенератора 14 техническая пена. Дозирование и требуемое качество (кратность) пены осуществляется путем подачи в форсунку пеногенератроа 14 сжатого воздуха заданного давления и от насоса 12 рабочего раствора пенообразователя из бака 11 с заданным давлением. Давление контуров контролируется манометрами.

- the second chamber

- the mixer

- processing foam

- the rated quality

- to batch

- the foam generator nozzle

- the precompressed air

Из второго отсека пенобетоносмесителя 15 пенобетонная смесь переливается в бункер винтового насоса 16, откуда перекачивается по резиновому рукаву к месту ее укладки.

- the second chamber

- the mixer

- foam concrete mix

- to pour over

- the bin

- the spiral pump

- to pump over

- the pouring place

- the rubber hose.

Контроль за работой электроприводов мобильного комплекса осуществляется с пульта управления.

- power drives

- to operate from the control board

2. Compare the key words you underlined with the English ones in the right hand column of the table.

3. Describe the process of producing foam concrete in English. Use:

- key words (right-hand column)

- Gerund, Participle I and other structures to describe the process

- the plan and the questions to follow





When we write about the process, we have to:

1. Sequence the stages

2. Locate the stages

3. Describe what happens at each stage

4. Explain what happens at each stage



The description will answer these questions:

1. What’s … for?

2. What are its main components?

3. How are they connected?




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