fractals/'fraektalz/ n Geometrical patterns that are repeated at small scales to generate irregular shapes, some of which describe objects from nature.
fragmentation/.frsegman'teijan/ nThe condition of a hard disk in which files are divided into pieces scattered around the disk.This occurs naturally after creating, deleting and modifying many files. When the operating system cannot find enough contiguous space to store a complete file, the file is divided into several separated fragments. As disk fragmentation increases, disk efficiency starts decreasing, frames /freimz/ n 1 Rectangular areas that allow the display of different pages in the same browser window. 2 Single pictures in films. Freehand /'fri:haend/ n A Macromedia program for creating vector graphics, which use geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves and polygons to represent images, freeware /'friiwea/ л Software that is available free of charge, but protected by copyright. FrontPage /,frAnt 'peid3 In A web editor from Microsoft, used for designing web pages, function /'fAijkJan/ n A ready-to-use formula that helps you perform a specialized calculation, e.g. SUM, AVERAGE, etc. function keys/'fAijkJan,ki:z/ n Keys that appear at the top of the keyboard and can be programmed to do special tasks.
gadget /'gaedgit/ n A small hardware device. Synonymous with gizmo (slang), game controller/'geim kan,traola/ n A device used to control video games.
game genre /,geim 'за:пгэ/ n A specific type or category of game. For example, a game in which the player solves puzzles would fall into the Puzzle game genre. Other genres are: Action, Adventure, Fighting, First-person shooter, Role- playing, Simulation, Sports, Strategy, etc. game platform /.geim 'pketfoim/ n An electronic device on which video games are played. Examples are personal computers and game consoles.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
/d3i:a,gr£efik infa'meij'an,sistam/ n A type of graphics software that allows us to analyse geographic data and then make maps, plan the use of land, predict natural disasters, etc. gigabyte/'gigabait/ n 1,024 megabytes, gigahertz /'gigah3:ts/ n A unit of one thousand million hertz, or cycles per second, used to measure processor speed.
Global Positioning System (GPS)
/.glaubal pa'zijanii].sistam/ n A navigation system formed by various satellites orbiting the earth and their corresponding receivers on the earth. It allows GPS receivers to determine their location, speed and direction.
Google /'guigal/1 n A popular search engine on the Web. 2 vTo search the Web for something.
grammar checker /'graema,tjeka/ n A
software utility that analyses the grammar of a written text.
graphical user interface (GUI) /.graefikal
'ju:za,intafeis/ n A user-friendly interface based on graphics. A GUI uses a WIMP environment: windows, icons, menus and pointer. Typical examples are the Mac OS and Microsoft Windows.
graphics tablet /'grasfiks,taeblat/ n An input device which allows the user to enter drawings and sketches into a computer
hacker /'haska/ n Someone who invades a network's privacy. Originally, all skilled programmers were known as hackers, but in the 1990s, the term became synonymous with cracker, a person who breaks security on computers.Today, the general public uses hacker for both. In the computer industry, hackers are known as white hats and crackers as black hats or darkside hackers.
handheld game /'handheld,geim/ n A game played on portable gaming devices, such as the Sony PSP and the Nintendo DS. handheld scanner /'haendheld,sksena/ n
A scanner that is moved by hand, ideal for capturing small pictures, logos and bar codes, hard disk/'ha:d.disk/ n See hard drive
hard drive /'ha:d,draiv/ n A magnetic storage device that reads and writes data on metal disks (called platters) inside a sealed case. A hard drive is commonly known as a hard disk. Strictly speaking, drive refers to the entire unit, containing multiple platters, a read/write head and a motor, while hard disk refers to the storage medium itself.
hardware /'haidwea/ nThe physical units which make up a computer system. See software, hardware engineer/'huidwea end3i,ma/ n
Someone who designs and develops IT devices, header /'heda/ n Customized text printed in the top margin of a document.
help desk technician /'help,desk
tek.mjbn/ n Someone who helps end users with their computer problems in person, by email or over the phone, hertz /h3:ts/ n A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second, named after Heinrich Hertz, high-level language/,hai,leval 'lasr)gwid3/ n A language in which each statement represents several machine code instructions, e.g. COBOL, Pascal or C.
home cinema /.haum 'sinama/ n A system that tries to reproduce the cinema experience in the home. It is also called home theatre and typically includes a large-screenTV, a hi-fi system with speakers for surround sound, and a DVD recorder.
home page /'haum,peid3/ n 1 The first page on a website, that usually contains links to other pages. 2 The default start-up page on which a web browser starts.
host /haust/ n A computer containing data or programs that other computers can access via a network or modem.
hotspot /'hDtspDt/ nThe geographic boundary covered by a Wi-Fi wireless access point. HTML/,eitJti:em'el/ nThe language used to create hypertext documents (e.g. web pages); short for Hypertext Markup Language.
HTML tags/.eit/themel 'taegz/ nThe codes used to define text fonts, format paragraphs, add links, etc. HTML tags are surrounded by the angle brackets < and >.
HTTP/,eitjti:ti:'pi:/ nThe method by which web pages are transferred from a website to your PC; http appears at the beginning of web addresses and means hypertext transfer protocol. hybrid hard disk /,haibrid 'hu:d,disk/ n A hard disk with integrated flash memory, intended for new laptops and mobile PCs. hyperlink /'haipaliijk/ n A text, image or button that, when clicked, takes you to other destinations on the Web. hypermedia /'haipamndia/ n A form of enriched multimedia which supports linking graphics, sound, and video elements in addition to text elements.
hypertext /'haipatekst/ nText that contains links to other documents.
icon /'aikon/ n A picture representing an object, such as a document, program, folder or hard disk.
ICT system /.aisiiti: 'sistam/ n A system that uses information and communications technologies.
IM server /,aiem 's3:va/ n A central system that provides presence information about online users, and passes instant messages between them.
iMac /'aimaek/ n A desktop computer from Apple, intended for home, school, and small offices.
imagesetter /'imids.seta/ n A professional printer that generates high-resolution output on paper or microfilm.
inch /inJ7 n The equivalent of 2.54 cm, or 72.27 points. It is represented by the symbol". indentation /.inden'teijan/ nThe space between the page margins and where the text aligns.
InDesign /'indizain/ n A desktop publishing program created by Adobe Systems, ink cartridge /'irjk,ka:trid3/ n A replaceable container that holds the ink of an inkjet printer, inkjet printer/'ir)kd3et.printa/ n A printer that generates an image by spraying tiny drops of ink at the paper. By heating the ink within the print head, individual drops are expelled to make a matrix of dots on the paper, input /'input/1 nThe process of transferring information into the memory from a peripheral unit. 2 vTo transfer data, or program instructions, into the computer.
input devices /'input di,vaisiz/ n Units of hardware which allow the user to enter information into the computer, e.g. the keyboard, mouse, voice recognition devices, etc.
Instant Messaging (IM) /.instant 'mesid3iij/ n Exchanging text messages in real-time between two or more people logged into IM services such as AIM, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo! Messenger. Modern IM services also have audio and video capabilities.
Intel /'intel / n The company that designs and produces the processors used in most PCs.
Intel Core 2 Duo/.intel,ko:,tu:
'djuiau/ n Technology that includes two cores, or processors, into a single chip, offering twice the speed of a traditional chip, interactive whiteboard /inta,aektiv 'waitboid/ n A touch-sensitive projection screen that allows the user to control a computer directly, by touching the board instead of using a keyboard. Used in presentation situations such as teaching.
interface /'intafeis/ n Channels and control circuits which provide a connection between the CPU and the peripherals. See also user interface. Internet /'intanet/ n A global network of computer networks which offers services such as email, file transfer, online chats, newsgroups, and information retrieval on the Web. It evolved from the Arpanet of the 70s and uses the TCP/IP protocol.
internet auction /.intanet 'oikjan/ n A website on which bids are received and transmitted electronically.
Internet Explorer/,intanet ik'spbia/ n A
popular web browser from Microsoft.
Internet Service Provider (ISP) /.intanet 'S3: vis prau,vaida/nThe company which gives you access to the Internet, internet telephony/.intanet ti'lefani/ n See VoIP
internet TV/, intanet tii'vi:/ n A TV set used as an internet device.
interpreter/in't3:prita/ n A special program that translates the source code line by line, as the program is running.
Intranet /'intranet/ n A company network that uses public internet software but makes the website only accessible to employees and authorized users.
invoice /'invois/ n A document showing the items purchased, quantities, prices, etc., and requesting payment for a credit order.
IP address /ai'pi: a,dres/ n A number which identifies a computer on the Internet. Every computer on the Net has a unique IP address, e.g.
IP spoofing / ai,pi: 'spuifii)/ n Making one computer look like another to gain unauthorized iPhone /'aifaun/ n A device from Apple that combines three products in one: an iPod, a mobile phone and an internet communicator. iPod /'aipDd/ n A family of portable media players from Apple. Popular models include the iPod Nano, the iPod Shuffle and the full-sized iPod that can also be used as a portable hard disk.
iTunes/'ait ju:nz/ n A program from Apple that lets you play and organize music and video files, on computer or on an iPod. With an internet connection, iTunes can also connect to the iTunes Store in order to download purchased music, videos and podcasts.
Java /'d3a:va/ nThe programming language from Sun Microsystems for building internet applications. Java programs (called applets) let you watch animated characters and moving text, play music, etc.
Java ME/,d3a:va e'mii/nThe Java platform, Micro Edition, used to create applications that run on mobile phones, PDAs, TV set-top boxes, and printers. For example, many phones are configured to use Java games, joystick /' d3oistik/ n An input device with a vertical lever, used in computer games.
JPEG /'d3eipeg/ n A standard for compressing and decompressing image files; developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group. A.jpg extension is added to many image files on the Web.
kerning /'кзтщ/ nThe process of adjusting the spaces between letters to achieve even, consistent letter spacing, keyboard /ki:ba:d/ n A set of keys on a terminal or computer, including the standard typewriter keys (for letters and numbers), function keys and several special keys, kilobit /'kilabit/ n One thousand bits, kilobyte /'kilabait/ n A unit for measuring the memory or disk space in thousands of bytes. Also called k. Equals 1,024 bytes.
laptop /'laptop/ n A small type of portable computer.
laser printer/'leiza,printa/ n A printer that uses a laser beam to fix the ink (toner) to the paper.
lightpen /'laitpen/ n A highly sensitive photoelectric device which uses the screen as the positioning reference.The user can pass the pen over the surface of the screen to draw or modify images displayed on the screen, link /lir)k/ n See hyperlink link up /,lir)k 'лр/ vTo form a connection in order to operate together.
Linux /'linaks/ n Open-source software developed under the GNU General Public License.This means anybody can copy its source code, change it and distribute it. liquid crystal display /.likwid 'kristal di.splei/ n A flat-screen display made of two glass plates with a liquid crystal material between them. The crystals block the light in different quantities to create the image. Active-matrix LCDs use TFT (thin film transistor) technology, producing very sharp images.
lithium-ion battery/,li0iam,аюп 'baetari/ n A
type of a battery composed of Lithium, a metallic chemical element, used in PDAs, cameras and mobile phones.
load /laud/ vTo read program instructions into the main memory.
Local area network (LAN) /.laokal.earia
'netw3:k/ n A group of computer devices interconnected within a small physical area, like a home or office building.
log in/on /,lDg 'in/ /.log 'ш! vTo gain access to
a computer system or network.
log out/off /,log 'aut/ /,lng 'Df/ i/To sign off;
to end a computer session. The opposite of log
login/logon /'login/ /'logon/ nThe process of identifying yourself when entering a computer system or network. You usually type your user name and password.
low-level language/,lau,leval 'Iaer)gwid3/ n
A programming language that is very close to machine language. See assembly language.
Mac OS /,maek au'es/ n An operating system created by Apple and used on Macintosh computers.
MacBook/'тшкЬик/ n A Macintosh notebook computer.
machine code /ma'/i:n,kaud/ n Binary code numbers; the only language that computers can understand directly.
magnetic storage devices /maeg,netik 'sta:
rid3 di,vaisiz/ n devices that store data by magnetizing particles on a disk or tape (e.g. hard drive, tape drive).
magnetic tape /masg.netik 'teip/ n A
sequential storage device used for data collection, backup and archiving. A tape consists of a magnetic coating on a thin plastic strip, mail merging /'meil,m3:d3ir)/ nThe process of combining a database file with a word processor to personalize a standard letter, mail server /'meil,s3:va/ nThe computer where your Internet Service Provider stores your emails.
mailbox /‘meilboks/ n The place where your email program stores new email for you. mailing list /'meilig.list/ n A system used to distribute email to many different subscribers at once.
main memory /.mein 'memari/ nThe section which holds the instructions and data currently being processed; also referred to as the immediate access store or internal memory. PCs make use of two types of main memory: RAM and ROM.
Macintosh /'maekintDjV n A popular computer from Apple, introduced in 1984; the first computer with a graphical user interface, mainframe /'meinfreim/ nThe largest and most powerful type of computer. Mainframes process enormous amounts of data and are used in large installations.
malware /'mslwea/ n Malicious software, created to damage computer data. It includes viruses, worms,Trojan horses and spyware, markup language /'та:клр,laer)gwid3/ n A computer language that uses instructions, called markup tags, to format and link web documents, marquee select tools/та:,ki: si'lekt,tu:lz/ n Tools used to select a particular part of an image.
master page /'maista,peid3/ n A page you design which can be applied to any document page. You can place text and picture boxes, headers and footers, and page rules, etc. on a master page, which ensures a consistent look on all pages.
media player/'mi:dia,pleia/n Software that plays audio, video or animation files, megabit /'megabit/ n A million binary digits (1,024 kilobits).
megabyte /'megabait/ n 1,024 kilobytes, megahertz/'megah3:ts/ n A unit of a million cycles per second, used to measure processor speed.
megapixel /'megapiksel/ n One million pixels, memory card /'memari,ka:d/n A removable module used to store images in digital cameras, to record voice and music on MP3 players, or to back up data on PDAs.They are made up of flash memory chips (e.g. CompactFlash, Secure Digital). See flash memory menu bar/'menju:,ba:/ n A row of words at the top of the screen that open up menus when selected.
message threads /'mesid3,9redz/ n A series of interrelated messages on a given topic, microchip /'maikratjip/ n See chip Microsoft Access /,maikrasnft 'aekses/ n A
relational database management system. Microsoft Office/.maikrasnft 'Dfis In
An integrated package that includes some combination of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access and Outlook, along with various internet and other utilities.
MIDI /'midi/ n A standard for connecting computers and musical instruments. MIDI files contain the.midi extension, short for Musical Instrument Digital Interface. millisecond /'mili.sekand/ n One thousandth of a second.
mobile (phone) /'maobail/ n (US: cell phone)
A phone connected to the telephone system by radio, rather than by a wire, modem /'maudem/ n A device that converts the digital signals used by computers into the analogue signals used by the telephone lines, thus allowing access to the Internet. Short for MODulator/DEModulator. modem-router /'maudem,ru:ta/ n A device that connects various computers (e.g. a home LAN) to the Internet.
monitor /'mDnita/ n An output device with a screen on which words or pictures can be shown. Also called a display screen. motherboard /'тлбэЬэ:с1/ nThe main circuit board of a computer, which contains the processor, memory chips, expansion slots and controllers for peripherals, connected by buses, mouse /maus/ n A small input device used to specify the position of the cursor or to make choices from menus. A mechanical mouse has a rubber or metal ball underneath that is rolled by the user. An optical mouse uses light (a laser) to detect the mouse's movement, and can be wired or wireless.
MP3/,empi:'0ri:/n 1 A standard format that compresses music files, enabling them to be transmitted over the Net more easily. 2 A file containing a song or other audio data that is encoded using the MP3 standard.
MP3 player /empi:'0ri:,pleia/ n A digital music player that supports the MP3 format.
MP4 player /empi:'fo:r,pleia/ n A portable media player that plays video in the MPEG-4 format; it is like an MP3 player that can play video files.
MPEG /'empeg/ n A standard for compressing and decompressing video files; developed by the Moving Pictures Experts Group, multi-format playback /mAlti,fa:maet
'pleibask/ nThe feature of a media player that makes it compatible with many file formats, including DVD-video, DivX, MP3 music or JPEG images.
multi-function printer /тлкЦлдк/эп 'printa/
n An 'all-in-one'device that can work as a printer, a scanner, a fax and a photocopier, multimedia /,mAlti'mi:dia/ nThe integration of text, graphics, audio, video and animation in a single application.
multitasking /'mAlti,ta:skir)/ nThe execution of several tasks at the same time, multi-threaded /'mAlti,0redid/ adj Refers to a computer program that has multiple threads (parts), i.e. many different things processing independently and continuously. This enables the program to make the best use of available CPU power.
MySpace /'maispeis/ n A social networking site that allows users to share messages, interests, blogs, photos, music and videos with friends.
nanobot/'naenau.bnt/n A microscopic robot, built by means of nanotechnology, nanocomputer /,naenaukam'pju:ta/ n A
molecule-sized computer, the size of a grain of sand, e.g. a quantum computer, a DNA computer, etc.
nanotechnology/,naenautek'nDlad3i/ nThe science of making small devices from single atoms and molecules.
nanotube /'na2nau,tju:b/n Extremely small tube made from pure carbon. Nanotubes are expected to be used in the development of materials for buildings, cars, airplanes, clothes, etc.
netiquette /'netiket/ n 'Net etiquette'; good manners when communicating online. NetMeeting /'net,mi:tir|/ n A VoIP and videoconferencing program from Microsoft.
Netscape Navigator/.netskeip 'naevigeita/ n A web browser developed by Netscape Communications.
network/'netw3:k/ n A system of computer devices or'nodes'(e.g. PCs and printers), interconnected so that information and resources can be shared by a large number of users.
network administrator/,netw3:k
ad'ministreita/ n Someone who manages the hardware and software that comprise a network, newsgroups /'nju:zgru:ps/ n The public discussion areas which make up Usenet.The contents are contributed by people who send articles (messages) or respond to articles, newsreader/'nju:z,ri:da/ n A program that reads and sends articles to newsgroups, nickname /'nikneim/ n A name used by a participant on mailing lists or chat sessions instead of the real name, node /naud/ n Any computer device in a network.
non-volatile memory/пип, volatail 'memari/
n Permanent memory, able to hold data without power. ROM and Flash memory are examples of non-volatile memory.
notebook computer/.nautbuk kam'pjuita/
n A light, portable computer that is generally thinner than a laptop.
numeric keypad /nju:,merik 'kiipaed/ n A
small key section that appears to the right of the main keyboard and contains numeric and editing keys.
object-oriented programming /,Dbd3ikt,a:rientid 'praugrsmir)/ n A technique that allows the creation of objects that interact with each other and can be used as the foundation of others. Used to develop graphical user interfaces, offline /,Df'lain/ adjoradv Not connected to the Internet.
online /'Dnlain/ adj oradv Connected to the Internet.
online banking /.rmlain 'baerjkig/ n Performing transactions and payments through a bank's website. Also known as internet banking. onscreen keyboard /Dn,skri:n 'ki:bo:d/ n A
graphic representation of a keyboard on the computer screen, allowing people with mobility problems to type data using a joystick or pointing device.
open-source /‘aupan,sa:s/ adj Refers to the source code (of software) that is free and available to anyone who would like to use it or modify it.
operating system /'Dpareitirj,sistam/ n A
set of programs that control the hardware and software of a computer system.Typical functions include handling input/output operations, running programs and organizing files on disks, optical character recognition /.Dptiksl 'kaerakta rekag.mjan/ n Technology that allows computers to recognize text input into a system with a scanner. After a page has been scanned, an OCR program identifies fonts, styles and graphic areas.
optical disc /.Dptikal 'disk/ n A storage device in which data is recorded as microscopic'pits'by a laser beam. The data is read by photoelectric sensors which do not make active contact with the storage medium.
output /'autput/1 nThe results produced by a computer. 2 i/To transfer information from a CPU to an output device.
output devices/'autput di,vaisiz/ nThe units of hardware which display the results produced by the computer (e.g. plotters, printers, monitors).
.pdf/,pi:di:'ef/ n A portable document format from Adobe, commonly used to distribute text files over the Internet, and read with Acrobat Reader.
page description language /,peid3 di'skripjan,laer)gwid3/ n A computer language that describes how to print the text and images on each page of the document. Page-layout program /,peid3 'leiaut,praugraem/ n Application software used to import texts and illustrations, and to combine and arrange them all on a page; e.g. Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress.
paint bucket /'peint,bAkit/ n A tool used to fill in an area with a colour.
Palm OS /,po:m au'es/ n An operating system used on Palm hand-held devices, palmtop/'pa:mtDp/ n A hand-held personal computer.
Pascal /pass'kael/ n A high-level language created in 1971, named after the mathematician Blaise Pascal. Its highly structured design facilitates the rapid location and correction of coding errors. Today, it's used in universities to teach the fundamentals of programming, password /'pa:sw3:d/ n A secret word which must be entered before access is given to a computer system or website, paste /peist/ vTo insert a copy of text or graphics, held in the computer's memory, at a chosen position of a document.
PC/.pi:' si:/ n A personal computer, which carries out processing on a single chip. PCs are often classified by size and portability: desktop PCs, laptops, tablet PCs and PDAs.
PC game /,pi:si: 'geim/ n A game played on a personal computer.
peer-to-peer /,pia ta 'pia/ n A network architecture in which all the computers have the same capabilities, i.e. share files and peripherals, without requiring a separate server computer, peer-to-peer file-sharing /,pia ta,pia 'fail Jearig/ n A form of P2P networking which eliminates the need for central servers, allowing all computers to communicate and share resources (music files, videos, etc.) as equals, pen drive /'pen,draiv/ n See flash drive peripherals /pa' rif aralz/ n The units attached to the computer, classified into three types: input devices, output devices and storage devices. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA)
/,p3:sanal,did3ital a'sistant/ n A tiny computer which can be held in one hand. The term PDA refers to a variety of hand-held devices, palmtops and pocket PCs. For input, you type at a small keyboard or use a stylus. It can be used as a personal organizer, a mobile phone or an internet device.
phishing /'fijirj/ n Getting passwords of online bank accounts or credit card numbers by using emails that look like real organizations, but are in fact fake; short for password harvesting fishing. phosphor /'fDsfa/ n The material or substance of the CRT screen that lights up when struck by an electron beam.
Photoshop /'fautaujDp/ n An image manipulation program developed by Adobe Systems.
PictBridge /'pikbrid3/ n A technology developed by Canon that lets you print images from a memory card in a digital camera or a camera phone directly to the printer (no computer is necessary), piracy/'pairasi/ nThe illegal copying and distribution of copyrighted programs and files, pixel /'piksal/ n The smallest unit on a display screen or bitmapped image (usually a coloured dot).
plasma screen /'plaezma,skri:n/ n A display that generates images by a plasma discharge, which contains noble, поп-harmful gases. It allows for larger screens and wide viewing angles.
platesetter /'pleitseta/ n A machine that creates the printing plates.
platform-independent /,plaetfo:m
indi'pendant/ adj Refers to software that can run on any computer system, platter /'plffita/ n A magnetic plate, or disk, that constitutes part of a hard disk drive. There may be only one or several platters in a drive. PlayStation /'plei.steijan/ n A video game console from Sony.
plotter /'plDta/ n A graphics output device which is used to make various types of engineering drawings.
plug-ins /’pUginz/ n Special programs which extend the capabilities of a web browser so that it can handle audio, video, 3D and animation elements.
podcast /'pDdkaist/ n An audio recording that is distributed by subscription (paid or unpaid) over the Internet using RSS feeds, for playback on mobile devices and PCs; coined from iPOD and broadCAST.
point /point/ n A unit used to measure font types and the distance between baselines. A point is a subdivision of a pica: there are 12 points in a pica and 72.27 points in an inch, pointer /'painta/ n 1 A small picture that follows the mouse movements. 2 The cursor which locates the insertion point on the screen, i.e. indicates where the next character will be displayed.
port /ро'Л/ n A socket or channel in the rear panel of the computer into which you can plug a wide range of peripherals: modems, scanners, digital cameras, etc. See USB port, portable DVD player /,po:tabal di:vi:'di:,pleia/ n A handheld device with a built-in DVD drive and a screen.
portable hard drive /,pa:tabal 'ha:d,draiv/ n
An external hard drive that is connected to the USB or FireWire port of the computer, portable media player /,pa:tabal 'mi:dia
.pleia/ n A handheld device that plays audio and video files.
PostScript/'pausskript/ n A page description or graphics language developed by Adobe Systems. A PostScript font is any font defined in this language, e.g.Times or Helvetica, power-line internet /.paualain 'intanet/ n A technology that provides low-cost internet access via the power plug.
PowerPoint /'pauapaint/ n A presentation graphics program from Microsoft.
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) /,priti,gud 'privasi/ n A freeware program, written by Phil Zimmerman, designed to send email privately, primary colours/.praimari 'кл1эг/ nThese are red, green and blue (RGB) in computers. Compare with the colours considered basic in inks (magenta, yellow and cyan), primitives/'primitivz/nThe basic shapes used to construct graphical objects: lines, polygons, etc.
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