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Судья -A person who conducts a trial and passes the sentence is called the JUDGE. Обвиняемый – Компьютер - Компа Эвээмовича Прокурор - plaintiff.= prosecutor Адвокат = barrister

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барристер (адвокат, имеющий право выступать в высших судах) см. тж. solicitor


На сцене: в центре стол и кресло судьи. слева - секретарь, левее – прокурор, справа – трибуна для свидетелей, на скамье подсудимый – КОМПЬЮТЕР и АДВОКАТ.

THE SECRETARY OF THE COURT: Stand up, the court goes!


Please sit down! Today we are hearing the case № 1 against Comp Эвээмовича. The meeting is attended by the representative of the prosecution Обвинялкин Ivan Ivanovich, a lawyer Защищалкин Petr Petrovich, the Secretary Референтова Olga Ivanovna and the judge Законов Nikolai Pavlovich. Does anybody have any objections? If not, then the hearing is declared open. The word is given to the Prosecutor..

THE PROSECUTOR. Today we judge Comp Эвээмович, who is accused of causing harm to human health. Under article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the intentional damage to human health I propose to sentence him to 3 years imprisonment.



The accused, stand up! Do you plead guilty?
COMP ЭВЭЭМОВИЧ. No, Your honor, I do not admit it.

Your honor! (turns to the audience) the Respected audience and the jury!
The accused COMP ЭВЭЭМОВИЧ has got in almost every house!

He is engaging more and more people of different age and social position in a gang of its fans!

The accused COMP ЭВЭЭМОВИЧ entangled the whole world by game cobwebs!
A lot of crimes are committed with its help. The witnesses will prove my words by numerous evidences.

Thus, I want to begin the process by asking the first question: Mankind lived without the COMPUTER for many years. How, when and why was it born?



Your honor, let me call our witness-a historian.



I allow to call to testify a witness-a historian.

The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.



I swear to tell the truth and only the truth.



Answer to the question of the Prosecutor. How, when and WHY was the COMPUTER born?



At all stages of evolution, people have been looking for the ways to mechanize work. The necessity of complex arithmetic calculations raised the question about mechanization.

The first page in the history of computing machines are linked with the name of the Frenchman Blaise Pascal. In 1641 he designed a mechanical calculator, which allowed to add and subtract numbers.

In 1673, a prominent German scientist Gottfried Leibniz built the first machine capable of mechanical performance of all four arithmetic actions.

Significant improvements in computing machines were made by Russian scientists and engineers. Yakobson, F. M. Slobodsky, И. Штоффель, Kummer, P. L. Chebyshev,В. Однер-Their calculating machines made the work much easier. The man played only the role of the operator.

The world's first computer called ЭНИАК, was demonstrated in the USA in the beginning of 1946. A big contribution to the development of computer technology was made by the largest American mathematician John von Neumann.


Thanks to all these people, many new important discoveries have been made, to say nothing of the fact that modern computers are also used for storing the great amount of information


To understand this let us turn to the history of this issue. Let us remember how people in ancient times produced, stored and handed over information.
Your honor, I ask to call witnesses in the courtroom to testify for the prosecution.
Judge: I don't mind.
Secretary: The court invited the witnesses of the stone age.
Scene «Mathematics in the stone age»
(Fire. Students sit around the fire in furs)
1 student: You lessons done?
2 the student: of Course! I'm the best student! Here! (shows stone)
1 student: Let me copy!
2 the student: Hold!
(Part of the teacher)
Teacher: Hello, children! Sit down! (sits down and jumps up with a cry) Donkey ear! Did you put a Tusk of the mammoth on my chair?,
1 student: (jumps) No! Not I!
Teacher: Tomorrow I want to see your father!
1 student: (interrupting the teacher) But my dad can't, he is on a business trip in a neighbouring tribe!
Teacher: Then let...
1 student: (interrupting the teacher) And my mom can’t, she has to keep the fire in the fireplace!
Teacher: Then let...
student: (interrupting the teacher) And his grandmother cannot, she's hunting a mammoth!
Teacher: (carved on a stone) I'll write a note to her! Tuk-tuk-tuk! And you'll, Donkey Ear, stay without raw meat today! Here, take this!
1 the student:! (dissatisfied sits)
Teacher: Carve the problem. The sky flew pterodactyls [ˌterə'dæktɪl]

. Carved?
2 the student: Pte-ro-duck-ti-Li. Carved out!
Teacher: First, they were so many, how many fingers you have on one hand, then they were joined by as many as the fingers on your other hand. How many pterodactyls were there?
2 the student: (pulls the hand) may I say! Can I?
Teacher: Well, well! Answer me!
2 the student: There will be very many Pterodactyls!
Teacher: Good! Sit down! Four!
2 the student: Why four?
Teacher: the Answer is not accurate! You should have said, «There werevery many Pterodactyls”

2 the student: Well, ask me again! I don’t want a four, in fact I am the best student!
Prosecutor: Here it is the origin of mathematics! In the stone age people handed the information, carving it on the rocks and on the walls of caves.
Lawyer: Your Honor! Could I have a word?
Judge: I don't mind.
Lawyer: Can’t you see how primitive it was, how much information could be stored? And where was it stored? In the cave?.


Judge: Your objection is accepted! Enter it in the Protocol. (enter it in the minutes)



YOUR HONOUR! COMPUTER engages children and adults in its network. People spend hours in front of their computers, they lose their sight, posture, their hands hurt!!!!

Your HONOUR! Let me call a witness for the prosecution – a surgeon.



I allow to call to testify a witness- a surgeon. The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.


I swear to tell the truth and only the truth!

It is necessary to pay attention to various harmful factors influencing a man:

· sitting position for a long time;

· overloading of the joints of hands;

It would seem, that a person sits in front of a computer in a relaxed pose, but it is forced and unpleasant for the body: tense neck muscles of the head, shoulders and arms, and hence you get different diseases. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle causes obesity. The constant blows on the keyboard may cause a hand disease which may become chronic.



Let me call another witness for the prosecution,YOUR HOUNOUR!-КИСТЬ РУКОВНА



I allow to call to testify a witness- КИСТЬ РУКОВНА. The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.

КИСТЬ РУКОВНА- I swear to tell the truth and only the truth.

I appear in court today against the Comp Эвээмовича, I want to tell you what tortures it exposes on me. It is because of him on many occasions, I am in hospital with the diagnosis - tendonitis - a disease in which painful swelling and bumps appear on the back of the hand, not to mention writing cramps, and all this from a long work with the keyboard. More damage causes the mouse. People dealing with the mouse strain the muscles of the hands 2 times more. So I think that Comp Эвээмович is guilty in all of my illnesses, I hope the trial will be fair and it will get its punishment.


JUDGE. Witness КИСТЬ РУКОВНА, You can take a seat in the hall.



I protest! Indeed, with a proper place of work organization and mode of operation, all these harmful impacts are minimized!



But they still exist! Your HONOUR! Let me call another witness for the prosecution – an oculist ['ɔkjəlɪst]



Call the prosecution witness – an oculist ['ɔkjəlɪst]. The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.


I swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
A man working on the COMPUTER receives a tremendous eye strain which eventually leads to a loss of visual acuity[əˈkjuːɪtɪ].

How can one forget about the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation of the monitor; about the positive ions [ˈaɪənz] and, finally, about the stresses of information loss.

Stress - strong emotional feelings, inner tension caused by any event in the life. Not all users regularly make backup copies of their information. But viruses are not asleep, and harddisks of top firms sometimes break, and the most experienced programmer can sometimes push the wrong button... as a result of such stress a person can get a heart attack.




Let me call another witness for the prosecution,YOUR HOUNOUR!-
Mrs. Глазкина.


Judge: I allow to call to testify a witness-
Mrs. Глазкина.. The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.

I swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
I am, Mrs. Глазкина, I came to the court to witness against the accused. I have worked with Comp Эвээмовичем for a long time and I want to say that his presence in our team negatively affects the well-being of our employees, including mine. The monitor shines with the intensity of a desk lamp, which in itself is tiring to view. The range of brightness between the image on the screen and surrounding subjects exceeds the limit. An hour of work in such conditions and visual fatigue is ensured. The eyelids turn red and the image starts to duplicate. I'm afraid that sooner or later my health will weaken so much that I will no longer be able to work. I ask You to help me.



Just a minute! If you follow a number of simple recommendations, the work on the computer will allow you to avoid many problems. Eye gymnastics usually takes no more than five minutes. There are computer programs to simulate rest for the eyes.



I Call to order! Do defence and prosecution have you any questions? If not, I ask the witness to sit down.



Let me call another witness for the prosecution,YOUR HOUNOUR!-
Mr. Позвоночник Spine Спинович


JUDGE. I allow to call to testify a witness- Mr. Позвоночник Spine Спинович
The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.

Mr. Позвоночник Spine Спинович

I swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
I speak up against a Laptop. I suffer because muscles tense when you bend over the laptop on your knees and things don’t change even if you sit at the table. Sorry! Your Honour! I guess that’s all, I can’t stand straight for so long!



Please, YOUR HONOUR! Call the defense witness Professor of ergonomics [ˌɜːgə'nɔmɪks]! эргономика (отрасль научной организации труда, изучающая трудовые процессы и условия труда)



I Call to order! Call the defense witness- Professor of ergonomics! The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.


I Swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
First of all, you need to choose a monitor and software. The lighting when working with a computer should not be too bright, but not absent altogether, the ideal variant dim ambient light. The monitor should be absolutely pure; if you work in the glasses, they must be absolutely clean too. You have to have a monitor and keyboard on your desktop right in front of you, not diagonally. The center of the screen should be approximately at the level of your eyes or slightly below. Keep your head straight. Periodically for a few seconds, close the eyelids, let your eye muscles to relax.


Get a comfortable working chair, which will effortlessly maintain the correct posture at the computer. An important factor of ergonomics - noise in the workplace. "Sound design" of the workplace is important for long-term effective work. Eliminate extra noise: turn off the TV and music.


JUDGE. Do defence and prosecution have any questions? If not, I ask the witness to sit down.


Your honor! We talk a lot about the moral health of the nation. Comp Эвээмовича makes the younger generation addicted to games and social network which affects the psyche ['saɪkɪ]=(mentality) of people.

Please call the next witness for the prosecution - a psychologist!


Call the prosecution witness – a psychologist. The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.

a psychologist

I Swear to tell the truth and only the truth!

Long work in front of the computer negatively affects many functions of our body. And, first of all, our nervous activity and mental state. Games and the Internet, so to say, virtual things influence the psyche most of all. They develop the Internet mania and game mania.
People living their life on the Internet often need social support, they had great difficulties in communicating, they experience frustration, low self-esteem, inferiority complex, shyness. All these problems "are solved" by the Internet! The Internet offers them a COMPUTER.
Soon, if we do not take any measures, the condition of dependent will turn into mania. Experiencing euphoria at the computer, they also cultivate in themselves instability, confusion, untidiness, isolation, the loss of any traditional values, devil-may-care attitude to the family.These people are sick, and their illness leads to profound changes in personality, appearance of new, quite unpleasant traits. The so-called digital generation is emotionally immature and irresponsible



Let me call another witness for the prosecution,YOUR HOUNOUR!- The Queen Nervous System


JUDGE. I allow to call to testify a witness- The Queen Nervous System
The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.


The Queen Nervous System

I Swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
You even can't imagine how much harm has Comp ЭВЭЭМОВИЧ caused me!. What does a person who has access to the Internet sees? These never ending flashing ads,and constant break downs and it is very bad for the health of my Majesty. But the matter is not only in advertising, the monitor of Company Эвээмовича emits positively charged ions, which adversely пагубно influences the General state of a person's immune system. I suggest the death penalty, and the banishment of Comp Эвээмовича from the Science Kingdom.



Your honor! COMPUTER and the Internet give a lot of opportunities to numerous hackers and cheaters commit their crimes and harm people!,



Hackers are simply used to scare people. Do you know how to rob a Bank with a hammer and a laptop?


Judge: No!



It's very simple! Come to the ATM= cash machine, ATM (automatic teller machine), and smash it with the hammer, take the money and leave. Why, then, laptop, you ask? Answer! What is a hacker without a laptop...



I Call to order! Please don’t distract us from the case!


I protest! There are positive examples of the impact of the COMPUTER. Let me call the defense witness-a gamer.



Call the protection witness -a gamer! The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.



I swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
Experiments have shown that people suffering from арахнофобией (pathological fear of spiders), acrophobia (fear of heights) and claustrophobia (fear of closed space) can considerably improve the state of health after playing computer games.

} In the experiment, the patients played the game Half-Life (Half-life), where they faced numerous spiders, the game Unreal Tournament, where the character was to lead battles in high-rise buildings and were closed in the labyrinths of the war-shattered metropolis. After the session the condition of patients improved significantly. According to statistics, every third student of the primary school complains of negative attitudes and bullying by peers. According to the teachers, it’s important to fight aggression at this age, because after the final formation of the personality it will be very difficult., Thus, a computer game called Cool School is offered as the main element of a new training course
It is an effective means for improving learning abilities, imagination and critical thinking.

} Computer games can be used as educational tools.

} Children learn to operate a computer playing computer games

} Playing video games develops …

} - attention

} - imagination

} - critical thinking

} - skills of creativity

} - skills of operating a computer



Judge: Does anybody else want to speak?



Yes, Your honor! Please call the defense witness- the doctor of medical Sciences.


Judge: Call by the defense witness,- the doctor of medical science! The court reminds you about the responsibility for false testimony.


the doctor of medical science

I swear to tell the truth and only the truth!
Computers have long been used in medicine. Many modern methods of diagnostics are based on computer technologies. Such methods of examination as ultrasound or computed tomography, are impossible without a computer. ECG and blood tests, a study of the fundus and the condition of teeth... - it is difficult now to find the area of medicine in which computers aren’t applied more and more actively.
Besides, they are increasingly used in treatment of various diseases. In addition, now computers help sick people in everyday life. A huge number of devices designed for the sick and disabled people have already been created.


Prosecutor: Yes, Yes! Used in medicine! And cause allergies! Please call a witness for the prosecution - allergic


Judge: Called witness for the prosecution - allergic



Can your computer Can cause allergies?
The answer to this question is obvious: Allergy happens to any job. You get to your workplace, and then - the terrible drowsiness, and you want to sneeze (to all, but especially on the boss), and even toothache begins:). And these the symptoms of allergies appear right on the way to work, and even earlier, as soon as you hear the sound of an alarm clock:)
But jokes aside. In fact, the computer is a serious source of allergens. Have you had to work on a new, just bought computer? Surely you remember a specific smell coming from it. Widely known results of study of Swedish scientists, found that the computer is heated during normal operation up to 50-55 degrees Celsius and starts to produce harmful fumes in the air
Another source of allergens is a printer, and more precisely - powder (or ink), with which the print. Remember the smell that comes from the printed sheet.
In addition, dust gets everywhere; And the keyboard and mouse are a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.The Allergy symptoms on "computer" allergens are fairly typical - allergic rhinitis (runny nose without fever), cough, eye (watering, redness, swelling of the eyelids, "sand in the eyes") and skin diseases (itching, rash, dry skin reactions.

Scientists have conducted studies that found out that there are five times more germs on the keyboard and the computer mouse than... in the toilet!



I protest! The basic ways of prevention of Allergy "on the computer" are: maintenance of cleanliness and order in the workplace, as well as strengthening the immune system. Once a month you need to wipe the keyboard and mouse, once a year clean the mud accumulated under the keys. After work wash hands with soap and water – and no problem!


Prosecutor: Do defence and prosecution have any questions? If not, I deciare a judicial investigation closed. We turn to the debate. The floor is given to the Prosecutor Обвинялкину Ivan Ivanovich



Thank you, Your honor. Dear citizens, today we have listened to all the pros and cons. You need to take a very difficult decision, but, in my opinion, there is nothing to think about.

«Disadvantages of computers overweigh its advantages»

1. Many people do not like using computers, and would prefer to deal with a person instead.

2. Computers can get viruses and damage software.

3. Software often have bugs, and sometimes computers fail and people lose all the work they had done.

4. Some children spend too much time playing computer games which can be very violent.

5. Anyone can put information on the Internet, so it can easily be used by criminals. There are no laws to stop this yet, and it is extremely difficult to control the Internet.

6. Computers quickly become obsolete, so they soon need to be replaced or updated.

7. If a computer is not working properly, most people do not know how to fix it, and this be very annoying.


Computers harm children`s health. They become overweight, less active sitting much.

Children forget to control the time, they don`t read books and don`t do their homework.

Children become aggressive and nervous if they spend too much time playing games. They get addicted to the games.



Secretary-General. The word has a lawyer

Защищалкин Peter Petrovich.The lawyer.

Dear citizens of the judges and jurors. We have been trying Comp for his shortcomings, and which of us doesn’t not have any drawbacks? Obviously, a reasonable use of even the most wonderful thing can be dangerous.
But nowadays the benefit from the use of the computer is undeniable. Probably, there is not a single sphere of activity of man, where it would be impossible to apply the computer. We see it in any office in a medical institution, in educational institutions, in ticket offices.

Computers manage hazardous functions for human technological processes, flights to space, perform the control and management functions, help to find necessary information, to get an education.

Many technical and household devices have built-in hidden computers, making these devices smart.

It is difficult to imagine the future of mankind without a computer.



Accused You have the last word. Stand up, please.

Comp Эвээмович. Today I have learned a lot, of course, I admit my guilt. Yes, I'm guity, but you must realize that life without me is impossible. Admit this, people...



The court retires to deliberate the verdict..



Stand up, the court goes.

The judge.

Pray sit down. After a long meeting, the court decided. Recognize Comp Эвэмовича guilty of an offence under article 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for the damage to human health and punish it by deprivation of liberty for a term of 3 years, but taking into account all its merits, the court decides to put it on probation with the following conditions:

1. Allow to work continuously on computer

students grade 5 - 15 minutes;
students 6-8-classes - 20 minutes;
students grades 8 and 9 - 25 minutes;
students of 10th and 11th grades - 30 minutes.

2. Carry out a complex of exercises for the eyes in 20 -25 minutes.,


Group 3. Internet Safety Basics

DON’T CHAT WITH STRANGERS! Your parents are RIGHT when they say “DON’T TALK TO STRANGERS”. You really don’t know who the person is that you are chatting with. It can be very easy to mislead you.

ASK YOUR PARENTS AND SURE. Only surf where your parents have given your permission. If a website looks suspicious or has a warning page about you being underage, leave immediately. Some sites are not for kids. Do not go exploring. If you come across a site that you aren’t sure about, ask your parents. Don’t download any applications from the Internet that are from questionable sites. Some sites have viruses which come free with the downloads

PASSWORDS. Passwords are secret so don’t give out your passwords to anyone. Do not fill any online forms without asking your parents. Never put your e-mail password on any website while registering.

E-MAIL SAFETY. Never open up any email or attachment that you receive from people you don’t know. Ask your parents to look at it first. Sometimes email can contain viruses which could harm your computer. Ask your parents to install the latest anti-virus programmes.

KEEP A WATCH. Never reply to emails from strangers. If you have got an email attachment even from a known person, do a virus scan before opening.

CHILD-SAFE BROWSERS. Ask your parents to install child-safe browsers meant for children. These browsers are colorful and fun. These browsers help and guide you to visit good and safe sites and automatically protect you from the bad ones.

SET YOUR TIME. Don’t spend all your time online. Set a time limit on your computer use. Keep your parents informed about sites you visit.


Now this meeting is closed.
Secretary-General. Stand up, the court goes.

Computers are magnificent tools for the realization of our dreams, but no machine can replace the human spark of spirit, compassion, love, and understanding


Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 34 | Нарушение авторских прав

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