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Seoul Women’s University

Seoul Women’s University

Korean Language Education Program




Application Form


Please read all instructions carefully and TYPE or PRINT your entries.

A. Personal Details

Given Name


Family Name


c Male c Female

Nationality Russian


Date of Birth (or Cerificate of Alien Registration ID card No.)

Passport No.




Permanent Address (in your country)



Telephone No. Mobilephone No.

Present Address (in Korea)

Telephone No. Mobilephone No.

B. Academic Background


Name of institution

Attendance (from-to)



High School






















C. Course Details

I would like to attend the following course


c Regular Program (c Spring c Summer c Fall c Winter)

c Summer Intensive Program

c Korean Language Professional Program

c Private

How long do you intend to study Korean at Seoul Women’s University?


Day Month Year Day Month Year


D. Previous Study of Korean Language

Name of Institute Location Attendace (from-to) Course Level

What do you think your level of Korean is?

c None c Poor c Good c Excellent

E. Visa

What type of Visa do you apply?


c Temporary Visiting (C-3) c Study (D-2) c General Training (D-4) c Etc. ()

F. How did you hear about the KLEP in Seoul Women's University?

c Agency c Website c Friend c Other()

G. Guidance in Korea

Name Relation to the applicant

Address Telephone No. Mobilephone No.

H. Declaration

I have read and understand the terms & conditions and accept them.


Signature Date




Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 23 | Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
5. Место учебы. ВУЗ, курс, группа: | La Chanson de Roland est un poème épique et une chanson de geste du xiie siècle attribuée parfois sans certitude à Turold (la dernière ligne du manuscrit

mybiblioteka.su - 2015-2024 год. (0.008 сек.)