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Identify the organization!


After having answered the questions, take the letters in bold at the end of each of your chosen answers and write them in the appropriate space in the grid at the bottom of the questions sheet. If your answers are correct, the letters you have written in the grid, together with the letters that are already there, will form the name of an international organization.




1. Why do environmental issues play such an important part in our lives?

a) Because we like horror stories. S

b) Because environmental issues dom­inate the media. F

c) Because we read a lot of newspapers. K

d) Because we watch a lot of television. G


2. Pollution is …

a) damaging the planet. R

b) not a major problem. I

c) results in more factories being built. O

d) caused by the ozone layer. U


3. Poisonous fumes from factories

a) don't contribute much to the green­house effect. S

b) reduce global warming. C

c) are a major problem in all countries. M

d) destroy the ozone layer. I


4. The greenhouse effect is caused by

a) an increase in the ozone layer. K

b) a reduction in the ozone layer. N

c) more trees being planted. A

d) the extinction of many different ani­mals. S


5. What does acid rain do?

a) it kills animals. M

b) it destroys trees. D

c) it kills people. J

d) it destroys factories. U


6. A lot of animals are threatened because...

a) hunters kill them. E

b) they suffocate on poisonous gases. G

c) their natural environment is being destroyed. S

d) they are being killed for food. Y

7. What do you understand by the term 'endangered species'?

a) species of animal at risk from extinc­tion. F

b) species of animal which is already extinct. L

c) species of animal which is danger­ous to humans. D

d) species of animal which is not affected by the destruction of the environment. S


8. What can we all do to help protect the envi­ronment?

a) Make more use of energy resources. E

b) Close down factories which cause

the most pollution. N

c) Use alternative sources of energy. I

d) Reduce our consumption of energy resources. T


9. Unleaded petrol...

a) is harmful to the environment. H

b) should be made cheaper than it is now. P

c) causes more harm to the environ- p ment than leaded petrol. Y

d) is not used as much as it should be. C


10.Which of the following items can we recycle?

a) Petrol К

b) Plastic С

c) Glass E

d) Food H


11.What do pressure groups do?

a) They close down factories and other organizations which cause pollution. В

b) They force everybody to adopt greener policies. С

c) They form governments. Y

d) They encourage governments to be more concerned about the environ­ment. A

12. What do you understand by the expression 'subsidising public transport'?

a)Using more public transport when­ever possible. S

b) Helping public transport companies

by giving them money. R

c) Buying more buses and trains. О

d) Encouraging more people to leave their cars at home. P

13. What do you think the expres­sion 'Think globally, act locally' means?

a) We can all help the world's environ­ment by changing the things we do at home. T

b) We should travel to as many places in the world as possible and try to persuade governments to help the environment. Y

c) It is pointless trying to save the envi­ronment. E

d) We should all stay at home and

avoid travelling if possible. К


14. What is the basic message of the following ones?

a) It is too late to save the environ­ment. D

b) The environment is not in as much trouble as people think. S

c) The environment is in trouble, but we can still do something to help

improve it. H

d) Governments don't care about the environment. M













Дата добавления: 2015-08-28; просмотров: 48 | Нарушение авторских прав

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