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Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации



Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования




Кафедра Общих гуманитарных дисциплин

Одобрено УМС ______________ института

Протокол № _____

«____» ______________ 200_ г.

Председатель ______________



Деловое общение

на английском языке

Программа курса


Специальности: 080109 «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»

030501 «Юриспруденция»

080507 «Менеджмент организации»



Рекомендовано кафедрой

Протокол № _____

«___» _____________ 200_ г.

Зав. кафедрой ________




200_ г.

Пояснительная записка


Спецкурс «Деловое общение» является заключительным звеном в программе обучения английскому языку для профессионального общения. Программа составлена для студентов 4-х курсов дневного обучения ЮСИ (филиал) ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ».

Основной целью курса является обучение практическому овладению языковыми средствами в сфере делового общения, формирование оценочно-эмоционального отношения к культуре народов, говорящих на иностранном языке.

В связи с этим основными задачами курса являются:

- закрепление лексико-грамматических навыков;

-формирование и развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма в ситуациях делового общения;

- развитие страноведческих знаний, основанных на изучении и сравнении фактов родной культуры и культуры других стран.


Требования к уровню освоения курса


В результате изучения дисциплины студент должен


- значения новых лексических единиц, связанных с тематикой курса, единицы речевого этикета, оценочную лексику, обслуживающие ситуации делового общения;

- значение изученных грамматических явлений;

- страноведческую информацию о современных реалиях бизнеса в разных странах;



- оперировать стандартными высказывании в ходе ведения диалога с целью знакомства, организации деловой встречи, привлечения внимания, выражения личного мнения, высказывания предположений, проявления сомнения, согласия, несогласия, выражения причинно-следственных связей, разъяснения целей, перспектив;

- провести разговор по телефону;


- понимать общий смысл высказывания на иностранном языке в различных ситуациях общения;

- понимать основное содержание аудиотекстов (диалог, монолог), связанных с ситуациями делового общения;


- читать и полностью понимать тексты страноведческого характера, связанные с бизнесом;


-составлять письменные материалы, необходимые для презентации результатов проектной деятельности.


Объем дисциплины




Количество часов аудиторных занятий

Виды итогового контроля

1 семестр

2 семестр

Всего часов

«Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»






Зачет 1, 2







Зачет 1, 2

«Менеджмент организации»







Зачет 1, 2



Содержание курса


Обучение учебной дисциплине начинается с лексико-грамматического курса, который предполагает повторение элементарной грамматики и лексики.

В дальнейшем работа ведется над развитием всех видов речевой деятельности (говорение, аудирование, чтение, письмо) на базе общелитературной, деловой лексики и страноведческого материала.



Раздел 1. Лексико-грамматический курс


Тема 1. Глагол.

Образование и употребление глагольных времен. Страдательный залог. Глагол have, употребление в устойчивых словосочетаниях. Модальные глаголы. Оборот there is/there are. Фразовые глаголы. Герундий.

Тема 2. Имя существительное.

Определенный и неопределенный артикль. Множественное число имен существительных. Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные.

Тема 3. Местоимение.

Личные, притяжательные, возвратные, указательные, неопределенные местоимения. Местоимения many, much, few, little.

Тема 3. Имя прилагательное.

Степени сравнения имен прилагательных.

Тема 4. Имя числительное.

Образование числительных. Даты. Время.

Тема 5. Предлог.

Место предлога в предложении. Наиболее употребительные предлоги.

Тема 6. Синтаксис.

Главные члены предложения. Порядок слов в предложении. Построение вопросительных предложений. Сложное дополнение.



Раздел 2. Разговорный курс


Тема 1. Знакомство.

Встреча, представление. Диалог-расспрос при первой встрече. Краткое описание компании. Завершение беседы. Жесты.

Тема 2. Разговор по телефону.

Установление контакта по телефону. Отправка сообщение. Принятие сообщения. Топик: «Современные средства связи, используемые в бизнесе».

Тема 3. Деловая встреча.

Обсуждение рабочего графика. Назначение деловой встречи. Топик: «Особенности организации деловых встреч в разных странах».

Тема 4. Презентация компании.

Описание деятельности компании на основе графиков. Употребление дат и крупных чисел.

Сравнение статистических данных. Топик: «Льготы для работников».

Тема 5. Товары и услуги.

Описание товаров и услуг. Диалог с клиентом. Анкета: «Жизнь и работа за границей».

Тема 6. Обсуждение решений.

Диалог-расспрос о целях, принятых решениях и результатов деятельности компании. Причина и следствие. Топик: «Кто принимает решения в бизнесе?»

Тема 7. Жалобы.

Составление жалобы. Реакция на жалобу. Извинение. Проблемы в отеле. Топик: «Эмоции и чувства».

Тема 8. Продвижение дел.

Функция контроля в бизнесе. Диалог-расспрос о выполненных делах и ближайших планах. Топик: «Устройство на работу».

Тема 9. Перспективы.

Планы на будущее. Описание нового продукта: внешний вид, предполагаемая розничная и оптовая цена, сроки выпуска. Выражение уверенности и неуверенности. Анкета: «Деньги».

Тема 10. Правила. Советы.

Составление инструкций. Правила деятельности компании. Советы. Топик: «Различие культур и непонимание».

Тема 11. На собрании.

Диалог-обмен мнениями с выражением согласия/несогласия. Высказывание собственного мнения. Топик: «Стили ведения переговоров».

Тема 12. Выступление с речью.

Привлечение внимания. Рассказ об успехах фирмы. Завершение речи. Тосты. Топик: «Забота о клиентах».


Тематический план

Специальность «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит» 4 курс

1 полугодие


Название разделов и тем

Практические занятия.

Количество часов

Самостоятельная работа

1. Лексико-грамматический курс.

1. Глагол to be. Настоящее, будущее, прошедшее время.

2. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее длительное время.

3. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее неопределенное время.

4. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее совершенное время.

5. Пассивный залог.

6. Глагол have.

7. Модальные глаголы.

8. Оборот there is/there are.

9. Порядок слов в предложении.

10. Типы вопросительных предложений.

11. Личные, притяжательные, указательные местоимения.

12. Неопределенные, возвратные местоимения.

13. Определенный, неопределенный артикль имен существительных.

14. Множественное число имен существительных. Исчисляемые, неисчисляемые имена существительные.

15. Местоимения many, much, little, few.

16. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных.

17. Предлоги. Употребление предлогов.

18. Герундий.

19. Сложное дополнение.

20. Фразовые глаголы

21. Имя числительное. Даты. Время.












Письменное выполнение грамматических упражнений по теме

Всего часов




Тематический план

Специальность «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит» 4 курс

2 полугодие


Название разделов и тем

Практические занятия. Количество часов.

Самостоятельная работа

2. Разговорный курс.

1. Знакомство

2. Разговор по телефону.

3. Деловая встреча.

4. Презентация компании.

5. Товары и услуги.

6. Обсуждение решений.

7. Жалобы.

8. Продвижение дел.

9. Перспективы.

10. Правила. Советы.

11. На собрании.

12. Выступление с речью.




1. Самопрезентация:

имя, национальность, семейное положение, место жительства, адрес, телефон, род деятельности, увлечения, предпочтения.


2. Составить сообщение, рекламирующее товар или услугу.


3. Подготовить речь «Презентация моей компании».





Тематический план

Специальность «Юриспруденция» 4 курс

1 полугодие


Название разделов и тем

Практические занятия.

Количество часов

Самостоятельная работа

1. Лексико-грамматический курс.

1. Глагол to be. Настоящее, будущее, прошедшее время.

2. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее длительное время.

3. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее неопределенное время.

4. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее совершенное время.

5. Пассивный залог.

6. Глагол have.

7. Модальные глаголы.

8. Оборот there is/there are.

9. Порядок слов в предложении.

10. Типы вопросительных предложений

11. Личные, притяжательные, указательные местоимения.

12. Неопределенные, возвратные местоимения.

13. Определенный, неопределенный артикль имен существительных.

14. Множественное число имен существительных. Исчисляемые, неисчисляемые имена существительные.

15. Местоимения many, much, little, few.

16. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных.

17. Предлоги. Употребление предлогов.

18. Герундий.

19. Сложное дополнение.

20. Фразовые глаголы.

21. Имя числительное. Даты. Время.











Письменное выполнение грамматических упражнений по теме

Всего часов





Тематический план

Специальность «Юриспруденция» 4 курс

2 полугодие


Название разделов и тем

Практические занятия. Количество часов.

Самостоятельная работа

2. Разговорный курс.

1. Знакомство.

2. Разговор по телефону.

3. Деловая встреча.

4. Презентация компании.

5. Товары и услуги.

6. Обсуждение решений.

7. Жалобы.

8. Продвижение дел.

9. Перспективы.

10. Правила. Советы.

11. На собрании.

12. Выступление с речью.




1. Самопрезентация:

имя, национальность, семейное положение, место жительства, адрес, телефон, род деятельности, увлечения, предпочтения.



2. Составить сообщение, рекламирующее товар или услугу.


3. Подготовить речь «Презентация моей компании».





Тематический план

Специальность «Менеджмент организации» 4 курс

1 полугодие


Название разделов и тем

Практические занятия.

Количество часов

Самостоятельная работа

1. Лексико-грамматический курс.

1. Глагол to be. Настоящее, будущее, прошедшее время.

2. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее длительное время.

3. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее неопределенное время.

4. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее совершенное время.

5. Пассивный залог.

6. Глагол have.

7. Модальные глаголы.

8. Оборот there is/there are.

9. Порядок слов в предложении.

10. Типы вопросительных предложений.

11. Личные, притяжательные, указательные местоимения,

12. Неопределенные, возвратные местоимения.

13. Определенный, неопределенный артикль имен существительных.

14. Множественное число имен существительных. Исчисляемые, неисчисляемые имена существительные.

15. Местоимения many, much, little, few.

16. Степени сравнения имен прилагательных.

17. Предлоги. Употребление предлогов.

18. Герундий.

19. Сложное дополнение.

20. Фразовые глаголы.

21. Имя числительное. Даты. Время.












Письменное выполнение грамматических упражнений по теме

Всего часов





Тематический план

Специальность «Менеджмент организации» 4 курс

2 полугодие


Название разделов и тем

Практические занятия. Количество часов.

Самостоятельная работа

2. Разговорный курс.


1. Знакомство.

2. Разговор по телефону.

3. Деловая встреча.

4. Презентация компании.

5. Товары и услуги.

6. Обсуждение решений.

7. Жалобы.

8. Продвижение дел.

9. Перспективы.

10. Правила. Советы.

11. На собрании.

12. Выступление с речью.






1. Самопрезентация:

имя, национальность, семейное положение, место жительства, адрес, телефон, род деятельности, увлечения, предпочтения.


2. Составить сообщение, рекламирующее товар или услугу.


3. Подготовит речь «Презентация моей компании».






Формы контроля


Формой итогового контроля знаний, умений и навыков является зачет. Всего предусмотрено 2 зачета.

Зачет в конце первого семестра проходит в форме выполнения лексико-грамматических заданий. Зачет в конце второго семестра предусматривает составление и инсценировку/рассказ диалога/монолога на заданную тему/ситуацию.



Задания для зачета

1 семестр


1. Раскройте скобки в предложении, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present, Past, Future Simple; Present, Past Continuous; Present, Past Perfect.

2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

3. Поставьте предложения во множественное число.

4. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

5. Вставьте something, anything, nothing, или everything в предложения.

6. Вставьте much, many, little, few, a little, или a few в предложения.

7. Раскройте скобки, употребляя сравнительную или превосходную степень имен прилагательных.

8. Вставьте предлоги в предложения.

9. Выделите герундий в предложениях. Переведите на русский язык.

10. Закончите предложение, употребляя сложное дополнение.



2 семестр


1. Составьте сообщение о себе: имя, национальность, место жительства, телефон, семейное положение, род занятий, увлечения, предпочтения.

2. В самолете. Представьтесь незнакомцу. Расскажите о компании, где вы работаете.

3. Вы звоните менеджеру компании. Его нет на месте. Оставьте сообщение. Вы хотите с ним встретиться завтра.

4. Вы звоните в компанию. Попросите поговорить с менеджером по продажам или юристом.

5. Расскажите о своем расписании работы на неделю и планах на выходные дни.

6. Вы звоните менеджеру по рекламе. Договоритесь с ним о деловой встрече.

7. Расскажите о результатах деятельности вашей компании в прошлом году.

8. Опишите хорошо известную на рынке услуг компанию.

9. Опишите хорошо известный на рынке товар.

10. Вы работаете в компании. Расскажите о ваших целях и принятых решениях.

11. Расскажите о деловых проблемах, с которыми вы столкнулись, работая в компании.

12. Проблемы в отеле. Составьте жалобу.

13. Расскажите о делах, которые вы уже выполнили и еще не выполнили.

14. Расскажите о планах компании на будущее.

15. Расскажите о своих обязанностях используя выражения могу/ не могу, должен/не должен.

16. В вашу компанию пришел новый сотрудник. Дайте ему несколько советов о том, как следует и как не следует себя вести.

17. Вы на вечере по поводу празднования годовщины успешной деятельности компании. Произнесите речь. Скажите тост.


Тематические диалоги и тексты к занятиям




First Listening


Dialogue One

A: Are you going to London on business?

B: Yes, and you?

A: Yes, I am. I'll be there for a few days. I'm David Abbott, by the way.

B: Pleased to meet you. My name's Anita Sanchez.

A: Nice to meet you, Anita. Is this your first trip to London?

B: Oh, no. I go there about twice a month. My family says I spend more time in a plane than at home!

A: Is that true?

B: Well, not exactly, but I travel a lot...


Dialogue Two

A: Mr. Archer?

B: That's right.

A: I'm Keiko Nakamura. Pleased to meet you.

B: Glad to meet you, too, Ms. Nakamura.

A: Have you been waiting long?

B: No, not at all. I just finished breakfast a few minutes ago.

A: Oh, good. Did you sleep well?

B: Pretty well, but I think I still have jet-lag.

A: Ah, yes. That's always a problem. Well, why don't we get going? My car's outside.

B: Fine. Oh, I'm sorry, but I left my laptop in my room. Would you mind waiting for a moment?

A: Not at all.


Dialogue Three

A:... and here's your wine.

B: Thank you.

A: Do you work here in Chicago?

B: No, I'm just here for the conference.

A: I hope you're enjoying it - I'm on the organizing committee.

B: Oh, really? Yes, it's very interesting.

A: I'm sorry, do you mind?

B: Not at all. Go right ahead.

A: Thank you. Hello? OK John, I'll be right there. Would you excuse me? Something has come up.

B: Of course. It was nice talking with you.



Second Listening


1 A: Tell me, are Ben and Jerry real people?

B: Oh, sure. They started their ice-cream business in 1978, and they're still involved in running the company.

A: Oh, really? And how many flavors do you make?

B: Oh, more than fifty, including frozen yogurt and sorbets. Our most popular flavor at the moment is Cherry Garcia.


2 A: I guess most people know us for our beer. Have you tried it?

B: Oh, yes. It's excellent. By the way, what's your share of the beer market in the Philippines?

A: About 80%. But we're also involved in food production, packaging, and real estate.

B: Really? I didn't know that.


3 A: Do you still make typewriters?

B: Yes, we do, but that's not an important part of our business now.

A: So what's your main area of business now?

B: Printers, fax machines, and copiers. But our future is linked to telecommunications.

A: Oh, really?


4 A: When did your company start up?

B: We opened our first store in San Francisco in 1969.

A: And do you have stores all over the world now?

B: Well, not yet, but we're still expanding.

A: I have to tell you, my kids love your clothes.

B: That's good to hear.


5 A: We do a lot of research and development, you know. This is one of our most popular products at the moment. It's called the Dr. Grip model.

B: Oh, yes, I've seen it in the stores. Hm, it's very comfortable to hold.

A: Yes, it's very popular. And it writes beautifully, of course.


6 A: How many branches do you have in Brazil?

B: More than 2,000. We offer a wide range of financial services, and we also started Brazil's first Internet banking service.

A: Do you have any offices overseas?

B: Oh, yes. We have branches of the bank in New York, Buenos Aires, and Grand Cayman - that's in the Caribbean - and we have an office in London. If you're ever in Brazil, please come and see us.Here's my card.

A: Thank you.





First Listening


1 A: Good morning, Fraser Foods.

B: Hello. Could I speak to Ms. O'Brien in Accounts, please?

A: May I have your name, please?

B: Bob Jansky from Crane Supermarkets.

A: One moment, please.

C: Bob! What can I do for you?

B: Hi, Mary. It's about the invoice you sent me last week...


2 A: Good morning, Atlantic Seafoods. How may I help you?

B: Good morning. Could I speak to Craig Watson in Sales, please? This is Bob Jansky from Crane Supermarkets.

A: Certainly, sir. He's on another line, Mr. Jansky. Would you like to hold?

B: No, thank you. I'll call back later. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.


3 A: Lockitt Security. Good afternoon.

B: Good afternoon. Could I have extension 325, please?

A: Certainly, sir. C: Service Department. Tony Goodman speaking.

B: Could I speak to Grace Chang, please?

C: I'm sorry, she's away from her desk right now.

B: Do you know when she'll be back?

C: I'm afraid I don't. Can I take a message?

B: Yes, my name is Bob Jansky. Could you ask her to call me? She has my number.

C: Sure, Mr. Jansky. I'll ask her to call you when she gets back.

B: Thank you. Goodbye. C: Goodbye.


Second Listening


1 Hi, Bob. This is Nancy Bonetti. I can't read the e-mail attachment you sent me. It's the October sales report. As it's urgent, could you fax me a copy? Thanks. My fax number is 599-2373.

2 Mr. Jansky, this is Scott Magee. I'm calling about the new printer you ordered. There's been a delay at the factory, I'm afraid, and we can't get it until next month. I hope this won't cause you any problems.

3 Bob, this is Karen Lee. We need to talk about this month's special offers. Could you call me before 4:30? After that I'm in a meeting till six o'clock. Thanks, Bob.

4 Mr. Jansky, this is George Tanabe from CTK Designs. I'm calling about the new shopping cart design. We have some ideas to show you. I hope we can meet next week to discuss them. Could you call me this afternoon?

5 Bob, it's Suzanne. I have to see you. I have something to tell you. Oh, it's so difficult. Could we meet this evening? I'll be in front of the station at seven. Bye.



First Listening


A: I need to see you about the new catalog, Ken. How about sometime next week - Monday, if possible?

B: OK. Let me have a look at my schedule. How about nine o'clock?

A: No, I'm afraid that's not possible. I'm making a presentation to the board at 9:30, then I'm meeting someone from the printers at eleven. But how about lunchtime?

B: Sorry, I'm having a working lunch at twelve.

A: Are you doing anything in the afternoon? I'm visiting a client at one o'clock, but I'm free from 2:30.

B: Well, I'm leaving for San Diego at five o'clock. Could we make it four o'clock?

A: That doesn't give us much time, Ken, but I guess it'll have to do,

B: OK, then. Monday afternoon at four.

A: Fine. See you then.


Second Listening


A: Can we discuss the schedule for Orangey's new CD? Andrew, how are things going?

B: I'm having a meeting with the band's manager the day after tomorrow to discuss the final details of the contract. Has he confirmed the time yet, Miwa?

C: Yes, the meeting's on Wednesday at 2:30 in the New Park Hotel. Then the band's coming here to the office to sign the contract. That's next Monday at five o'clock. After that, you're all having dinner at Luigi's. I've booked a table for 6:30.

B: Ah, yes, I'm looking forward to that.

A: I'm sure you are, but don't forget that we start recording at nine o'clock next Tuesday morning - and we only have two weeks in the studio! If we want the CD in the stores in time for the holidays, it's going to be a tight schedule. Miwa, how are things going with the cover design?

C: Everything's on schedule. We're having a meeting to discuss the cover design a week from next Friday. The final design should be ready by mid September, in good time for the promotion campaign.

A: So we can start sending demo CDs to radio stations at the beginning of October. Orangey's promotional tour begins in November. We're holding a big launch party on November 10, so the CDs should be in the stores the day before.

B: That's right, and we have to send stock to Japan at the beginning of December because the band's Asian tour starts at the end of January.

A: Sure. Oh, and before I forget...




First Listening


I'm sorry to say that sales last month were rather disappointing.

Let me start by showing you some figures.

Now, if you look at graph 1, you can see that home improvement sales rose slightly, to just over three million dollars.

Graph 2 shows that in the stationery section, sales remained constant.

As for household appliances, you can see in graph 3 that sales fell sharply.

However, I have some good news.

As you can see in graph 4, cosmetics sales rose sharply last month.

Now, let's look at the figures in more detail...


Second Listening


Thank you for coming this afternoon, everyone. I'd like to talk to you today about the imported car market in the United States. First of all, I'd like to show you some sales figures for two major manufacturers, Toyota and Honda, for the years 1992 to 1996. As you can see, Toyota sold more cars than Honda in each of those years. In 1992, Toyota sold 418,661 units. Honda's sales rose in 1993, however, to 298,512. If you look at the figures for 1994, you can see that Toyota sold 381,095 cars that year. However, in 1995 the company's import sales fell. In fact, Toyota had its biggest fall in sales that year, to 295,339. Finally, in 1996, Honda recorded its lowest import sales, at 120,643 units. As you know, the main reason for lower import sales after 1994 was an increase in production by both companies in the United States. Now, let's take a look at some other manufacturers...





First Listening


A: Can I help you, sir?

B: Yes. Can you tell me something about the OfficeJet 600? Who is it designed for?

A: It's designed for people working in small businesses and at home.

B: What can it do?

A: Well, we call it an all-in-one model. It's one machine, but it can print, scan, copy, and fax.

B: OK. How big is it?

A: It's the same size as a regular printer so it won't take up a lot of space.

B: Does it have any special features?

A: Yes, it does. A special feature is the junk fax barrier. You can set the machine to receive faxes from selected numbers only. In other words, no more junk faxes!

B: How much does it cost?

A: Well, it's about the same price as a good-quality scanner. The OfficeJet 600 is a very popular model in our range right now...


Second Listening


A:... and if you have money to burn, our next item is for you. For our company profile today, our business correspondent, Juanita Gomez, is here to talk about Last Minute Network, an exciting e-commerce company from the UK. Hi, Juanita.

B: Good morning, Mike.

A: What can you tell us about Last Minute Network, Juanita?

B: Well, the company launched its website -lastminute.com - in 1998.

A: And what exactly does Last Minute do?

B: Basically, it's an on-line agent selling a range of items from flights, vacations, hotel rooms, and theater tickets to gifts like flowers, beauty treatments, balloon rides, helicopter lessons - oh, all kinds of things. And it sells at bargain prices to people who want to buy on the spur of the moment.

A: Sounds like a great idea. And I understand that the company also offers another service on its website.

B: That's right. That's the Serious Money page. It's for people who have plenty of money, and want to have some fun or do something adventurous.

A: Can you give us some examples?

B: Sure. How about a trip in a Russian MiG fighter plane for £9,000? That's about $15,000.

A: Hm, that's more than I can afford! Can you buy products, too?

B: Yes, for example, there's a special flat wide-screen TV. That costs around $17,000. Or how about four bottles of 80-year-old wine?

A: How much?

B: About $2,500.

A: For four bottles? Who started the company, Juanita?

B: Brent Hoberman and Martha Lane Fox. They want the site to be fun, and give people the chance to do something unusual. They're very careful about quality control, and do a lot of research before they offer a service or product.

A: How many customers do they have?

B: They currently have around 350,000 registered users, with an average monthly growth rate of 20%.

A: Well, thanks, Juanita. So, everyone, remember to check out lastminute.com. Even if you don't have money to burn, it sounds like a lot of fun. And now the weather forecast...



First Listening


For most of the twentieth century, Harley-Davidson was the most successful motorcycle manufacturer in the USA. In the early 1970s demand for Harley-Davidson motorcycles or 'Harleys' was high, so the company increased production. Because production increased too quickly, quality went down, and demand for Harleys fell. In the 1980s Japanese motorcycles became very popular in the USA, and the company lost more market share. In 1989 Richard Teerlink became CEO. He modernized operations, and as a result, quality improved. Through the 1990s sales increased steadily, and Harley-Davidson is once more the dominant brand of large motorcycles in the USA.


Second Listening


1 We wanted to make a car that is environmentally friendly; in other words, a car that produced as little pollution as possible. After a lot of research, we decided to use an electric motor and a gasoline engine together. The result was the first hybrid car, the Prius, which was introduced in 1998. I'm pleased to say that the Prius is selling very well.

2 Our objective was to attract business travelers in Brazil and other Latin American countries, so we decided to offer schedules that allowed passengers to fly to major cities and return the same day. We also introduced a luxury service. As a result, we had a very good year, and profits rose sharply.

3 We are a very successful, world-famous department store and we were looking for ways to increase sales, so we decided to set up our own website. The site offers a variety of services. For example, visitors can receive information about shopping via e-mail. Because the website attracts more young, male shoppers than our regular stores, it has helped to increase our brand recognition in that market sector. We're very happy with the results so far.

4 When we entered the Russian market in 1992, our brand of shaving products wasn't well known to Russian consumers. Sales were slow, so we decided to carry out a big advertising campaign. We advertised on billboards and buses and on TV sports programs. As a result, 80% of the urban population now knows our name, and we have 50% Of the Russian razor blade market.




First Listening


Dialogue One

A: How can I help you, Mr. Watanabe?

B: I'm afraid I have a complaint about our last delivery.

A: Oh. What seems to be the problem? I hope it arrived on time.

B: Oh yes, it arrived this morning but unfortunately the items in two of the crates were damaged.

A: I see. I'm sorry about the inconvenience, Mr. Watanabe. Well, as you know, our policy is to replace any damaged items free of charge, and we'll pay the extra shipping charges. Could you give me a few details?


Dialogue Two

A: I understand there's a problem with last week's delivery, Mr. Garcia.

B: Yes, that's right. We ordered the X-200 model, but you sent the X-250.

A: One moment, please. Ah, yes, it's our mistake. I'm very sorry about that. We'll take care of it right away.

B: Thank you. Oh, and there's one more thing... 2 Making a complaint

A: How can I help you?

B: I'm afraid I have a complaint about our last delivery.

A: I'm sorry to hear that. What's the problem?

B: Well, unfortunately we received the wrong amount.

A: The wrong amount?

B: Yes. We ordered 2,000 items, but you sent 1,500.

A: I see. I'm sorry about the inconvenience. We'll take care of it right away.

B: I'd appreciate that. Thank you. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.



Second Listening


Dialogue One

A: Yes, ma'am. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I'm afraid there's something wrong with my headset. I can't hear anything, and I want to watch the movie.

A: May I check it for you?

B: Yes, of course.

A: No, it's not working. I'll get you another one right away.

B: Thank you.


Dialogue Two

A: Good afternoon, ma'am. Can I help you?

B: Yes, I hope so. I bought this portable CD player here yesterday, and it doesn't seem to work.

A: May I take a look?

B: Sure.

A: Yes, you're right. Did you drop it or anything like that?

B: No, no.

A: Hm. Do you have your receipt?

B: Yes, here it is. I paid by credit card.

A: Would you like a replacement?

B: Well, I'd rather have my money back, if you don't mind.

A: Yes, that'll be fine.


Dialogue Three

A: Excuse me!

B: Yes, sir?

A: We ordered dessert and coffee twenty minutes ago.

B: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll bring your dessert and coffee right away.

A: I'd appreciate it. And could you bring the bill at the same time? We're running late.


Dialogue Four

A: Reception. How may I help you?

B: Hello. This is Mr. Taguchi in room 304. The mini-bar is empty. I opened it just now and it's completely empty.

A: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll send someone to take care of it right away. Is everything else in order?

B: Yes, I think so.

A: Good. Well, I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Taguchi, and I assure you it won't happen again.

B: Thank you.





First Listening


A Good morning. Dan Rubin speaking.

B Good morning, Dan. It's Cindy. How are you?

A Fine, thanks, Cindy. What can I do for you?

B I was wondering how the arrangements for my trip to Brazil are going.

A I haven't finished yet but everything is under control.

B Great.

A I've booked your flight, and I've made your hotel reservations in Sao Paulo and Brasilia, but I haven't rented a car for you yet.

B: Is there a problem?

A: No, no problem. The rental company sent the latest rates a few hours ago. I'm looking at them right now.

B: OK. And have you arranged a meeting with Mr. Viana yet?

A: No, not yet. I e-mailed his assistant yesterday. She said she'd get back to me today.

B: Good. Oh, and one more thing. Have you booked a car to the airport yet?

A: Not yet. I'm going to do it later. B: OK, Dan. Thanks. Let me know when everything's finished, won't you?

A: Yes, Cindy.


Second Listening


A: I'd be very interested to hear about how Starbucks is doing in Asia. I understand you just opened your first coffee shop in China?

B: That's right, in Beijing. In fact, Starbucks coffee has been available in hotels and restaurants in China for several years, but this is our first Starbucks store there.

A: How about other Asian markets?

B: Well, we already operate branches in Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, and New Zealand. In some countries we set up joint ventures, and in others we have licensing agreements.

A: Have you decided on other locations in Asia yet?

B: Well, we just signed a licensing agreement in South Korea, and we're thinking about opening branches in Hong Kong and Shanghai. We plan to open around 500 branches in the Asia-Pacific region by 2003.

A: What do you think is the key to your success?

B: Well, I think an important factor is that we provide an excellent range of specialty coffee beverages and related merchandise, such as tumblers and mugs, at very reasonable prices.

A: Starbucks has been a great success in Asia, hasn't it?

B: That's right. When we opened our first store in Tokyo, hundreds of people lined up to get in.

A: Oh really? Well, I think we're out of time now, but thank you very much for joining us today.

B: It's been a pleasure.




First Listening


Good afternoon. As you know, Burgen Cosmetics was a pioneer in the men's toiletries market, and I'm pleased to announce that in April we will introduce a new line of products for men. The brand name will be 'Hunk', and there will be a complete range of toiletries including shampoo, deodorant, after-shave lotion, skin cream, and hair-styling gel. We will also offer cosmetics for men such as foundation, eye shadow, and mascara with the Hunk label. To attract a younger market, package designs will use strong colors, and prices will be between ten and fifty dollars. This will be an exciting new range of products for a growing market. Hunk products will be available in supermarkets and convenience stores, and we will provide specially designed display units. We believe that Hunk will become a household name in the very near future.


Second Listening


We are pleased to announce that Oriku Airlines will begin a direct service from Bangkok to Karachi starting at the beginning of October. We will schedule two flights a week. The flights will leave Bangkok at 8:05 p.m. every Tuesday and Sunday, and arrive in Karachi at 11:50 p.m. local time. Return flights will be every Monday and Thursday. We will fly 260-seat Boeing 767s on the route, and it's likely that every flight will be around 95% full. That means that we will probably carry almost 14,000 passengers on this route by the end of the first year. We are certain that the new route will be very successful. We might introduce a third flight in the future if there is enough demand.





First Listening


A: On 'My Line' today, we're talking with Ricky Ventura, a flight attendant with Southwest Airlines. Thanks for coming to the studio today, Ricky.

B: My pleasure.

A: How long have you been a flight attendant?

B: About three years now.

A: Could you tell us something about your job? Do you have any useful advice for any of our listeners who are interested in becoming flight attendants?

B: Sure. Well, first of all, you have to have excellent communication skills. That's very important. And you really have to like people in this job.

A: Do you have to have a college degree?

B: No, a high school diploma is good enough, and if you work for a domestic airline like I do, you don't have to speak any foreign languages.

A: What else?

B: Well, you have to be physically fit, and at least 20 years old.

A: And what about working hours?

B: You have to be available to work shifts, weekends, holidays, and overtime, so I guess it's not such a good job if you're married or have kids. But I'm single, so it suits me fine.

A: And what kind of training do you have to do?

B: At Southwest, you have to attend four weeks' unpaid training in Dallas, but the airline pays for travel and living expenses.

A: Do you have to be a US citizen to work for Southwest?

B: No, you don't. Most flight attendants are US citizens, but if you have permission to work in the USA, that's OK, too.

A: Well, thank you, Ricky. And if you'd like any more information...


Second Listening


A: Are you looking forward to the trip, Craig?

B: Yes and no. It'll be my first long flight and, to be honest, I don't really like flying. You travel a lot, Melissa. Do you have any tips for the flight?

A; Well, there are some things you can do before you fly. For example, it's better if you don't eat rich, fatty foods the day before you leave, and it's a good idea not to drink alcohol the day before, too.

B: OK. What about clothes?

A: You should wear loose-fitting clothes. Natural fibers like cotton are best. Then your skin can breathe more easily.

B: Really? I didn't know that. And I guess I shouldn't drink alcohol during the flight?

A: It's better if you don't. Water is best. Try to drink as much water as you can. And don't eat too much. Oh, and you should get up and move around during the flight. Walk around a little, do some stretching exercises.

B: Right! A lot of people complain about jet-lag. Any advice on that?

A: I think you should try to adjust to the new time zone as quickly as possible. Not everyone agrees, but it works for me.

B: I guess I'll be pretty tired when I arrive.

A: Probably, so it's not a good idea to go straight to a business meeting. Give yourself time to go to your hotel, take a shower, and relax a little first, if you can.

B: That's a good idea. And what about...





First Listening


A: OK, shall we start? The first item on the agenda is the schedule. The trade fair runs for five days, and we want to have an interesting and varied program. Does anyone have any suggestions? Bruce?

B: I think we should have the fashion show on the first day. It'll attract a lot of media attention. What do you think, William?

C: Yes, good idea. And maybe we should have an Australian bush band on the first day, too?

A: I'm not sure about that. What do you think, Alison?

D: Why don't we have the bush band on the last day, instead? Live music is always popular, and it will be a chance for people to hear some real Australian country music. And it will make a great ending to the whole event.

B: That's true. And how about holding cooking demonstrations and wine tasting, too? We can create a kind of party atmosphere.

A: OK, that sounds good. Now, have you had any further thoughts on the exhibition idea? William?

C: Let's do it. People are very interested in Aboriginal art these days.

A: I agree. An art exhibition will attract a lot of people. And now we should talk about trade promotion...

Second Listening


A: OK, everyone. Can I have your attention, please? As you know, this meeting has been called to discuss our website. I'd like to agree on some basic principles first, before we discuss the details. Peggy, would you like to start?

B: Well, it's very important to have a clear, simple layout. We want to make our website user-friendly.

A: Norman?

C: I agree. A good layout is very important. And I think we should avoid big graphics, if possible.

B: What do you mean? C: Well, if your Internet connection isn't very fast, big graphics really slow things down, You have to wait a long time while they download.

A: That's a good point, Norman. Anyone else? Sarah?

D: We should check the information on the website regularly. For example, when prices change we should make sure the website is updated immediately.

A: Yes, absolutely right. Now, what about languages? Winston, you've done some research into this. What do you think?

E: Well, most of our customers speak English, but I think we should have some pages in Cantonese.

A: I think we need to talk about that in more detail. And shouldn't we have a search engine? Norman?

C: I'm not sure about that. Our website will be quite small. What do you think, Sarah?

D: I think I agree with Norman. The site won't be very big at first. We can add a search engine later.

A: OK. I think that covers the basics. Let's move on to the next topic...







A: Could I have your attention, please? As you know, we are here this evening to celebrate the signing of the contract. I would like to introduce Toshi Okada who is going to say a few words. Toshi.

B: Thank you, Mr. Mitchell. Good evening, everyone. I hope you're enjoying the meal as much as I am. As you know, this is my first visit to California, and I've enjoyed it very much. I'm returning to Japan tomorrow, but I hope to see you again in the near future. I'm very happy that we signed the contract today, and I'd like to thank you all for your help. Now, does everyone have a glass of champagne? I'd like to propose a toast. To the future!

All: The future!


Making a short speech


First of all, I'd like to thank Mr. Johnson for organizing this excellent party. I hope you're all enjoying it as much as I am. Thank you for looking after me while I've been in Boston. I really appreciate all your help. I am very pleased that we signed the contract today, and I look forward to working with you all in the future. I'm sure this project will be a great success. In conclusion, I would like to propose a toast. To our new joint venture!



Учебная литература


Основная литература

1. Roger Barnard & Jeff Cady, Business Venture-2, Oxford University Press, 2002.

2. Raymond Murphy, Essential Grammar In Use, Oxford University Press, 2001.

Дополнительная литература

1. Leo Jones, Richard Alexander, New International Business English, Cambridge University Press, 1996.

2. Мердок-Стерн, Серена. Общение на английском: телефон, факс, E-mail, деловая переписка: учеб. пособие.- М.: Астрель: АСТ, 2006.

3. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка. Словарь-справочник.-Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2004.



Техническое обеспечение курса


Аудиокурс. Roger Barnard & Jeff Cady, Business Venture-2, Oxford University Press, 2002.


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