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Vocabulary: Describing innovations

Vocabulary: Describing innovations


1 Replace the words in brackets with words a-h

a breakthrough

b drawing board

c pioneer

d prototype
e brainwave

f discovery

g setbacks

h concept

1 I’ve just had this (fantastic new idea). _____

2 As ‘Father of the Web’, Tim Berners-Lee is a true (originator). _____

3 We’ve suffered a few (problems) on the project. _____

4 I think this is a (new discovery) in the world of technology. _____

5 This is the first (working model) of what we’re proposing to mass-produce. _____

6 This is the initial (idea) that our R and D department have produced. _____

7 It’s all gone wrong. Let’s go back to the (design phase). _____

8 I think we’ve made an amazing (finding that no-one else knew before). _____


2 Write in the missing ‘saving’ word.

9 Compared to the desktop, the laptop is a really _________- saving invention.

10 Airbags in cars are ________-saving.

11 I don’t know where I’d be without my _______-saving dishwasher.

12 Videoconferencing has cut our costs. It’s _______-saving when you remember how much we spent on flying over everyone for monthly meetings.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-28; просмотров: 71 | Нарушение авторских прав

<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
процветать, быть успешным | Лолита реж. Эдриан Лайн (1997)

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