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Confessions of Shopaholic 1 страница

Confessions of Shopaholic

by Sophie Kinsella



Active Unit

Syn./ Ant.



beckon v

to give sb a signal using your finger or hand, especially to tell them to move nearer or to follow you

beckon to sb (to do sth)


He beckoned to the waiter to bring the bill

кивать; делать знак (рукой, пальцем)

to appear very attractive to sb



The clear blue sea beckoned


to be sth that is likely to happen or will possibly happen to sb in the future



For many kids leaving college the prospect of unemployment beckons

discreet adj

careful in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment or difficulty for sb


SYN tactful, cautious, careful, wary

He was always very discreet about his love affairs

здравомыслящий, рассудительный, разумный, благоразумный; предусмотрительный, осмотрительный, осторожный

elated adj

very happy and excited because of sth good that has happened, or will happen

elated (at / by sth)

SYN blithe, joyous

I was elated by the prospect of the new job ahead

в приподнятом настроении, ликующий

supercilious adj

behaving towards other people as if you think you are better than they are


SYN superior, contemptuous


высокомерный, надменный, презрительный

awestruck adj

feeling very impressed by sth



People were awestruck by the pictures the satellite sent back to earth

проникнутый, охваченный благоговением, благоговейным страхом

high-powered adj

having a lot of power and influence; full of energy



high-powered executives

влиятельный; обладающий властью, большими возможностями

important; with a lot of responsibility


SYN energetic, vigorous

a high-powered job

активный, деятельный, настойчивый, энергичный

squint v/n

to look at sth with your eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to see better



to squint into the sun

(при)щуриться, жмуриться

of an eye) to look in a different direction from the other eye



His left eye squints a little

косить (глазами), страдать косоглазием

(BrE, informal) a short look


SYN peep

Have a squint at this

взгляд украдкой, искоса; беглый взгляд

weirdo n

a person who looks strange and/or behaves in a strange way



She's sure a weirdo lately

человек со странностями

gimmick n

an unusual trick or unnecessary device that is intended to attract attention or to persuade people to buy sth

advertising / promotional gimmick

SYN trick, ruse, catch

a promotional / publicity / sales gimmick

хитроумное приспособление;

прием, трюк, уловка, ухищрение, хитрость

outperform v

to achieve better results than sb/sth




превосходить; выполнять что-л. лучше кого-л.




Active Unit

Syn./ Ant.



canny adj

intelligent, careful and showing good judgment, especially in business or politics


SYN clever, shrewd, prudent

a canny politician Ç a canny move

хитрый; осторожный; себе на уме, умный, проницательный, практичный

stunned adj

surprised or shoced so much that they cannot think clearly or speak


SYN astounded, astonished

She was too stunned to speak

оглушенный, ошеломленный

impressed very much


SYN amazed

They were stunned by the view from the summit


windfall n

an amount of money that sb/sth wins or receives unexpectedly

sudden, unexpected windfall


The hospital got a sudden windfall of £300 000

неожиданная удача, неожиданный доход

twinge n

a sudden short feeling of pain


SYN pain

He felt a twinge in his knee

приступ боли

a sudden short feeling of an unpleasant emotion

twinge (of sth)


a twinge of disappointment

twinges of conscience — угрызения совести

моральная мука (угрызения совести, чувство стыда и т.д.)

eligible adj

person who is eligible for sth or to do sth, is able to have or do it because they have the right qualifications, are the right age, etc.

eligible (for sth) | eligible (to do sth)

ANT ineligible

Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment

имеющий право, могущий быть избранным

stutter v

to have difficulty speaking because you cannot stop yourself from repeating the first sound of some words several times



SYN stammer, stumble hem and haw

ANT articulate, enunciate

‘W-w-what?’ he stuttered

He attempted to stutter some excuses

заикаться; запинаться

poignant adj

having a strong effect on your feelings, especially in a way that makes you feel sad

a poignant image / moment / memory, etc

SYN moving, touching

Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time

трогательный, берущий за душу

резкий, колкий (о словах, замечаниях и т.д.)

mesmerized adj

being so effected that you cannot give your attention to anything else


SYN fascinated



jostle v

to push roughly against sb in a crowd



People were jostling, arguing and complaining

толкать(ся), теснить(ся); пихать; отталкивать

to compete strongly and with force with other people for sth

jostle for sth


People in the crowd were jostling for the best positions


denounce v

to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc.

denounce sb/sth (as sth)

SYN accuse, delate

She publicly denounced the government’s handling of the crisis

обвинять, ставить в вину, осуждать

to tell the police, the authorities, etc. about sb’s illegal political activities

denounce sb (as sth)


They were denounced as spies

доносить (for - о чем-л.)

misconstrue v

to understand sb’s words or actions wrongly

misconstrue sth (as sth)

SYN misinterpret

It is easy to misconstrue confidence as arrogance

неправильно истолковывать

Shopaholic Abroad

by Sophie Kinsella



Active Unit

Syn./ Ant.



hit off

to have a good friendly relationship with sb



We hit it off straight away

иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л.

measly adj

very small in size or quantity; not enough


SYN trivial

I get a measly £4 an hour

ничтожно маленький

lean v/adj

to bend or move from a vertical position

lean on sb/sth

lean to / towards / toward sth

SYN slope

I leaned back in my chair

наклонять, нагибать

to rest on or against sth for support

lean against / on sth


She walked slowly, leaning on her son’s arm

прислоняться, опираться

to make sth rest against sth in a sloping position


Can I lean my bike against the wall?

прислонять, опирать

without much flesh; thin and fit


SYN thin, spare

a lean, muscular body

тощий, худощавый

overdraft n

the amount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than is in your bank account; an arrangement that allows you to do this



to run up / pay off an overdraft

превышение кредита (в банке)

tangible adj

that can be clearly seen to exist


SYN palpable, material

tangible benefits / improvements / results, etc.

вещественный, материальный, осязаемый

that you can touch and feel


SYN clear, lucid, distinct, plain, evident

ANT intangible

The tension between them was almost tangible

ясный; ощутимый, заметный; отчетливый, реальный

haul v

to pull sth/sb with a lot of effort


SYN drag, pull, tow, tug

He reached down and hauled Liz up onto the wall

тащить, тянуть

to move yourself somewhere slowly and with a lot of effort

haul yourself up / out of etc.


She hauled herself out of bed

тащиться, волочиться, добираться (куда-л.) с трудом

to force sb to go somewhere they do not want to go



A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning

таскать, волочить; заставлять ходить (куда-л.)

to criticize sb severely because they have done sth wrong

haul sb over the coals




batter v

to hit sb/sth hard many times, especially in a way that causes serious damage

batter at / on sth | batter sb/sth

SYN bash up, beat up, do over, work over

She battered at the door with her fists

сильно бить, колотить

line up

to stand in a line or row; to form a queue / line

to line up in opposition


Cars lined up waiting to board the ship

строить(ся), выстраивать(ся) (в линию, в очередь)

pare down

to gradually reduce the size or amount

cut, pare, etc. sth to the bone


The number of Ministers has been pared down by a third

сокращать, урезывать

skimp v

to try to spend less time, money, etc. on sth than is really needed

skimp (on sth)

SYN scrimp

Older people should not skimp on food or heating

урезывать, экономить

скупиться на что-л.




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Syn./ Ant.



dismay n/v

a worried, sad feeling after you have received an unpleasant surprise

with dismay

to sb dismay

in dismay

SYN perturbation

He looked at her in dismay

испуг, беспокойство, волнение, смятение

to make sb feel shocked and disappointed


SYN appall, horrify

Their reaction dismayed him

лишать мужества, силы духа, решимости; пугать, ужасать; приводить в смятение

lenient adj

not as strict as expected when punishing sb or when making sure that rules are obeyed

a lenient sentence / fine

SYN indulgent, lax, merciful, permissive, tolerant, soft, smooth ANT exacting, rigid, severe, stern, strict

The judge was far too lenient with him

снисходительный; мягкий; терпимый

stock up

to buy a lot of sth so that you can use it later



We ought to stock up on film before our trip

запасаться, закупаться

to develop a good rapport with sb

To develop a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well



She understood the importance of developing a good rapport with clients

добиваться взаимопонимание, понимание; согласие с кем-л.

to get one’s bearings

to make yourself familiar with your surroundings in order to find out where you are or to feel comfortable in a place




достойно вести себя, держать себя в обществе

How to handle problems



Active Unit

Syn./ Ant.




accept or admit that it is true or that it exists


SYN accept, admit, concede, recognize

He acknowledged my being the first to think of it.

сознавать; допускать, признавать, подтверждать


fully developed person. an adult has reached the age when they are legally responsible for their actions


SYN mature

Becoming a father signified that he was now an adult.

взрослый, совершеннолетний, зрелый человек


the degree to which people keep themselves and their surroundings clean


SYN neatness, tidiness

Many of Britain’s beaches fail to meet minimum standards of cleanliness.

чистота; чистоплотность; опрятность, аккуратность


things that people usually do in a particular society or in particular circumstances


SYN usual

It is customary to offer a drink or a snack to guests.

обычный, привычный


make you feel shy or ashamed


SYN encumber, hamper, impede, hinder, prevent, prohibit, hamper

It embarrassed him that he had no idea of what was going on.

затруднять, мешать, препятствовать, стеснять


successful in achieving the result smone want


SYN manipulate

I think I would handle a meeting with Mr. Siegel very badly.

управлять чем-л., справляться с чем-л. руками


not yet completely grown or fully developed


SYN premature

She is emotionally immature.

незрелый, неспелый; недоразвившийся


taking part in it or have a strong connection with it


SYN include, contain

If she were involved in business, she would make a strong chief executive.

втягивать, вовлекать, включать в себя, содержать


a state of complete development


SYN adult, ripe, full-grown, grown-up, of age

You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.

взрослый, возмужавший


carefully watching someone or something


SYN notice, remark, comment, statement

In hospital she’ll be under observation all the time.

наблюдение,высказывание, замечание


feel resentment


SYN indignant, vindictive

He was at that moment resentful against the whole party.

обиженный; возмущенный (about, at, of)


bitterness and anger that someone feels about something


SYN huff, offence, pique, umbrage

ANT patience, pleasure

They felt resentment that nobody paid attention to their request.

негодование, возмущение; чувство обиды (about; against; at, towards)

conservation-minded people

people with conservative way of thinking.


SYN conservative

I know that people after 60 are usually conservation-minded.

люди с консервативным образом мышления.

exchange students

a student from one country received into an institution in another country in exchange for one sent to an institution in the home country of the first



One of my groupmates comes from Italy, she is an exchange student.

студент по обмену

natural parents

biological parents




Actually, there are several ways of checking your natural parents.

настоящий (биологический) родитель

not to do one's share

not to take part in smth



Mike is a real cheat, he promised to help us, but he didn’t do his share.

не вложить свою долю; не войти в долю




Active Unit

Syn./ Ant.



person-to-person discussion

you want to talk to one person in particular



When you feel alone, sometimes it can be helpful to have a person-to-person discussion.

обсуждение с глазу на глаз

smth will never go past smb

someone never looses a single possibility to find out smth, not always good




что-то никогда не пройдет мимо кого-то

squeaky clean

to live a very moral life and have never done anything wrong



Maybe this guy isn’t so squeaky clean after all.

морально безупречный

a taboo subject

forbidden to talk about


SYN forbidden, holy, sacred

Their names were tabooed by Whig and Tory coteries.

табуированная тема для разговоров

to ask smb for assistance

ask smb for help


SYN help

Can I ask you for assistance?

попросить у кого-то поддержки

to be confronted with a problem

to come up against the problem



Many students are confronted with a problem of passing exams.

столкнуться с проблемой

to bring oneself out of smth

to carry out smb of smth




вытащить кого-то из чего-то

to change one's way on account of smb





изменить свои привычки с чей-то помощью

to feel melancholic

to feel under the weather


SYN gloomy, depressed, melancholy


впадать в меланхолию

to fight back




She fought back her tears as she said goodbye.

отражать удар

to get along




How is your work getting along?

жить; обходиться, справляться с делом; преуспевать

to live on borrowed funds

to live on what you take from smone




жить в долг

to reach the homesick stage

to reach the stage of missing your home




достигать стадии тоски по дому

to run out of money

to have very little money




истратить деньги

to step up one's activities

to widen one’s sphere of actions



Security measures were stepped up

расширять, увеличивать чью-то деятельность

to talk behind smb's back

to tell smth about someone so, that he didn’t know about it




говорить за спиной

to work out a budget

to spend all the money on smth.




исчерпать бюджет



Alice in Wonderland




Active Unit

Syn./ Ant.




a part or type of smth



Oncology is the branch of medicine dealing with tumors.

ветка, ответвление


interested in it and want to know more about it


SYN inquisitive, searching, nosey

Steve was intensely curious about the world I came from.

любопытный; любознательный, пытливый


clear and definite


SYN settled, certain, definite, unquestionable, indisputable, resolute, determined, unhesitating

Her ignorance of the area put her at a decided disadvantage...

очный, определенный, решенный; бесспорный, решительный, твердый.


things which are not necessary in a situation, activity, or object, but which make it more comfortable, useful, or enjoyable



They also sell extras to the kids along with the breakfasts and lunches. Fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies and tubes of squeezable yogurt are big sellers.

дополнительные (родственные) товары


it becomes smaller in size, amount, degree, or importance


SYN allay, alleviate, assuage, lighten, mitigate, soften, temper, underestimate, understate

ANT enlarge, escalate, extend, heighten, toughens

He is used to a lot of attention from his wife, which will inevitably lessen when the baby is born.

уменьшать(ся), сокращать(ся)


easily deceived or not very intelligent


SYN moron

‘But Ian’s such a simpleton’, she laughed.

простак, простофиля, дурачок

in a decided tone

very strictly and determined



Usually teachers talk to us in a very decided tone.

решительным тоном

to hold one's tongue

to keep scilence



If smone knows a secret, he must hold his tongue.

молчать, держать язык за зубами, прикусить язык

to sink into the earth

to have a very strong desire to disappear



I was so embarrassed, that I was really ready to sink into the earth.

провалиться сквозь землю

to take the regular course

to choose one way and to walk according to it



To be a success you are to take the regular course.

придерживаться одного направления


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