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№ 1. Ellipsis makes the speech more

№ 1. Ellipsis makes the speech more

б. casual

№ 2. Antithesis can be based on

б. parallelism

№ 3. Linguo-stylistics

в. is a science of functional styles and expressive potential of a language

№ 4. Evaluative meaning

б. renders the assessment of the speaker and evokes assessive reactions of the recipient of information

№ 5. Alliteration is

г. repetition of the same consonant in several successive words

№ 6. Expressive meaning

а. emphasizes some attribute or feature of the object

№ 7. In chiasmus the word order of the first unit is … in the second one.

в. reversed

№ 8. "She soldiered on bravely." The italicized word is a neologism formed by means of

а. conversion

№ 9. "She knew he had been a carabiniere, a member of the national police." The italicized word is a(n)

а. foreignism

№ 10. The slang of one generation … standard vocabulary of the next.

а. is never

№ 11. Stylistic devices carry … expressive means.

а. a greater amount of information than

№ 12. Neutral words are the main source of

а. polysemy and synonymy

№ 13. General bookish words are chiefly used in

г. writing and polished speech

№ 14. Special bookish words comprise

г. terms, barbarisms, neologisms

№ 15. "The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew." The italicized words contain

б. alliteration

№ 16. "If manners maketh man, then manner and grooming maketh poodle." The italicized words are

б. archaisms proper

№ 17. Non-standard vocabulary comprises

г. slang and vulgarisms

№ 18. Terms belong to

в. special bookish words

№ 19. Assonance is

в. repetition of the same consonant in several successive words

№ 20. Contrastive stylistics

г. investigates stylistic systems of two or more languages in comparison

№ 21. "What's the weather like in London?" "Freezing. Cold. Rainy. The usual." The italicized words present

г. nominative sentences

№ 22. Expressive means

в. have a greater degree of predictability than stylistic devices

№ 23. "The Mediterranean shushed gently into the beach." The italicized word is

в. onomatopoeia

№ 24. Archaisms make the text more

б. high-flown

№ 25. Literary Stylistics

в. deals with individual styles of authors

№ 26. Neologisms are formed by means of

б. compounding and affixation

№ 27. Jargonisms are

г. a secret code to conceal the meaning

№ 28. Terms in scientific texts

а. carry out a logical function

№ 29. Non-standard vocabulary comprises

а. jargonisms and vulgarisms

№ 30. "As to Mr. Bosinney - she maintained that he was very chic." The italicized word is a(n)

г. Foreignism

№ 31. "As to Mr. Bosinney - she maintained that he was very chic." The italicized word is a(n)

б. barbarism

№ 32. "And now there came the chock-chock of wooden hammers." The italicized words are

в. onomatopoeia

№ 33. The subject of style is connected with

б. functional styles of the standard language

№ 34. "There were old women who complained of being too fat and young women who complained of being too thin, people who found they couldn't sleep and people who found they couldn't stay awake." … is used in the sentence.

а. antithesis

№ 35. The effect of foreignisms is strong because they

г. are felt as alien

№ 36. Terms in fiction texts

г. add to the character sketch

№ 37. "Gossip spreads in a hospital like sand at a picnic." The sentence contains

б. simile

№ 38. "What's the dif," he wanted to know. The italicized word belongs to … vocabulary.

в. standard

№ 39. "She gave her name to the pretty female desk clerk in a white ao dai, the traditional Vietnamese costume …" The italicized words are

г. foreignisms

№ 40. The interrelation between dictionary and contextual meanings is called

б. transference of meaning

№ 41. Metaphor is a stylistic device based on

в. some existing or supposed likeness between objects

№ 42. Epithets can be expressed by

а. adjectives, adverbs and nouns

№ 43. Hyperbole is a

г. deliberate overstatement

№ 44. "Last time she'd panicked, backed away like a frightened rabbit." State the type of the stylistic device

г. simile

№ 45. "The brisk voice belonged to one of the white caps." Find out the type of stylistic device used in the sentence

г. metonymy

№ 46. "Maurice was an actor about a million years ago." The sentence contains

б. hyperbole

№ 47. "He then prescribed with his own pen a dose of barbiturate that would have kept a woodful of owls quiet." State the kind of stylistic device expressed by the italicized words.

г. hyperbole

№ 48. "For a timeless minute she battled a drowning sensation." The italicized words are

б. oxymoron

№ 49. Structurally we distinguish … metaphors

б. simple and sustained

№ 50. "Speaking names" belong to

г. antonomasia

№ 51. Semantically epithets are divided into

в. emotive proper and transferred

№ 52. Ideographic synonyms

б. differ in shades of meaning

№ 53. "The agent's jaw was practically touching his desk." The hyperbole used in this sentence is

г. stylistic

№ 54. Structurally epithets can be

б. phrase and inverted

№ 55. "She'd had a disaster of a night." State the structural type of epithet

в. inverted

№ 56. "Mr. Cigar is outside. Across the street." The italicized word is

б. antonomasia

№ 57. "Then the magic touch of a diploma changes the student's emotional life as violently as his economic one." The italicized words contain

в. metaphor

№ 58. "He was in his tell-it-like-it-is mode." State the structural type of epithet

б. phrase

№ 59. Oxymoron is a stylistic device representing a combination of two … ideas.

б. contrasting

№ 60. Simile is

в. frequently introduced by conjunctions

№ 61. "I was just reflecting how much pleasanter this was than having a glass-and-mercury icicle tasting of Dettol rammed under your tongue." The italicized words are

а. periphrasis

№ 62. Synechdoche is a variety of

б. metonymy

№ 63. "The sea and the sky were welded together without a joint." The sentence contains

в. metaphor

№ 64. But three hours and four hundred dollars later, she was no better off. The sentence contains

г. zeugma

№ 65. "He's arrogant and inconsiderate, and supercilious and disrespectful and cold." The epithets found in this sentence are

г. pair

№ 66. The difference between metaphor and simile is

г. metaphor is an implicit, simile is an explicit comparison

№ 67. "Zach's mental wheels were turning." State the type of the metaphor

в. colloquial

№ 68. "The light turned green and the New York City cabbie hit the gas pedal as if he were trying to squash a bug." The italicized words are

б. simile

№ 69. Disguised simile is introduced by

г. verbs denoting likeness

№ 70. "You and Liz are practically in the Guinness Book of Records as the perfect married couple. The sentence contains

а. hyperbole

№ 71. Structurally we distinguish … similes.

в. simple and extended

№ 72. "Now Rosie could hear the whicker of approaching footsteps, the silky sound of grass slipping across skin." The italicized words contain the following phonetic devices:

а. onomatopoeia+alliteration

№ 73. "There was a deafening silence in the room." The sentence contains a(n)

а. oxymoron

№ 74. "The house is leaking and I've got Niagara Falls in my kitchen." There is a … in the sentence.

б. hyperbole+allusion

№ 75. "Quinn Thompson was direct, sure, powerful, mysterious in some ways." We deal with … epithets.

в. chain

№ 76. "The overhead fixture illuminated a dinosaur of a desk heaped high with clutter." The italicized words are a(n)… epithet.

б. inverted

№ 77. "The giant of a man was always so formal and so polite." The italicized words present a(n) … epithet.

в. inverted

№ 78. Euphemisms are used

б. to substitute a harsh word with a more socially acceptable one

№ 79. "As busy as a bee" is a(n) … simile.

в. trite

№ 80. "The next speaker was a tall man, Sir Something Somebody." There is a(n)… in this sentence

в. antonomasia

№ 81. Irony

б. is more veiled than humor

№ 82. "Constantinople is packed with uniforms and rumors." State the type of stylistic device

б. zeugma+metonymy

№ 83. "An enormous grand piano grinned savagely at the curtains." The sentence contains

а. personification

№ 84. Metonymy is based on a real-life association between the object

а. named and the object implied

№ 85. Contextual synonyms are

а. not fixed in the dictionary as such

№ 86. Proverbs and sayings

г. are given new life in the context

№ 87. Synonyms can be

в. stylistic and ideographic

№ 88. Sayings are

в. not so completely expressed as proverbs

№ 89. Allusion is … to the reader.

г. a reference to something presumably known

№ 90. Synonyms can be used for

б. emphasis

№ 91. "This isn't James Bond. It's for real." The italicized words are a(n)

а. allusion

№ 92. Puns can be based on

в. homonymy

№ 93. Inversion is divided into

б. complete and partial

№ 94. "It was better to have a story and not need one than to need one and not have one," The syntactical stylistic device used in the sentence is

г. chiasmus

№ 95. "You know so much. Where is she?" "Dead." State the type of the syntactical device used in the sentence.

в. detachment

№ 96. "She was crazy about you. In the beginning." The sentence contains

в. parcellation

№ 97. "Out came the chase - in went the horses." State the type of syntactical devices used in the sentence.

а. parallelism+inversion

№ 98. Inversion … logical stress to it.

а. doesn't alter the meaning of the utterance but adds

№ 99. Detachment consists in

г. separating a secondary part of the sentence from the main part

№ 100. The omission of one or more words in the sentence is called

в. ellipsis

№ 101. "Then the Big Ben beside the bed tore her out of sleep with its ruthless howl." Define the type of stylistic devices expressed by the italicized words.

б. antonomasia + metonymy

№ 102. "They had grown up. Boyfriends. Jobs. Trips." State the type of stylistic device referring to the completeness of the sentence.

в. nominative sentence

№ 103. "He was still looking at me. Old. Desperate. Disappointed." The italicized words present

б. detachment

№ 104. Nominative sentences

б. may be used in the introductory description

№ 105. Enumeration is used

в. for variety

№ 106. "So many tears she had wiped away in the life of hers." Define the type of the syntactical device used in the sentence.

б. suspense

№ 107. "I had thought of him as exactly the opposite. Careful. Steady. Gray." The italicized part presents

г. detachment

№ 108. "But for the moment we had reached the Russian Tea Room, and our attention would shift to blinis, and sour cream and, of course, tea from the samovar." The italicized words are

в. foreignisms

№ 109. Nominative sentences used in close succession

а. increase the dynamism of narration

№ 110. "But the music was irretrievably gone. From my hands. From my head. From my heart." The italicized words are

а. parallelism + ellipsis

№ 111. "Anger, love, sorrow. All these were contained in the language of everyday life." The example contains an instance of

в. nominative sentence

№ 112. Climax can be

в. logical, emotive, quantitative

№ 113. Chiasmus is … parallelism.

г. reversed

№ 114. Suspense is

а. postponing the main thought toward the end of the utterance

№ 115. The rhetorical question is asked

г. not for information

№ 116. "I might as well face facts: good-bye, Susan, good-bye a big car, good-bye a big house, good-bye power, good-bye the silly handsome dreams." State the type of repetition

в. anaphora

№ 117. Chain repetition is a number of

в. anadiploses

№ 118. Chiasmus is a variety of

в. parallelism

№ 119. "No, there's not a word of news," says Lammle. "Not a particle," adds Boots. "Not an atom," chimes in Brewer." Define the type of climax

б. logical

№ 120. "The worst of all ironies was that it was only now that she was gone that he understood it. Too late. So much, much too late." The italicized part is

б. gradation

№ 121. Anaphora can be presented by the following pattern

г. a…, a…, a…

№ 122. The repetition of the initial word at the end of the clause is called

а. framing

№ 123. "Obviously - this is a streptococcal infection. Obviously." State the type of repetition

г. framing

№ 124. "Mrs. Nork had a large home and a small husband." State the type of syntactical device used in the sentence.

а. antithesis

№ 125. "They were the cream of San Francisco, of California, of the country." Define the type of syntactical device used in the sentence.

б. quantitative climax

№ 126. Partial parallelism is

г. identical structure of successive units

№ 127. Epiphora can be presented by the following pattern

г. …a, …a, …a

№ 128. "On her father's being groundlessly suspected, she felt sure. Sure. Sure." State the type of repetition.

а. successive

№ 129. "You have heard of Jefferson Brick. England has heard of Jefferson Brick. Europe has heard of Jefferson Brick." State the type of climax.

а. logical

№ 130. Anticlimax can present

а. an abrupt increase of tension

№ 131. "Then there was something between them. There was." State the type of repetition

в. framing

№ 132. "Of course it's important. Incredibly, urgently, desperately important." Define the type of climax.

г. emotive

№ 133. "It was nice to be back in London where you didn't know everyone and everyone didn't know you." The sentence contains

б. climax

№ 134. "He gave so much, and got so little back" is parallelism with

в. antithesis

№ 135. "Don't use big words. They mean so little." State the type of syntactical device

в. antithesis

№ 136. "I shall be sorry, I shall be truly sorry to leave you, my friend." Define the type of climax

а. emotive

№ 137. Ordinary repetition

г. doesn't have a definite place

№ 138. "When we finally emerged from the theatre, Nino was waiting, inconspicuously visible." The italicized words present

б. oxymoron

№ 139. "I could feel the eyes of my classmates burning holes into my back and did not dare to turn around." The sentence contains

в. hyperbole+metaphor

№ 140. "To prove this, before he even chose a major, he chose a steady girlfriend." The italicized words present

в. zeugma

№ 141. "The kid had lungs like Louis Armstrong." The sentence contains

в. simile+allusion

№ 142. "Our troops are always saying they're over-sexed, over-paid and over here." The sentence contains

а. metonymy

№ 143. "Astrid cleared the frown from her brow the way a child smoothes messages out of the sand." State the type of simile used in the sentence.

а. disguised

№ 144. "The crew fired their torpedoes and watched them sizzling through the water, giant silver fish of destruction." The detached construction contains

а. euphemism

№ 145. "We soon started chatting generally about hospitals and housemen, students and sisters, patients and parties." The italicized words present

в. parallelism+alliteration

№ 146. Anadiplosis can be presented by the following pattern:

г. …a, a…

№ 147. Synechdoche is based on the relationship between

в. an abstract noun and the concrete one

№ 148. "Her mother is perfectly unbearable." State the type of stylistic device found in this sentence.

б. oxymoron

№ 149. The syntactical device based on the opposition of ideas is called

в. antithesis

№ 150. "Businessmen freed their necks of ties, models preened, artists scribbled, street musicians played, poets joked." The italicized words present

а. parallelism



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