Personal Information | |
Full Name | Samatova Tazagul Nazarbekovna |
Nick Name (if applicable) | Taza |
Nationality | Kyrgyz |
Home address | Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Suhomlinova 140 |
Home phone | +996312492176 |
Mobile phone | +996554669967 |
Home fax |
E-mail address | Kerisha993@gmail.com |
Birthday (DD/MM/YYYY) | 19/03/1993 |
National Identity Number | |
Insurance No |
Passport number | AN1302357 |
Face book ID | https://www.facebook.com/tazagul.samatova |
Skype ID | Kerisha93 |
Educational Information | |
Institute Name / University Name | The Academy of Management under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic |
Higher Education Qualification Obtained | student |
Year | 2011-2016 |
Current Occupation | student |
Other Educational Qualification | auto school |
Extra-Curricular Activities & Interests
| engage in sports, volunteer at red Crescent society |
Work Experience | |
Organisation Name 1 | “InterBilim” International Centre |
Organisation Address | Umetaliev str.,27, Bishkek, 720010 Kyrgyz republic |
Job title | internship |
Duration | October-December 2014 |
Web page address | http://interbilim.org.kg/en/ |
Reference name and contact no. |
Further Information | |
In case of emergency, contact | Saktonov Chyngyz (brother) +966101020805 |
Emergency contact’s address | Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, st. Suhomlinova 140 |
Meals (Vegetarian / Non Vegetarian) | Non Vegetarian |
Known allergies | No allergies |
Any medical conditions or disabilities we should be aware of | I have gastritis. I don’t have serious diseases. |
What made you want to volunteer in the Maldives? | At first I’m student, my future profession is “International relationship”. It is the best chance to help you, and I’ll have a big experience. I want to learn new culture, tradition and new lifestyle. I can practice my English. I hope I will help you, and this work will help me in future. |
How did you find out about Atoll Volunteers? | http://vk.com/undergraduate?w=wall-23684028_60279 |
Countries Travelled | Russia, Kazakhstan, United Arab Emirates |
Previous Volunteering Experience | International Committee of the Red Cross |
Skills & Interests |
Mark with “X” | Excellent | Good | Normal | Poor |
Language (English) |
| X |
Computer Literacy |
| X |
Please list any other sports or extra-curricular activities you are interested in assisting with in addition to your placement. |
| |||
Folk dance |
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Gymnastics |
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Taekwon-do |
| |||
Fitness center |
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chess |
Placement Information |
First Choice | Eco-Waste management |
Second Choice | Community Organizer |
Reason for Interest
| To have experience, it would help to my future. |
Preferred Duration | 2 weeks |
Preferred Arrival Date | 10 august |
Preferred Departure Date | 31 august |
Mode of Travel (Single / Group) | single |
Standard accommodation is shared dorms. You can have a single room for a monthly fee of $200,- | Single accommodation: Mark with “X” |
Yes: X | No: |
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete. I understand that if I am accepted as a Volunteer, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in my immediate dismissal.
If I indicated that I want a single room, I understand that this application is not valid until the full amount of the fee has been paid to Atoll Volunteers.
Name: __________________________
Signature: __________________________ Date: _____________________
Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 66 | Нарушение авторских прав
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