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Экзистенциальная психотерапия 47 страница

полезностью. Как и любой другой конструкт, он в конце концов ус-
тупит место другим конструктам, обладающим большей объяснитель-
ной силой. Каждая клиническая парадигма, если только какой-ни-
будь официальный институт не высек ее на камне раньше, чем она
созрела, органична: выдвигая новую точку зрения, она позволяет четко
описать некоторые смутные прежде факты. В свою очередь, эти но-
вые данные модифицируют исходную парадигму. Я рассматриваю
данную экзистенциальную парадигму как раннюю теорию, основан-
ную на клинических наблюдениях, вынужденно ограниченных в сво-
ем источнике, спектре и количестве. Я надеюсь, что эта парадигма
окажется органичной, то есть что она не только будет полезна кли-
ницистам в своей нынешней форме, но послужит стимулом для дис-
курса, необходимого для того, чтобы модифицировать и обогатить ее.


К главе 1

1. J. Breuer and S. Freud, Studies on Hysteria, vol. II in The Standard Edition ofrh<
Complete Works of Slgmund Freud. 24 vols.. ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press.
1955, originally published 1895), pp. 135-83.
2. Ibid., p. 158,
3. В. Spinoza, cited by M. de Unaniuno, The Tragic Sense of Life, tens. J. E. Flitch
(New York: Dover, 1954). p. 6.
4. A. Freud, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (New York. International Uiu-
versities Press, 1946).
5. H. Sullivan, The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry (New York: W W Norton, 1953)
6. 0. Rank. Will Therapy and Truth and Reality (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1954),
p. 121.
7. A. Malraux, cited in P. Lomas, True and False Experience (New York: Taplineer,
1973), p. 8.
8. Т. Hardy, "In Tenebris", Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy (New York: Macrnill-
an, 1926), p. 154.
9. Encyclopedia of Philosophy, vol. Ill (New York: Macrnillan and Free Press, 1967),
p. 147.
10. S. Kierkegaard, "How Johannes Climacus Became an Author." in A Kierkegliard
Anthology, ed. R. Bretall (Princeton, N..J.: Princeton University Press, 1946), p. 193.
II. Ibid.
12. W. Barretl, What Is Existentialism? (New York: Grove Press, 1954), p 21.
13. L. Binswanger, "Existential Analysis and Psychotherapy", in Progress in Psycho
therapy, eds. F. Fromm-Reicliman and J. Moreno (New York. Grune Stratton, 1956),
p. 196.. I
14. R May, E. Angel, and H Ellenberger, Existence (New York: Basic Books. 1958),S
pp. 3-35. I
15. A. Sutich, American Association of Humanistic Psychology: Progress Report 1962,1
cited in J. Bugental, "The Third Force in Psychology", Journal of Humanistic Psychology
(1964) 4:19-26.
16. J. Bugental, "The Third Force".
17. F. Peris, Geslalf Therapy Verbatim (New York: Bantam, 1971), p. 1.
18. S. Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams, vol. IV in Standard Edition (London:
Hogarth Press, 1953; originally published 1900), p. 263.
19. Т. Wilder, cited in Readers Digest (January 1978), p. 133.
20. V. Franki, oral communication, 1974.
21. May, Angel, and Ellenberger, Existence, p. II.
22. С. Rogers, cited in D. Malan, "Tile Outcome Problem in Psychotherapy Re-
search", Archives of General Psychiatry (1973) 29:719-29.

23. M. Lieberman, 1. Yalom, and M. Miles. Encounter Groups: First Facts (New York:
Basic Books, 1973).
24. Ibid., p. 99.
25. Personal communication, 1978.

К главе 2

1. A. Meyer, cited by J. Frank, oral communication, 1979.
2. Cicero, cited in M. Montaigne, The Complete Essays of Montaigne, trans. Donald
Frame (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1965), p. 56.
3. Seneca, cited in Montaigne, Complete Essays, p. 61.
4. St. Augustine, cited in Montaigne, Complete Essays, p. 63.
5. Manilius, cited in Montaigne, Complete Essays, p. 65.
6. Montaigne, Complete Essays, p. 67.
7. M. Heidegger, Being and Time (New York: Harper Row, 1962), pp. 210-24.
8. Ibid., passim.
9. К. Jaspers, cited in J. Choron. Death and Western Thought (New York: Collier
Books 1963), p. 226.
10. S. Freud. "Thoughts for the Times on War and Death", vol. XIV in Standard
Edition (London: Hogarth Press, 1957: originally published 1915), p. 291.
II. Ibid., p. 290.
12. J. Giraudoux, cited in The Meaning of Death, ed. H. Feifel (New York: McGraw-
Hill, 1965), p. 124.
13. Montaigne, Complete Essays, p. 67.
14. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace (New York: Modem Library, 1931), p. 57.
15. L. Tolstoy, The Death of Ivan llych and Other Stories (New York: Signet Classics,
16. D. Rosen, "Suicide Survivors," Western Journal of Medicine (April 1975) 122:289-94.
17. A. Schmitt, Dialogue with Death (Harrisonburg, Va.: Choice Books, 1976), pp.
18. R. Noyes, "Attitude Changes Following Near-Death Experiences", Psychiatry,
in press.
19. A. Hussain and S. Tozman, "Psychiatry and Death Row", Journal of Clinical
Psychiatry (1978) 39 (3): 183-88.
20. R. Neuberger, cited in J. Frank in "Nuclear Death-The Challenge of Ethical
Religion", The Ethical Platform (29 April 1962).
21. D. Spiegel, J. Blum, and 1. Yalom, Peer Support for Metasiatic Cancer Patients:
A Randomized Prospective Outcome Study, in preparation.
22. К. Chandler. "Three Processes of Dying and the Behavioral Effects", Journal of
Consulting Psychology (1965) 29:296-301: D. Cappon, "The Dying". Psychiatric Quar-
terly (1959) 33:466-89: A. Weisman and T. Hackett, "Predilection to Death", Psycho-
somatic Medicine (1961) 23:232-56; and E. Kubler-Ross, On Death and Dying (New York:
Macrnillan, 1969).
23. К. Weers, manuscript in preparation.
24, Schmitt, Dialogue with Death, p. 54.
25. R. Lifton, "The Sense of Immortality: On Death and the Continuity of Life".
Explorations in Psychohistory, eds. R. Lifton and E. Olson (New York: Simon Schuster,
1974), pp. 271-288.

18-174 ич

26. J. Diggoly and D. Rothman, "Values Destroyed by Death", Journal of Abnormal
and Social Psychology (1961) 63(1): 205-10.
27. J. Choron, Modem Man and Mortality (New York: Macrnillan. 1964), p. 44.
28. R. Kastenbaum and R. Aisenbei-g, Psychology of Death (New York: Springer, 1972),
p. 44.
29. S. Kierkegaard. The Concept of Dread (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press,
1957), p. 55.
30. R. May, The Meaning of Anxiety, rev. ed. (New York: W. W. Norton. 1977),
p. 207.
31. S. Freud, "Inhibitions, Symptoms and Anxiety", vol. XX in Standard Edition
(London: Hogarth Press, 1959; originally published 1926), p. 166.
32. Kierkegaard, Concept of Dread, p. 55.
33. May, Meaning of Anxiety, p. 207.
34. Heidegger, Being and Time, p. 223.
35. A. Sharp, A Green Tree in Geddes (New York. Walker. 1968).
36. R. Skoog, cited in J. Meyer, Death and Neurosis (New York: International Uni-
versities Press, 1975), p. 47.
37. E. Strauss, cited in. E. Weigert, "Loneliness and Trust-Basic Factors of Hu-
man Existence", Psychiatry (1960) 23:121-30.
38. W. Schwidder. cited in J. Meyer, Death and Neurosis (New York: International
Universities Press, 1975), p. 54.
39. H. Lazarus and J. Kostan, "Psychogenic Hyperventilation and Deatli Anxiety",
Psychosomatics (1969) 10:14-22.
40. D. Friedman. "Death Anxiety and the Primal Scene". Psychoanalytic Review
(1961) 48:108-18.
41. V. Krai. "Psychiatric Observations under Severe Chronic Stress", American Jour-
nal of Psychiatry (

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