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EX. 4 Complete the sentences with the word given and one of the prefixes listed above.

EX. 4 Complete the sentences with the word given and one of the prefixes listed above.

1 This meat is...............................and it’s still raw. I don’t like it. (cook)

2 This morning I.......................and I was late for work (sleep)

3 This composition is badly done. You’ll have to................. it. (write)

4 The.....................in the film was Angelina Jolie.(star)

5 They.................................me in that restaurant. It was really very expensive. (charge)

6 After demolishing the old school, they are now.............................a new one. (build)

7 What do you.................................for my future? (see)

8 The room was........................................It was very hot indeed. (heated)

9 I saw a film about a famous Western........................... (law)

10 That supermarket is.............................its products. Let’s go shopping there. (sell)

11 During the war they built............................shelters. (ground)

12 Don’t.....................................Take it easy. (do)

13 They have.........................the cinema they had closed down. (open)



IN + noun (inability)

UN + noun (unhappiness)

DIS + noun (dishonesty)

IM + noun (impossibility)

IR + noun (irresponsibility)

IL + noun (illegality)

DE + noun (demotivation)






OVER- = excess (overcook)

UNDER- = inferiority (underestimate)

OUT- = overcome, outside (outgrow)

RE- = r epetition (rebuild)

FORE- = anticipate (foresee)

CO- = together (cooperate)


ANTE = before (ante war)

POST = after (post-industrial)

MULTI = many (multi-ethnic)

MINI = small (miniskirt)

EX= before (ex husband)

SEMI = half (semicircular)

ULTRA = very (ultramodern)

MICRO = very small (microsurgery)

MACRO = very large (macroeconomics)

EXTRA = very (extra-fast)

INTER = inside (intercontinental)

PRE = before (pre arrangement)

PRO = in favour (pro-life)

SUPER = very big (superstore)

MONO = one (monosyllabic)




A Impossibility

B Incapability

C Inaccuracy

D Inequality

E Malnutrition

F Misfortune

G Dishonesty

H Insensitivity

I incomprehension

J Immorality

1 Equality

2 Honesty

3 Capability

4 Sensitivity

5 Comprehension

6 Morality

7 Possibility

8 Fortune

9 Nutrition

10 Accuracy

Ex. 1 Complete the following sentences with nouns made from the

words given in parentheses.

1 All the bad news in the daily paper give me great……………………....(happy)

2 Arnold hides his…………............……....……under kind words. (honest)

3 Bob often cries and then laughs. He shows emotional……………….(stable)

4 Graham is a difficult child: he’s very …………………….............….. (obey)

5 To drive without a licence is an.........................................(legal)

6 Tom’s room is a mess. His ……….………..........….…….is famous. (tidy)

7 Unfortunately Jonas always expresses complete.............................with my ideas (agree)

8 The rate of...........................................especially among young people is dramatically increasing. (employ)

9 James is very original and he always dresses in a................................. way (conform)

10 Sally is sometimes very silly and shows all her..........................(mature)

11 In the States they celebrates their...........................in July.(depend)

12 Racism and..............................are very serious problems. (tolerate)

13 She expressed her.............................with the service by leaving no tip.


14 After her sudden.................................we called the police. (appear)




1 __

2 __




6 __






Ex.3 Matching activity: match opposites





Word Formation: prefixes



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<== предыдущая лекция | следующая лекция ==>
a. Read the following news story and answer questions about it | A strong painkiller is the most way of getting rid of a headache

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